How to Tell if You’re Being Manipulated

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- Hey everybody, today we're going to talk about manipulation, and how to know if it's happening to you. But before we jump into that, are you new to my channel? Welcome; I release videos on Mondays and on Thursdays, so make sure you're subscribed and have those notifications turned on so that you don't miss out. Now let's jump into today's topic and let's start by defining the term manipulation. Because, I find that people use it all the time, and I just want to ensure that we are all talking and thinking about the very same thing. Now, to manipulate is to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means, especially to one's own advantage. And I'd also like to consider what it means when use the term manipulation when it comes to objects, not people. Like if I was going to manipulate some clay with my hands, I am shaping it in a way that pleases or serves me. So hopefully that gives you like another idea of what the term manipulation truly means. Now that we've defined the term manipulation, let's get into how we can tell if we are being manipulated by someone else. And first and foremost, it's a feeling we can get. Like, have you ever just felt like something was off with someone? Or the way that they interacted with you was just a little weird? Maybe you felt pressure by them to do things that you don't really wanna do. Or you find yourself questioning your memory or perception more than usual. Those are all red flags that could indicate that you're being manipulated. Now that rolls into my very first warning sign, that you question yourself a lot. Remember that video I did a while ago about gaslighting? Well, gaslighting is a form of manipulation in which a person will tell you that the way you remembered something, an experience, a situation, is completely incorrect. Or that the experience you swear you had never really happened. They will psychologically manipulate us to the point where we can feel like we can't even trust ourselves or our own mind. It can make you think that you've gone completely crazy. So if you find yourself having to defend your own memory of things, or questioning yourself more than usual, it could be a sign that you're being manipulated. Red flag number two: if you feel guilty or bad all the time, no matter what you do, it never seems to please them. They are always upset, disappointed, or blaming you for something. This can get so bad that we may even feel like we are walking on eggshells around them. They may even play with our emotions, telling us how hard things have been for them, and that they wouldn't ask us to do this if they had any other option. You can also feel scared a lot, because they are coercing you into doing things that you really don't wanna do. And when you go and do that thing, you may be scared that you'll get caught or hurt while doing it. And that's why it's so important to pay attention to how you feel around people in your life. Do you feel happy, safe, free, and relaxed? Or scared, guilty, and obligated? Start paying attention, so you can protect yourself from anyone who may be trying to manipulate you. Red flag number three, as I've kind of briefly discussed in the others, is that they'll somehow get you to do things that you wouldn't normally do. People who manipulate others will often start by asking you to do a small favor for them, and work up to asking you for bigger and bigger things. They could first just ask you to lie to your boss about where they went, you know, just this once, and tell you that they had an emergency. And you wouldn't normally lie, but it's only this once, and it's for a good reason. Their asks could build up slowly and slowly until you're engaging in things that you would never have done before. They can also gaslight you in conjunction with this warning sign in order to get you to do what they want. So again, it's important to notice how often you are questioning your own recollection of a situation. Oh, and not all manipulators will start with a small ask. Some will ask you for a big, huge, ridiculous favor, knowing that you will say no, only to then hit you up for something smaller. Because they made such an outrageous ask the first time, we are even more likely to say yes to the smaller ask afterwards, even if it's something that we really don't want to do or aren't comfortable doing. Red flag number four: they put you down as often as they can. It could be how you dress, or what restaurant you picked. Anything they can criticize, they will. Just like the favors they ask, this usually starts small, and builds up until they're pretty much bullying us. Since most of us don't have the best or most positive self talk, it can be easy for us to agree with them, or to become extremely self conscious as a result. Slowly but surely we will lose our own self confidence and feel less empowered to stand up for ourselves, which can only make the manipulation worse. Because of that, master manipulators will often do this first, as a way of ensuring their control over us more long-term. So make sure that the people in your life are speaking kindly to you, and lifting you up. Not taking cheap shots, and putting you down whenever they feel like it. And the fifth and final red flag that you may be being manipulated is emotional blackmail. Now, I find this form of manipulation