How To Tie Dye (WITH BLEACH)

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what up so today i took a bunch of different kinds of shirts and i'm going to show you how to bleach tie-dye them using stuff like purple shampoo rocks dye yeah wait how do you make that pattern [Music] this video is sponsored by squarespace so i took this squeeze bottle and spray bottle and filled it halfway up with water and i'm gonna fill the other half up with this bleach wow such precision doing so good bud there you go so we'll see which one works best on the shirts let's tying it up and give it a little shake shake shake it shake the shake so i have these black caulipot and shirts with a little black image on them and we're going to use them and see how they do so the first thing i wanted to try out was like the the traditional spiral technique when you do tie dyeing so you spiraled on up and asked ainsley for a rubber band perfect that was that terrifying i don't know why i was so terrifying and i'm just gonna section sure section it off in like little pizza pie slices and i was also curious to see what would change if we like started with a wet shirt so one left dry shirt one on the right wet shirt perfect i tried out the squeeze bottle first and right off the bat i noticed that my shirts were kind of a little bit scared of water there's a hydrophobic but the shirt on the right that i pre-soaked soaked it right up i tried out the spray bottle and that one seemed to work on both the wet and dry shirts so that's the one that i'm going to use for most of the bleach dyeing on shirts next to flip it over and do the back side and every time that i would do this i would clean off the surface as to not get the other side bleach where i didn't want to get bleached so i did that back side real quick and added a little bit more bleach on that side and then on the front side again and it kind of started to turn but we're going to set that aside and dry because those are a caulipot and blend i wanted to try out on a 100 cotton shirt so i went and got some of those some cute little gilded ones i just did the same thing and i can already tell that they were like bleaching so much quicker i guess and i have to try it on the white one again so we can test out how it affects a dry and a wet one a wet one wet one which one what one oh my one what just happened i just have a stroke so for the next method i just bunched up the shirt and started catching up my bleach and because these shirts are so scared of water the bleach would like run off into these little nooks and crannies which made for actually a really cool effect and i know because i'm doing a voiceover i've already seen it surprise surprise i also just spray the top of it because i wanted a lot of this shirt to be bleached whoa let's see that again i really like these little time lapses of it bleaching but yeah so i did the front and now to do the back same idea just crumple it up and mustered my bleach on there spray it and let's clean that up oh snake arms and for the next technique ain's actually going to show us how to do this sorry my hands look so dainty and cute thank you thank you but you fold your shirt hot dog ways and then hot dog ways one more time and then you can do little triangles kind of like if you're folding a flag i don't know if how many people are folding flags i'm a boy scout of america i fold the flags um but yeah so you fold little triangles and you flip it and repeat and you end by just folding up the little bit that you can and then putting a triangle cardboard piece that you cut out previously on the top and bottom then tie it off tight with some rubber bands why am i rolling my r's all the time but yeah inzie did so well teaching us she did so good she was very nervous so i just put a bunch more rubber bands on top of that and spritzed it with some bleach once i got pretty soaked i just threw it in a little bag added more bleach and we're gonna let that sit and soak for a little bit so for the next technique we're gonna crumple it up kind of like we did on that last one but we're gonna apply the bleach differently with our hands and you're like wow way to wear gloves mr brian you shouldn't have been wearing gloves the entire time shouldn't have been wearing safety goggles shouldn't be wearing something to protect your lungs bleach is not great for all these things so be smarter than me and like take safety precautions but anyways for this one you're just gonna put the bleach on your hands and with it crumpled up you're gonna like kind of scrape it across gently and then like re-crumple it up and then do it again until you're getting like kind of this fake mineral wash type of look and for the back i thought it'd be cool to try actual rocks and see how it works so i just added some bleach to some rocks did some rubbing some rubbing built a little bit oops and just rolled those rocks around on top of the shirt until there's a piece of glass ouch so yeah make sure you're not getting little glass bits so i said that all over the shirt until it got to the lightness i liked and then i took these seams and kind of opened them up and then did the same thing there so there weren't any like hard scenes and we're gonna go put this away hopefully we'll get lighter i also want to try this technique on my caulipon shirt so i did the same thing with the rocks and it looked pretty cool over that black on black print down the front and then also on the back it wasn't quite as light as i wanted it like it was a little hard to read so i just took the bleach spray bottle and missed it a little bit next i wanted to see how these color shirts would take the bleach so i got a bunch of different colors and just did the traditional spiral and last i've had these shirts for a while and i wanted to see which colored ink would look best on it and so i did the same thing just bleach them and we'll see how that goes once the shirt has sit for a while you're going to want to de-neutralize the bleach by using hydrogen peroxide she's a squirter and the ratio is one to ten so i put the shirt in there that was getting pretty crispy i was gonna unravel it but thought maybe i would do a reverse tie-dye on it so i didn't want to do it quite yet before i get to that pass me has something to say so i don't even need to do transitions like that because i have this transition is that a fun transition superstar on the new intro if you're on my email list or you've ever been to website you probably realize that i use squarespace and that's what this video is brought to you by this video is