How to Tame a Pet DOLPHIN in Minecraft!

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I have my very own dolphin in Minecraft not only is she adorable but she's going to help me through a series of challenges with her smarts if we make it through them all I get to keep ur [Applause] beautiful um those who don't like clowns don't listen to me for just a moment because of the circus but not just like a regular circus it's like an animal circus so uh no I didn't buy tickets I'm just gonna assume I can walk in for free stop what did I tell you I told you this is like a circus but like an animal circus where all the animals are left on and taken care of very well I've never been this close to a dolphin before look at you you have a little name tag you are officially a baby dolphin geek yes yes please keep speaking through me and dolphin language I have no idea what you're saying but oh this one's extra teeny I want to free these dolphins yes it is true that I told you they're being treated very well but I think they'll be even happier as a free willy so I came all the way around back so I could release the dolphins and okay so I set this dolphin free and look oh my goodness hold on he is going down this entire waterfall I need to follow him and we also need to come up with a good dolphin name oh oh this is very steep I have never swam down a waterfall ever in my entire life but it is worth it because I'm friends with this adorable baby dolphin oh my goodness oh wait kishi is following me and I think I now have a beautiful new pet everyone take a look at mrs. Henrietta I don't know I couldn't think of another name but what does matter is I have a baby dolphin so we have been a boating and swimming for exactly five hundred and fifty thousand hours and I'm very tired so we have found this beautiful island that does not belong to us but is that fruit that I see those yellow pumpkins I am going to try to get us some food a whole youth are not there be my fruit give it back fruit blew up it fell deep in the water excuse me there is a baby pirate what it's not even a normal human sized pirate got a look at this guy oh he's actually so cute I will be mad at you I'm not mad I'm just disappointed yet again and I'm gonna get the dolphin to help me get some food she is a very fast swimmer because I've lost her out there she is oh my gosh you are such an amazing dolphin what is this delicious fruit it kind of looks like a snail also known as escargot and I don't really like that this doesn't look like a fruit that I have ever currently seen in my life I guess I am currently seeing it but you know what I mean so obviously this baby pirate wants me to leave his Island but what I'm gonna do is give him a welcoming gift to his own Island which doesn't really make sense but I'm gonna give him the gift and then see if he'll let us stay yeah I should be enough so I'm gonna go to the baby pirate over here whoo I think his bark is way worse than his bite you're just gonna give him some fruit we're gonna ignore the fact that it's from his own Island and he could get them at any time on his own thank you for me fruit now get off me land I don't know how to talk like a pirate and I don't think I'm doing it right but he didn't like it so I'm gonna skedaddle before he throws something other than fruit achievement your dolphin friend has grown faster no stay a baby why are you growing and why are you inside the sand things aren't going too well me and Henrietta here have been starving because we haven't eaten anything in a very long time and then we have found a shipwreck which is very disturbing and I doubt there is any edible food that could be eaten that's been sitting in the ocean for who knows how long I have no idea how long this has been here and I also am unable to drive this my boat was literally taken away from me I don't know what happened but at least there's little uh little pieces of remnants of a boats and Oh holdin chestplate golden helmet gold an apple golden sword gold block this must have been where the baby pirates parents were before they perished no there is lightning and I'm going a little slow so we are going to can I swim wearing golden armor I'm sure gonna hope so okay Henrietta we are going to follow all this nonsense and see if there's anything food wise mother nature please be on our side because there is a lot of lightning and I don't want to get struck off yes we have found randomly in a shipwreck in the middle of an ocean a bed I hope the sheets are clean because I'm taking a nap dogs growl bark courageous so I just woke up it is now not storming and I have a young dolphin why does she keep growing so fast y'all are taking my child away from me but successfully we did not get hit by lightning while we were sleeping so why are there so many boats in here look is on our site you know what I'm gonna take two just just to be careful and now to find some dolphin food dolphins heat comment down below if you know what dolphin seed I have absolutely no idea so we have happened upon what looks like to be a ginormous very intimidating mace and I don't know where to turns oh wait do you guys remember that dolphins can use echolocation so if I tell her Henrietta can you chirp what I need to turn right and cough what I need to turn left why are you starting to my boat I'm gonna take her silence as a yes let's see how this goes was that a cop or a chirp I think that was the cough I'm gonna turn left that was a chirp so I'm gonna turn right another chirp so we're turning right that is a cough I think I have never heard a human cough like that but apparently dolphins do oh right okay