How To Optimize Facebook Ads (2024 Hacks)

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I have done over $100 million in online Revenue with Facebook ads for my clients and today I'm going to show you the exact day-to-day optimizations we make every time we log into the Facebook ads manager so that being said let's dive into the video so first things first we always start off the day with recording me it's one of the very first things that we do every time we log inside of the Facebook ad account now this is a very simple task here always simply doing is open up triple well we're opening up um you know this little Google sheet right here and recording down the total number of shopy Revenue the total number of new customer Revenue total number of new customer orders total orders and a total new customer percentage also too we like to record tww profit so what Triple L is showing for profit that day uh we also like to record the Facebook ad spin the Google spin Tik Tok Spin and yeah that's it and all of this is autoc calculated right here just summing the these up um this Google sheet right here can be found inside of my inner circle program or my course below uh but look it's nothing fancy at all it's literally just a freaking Google sheet with adding and subtracting formulas like anyone can go make that super easy yeah and just every day so every day here's 27 here's 26 here's 25 2024 every day we record that so we can see the overall Revenue the overall spend the overall M which is marketing efficiency ratio and we can also see the NC Rass which is new customer row an nccpa which is new customer cost per acquisition so we record this every day and this is what's going to allow us to start off with our next adjustment so we opened up a Facebook ad account we recorded M now we're going to do it budgets adjustments so was yesterday nccpa at Target r lower so I look today is you know to February 22nd 2024 um so I would look at February 21st 2024 was yesterday in nccpa at Target or lower so our Target nccpa for this particular brand is um I want to say like $28 or $30 so this one was $33 so because it was at $33 yesterday um it was not a Target and it was not um lower than Target so then if it's not then basically we have to look back at is all right cool then has it been at least full three full days since we adjusted budget last uh if yes then are we at the Hard deck hard deck is basically just meaning um there's a certain level of spin I don't want to go below regardless of performance because it makes it more difficult for me to test new ads so if I scaled up to 10K a day and performance is bad I don't want to scale all the way down to $10 a day what I'll do is is I'll scale down to maybe $1,000 a day and just maintain $1,000 a day regardless if performance is good or bad so that's the hard deck if yes then we just wait and do nothing but if no and it's been full threefold days of last L adjustment then we'll scale down by 20% so then I'll just go inside of Facebook ads manager and lower that ad spin by 20% if yesterday nccpa is at Target or lower than Target so we want a $30 or lower then what I'll do is I'll just increase budget by 20% I do not care about current day performance I never make decisions based off current day performance see people all the time well Nick I see that yesterday's ncpa is lower and I should scale today but today the nccpa is higher so I don't want to increase budget I'm like I don't give a I'm still increasing that budget I don't care about today's performance all right everything is based off last 24 hours or if not then what I'll do is is um the reason why I like to wait like what what will tend to happen here is we do every 24-hour scale up so we're scaling up and then the reason why I don't want to um scale down too quick if performance dips because sometimes we'll scale up and CC nccpa will rise and we're too quick to scale down I want to actually hold it at that budget and let it optimize to that level and sometimes what we'll see is is nccpa Will stabilize out to where we can scale up again or we just realize hey we hit a wall and we need to find new winning ads to scale past that so that's why I'm not really trying to scale budget too quick like once I scale budget up I don't want to scale it down too quickly because sometimes it either just needs to optimize or we need to find new winning ads at that level so that's my first my second thing so record M I make my budget adjustments really quick if you're leveraging uh the single CBO strategy or one campaign strategy per business objective that I like to leverage then it's as literally as simple as log in the account changing a budget of one or two cbos and that is it next thing what we do is we check assana assana is uh we have an Asana project for each particular client and this is where my creative team develops Concepts my copywriter starts off with the idea my strategist approves it my copywriter finishes scripting everything out then sends over to my visual Creator then my visual creator creates the creative and then ends up in Asana so we have the to-do which is for my copywriter we have the doing which is like my a my uh copywriters is finishing these things up and then ready to launch basically just means hey it's ready for the media buyer to launch anything under the ready to launch tab that's where my media buyer has to go actually pull those and upload them as new dcts inside of the Facebook ads manager so you can see right here we launched two new dcts um day for this particular account so now we're going to let them run for 7 days and then see if they take majority of spin or not taking majority spin means it's going to beat all of these adsets at the high level and if not we'll turn those off and I'll show you in a second us turning some of those off also to if you want a more in-depth video of how we test Facebook ads in 2024 just go check this video out how to