How to Take Action and Find Fuel for Your Journey | Lisa Nichols on Women of Impact

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don't look for 2 000 steps look for 200 steps look for 20 steps heck look for two steps look for two steps be okay with two steps because you have to watch out we also use the need to know everything as an excuse to sit still right we use it as an excuse to sit still so call yourself call yourself out [Music] don't make me extraordinary to let yourself off the hook let me repeat that guys don't make me extraordinary to let yourself off the hook these words from today's women of impact lisa nichols changed my life when i first heard them a few years ago now it was like her words vibrated shifted the earth and finally shook me awake think about it all this time i had looked at the serena williams the lady gagas and the oprah's of the world and dismissed them as being talented or extraordinary in order to let myself off the hook for not putting in the hard work time and sacrifice it would take to get to their level i mean i i'm literally giving myself chills but realizing it guys is the easy part facing your insecurities weaknesses and ego in order to get better is the difficult part how do we get back up when we fall time and time again how do we keep showing up when all we want to do is freaking hide how do we walk into rooms when doors keep closing well today's guest has the answers her courage determination and no excuse mindset took her from not getting above a c in school due to dyslexia to writing six best-selling books from being a single mother impacting her one son to one of the most requested motivational speakers impacted over 80 million people worldwide from being on government aid to starting her own non-profit helping hundreds of thousands of teens and from unable to afford diapers with just 12 bucks in her bank account to leading a multi-million dollar enterprise so get ready to be inspired lead and transform with the effervescent legend herself lisa nichols thank you that feels good thank you so much for the time and effort and the acknowledgement of my body of work and my intention oh good girl seriously when i had um come in contacted with you i'd met you a few years ago maybe now four or five years ago you shook my world and so what i want to start with thank you for coming on the show especially a time like this with the way the world is turning with covet and with black lives matter there's a lot of just unknown um unexpected occurrences and and so um i've heard you talk about the unwelcomed interruptions and so a lot of us have all these plans of what we're about to do and our goals and our dreams and we're on the path and then the unexpected happened and a lot of people i am finding are going into a space which i would call complacency but i've heard you beautifully speak about the confusion between self-love and complacency and where people are calling something self-love but actually it's them being complacent and not then taking action and because i see you as the queen of action help us all lisa help us all yes well you know i i first of all thank you for having me thank you for creating the space for the conversation the awareness the disruption the call to action and the challenge because that's what you experienced several years ago when you saw me with your wonderful husband is that i was i'm willing to inspire but i want to inspire to a place of disrupting i want to disrupt any form of mediocrity in your cells right i want i want mediocrity to be uncomfortable in the space that you're in and so um so coming to you talking about complacency we have a tendency to analyze where we think we should be and never move forward of where we could be because we're busy analyzing benjamin franklin says comparison is and will always be the thief of all your joy we not only analyze where we are lisa but we analyze where the person next to us and the other person next to us we analyze we're so we're such a comparison community you know you talked about you know looking at oprah and looking at lady gaga and looking all these heroes and while we need them as a marker of possibility and that's all we are we're we're each a marker a possibility for one another right and it gives us the ability to go what part in my soul what part in my mindset what part in my daily behavior do i have an opportunity to up level so i can touch a glimpse of my own greatness that i witness in her possibility looking at it that way everyone becomes fuel to your journey in this season we have to watch out because society in the conversation is saying hold off wait let's make sure everything's safe for you to live well i think the counter should be no i'm gonna live i'm going to live safely i'm going to live responsibly i'm just going to pivot the way i live right now for this climate i'm not going to go into hibernation and wait i'm not going to and i'm not saying to disrupt the safety protocols i'm not saying that my business has grown about 15 over the last five months which is insane it's just it's insane like i look at it and go what the heck happened well what happened is i'm always looking for what where do i need to pivot i'm not waiting for what the world is going to tell me i'm going okay wait what do people need right now always operate from a place of service that's number one so it wasn't what business opportunity can i have right now it wasn't how can my business grow right now my question when everything hit was how can i serve people where they are right now so i did 30 days of a diet of possibility to counter all of the other things that you're ingesting on the news let me give you 30 days of a diet of possibility and every day for 30 days i went