I'm listening I'm listening young one that's got to be a cough that has to be a cough or sneeze i I'm not sure at this point it does dolphin's some seer tech guys who left me in charge with the dolphin I have never used echolocation for anything in my life except for finding my iPhone that she met your dolphin has grown smarter she didn't need to become smarter are you kidding me I'm offended now she's smarter than me she's okay Henrietta this has got to be our big guys what is that are those big octopi on their head float me down what is that okay I see a man and his name is sailor so either he is a sailor or that's his name Wow supposed to be a smiley face but it's not you they're all my squids have gotten loose help me retrieve them dolphins are natural herders um sir I don't know who you are and you have given me a task to complete with no sort of benefit for myself but whatever I'm a nice person so Henrietta and I are going to gather on up some squids apparently have to get ten I'm gonna assume this is an intensely large squid right here oh oh I see them I've literally hesitated for 20 years I know Henrietta I don't want to do this either but here we are I have been left with no choice at least they're pink their mouth looks like the Dimmick organ I don't appreciate it why are they following us do not eat Henrietta you guys in order for Henrietta to not get eaten by squid please click the subscribe button this is something I never thought I would say but here we are we have four more squid these are sneaky little guys that looks so creepy take a moment to just take in this disturbing sight lucky for me Henrietta is a smart courageous beautiful dolphin who is not afraid of anything yay good job return to the Sailor so now we know is a sailor but we don't know his name thank you for helping wrangle my squids your dolphin has grown and helpfulness sailor I'm gonna leave you be with your disturbing squid family so we are gonna leave with my helpful courageous beautiful smart intelligent dolphin who's also getting older okay Henrietta we have reached what looks like a beautiful town it is literally blue just like my Riley be Murch you should get you some chuckles we'll appreciate it how about that Oh hold on that's the same sailor guy from earlier is he following us or am i following him I don't really know what to think anymore Oh holy there thank you for helping me back there your little guy looks hungry take this to catch him some supper I have multiple things to say first your sailor not a pirate so I'm confused by how you're speaking and second of all thank you but I'm also hungry so you are the priority here so I am going to get you food but I need some food too where is the dock this is convenient so I am going to park my boat if you park a boat I'm not sure right there and start fishing okay Henrietta this is going to be a beautiful time I don't think anything has it yet it's bubbling but not a lot yet oh I got a little too excited I haven't fished a lot so I scared myself too it's fine hey crunch your dolphin caught the fish she is not only smart beautiful helpful and courageous she was hung at wait uh what did that house behind us just spontaneously combust or was that me I didn't do it Henry I didn't do it but we have to help I have an idea of what to do before that entire city goes up in flames even though it's around water so eventually it would be fine but I saw sugar cane over here on my way to the town I'm going to the town and I know something amazing I can craft if you can guess it pipe it below we are going to collect some sugarcane and use it to crap you guessed it paper so what is Bri gonna do with paper a random codfish and sugarcane nothing I am going to get a bucket scoop up some water what do you think this is gonna make I hope this works cuz I didn't watch a tutorial water balloon that's what I like to see we're not just gonna throw a bucket of water on the fire no we are going to be really stealthy and make it more complicated it's time to save the city one dolphin at the time I'm not sacrificing Henrietta by the way she is going to help me with the situation at hand so let's go she's in place and it's time to throw her the water balloon in three two one Oh your dolphin has grown in strength and endurance and the lava is slowly going away you are magical ok so right now we are looking for what is called a dolphin pod dolphins are very social so they tend to travel in groups but it's a little hard to track it down in the middle of an ocean I'm just gonna be honest what is that whoa what just happened oh oh hate those yeah we are freaked out we are saying eat Bree is going to I'm gonna run in he's holding a shield for me you are the sweetest most amazing dolphin in the entire world now if only you had given me the ability to breathe underwater but that's okay by planting that black thing you're gonna get a taste of your own medicine here right now so I reflected the beam back and it did not like that apparently so this is going well I just need some air bubbles please please don't kill me you might just be friends beaver busted I don't know how many more at left to kill why can't we just get along mom they're afraid of me and I understand why because I have now defeated three of their kind I missed it I was being a little too big for my britches but there we go take that yes you saved your pet dolphin Guardians defeated I just need some air so I don't die your dolphin has grown in friendship okay I thought we were already best friends so this day is even going better than I realized and what is that prismarine crystals is my dolphin collecting prismarine