289 - Top 7 ESL Flashcards Games for kids

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[Music] ourselves we book book book books book books book books thank you come on book book book book book it's amazing thank you thank you come on book books book book book book book [Music] books it's a it's a memory game and we are going to practice where is the where are the right where is the cow where are the dogs right how you saying here it is it is next to the chicken or here they are they are next to them hey remember everybody look at the cards and remember where are they jim yoda look ready where are the ducks yeah they are they are next to the chatter next here it is next to the ball it's good here it is it is next to the barn he got it brian brilliant give it up yesterday [Music] now ask where is the horse it is next to the box okay next carry find a horse put it next to the barn guys can you ask her where is that horse where is the horse here it is it is next to the bottom brilliant thank you find a sheep next is [Music] and he found it a smart boy well done carl the next one [Music] is [Music] we [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven okay what is this one two three four what is this [Music] [Music] we know [Applause] [Music] god pretty good all right so he is my grandfather she is my grandmother he is my aunt he is my uncle she is my cousin who is he who is she said [Music] she is my aunt is it right [Music] oh she is my cousin ready yes she is my cousin [Music] you
Channel: English Teaching Games
Views: 313,683
Rating: 4.9116492 out of 5
Keywords: Easy ESL game, Kindergarten games in China, Flashcards games, English teaching games for kids, flashcards games for kids, flashcard games for kindergarten, English games using flashcards, Chinese kindergarten, English warmups games, ESL warmup activates, Easy flashcards game, ESL flashcards games, Muxi ESL World, Moon cake english, Muxi esl, Teaching in china, Training center games, cups games, parents games, open class games, kids games, ABIE game, young learners games
Id: XzzVfP8l3b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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