on and i just did 15 minutes of possibility and so i want to invite people to go hold on if i called myself to touch the best version of myself even during covet during black lives matter if i say i'm protecting my memories of myself that my memories of myself 20 years from now will be based on the action that i'm in today i want you to get that that's kind of like some crazy deep sidewinder like i love that so much though because i'm such a fan of everyone tell has a story to tell right and we look back at the story we had but we don't focus as much on the story we're currently writing yes yes my grandmother says she's 91 years old and my grandmother says sweetheart you're supposed to sit in your chair and tell the story of your life but right now you and i everyone that can hear my voice you're supposed to do one thing you're supposed to make sure that the story is going to be good to tell now i add to that you are not writing your life story you're writing your legacy story when you look at the people who made it possible for a young girl like you and a young girl like me to come together look at us we're crossing cultural lines we're crossing geographical lines we may be crossing religious and spiritual lines social economic lines we're crossing every line that our great great grandmothers could not cross and we're crossing those lines right now lisa because someone had the courage the audacity they had the she-go the ego the humility and the calling to write their legacy not just their life story that's even bigger your life story lives while you live and it's your life story you read it at the end it's your eulogy your legacy feeds young girls young boys black white asian latino gay and straight who are not even born yet that's big living and i don't know if i'll do it i don't i'm not sure if my life is gonna have a legacy that impacts generations after i'm gone but i'm gonna spend this lifetime shooting for i love that and talk to me actually then about not knowing because i think a lot of people um will be like i need to cross that finish line to kind of give myself that you know congratulations but i love that the notion of you're never going to be done if you're really in it for you know if you have purpose right result you're never done that right there now i'm gonna say something might disrupt people but that's who i am your ego wants to know about the finish line first that's ego that's and it actually is more selfish than service so it's saying if i know where i'm going and if i know that it's gonna work and if i like how it's going to end up then i'll play full out what do you think martin luther king played like that do you think harriet tubman rosa parks do you think oprah played like that like these individuals said i'm gonna play full out and so when you say i'm going to do it i'm willing to live in the unknown i'm willing to confront the unc by the way the unknown is uncomfortable for all of us so don't think that i'm backstroking in the unknown and i love it but you have to be more obedient you have to be more living in your conviction to be a disruption to the way life is today and and here's what i i realized people want to get clear before they fully get in action and that's what you're seeing right now people want to get clear before they fully get in action well guess what clarity follows action so when you get an action clarity is revealed so people are waiting i'm gonna wait i'm just i'm gonna wait i'm gonna wait till i get clear to full to play full out i'm gonna wait till i get clear and then clarity is going i'm just gonna wait till you get an action to reveal some more clarity to you because clarity isn't revealed from a dump truck clarity is revealed in a spoonful but you have to be in action with the previous spoonful that you received in order to get the next one full so you're trying to see 2 000 miles down the road and two thousand miles is waiting for you to take 200 steps i'm so with you girl there's a phrase that i always say that is um i speak so i can understand not so i can be understood and so it's me in real time when i talk it's so that i can start to understand myself and a lot of people won't speak until like what you said that they they think to themselves i've got it i know it and now i'm gonna speak out and especially right now with the way the world is there's so much uncertainty that i think it actually serves us to speak up and talk about things so that as time goes on i can understand myself more yeah yeah and if you understand right now the soil has been tealed so we were all in our old thinking and our old stinking thinking shrinking thinking and our old limited thinking and all of our our our our little nuances of the world our dirt was hard meaning our mindset just this is how i think this is how life is life is just this way black people have in that mindset white people having that mind said women men people of color brown everyone just kind of this is the way it is and then you have a massive massive disruption like this required because now all of the hard dirt heart mindset thoughts belief systems way of living now it's all tealed and it's all turned upside down well what happens before you can plant new seeds you have to till the dirt you have to disrupt the hard dirt not comfortable hard to experience hard to do difficult to live through you till all this dirt and before you plant a new seed it looks like an explosion has occurred around us which is what it looks like right now social explosion mindset explosion racial explosion blame game explosion political explosion health explosion everything is disrupted that's the stor soil that's been tilled and everything is on earth and then in the months and years to come if