How To Create Facebook Ad Hooks That Scale In 2024

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I'm going to show you how you can create some Facebook ad hooks that scale relatively quick using AI so we're going to have some fun with AI today just want to be clear here what a Facebook ad Hook is so you know this is the creative itself the hook is what they see in that first you know what I would say one to five seconds right and everything's be driven by that text okay so that text drives the visuals it drives the script it drives everything else I've already showed you this creative 100 times but you know just one just want to use it for reference cuz I already showed you guys and trust me what I'm about to show you guys it's going to be fun so number one we found this particular hook right here literally by just looking at the comments on ads so uh we're going through all of our comments and we saw two girls tag each other and said girls night soon question mark so that's what led the idea of positioning this product for a girls night activity now you can do this for your own research look at your Facebook ad comments look at your reviews look at competitor's reviews that's where a lot of your research can start and you're looking for the different ways that people are using this particular product what problem it's solving what do they want from the product like those key things right there I'm just looking through reviews I've already done videos on market research on this channel just go look up market research and it'll show you all of those step by step now what we want to do here is we want to be able to create some more hooks off of this toble create some new scripts and things like that so what we'll do here is we have our hook this is my girlly need a girls night soon and we want to take it to the next level or we want to create the first hook so let's just imagine we found this through research two girls tagging each other for girls night let's go over into Claude this is what I personally prefer over chat GPT I know it's only available for USA right now I want to say so if you can't access Claude then use chat GPT but what I'll do here is just simply type in we have a we hold up our product is a paint by numbers kit kit and our customers are buying it for a fun activity for girls night there we go so let's look at this real quick so telling Claude what our product is and the reason why customers are buying it so go through your research why are people buying your product what are they using it for why do they want it and tell Claude that information right there now what I'm going to do here is I'm going to use this headline strengthening right here you can just kind of see some of them pop up on the screen right here and then these are basically just loading into claw some templates if I remember I may or may not put it below in the video but you can get this in my course and inside of my inner circle and then basically all I'm doing is controlling seeing copying pasting it in here and then I'm telling claw to create me hooks using the templates below and then there we go now we have a ton of new hooks that we can Leverage you know essentially around that particular desire of an activity for girls night and you just give it a couple more seconds let it go now we can actually review some of these right here now key thing here before we start reviewing these is that number one some of these are going to suck that's totally okay some of these are going to do amazing and that's what we want we want to figure out the ones that really grab our attention the other thing is I never just copy and paste these hooks into an ad I always take these and I spend more time refining them to make them a little bit better so the big thing with copyrighting is that the hardest part is the rough draft because you had to take all these ideas in your head and be able to put it on paper but once you get it down on paper it's easy for your brain to start flowing with the adjustments you want to make critiques and stuff like that you want to make and from there you can start going ahead and you know like kind of what I would say like doing that high level thinking and editing to make it like a really polished hook but the again the longest part and hardest part is that just rough on paper so that's why I like to use AI just to get things down just so I can start getting my brain to flow in the ideas to flow so let's start going through some of these and just start like hey which ones do we like so I am 5 hours more relaxed now keep in mind our target audience is girls on girls nights and we want to make sure we're kind of hitting on that key thing right there Unleash Your artist your inner artist in just one night you know you could you could do something like un Unleash Your Inner artist with the girls on girls night you can kind of tweak it for that now again that wouldn't be the final hook I used but i' spend a little more time critiquing that cuz that's pretty long hook right there but that's pretty good more creative fun than any other girls on activity oo I like this one because it's calling out specifically what type of fun it is versus just saying hey more fun than any other girls night activity I'd probably test both I would test with them without having creative in there more fun than any other girl than activity I love that versus more creative fun than the girls activity that's a solid one brush away stress and worries with the girls on girls night that's probably something I would do first it's just brush away stress and worries the art project you can't wait to touch with the gires maybe I don't know possibly I'm really liking so far three four even if you've never painted before you'll create a masterpiece they laughed when I did when I said I'd host girls night but then I brought out my paint the numbers o okay that's a good one so they laughed when I said I'd host girls night but when I brought out the paint them my numbers yeah I love that one it's the one that's like the laugh when I sat down the piano but then when I start to play create stunning art without any artistic scale n out of 10 women prefer paint by numbers for the ultimate girls night o I love number nine number nine could be a really good one for like a static creative right here just having this hook on the image and then showing like a women who are using the product and maybe having like a little visual of the product itself delivers hours of laughter creativity and bonding I love that one but I would say that's more of like a product to wear level that we could probably run that one for who else wants an unforgettable girls night with no boring games oh that's another really good one right there how to have the most memorable girls night ever yeah so look you get the point from right here I'd keep going through these I'd write down the ones I like and then what I would do is I would write these Hooks and then I would go ahead and start to write out scripts for each one of those now I will have another video for you guys going into how to write scripts and critique scripts and stuff like that leveraging this exact strategy right here so make sure you stick around for part two long story short from here I take these Hooks and then i' tweak them a little bit more and then I'd go write my script from those right there so yeah guys that's claw and then again this should be in the link below full credit cuz I did get these particular hooks from breakthrough advertising these are 33 from breakthrough advertising and we've been leveraging these for a while now and they've been super valuable to us so yeah that's how you can quickly create Facebook ad hooks that's scale thank you all for watching hit that like button hit that subscribe button for part two we're actually write out the rest of the script of this video and from there if you're interested in working with my agency we help Brands go from six figures a month to seven figures per month we about four Brands now and left up you be the next one next is my mentoring program on a monthly basis I critique your Facebook ad creatives how improve them so you can scale your Facebook ads then lastly if you want an intermediate to advance Facebook ads course around marketing psychology and all those good things then click the link below for Nick's Facebook ads course thank you for watching I'll see yall in part two where we write a script for this video
Channel: Nick Theriot
Views: 1,871
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Keywords: facebook ads, facebook ads strategy, Facebook Ad hooks 2024, Facebook Ads AI, create Facebook Ad hooks, Facebook advertising 2024, Facebook ad engagement, ad creation AI tools, Facebook Ad tips 2024, AI in digital marketing, Facebook Ad strategy, effective Facebook Ads, quick Facebook Ad creation, Facebook Ad techniques, AI-driven ad creation, How To Create Facebook Ad Hooks That Scale In 2024, Ad Hooks That Scale In 2024, How To Create Facebook Ad Hooks
Id: RL8_lZnWKfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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