How To A/B Test Facebook Ads For BEGINNERS

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by the end of this video you're going to understand what a b split testing is and how to do it successfully with your Facebook ads so that you spend less money for more profits so let's start by defining what a b split testing is and by the way I have all my chapters marked below so if you already know what it is you can skip to the next section in the world of Facebook ads a b split testing is when you run multiple ads with one variable changed in each for example if you're wanting to test out different captions you would run the same creative being an image or a video for multiple ads but give each ad a different caption or vice versa if you're wanting to test the creative you would run a different image or video in each ad but keep the caption the same in all of them then you identify which ad perform the best in terms of Engagement or sales or whatever your goal is keeping one element the same throughout such as the caption and then changing the other elements throughout such as the creative allows you to see exactly what it was about an ad that made it work if all the captions are the same but add number three with a customer testimonial video performed way better than ad number two with a product feature video that's important information for you to know you can go forward understanding the testimonials resonate with your audience better than product information and you can use that information to make more ads that are successful in the future if you just run one ad you won't know what about that ad brought in the results or what about that ad caused it to flop if it didn't bring in the results therefore it's going to be tricky trying to recreate that success or avoid that failure in the future I've also seen clients put up multiple ads and think that alone is a b split testing but there has to be a constant and a variable let's say you've got ad number one with a video and a caption about that video and then you've got ad number two with product Carousel images and a different caption about those products and let's say the video ad wins it brings in the most results at the lowest cost per result you won't know what caused that add to be the winning ad you might say oh it was because it had a video as the creative as opposed to the product Carousel but the captions were different in both ads too so what if it was the caption in the video ad that made it perform better you won't know because you didn't really run an A B split test where there's a constant AKA a controlled variable that stays the same across all ads versus an independent variable that's different across all ads also are these words bringing y'all back to like sixth grade science or is that just me anyway once you've graphed those Basics about how a b split testing works it opens the door to many opportunities with your Facebook ads because there's so many things you can test we've covered the obvious variables like creative and captions but you can test the destination link where you send your ads to or you can keep all of your ads the same and send them to different audience AKA testing different ad sets and the list goes on so this person who asked if you can use a video and add a and an image in add B absolutely among many other options now this person asked if we could show how to a B test without using the end build feature and yes that's exactly what I'm going to show you how to do today so let's get into how to set up a b split testing in Facebook ads manager we're going to go to ads manager now if you're not super familiar with as manager or haven't created a single ad yet don't know how to create an ad you're going to want to watch this beginner's video on how to do that first that video walks you through step by step how to create a Facebook ad once you know how to do that you can come back here to this video and start setting up a b split test ads so assuming you know your way around as manager just a little bit start on the home screen and either create a new campaign ad set an ad from scratch or click into a campaign you've already got running you'll want to First determine what it is that you want to test something related to your ads or your audiences anything ad related will be dealt with in the ad level and anything audience budget or placement related will be dealt with in the ad set level so let's say you're wanting to test out different creatives you would set up your campaign ad set and first ad like normal or choose an ad from a campaign you're already running like I'm about to do here and you'll duplicate the ad do this by hovering your mouse over ad number one and then hit duplicate from there choose existing campaign make sure it's in the same campaign as the one ad number one is in same thing for the ad set and then hit duplicate it should bring you to this screen where you're now editing hitting the duplicate ad first you'll want to change the name to something that's recognizable for you you want to be able to look at the name of this ad at a glance from the as manager home screen and know which one it is so whether you call it ad number two or a descriptor of the ad like add with video or something you'll want to change that here then you'd scroll down and change out the creative since that's what we're testing in this example you could change it to an image or a carousel or change it to a different video you'll want to keep everything else the same alternatively if you're testing captions you'll keep your creative the same as ad number one and change your caption here in ad number two or you could do that with your headlines descriptions you could test your call to action button your destination URL Etc just remember you're only changing one thing on this screen so pick what you're testing for change that and leave the rest as it is and then hit publish and you can continue to follow that process to create several more ads depending on how many ads you're wanting to run in this test if you have three videos to test against one another you'll have three ads if you have eight captions you want to test against each other you'll have eight ads and so on now let's look at how to a B test ad sets again you will a B test in the ad set level if you're wanting to test different audiences budgets or placements against each other so you'll select the ad set Tab and follow a similar process hover your mouse over the ad set you want to copy and hit duplicate select the same existing campaign hit duplicate and edit the name of the ad set to be recognizable to you such as ad set number two or again a descriptor of what you're changing from ad set number one then scroll down change what you're testing for and leave the rest as it is so if you're wanting to test out different budgets change the budget leave the rest the same if you're wanting to test out different audiences edit your demographics interests custom audiences and more here and leave the rest the same if you're wanting to test out ads exclusively on Facebook versus ads exclusively on Instagram change your placement and you guessed it leave the rest the same the same principle applies here and that you're changing one thing on the screen and leaving everything else the same including the ads once you're done hit publish now this person asked what budget should you use to a B test I'm going to answer that but first really quickly I have to say that if you'd rather have Facebook advertising experts handle all of your Facebook marketing for you so you can see profitable results without having to fuss with it yourself we do that for small businesses every day so if you want to get a free quote just fill out our contact form I've linked it in the description alright so how much should you spend on Facebook ads when a b testing our rule of thumb with Facebook ads in general is that you should at least like at the very least be spending 500 a month per campaign that comes out to about 16 a day to fuel however many ads you got going on within that campaign so if you're a b split testing a lot of ads or especially a lot of ads within multiple ad sets you'll want to increase your budget enough from that 500 monthly Baseline so that all the ads can get some reach with a fair and equal chance of getting served once your ads have run long enough to where you can start picking out the top performers from your test then you can turn off all the losing ads and allow the remainder of your budget to be put fully towards the winning ad or ad set I say all that because I know it can make you start feeling impatient when you're spending all this money on ads that are not generating you results or are generating them at a cost per result that doesn't work for your business model but the goal here is to quickly test out a lot of variables and narrow in on what does work for your brand your audience and your product or service so you can put your budget towards the ad that is generating results the alternative here is running every ad one at a time until you find what works which takes forever and even more budget so we don't want to do that now you may have noticed the little a b split test icon in as manager for my screen share earlier Facebook offers a native a B test you can run where it uses AI to help you determine High performing ads Morgan shows you how to use that in this video so I'll link that Below in case you're interested in learning how to do it that way and I will see you guys in the next episode
Channel: LYFE Marketing
Views: 31,234
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Keywords: marketing digital marketing marketing jobs social media marketing, marketing mix marketing agency about digital marketing a marketing plan, a marketing plan refers to marketing brew marketing business marketing boost, marketing basics business marketing marketing careers marketing channels, content marketing concept of marketing digital marketing jobs marketing everywhere, advertising advertising agency advertising and marketing digital advertising, advantages of advertising
Id: YxZR3wUpBtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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