we do our part we will plant new seeds and for the first time in many many years 50 60 70 80 100 years the the soil is tilled enough hashtag disrupted enough where the sea can actually get in it can actually take root and then we water it we water it with consciousness we water with confrontational conversations care frontational conversations we water with courageous cultural conversations we water it with awareness cultural intimate proximity conversations and experience we water it with with just education we water it with action and then maybe not in your or my lifetime maybe so but we got to be willing even if it's not in our lifetime to sprout a new tree of possibility a new tree of connection a new tree of awareness a new tree of cultural sensitivity a new tree of equality a new tree of health and wellness so we are at the very beginning of farming a new way of being a new way of living is it possible yes is it hard work yes is it disruptive yes is it is it is it taking too much time yeah are we impatient yeah and we would not be here if someone didn't plant a seed 60 years ago we you and i would not be here wow um that's so powerful and i want to take it further because you are the perfect example of speaking truth and living truth so in saying all of that people that are listening right i'm sure they want to just just like me want to jump up and scream hell yeah lisa and then i switch off the video i i stopped listening to motivation things and i'm by myself and all i have is that internal voice that is very much fearful of the struggle ahead that um wants to soothe me in every way which means hide don't confront don't address the truth um don't try anything because hey if you fail you are a failure all these words and feelings start to um bubble up so lisa when you were in those situations when you were you know a single mother and no one knew who you were and your your office was your tiny tiny closet that could just about fit a table how do you sell suits like what is that what does it actually look like to do it because i agree if we can all do it the outcome will be beautiful but we all get in in our own way yeah absolutely so the the we are a a calamity of dysfunctional experiences there's not one person breathing i don't care i don't care what television they're on how many followers they have there's not one person breathing who isn't managing their own dysfunction i don't care what they tell you if they tell you they don't have it they are lying right now what our job is is to not try to deny the dysfunction is to learn how to be with the dysfunction and still be a major service to our families and to society with the dysfunction i know that sounds uncomfortable to hear but heck we are all managing our feeling of insecurity or we're managing our our active comparison we're managing our chatter am i good enough am i smart enough am i pretty enough am i young enough so many times people would tell me how great i was and i go god they have no idea about my past and how much i struggled and i thought that if they knew that that would discount who i was i was so afraid to go on oprah i remember the night before going on oprah i'm like they're gonna find out that i have issues the smartest thing i did was just begin to yell from the mountaintop hey i have issues i have major issues i just have learned how to manage my issues and still be of service with my issues with my dysfunction i've learned how to perfectly manage my imperfection now that's not to put lisa down and that's not to put you down that's to say it's okay to bring your in imperfection to the table it's okay to let your imperfection touch extraordinary behavior it's okay for them to coexist it's okay to live in a constant duality you're gonna have moments where you doubt notice the moment you're gonna have moments when you question yourself notice the moment rise above yourself i call the ballerina moment rise above yourself and act as if you have an eye in the palm of your hand look down at yourself and go ah you're doing that thing again you know that thing you do when you start saying i'm not good enough that thing you do i used to do that to myself because i would walk in the room and i'd be the only black person like are they cool with me being here is there anyone gonna say any one of those awkward so i would ballerina myself and go ah there you go again lisa getting uncomfortable in your skin invite the entire you in the room and if anyone has a challenge with that allow them to manage that that's not your job so don't take on someone else's discomfort with your presence so be okay with that don't try to outrun it and don't get don't get um don't get daunted or thrown off because it's present it's present everywhere you are everywhere you go there you are all of you all of you your brilliance and your insecurities your powerful self-talk and your chatter and so the idea is to understand when are you in your most powerful way and when you feel like you're sliding out you need to have neuro linguistic programming in place and that's an anchor to tell you ah you slipped out let's get back in now for me i have two anchors one i raise my hand above and then i look down at myself you notice how i keep looking down because i literally say my eye is right here and i'm looking down at little lisa because little lisa shows up and she gets in big lisa's way right and little lisa is my 21 year old who was insecure she's my 13 my 16 year old who didn't know she was dyslexic she's my 25 year old who had this beautiful body but didn't quite have the maturity to match it and all this attention coming from man she's so many parts of me and i bring her on the journey and when she starts coming into the foreplay and she's