brought to you brought to you by what i always feel like pbs like this video is brought to you by viewers like you um so here are four reasons why i use squarespace one super easy to sell things online their online shop is very user friendly too it's really easy to import images and get things exactly i want which has the titan number three which is the they have a little built-in image editor where you can crop change the color all that fun stuff and last is their email list so to go more depth with that like getting an online shop was critical for me and also i did it overnight and i honestly haven't changed it since that first time i set up because the temples have enough freedom to like stay on brand but they're also very professional looking and good so i have to do too much work the tools are so integrated that posting a new product on your site is super quick that you can get it done in one night which is what i did with those shirts so you can actually go to squarespace right now and start building your website for free you have a free trial and then the moment you want to actually purchase something your domain your website whatever it is be sure to come back to this video and remember that it's backslash mood you'll get 10 off your first purchase or use the coupon code mood cool and transition so time for the reveal so these are both my caulipon shirts the one on the left is one that i pre-soaked and got wet before i had a bleach and the other one is that i added the bleach to a dry shirt and you can kind of see like the one on the dry shirt it looks like it has like crisper edges which makes sense because if your shirt is wet it's gonna like dilute the bleach kind of where it's not as concentrated so that's why you get like that softer more orange edge you got kind of the same effect on these 100 con shirts but another observation i had was how much brighter the dry shirt seemed to have bleached maybe that's because it was diluted maybe it was because the white shirt was still a little wet but wish it wasn't so orange which was one of the cool things about my shirts because they weren't 100 cotton or maybe it's because of how they dyed the shirts they bleached this gray color which i'm super stoked about i'll probably have a handful of black on black shirts in my shop if you want to snag one now for this little panini so i took off all the rubber bands and unaccordioned it and it didn't really work you're supposed to have like bleach it lines on all those little fold marks so we're gonna try again so fold it up myself another croissant and this time i'm gonna soak it in the bleach except it floated so i had to go find something to weigh it down and i let it sit there for like half an hour and looking pretty toasty yum why does this remind me like a grilled cheese or something hmm anyways just unaccordioned it and it's already looking like it's gonna work or like it did work and it did work this technique is called shibori and it's usually used with indigo let's talk about how i look for the shirt the fake mineral wash look it didn't really get brighter but i like how like the brown the left one looks that one was a little too orange for me so we're gonna try to get rid of the orange by toning it and my brain is like oh maybe we'll try some purple shampoo so that's the the first thing we're gonna try so just mushed it on in the shirt added some more purple shampoo got it all wet added some more purple shampoo and cool i'm just gonna let that sit and stew for a bit meanwhile i wanted to try some dye to see if that would change it up on one of those spiral con shirts so i added some black dye and it was already kind of blue and the opposite of orange which is what we want right is blue but also it's kind of red so i thought i would add a little bit of this like greenish blue dye and it wasn't quite enough didn't really change much so i just added some more a lot more put it in and it was already kind of dyeing it so i thought that was good and we're just going to go ahead and rinse it out and let it dry this is the original mineral wash shirt then this little circle is after the purple shampoo and this one is after dyeing it after purple shampoo so i mean kind of worked i feel like it worked pretty well on this spiral one i just died i didn't use the purple shampoo it did a pretty good job of toning out that orange color from the original shirt but it did turn my hands blue which someone on instagram got mad at me for is die bad for your skin so another option if you want here with orange is you can actually just do like a reverse tie-dye so i just bought one of those little tie-dye kits and usually you want to apply the dye while it's still raveled up but this was already unraveled so i just made do with what i had and when i lifted it up oh so beautiful because it was so wet the colors like dye migrated they just mixed and got really muddy so i rinsed out the shirt and we're gonna try that again this time after i apply the dye i'm gonna let it just sit overnight on my table you can kind of see the dye on the black part of the shirt i think that's gonna eventually fade out but i was really stoked with the colors on the bleach spots as for these shirts i mean i like the most with the transparent ink then after bleaching it i mean still the transparent eco is my favorite so that's what's gonna be available in my shop as for these colored shirts the bleach did about what i expected and just turned the shirts a lighter pigment of what they were so the reds went pink your oranges went like a lighter orange the yellows looking like a nice happy banana i don't know that green is like a watermelon blue with the exception of the purple one they went pink i think i'd really like doing like a mineral wash type look on these color shirts but that's now up to you guys to experiment with them and see what you get [Music] alright so be sure to like and subscribe go ahead and hit that bell notification and yeah thanks so much for watching and thanks so much for our patrons
Channel: Shmoxd
Views: 531,878
Rating: 4.9521351 out of 5
Keywords: How To Tie Dye (WITH BLEACH), how to tie dye, bleach dying, reverse tie dye, t shirt, sweatpants, colored shirts, black shirt, hoodie, patterns, diy, designs, Shibori, fun, easy, 5 min crafts, Shmoxd, shmood, hack, tik tok craft, tik tok hack, bleaching, video, how to video, tie dye techniques, different techniques, screen print, spiral, marble, mineral wash, clothes
Id: w-FXfvxdf2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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