isn't talked about as often, and that could be because it's not happening as frequently. Or what I suspect, is that people don't even know it's happening, and they get too wrapped up in the moment to consider that they're being used. Emotional blackmail is when someone states that they will kill themself if you leave, or they will die if you break up with them or if you happen to leave them. They use this threat as a way to control you, and to get them to do what they want. I personally see this online a lot when people reach out to celebrities, or even other YouTubers, saying they'll kill themselves if they don't respond. But this happens in real life as well, and they do this in order to keep you under their control, and make you feel guilty or shameful if you don't cater your life towards their needs. Now this form of manipulation is very toxic, and should be completely avoided at all costs, if you're able to, because no one's wellbeing is completely your responsibility. We're all responsible for ourselves, our choices, and our life. Now, I could keep talking about more and more red flags of manipulation all day, but what's really important is how we can get out of it and save ourselves. So let's get into what we can do. Now first, if you are ever feeling manipulated or hurt by someone you're in a relationship with, know that you don't have to continue that relationship. And if it's not safe, you don't even have to tell them why. But you can, and I do recommend, trying to talk to them, if it's safe. But if it's not, don't do it. Just know that you deserve to have relationships that are filled with joy, love, and mutual respect, not manipulation. Now my first tip is to get into therapy. If someone has been putting us down, making us feel responsible for their wellbeing, or getting us to do things that we really didn't want to do, it's going to take some healing. And we need to do that healing in a safe place where no one else will hear about it and there isn't any judgment. Now since manipulation can lead us to doing things we didn't want to do, the shame and embarrassment we may feel can make therapy really, really hard, but also very necessary. We are going to have to heal from any possible trauma we sustained, but also help us relearn how to speak kindly to ourselves, and trust ourselves again. So be patient with this process. You weren't manipulated in one day, so healing is going to take more than one day as well. Number two, boundaries. I'm sure you know this one was coming, but boundaries are so important in all of our relationships. There are things that we will be okay with, and other things we won't be comfortable with. And learning how to recognize what's okay and not okay can take some time. So start being more mindful of how you feel, when you feel uncomfortable, or pushed to do something you don't wanna do. And know that it's okay to say no. You can practice this in therapy, and even spend time with your therapist talking through scenarios, and whether or not you think that they are okay for you. And yes I know, setting up healthy boundaries is going to take practice, so be open to it being a trial and error sort of process as we get used to feeling out what's okay for us and what's not. Because we might not have any idea to start off with, and that's okay, that's what a therapist and supportive friends and family are for. Number three, giving yourself time to make decisions. Manipulative people will often try to get us to sign contracts, purchase things right now, or make plans that can't be changed in that very same moment. So giving yourself time to consider what you're signing up for, and ask any questions you may have, can prevent you from getting sucked into something that you don't want to be a part of. And so know that you can take a breather. You can think about it. You can get back to them tomorrow. If someone's pushing you and pushing always to make decisions in the moment right now (snaps fingers), something's wrong; that's not how life really works. Sure, every once in a blue moon something will happen that's really last minute and we have to decide right then and there. But that's not usual. You should usually be able to take your time, consider all the options and what's best for you, and then make the decision. So just pay attention, and know that you have all the time you need to make proper decisions that work for you. I hope you found that information helpful. I know it can be really hard to navigate toxic relationships or know what red flags we should be looking out for. And I have an entire chapter in my book, Are U OK? A Guide to Caring for Your Mental Health, and that whole chapter is all about toxic relationships and what we can do to better notice them and get out of them safely. And as always, leave in the comments down below other things that maybe I've missed or that you wish I'd mentioned, or what's helped you get out of these toxic and unhealthy, manipulative relationships. And I will see you next time, bye.
Channel: Kati Morton
Views: 224,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coping skills, advice, mental health, therapist, healthcare, life hacks, kati morton, wellbeing, health, wellness, manipulation, narcissistic, toxic relationships, katie morton, abuse, gaslighting
Id: elXsFWURooA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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