How To Text A Girl Into Bed – Avoid the Friendzone!

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hey so in this video I want to talk about texting a girl into bed you don't want to text her to death and you don't want to text her into the friendzone so how would you text a girl and build intimacy build attraction with her well this is an important thing to consider and to understand how to do this the right way it's more important to know what mistakes to avoid when it comes to texting a girl because that's ultimately what's gonna kill your chance at texting her into bed is you're gonna over text her you're gonna be too responsive you're gonna turn her off you're gonna be too anxious you're gonna be too insecure and she's gonna get turned off by you you don't want to make that mistake now Oscar Wilde said it best a hundred years ago when he said that the reason why people have so many problems in relationships and why they fight so much is because of insecurity because of anxiety that is no less important and no less true today in fact it's even more important today because what is texting do it brings out insecurities in people there has never been an easier time for a woman to test a man to make him feel insecure to make him feel anxious then in the modern era when it comes to texting when it comes to messaging it's so easy for women to make men anxious all they have to do is stop responding to messages they don't respond they go cold for a day or two right and then the guys start to get anxious and he gets insecure and the woman tests him like crazy because she knows that she has to filter you for strength and weakness are you confident or are you insecure are you anxious and women pick up on this and they know so the key to getting a girl into bed and to texting her into intimacy is to avoid making these massive mistakes when it comes to texting right you don't over text don't be too responsive they've done studies into this and I'll say it again responsive men are not attractive why is this because responsiveness sends a signal to women that you're eager to please you have weaker character and that you have fewer dating options and lower value and that's a huge turnoff to a woman so the moment you start becoming too responsive ie sending too many messages responding to faster messages sending the first message all the time sending messages that are too long in relation to her messages you're gonna turn her off it might not happen straightaway but I guarantee it over a couple of weeks slowly slowly slowly you kill attraction and then she pulls away from you she loses interest in you that is not how you text a woman and get her to feel attraction for you I got an email from a guy the other day who was going through exactly the same situation he met a girl at a trade show they hit it off had great conversation fantastic they both attracted to each other and he could tell the way she looked at him the way she complimented him the way she spoke to him she had attraction for him hi attraction now like in most relationships what happens is he didn't kill attraction face to face face to face everything is perfect it's fine but the moment you bring text messaging into the equation the moment you start messaging a girl that's when they start to play games that's when you feel the anxiety come out and problems start to occur because she's not responding as fast as you hope because she's busy or she doesn't get back to you and all the anxiety comes to the surface so what happened in this guy situation is they hit it off they went for a drink fantastic they go their separate ways and they start messaging each other and he sends a bunch of messages which she doesn't respond to it turns out she was busy she had a really busy day and she didn't have time to get back to him when she did get back to him in the evening she said why are you sending me so many messages and he said oh I didn't know where you went to why were you ignoring me and she said I wasn't I was busy and from that moment forward he said she became noticeably distant and withdrawn the reason why she does that is because she's seen this behavior a thousand times before right she's seen men do this before with her and she's not turned on by this behavior she's not attracted to it the moment you start to get anxious insecure needy through text message you kill attraction and you're not gonna be able to text a girl into bed let alone into any kind of relationship right so more important than building attraction is avoiding these mistakes don't fall into the trap of becoming anxious just because a girl doesn't message you the key when it comes to building attraction through texting is to send a girl a message you send one message one message only and you wait for her to get back to you it doesn't matter if it takes a day two days three days a week a month right you send a message if she's interested in you I guarantee it she'll be in touch right that's a guarantee you can take to the bank it's gonna happen she's gonna be in touch with you but if she doesn't get in touch with you you wait for a lifetime for how to get back in touch with you because she's got the message she hasn't missed it and believe me if a girl likes you and she wants to see you she will get in touch with you so all you have to do is send her a message one message doesn't have to be too intelligent too smart too witty too funny hey how's it going great to meet you what are you up to right something simple something basic let it get back to you so you can start a conversation she messages you you message her she messages you you message her do that a couple of times and then ask her out there's no point getting into extended conversations you want to be able to see the girl face to face because that's where the magic happens I can't tell you the amount of times I've spoken to guys who have had problems generating intimacy and getting intimate with a woman the reason why is because they never has to go out they talk talk talk talk talk but they never ask her out and it just fades out it fades away the attraction melts right it disappears right so don't make that same mistake when you're talking to a girl have some chit chat but then ask her out and if she says no no contact again wait for her to reach out to you if she really wants to see you and she likes you she'll be in touch right that's a guarantee now when you're texting a girl you need to be a challenge you need to be a mystery you need to be hard to get because responsive men are less attractive now they did some interesting research which is published in the journal Psychological Science and they spoke to a group of women sat them down one by one and they said look I want to show you some pictures of men and these men fall into three different categories some men liked you some men had no feelings for you at all and the third group of men we don't know how they felt their feelings were unknown unclear right who do you think the women rated the most attractive men it wasn't the men who liked them right they were the second most attractive the men who didn't like them at all they were crossed off the list but the men who liked them were the second most attractive the most attractive men with a man whose feelings were unknown and unclear so this is important to consider when you're texting a girl in you're building attraction you don't want to be too obvious you don't want to show her that you like her too much because that's not as attractive as mystery uncertainty that's what turns women on that's what gets women attracted to you that's verified by sign so implement this and you'll find that when you text ago you don't need to say I really like you I find you really attractive you don't need to talk like that right be mysterious keep your feelings unknown be unavailable sometimes make her work for your attention be hard to get that's gonna build attraction with women that's gonna do more for your cause than a thousand roses I've done a lot of consultations and I've spoken to a lot of men and I've dealt with a lot of relationship situations and I can tell you that the number one attraction killer when it comes to dealing with women is anxiety you get anxious you feel nervous when a girl doesn't text you back right that does nothing to build attraction women are gonna test you they're always gonna test you especially if they're into it and they're attracted to you they're gonna test you take it as a compliment it means that she's considering you as a possibility right she's looking at you as a possible partner so you need to take it as a compliment don't get upset about it know that she's gonna test you know that she sometimes gonna pull away from you it's fine it's okay let it go it doesn't matter if it takes two days three days a week to get back to you no problem right she'll be in touch and then you go with it right you keep the ball rolling you keep chit-chatting ask her out she'll go out with you then build attraction face-to-face that's where the magic happens now if you want to know more about building attraction over the phone and how to text a girl into intimacy I highly recommend you get a copy of my book atomic attraction it will show you everything you need to know about building attraction this way you can pick up your copy today by clicking on the link on this video and if you need help with a specific relationship problem don't forget I do Skype and email consultations and if you just want to get in touch send me an email I love to hear from you guys talk soon
Channel: Develop Attraction
Views: 128,479
Rating: 4.9374804 out of 5
Keywords:, develop attraction, get her back, get girlfrend back, get ex back, get ex girlfriend back, girlfriend pulling away, girlfriend distant, girlfriend losing interest, chris canwell, girlfriend not responding, girlfriend doesn't respond, atomic attraction, texting, attraction
Id: Pu0MopMR2L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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