interrupting things because she's scared she's frustrated she's lonely she still comes in i rise above and i know this looks crazy and i'm not like oh i'm a real practical girl i rise above i look down at her and i go i understand you're scared i understand you're frustrated i understand you're angry but you have to let me lead i've studied i've worked i went i've got education for us let me guide us so i talk to my little lisa i let her live i tell her all the time you can ride along on this journey but you have to stay in the back seat and let me drive so you have to be willing to confront your own self talk to your own self and then ask for help ask for help send out an sos signal and have someone who's only committed to your highest consciousness to be able to throw you a lifeline so that's two parts that was amazing one question i actually have though is if you're um going for you know accepting your true self and then going to rise above it how do you then rise above it because i think a lot of people get stuck in the accept myself accept the feelings except the emotion but there isn't that drive to get past it to step out of that takes the hard freaking work yeah so how do you get how do you do that so number one you have to begin with the end in mind so you have to know where you want to end up so i want to tell you something that i did a long time ago and if you're bold the bold and the courageous will do it and everyone else this is just entertainment for you but write your legacy or write your eulogy start the sentence with here lies a woman who and what did you do while you were here you got to get so sold out on what you haven't done yet what you haven't done yet has to call you to your greatest version what you haven't done yet has to get you out of the sinking sand what you haven't done yet has to be so powerful lisa that it it calls you to confront yourself but if you don't know what that is you can make it all up and you can be totally wrong but be totally wrong with some like badass stuff like things you can be wrong but you better set an intention that's so freaking off the chart off the chart my intention when i wrote my eulogy 22 years ago here lies a woman who connected humanity here lies a woman who who inspire people to reach across color lines religious lines geographical lines and social economic lines here lies a woman who inspire people to live soulfully here lies a woman who supported inspired and saved thousands of teen lives here lies a woman who gave her life to the greater cause of healing for others i just kept saying here lies a woman who here lies a woman who here lies a woman who and i said stuff who i had no idea how i'd do it i don't know i'm gonna do that like that's crazy at the time that i said it here lies a woman who helped to heal all of humanity when i first said that i was an inglewood california girl i had not left i had not left l.a county i had never spoken to an audience that wasn't all black i had never spoken to an audience that was was of different religions i didn't know how i was going to do it so the way you do it is one what are you going to do when you're standing when you're flying when you're soaring what will you do and you need to hold that in a space where it can get you from a seated position you look up at the you you're becoming you look up at the woman the man that you claim that you know yourself to be but you gotta write it you gotta design it you gotta feel it i felt it i felt it in my bones and when i couldn't get the entire glimpse i just took a piece of it so lisa you don't have to get the entire glimpse just get a piece of it that's that 200 steps don't look for 2 000 steps look for 200 steps look for 20 steps heck look for two steps look for two steps be okay with two steps because you have to watch out we also use the need to know everything as an excuse to sit still right we use it as an excuse to sit still so call yourself call yourself out and here's the other thing that i recommend you do i've been doing this now for 16 years i get an account a true accountability community i get an accountability community where i share with them here's what i want to do in the next 18 months i never do a year because a year can go by so fast i do 18 months to three years here's who i here's who i expect to be and here the results i expect to be producing i don't just talk about here's what i want to do here's the results i expect you talked about me being action oriented i'm radically action here are the results i expect to produce in the world here are my goals here are my intentions hold me to that if you really want to get up and turn your crawl into a walk turn your walk into a run and turn your run into a sore right one write the ending here lies a woman who and then get an accountability community and then hold yourself to a sense of neuro-linguistic programming what do you do when you feel like you're sinking what can you do what will disrupt that what's the pattern interrupt neural linguistic programming says insert a pattern interrupt interrupt the pattern if you feel yourself sinking interrupt the pattern call in a lifeline call yourself to who you say you're becoming have someone hold you accountable to the greatest version of yourself live in constant duality with your imperfection with your dysfunction let them meet each other let your brilliance meet your dysfunction like this hey issues how are you so today issues today in security today competition and comparison today what we're going to do is we're going to spend today writing content so that individuals who are stuck can find the best version of them i'm going to ask you to sit in the back seat while i do this like literally don't wait until you have