test Facebook ads in 2024 because I show you literally everything step by step of how we leverage it now after we've recorded M we've adjusted usted budget we've checked a SAA we've launched any ads we needed to launch and look there's sometimes where like four or five days out the week There's no ads to be launched so we just a check a and that's it and we move on next thing is the add adjustments here's where we're just turning off anything new that we launched it's simply not working so in this particular case right here um we turned off um this two new dcts right here that we ran for 7 days and guess what they created little to no impact to this business yes it has a slower CPA in this particular scenario versus 180 right here this one has 17,000 spin with $22 CPA this one has $2,000 spin with $21 CPA these two things yes while they're you know have a like they they literally have like a 0.1% impact on the business why because look how much it spent spent $4,000 where this one spent $177,000 so these as my opinion are failures I don't give a like I'm cutting those off they don't help out so I'm turning these ads off um this one decently well it's creating like a 10% impact this one right here a little bit more and this one's right here is taking majority of spin that's doing well also too if um there's anything that like taking majority of spin that starts to not convert well or it's taking majority of spin but it's just not converting at all um then we'll turn those off as well um and then we'll we'll measure how the next few days go so go ahead record Mr do our budget adjustments we check aana for any new ads to be launched we make our quick little adjustments in the add account in terms of like turning all ads off um and then lastly when we turn Those ads off we record results inside of our creative road map cheat so you can see right here these were the last um what five six yeah five uh dcts we launched for this particular account and you can see right here out of these five it's actually the skeletons one right here 180 that's crushed it for this particular account and you can see it became a winner you can see right here we lose at like 80 to 90% of the concepts we test being complete transparent to we only winning it 10 20% of those Concepts and guess what when they work they work they make us significantly more money because we're constantly focused on the larger piece of the picture right here so after we record those results what we'll do is we'll lastly end the day with client updates so we'll let the client know if we raised the budget or decrease the budget if we launched any new ads and if we found any new winners that is it and we'll do we'll repeat this process for all 10 of our clients every single day um takes about 15 minutes to 30 minutes most to go through this process for each account um obviously it this doesn't include like the creative process the creative creation and that's because that's a whole separate team outside of media buyers media buyers are just button pushers like all of this is just button pushing there's really no thought in here like literally record numbers on a sheet um literally very specific do this do that type of scenario right here upload anything that you need to launch that's simple just create a new adset boom upload the ads um added adjustments turn off the ones or two that's not taking a majority of spin from your last test record the results the results are literally just loser or winner and then send the client at the update if you do any of these three media buying in 2024 is a very low paying activity because it contributes little to nothing for the performance yes don't get me wrong like 20% of it for the performance it's all about creatives that cre uh that convert so you can see right here this 180 right here just was built by my creative team we went film the content we scripted out the idea and everything like that and that right there is what allowed us to make a significant impact on performance for this particular account right here so that's why it's more important than ever to be focusing more on the Facebook ad creative side of what goes into that creative how that creative is script it out how that creative is filmed how it's edited what type of people do we need to put in there what type of research we did to have confidence in that and that's all the things that we help our clients with so if you want us to help you out running your Facebook ads click link below I help brand scale from $100,000 a month to multiple seven figures a month now we've helped four Brands now scale past the $2.5 million month Mark love to help you out be next and if you're like hey Nick that's just out of my price range right now then I also have my monthly mentoring which is also linked below where I can coach you on a monthly basis to get you to that level and if you're like hey Nick I'm pretty new to all this I know how to run Facebook ads but I'm new to everything else that my Facebook ads course that focuses on my 80% marketing fundamentals actually how do all that yourself so thank you all so much for watching hit that like button hit that subscribe button for new videos every Monday Wednesday and Friday my name is Nick Terio I'll talk to you guys later peace out
Channel: Nick Theriot
Views: 7,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook ads, facebook ads for ecommerce, facebook ads strategy for ecommerce, facebook advertising, facebook ads tutorial, facebook ads for beginners, facebook ads strategy, ecommerce facebook ads, ad optimization, advertising hacks, marketing strategies, facebook marketing, social media advertising, ad performance, roi maximization, facebook tips, marketing hacks, ad efficiency, digital advertising trends, How To Optimize Facebook Ads, Facebook advertising
Id: EiYy7ZYt4rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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