crystals for me best day ever that is so sweet but Henrietta we have to keep looking for your dolphin pod you can't be alone so I think I see a dolphin floating in the distance or I'm crazy what are you doing mr. adult dolphin huh squeak uh huh squeak we are looking very many different directions I know what this means we have to race to find the rest of the dolphins which I noticed that's really stressful and I also don't know why I know what the dolphin is saying I am a dolphin mother now if it turns out to be something else that's gonna be awkward but oh no it's going it's women very fast but oh there's tons of them oh did you see that I think I'm seeing part of a race track already here we are there's chances and wait is one of those Henrietta hello why did you leave me it's no big deal she is still going to love me okay so this race is very important because it is the only way we will get to the dolphin home so there at attention they look ready and go so I don't know if I'm supposed to also be racing them potentially but I'm just following them in the direction that they are going to oh I wasn't pushing sprints I didn't realize sprint helps in a boat - that's good to know oh my gosh I can barely even see them now what is that building in the distance maybe they're dolphin royal see this is the dolphin kingdom is this a trap there's literally nothing but one chest in the middle of this entire place I'm suspicious about it try to have teleportation teleport to locations far away yes please luck was on my side because I watched Little Mermaid a lot growing up so now I know how to use a Triton and we're good to go I think I'm gonna beat the Dolphins so Ally you've been to the boats let's just give this thing a try really quick bloop what was that noise oh my gosh run I don't know what that is what's shooting me what it what is shooting me literally I have no idea okay let's teleport in three two one I'm digging this hole teleportation ding it's just really fast so fast I literally lost my vote for a second oh my goodness let's find the Dolphins home in three two oh there they are we have Grandma we have ants we have a mommy and uncle a cool dolphin but do you know who I don't see Henrietta and adults dolphin that's his only name so I wanna there they come I actually killed it I'm not gonna lie thank you to the Triton they love me achievement your dolphin has grown in love okay so we have one very important thing that we've forgotten about I left multiple dolphins back at the circus and we can't have that so we are going to be doing this majestic wonderful dolphin obstacle course in order to prepare for Henrietta to help me save the other dolphins let's go oh oh oh she went a different way than I expected yes looks beautiful she's been practicing a lot here we go she is and Ivan and as soon as she has practiced enough I will decide when enough is we will go and save the rest little dolphins yo that's a big jump ok so we are back at the waterfall that we actually have already been through at the beginning of this episode but we have to get closer to the circus this is how we exited before but this thing is really steep oh my goodness okay I'm having trouble swimming under it still at least Henrietta's should be fine let's see she's struggling a little bit but she's uh she's on her own oh she keeps falling what's that hold on I spy with my little eye something right here in Rianna look right here it's like a secret tunnel room to get to the circuit I don't know that I like a secret tunnel to a circus that sounds a little scary only a true bonds will endure these waters uh okay well Henriette we are best friends so we are going to prove to everyone back at home that we love each other oh oh my goodness this is like when I was riding the boat except now it's a dolphin this is so bad oh wow this looks like a pretty tough obstacle course I'm gonna be quite honest beautiful execution yes that nosedive I don't know why I was injured right there but I was we this is actually really fun I'm not gonna lie I'm feeling like this may be a long obstacle course but it is to save the other dolphins whoa okay Henry and I gotta breathe okay thought she forgot so far so good we are showing that we have a true bond right now because she is showing off and getting real excited Wow Wow which one will she go for the lowest the highest oh the highest okay yes I see you Henrietta you're trying to show off but I like it Oh I think we're almost to the end however it's a little mysterious because we had to go through a secret tunnel in through a secret obstacle course so I'm hitting waterfall Rumble something has aged that makes me exceedingly nervous but she doesn't find it scary at all so I'm just gonna follow her lead because that's the only option I have honestly in this water obstacle course Hey I think it's potentially where we can swim now and Rihanna's not having a problem and I'm not either oh my gosh we're almost to the top we are almost to the top ladies and gentlemen do you know what that means it is time to save the other beautiful dolphins who won oh it flew he's going down through the sewer - and last but not least three yeah all three of them have been released so they are meandering down to the water yeah thank you so much for watching have a blessed day and check out one in the next two videos YouTube is suggesting you wait [Music]
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 2,978,538
Rating: 4.9016089 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: 47PJCvNkvIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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