touched some form of perfection it's not coming i love that i actually also do that with my negative voice so i i was never i always tried to fight it right oh how do i stop it how do i stop how do i stop it eventually i realized lisa you you've tried for 40 years to stop it you still can't what if i what if it became my friend and now it's like hallelujah right hello friend what are you trying to tell me all right now go and sit in the corner right like i i so love that yeah and then expose it because when you it it actually minimizes it so i one of the things i'm committed to doing this is to help people find their power place through finding their power voice right i i've built a career a lifestyle i've touched so many people using my voice my power voice but lisa for so many years i didn't have it i didn't know i had it i didn't know how to hone it i didn't know how to use it i didn't know how to turn it up i didn't know how to craft it i didn't know that it didn't have to be in a certain way and so i'm committed now to help people find their power voice but to help them give themselves permission to have a power voice and then to hone the skill sets because there's a skill set that reaches across cultural lines there's a skill set that reaches across generational lines you want to touch young people that's a skill set that's that's it's two things it's a personal development and personal mastery awareness that allows you to give yourself permission to do that the first thing lisa is you have to give yourself permission to have something to say hello you have to give yourself permission to be worthy of being heard you have to give yourself permission to have had that history that background all of that dysfunction and still be the perfect person for such a time as this you're perfect for such a time as this no one can bring it like you can bring it no one can deliver it like you can deliver it no one can touch the world the in the world of one a world of 100 or world of 100 000 the way you can you are a unique unrepeatable miracle no one can do you better than you so the first part is giving yourself permission to show up shine and show out oh that's very very powerful girl um you said that everyone needs to give themselves over a thousand second chances because we're gonna fail we're gonna try something we're good we're not gonna do it very well and to give ourselves the grace to get back up and say all right that was number 232 um i think it's so beautiful and um i heard you tell the story about how you every year of your son's birthday you would almost give yourself grace to fail that year happy birthday jelani now remember this is my first time being the mother of a nine-year-old happy birthday jilani now remember son this is my first time being the mother of a 13 year old happy birthday jelani now remember son this is my first time being the mother of a 17 year old and can i tell you when he turned 18 i'm not sure what i did but i made some dumb decision and it hurt his feelings and i felt really bad and i went into his room and you know now he's six two and i'm like i'm i'm sorry son i i i i wasn't thinking i apologize and my son looked up at me and he said it's okay mom it's your first time being the mother of a 18 year old grace grace giving yourself grace to to do it a thousand times and and if you learned a lesson was it really a failure we're willing to pray pay money we're willing to pay hard-earned money to go to school to get an education what do you think life lessons look like it's wrapped in what looks like a failure but if you pull the lesson out then i got a lesson all my mistakes all my errors all my failures gave me some form of information and i pulled that information out and i applied it to the future version of myself man i'd rather live a life all day long where i have a gazillion failures because that mean i leaked a gazillion time and and if you want to see the finish line before you ever leave then you're not trusting your own wings and only three things can happen if you leap and you fall you either fall and you spring up you either fall and then you catch flight and you never hit the ground and you fly or you fall really hard splat you lick your wounds you stretch out a little bit and you go okay that hurt next [Laughter] freaking again you're a gladiator we're in this for the long haul we're not one and done we've never been one and done your human spirit is unbreakable your human spirit is unshakable your human spirit is unstoppable now your your your your heart gets broken your body gets weary i'm not saying that that's not true your emotions get engaged i'm not saying that's not true you feel daunted you feel a lot of you feel out of energy you do it's real and then there's more in you there's more in you i promise you you will blow your own mind i tell people now i'm not in the goal setting business i'm in the blow my own mind business now because i'm blown away with what we can do i'm a little girl from south central la i'm a little dyslexic girl who who wasn't supposed to be in kazakhstan in croatia in in swaziland who wasn't supposed to teach in ireland who wasn't supposed to have lunch with the queen of swaziland or sit across from oprah or sit across from larry king or our support and coach beside dr phil i i was a little girl who was insecure uncomfortable in my mocha skin and my full lips with my round hips and my kinky hair i was a little girl who who at 19 i was suicidal i was i had a hand full of tylenol contemplate extra strength tylenol contemplating suicide lisa i was a young woman too pained too pained with her memories of being molested as a child by her babysitter's son i i was tormented by the thought as they came flooding back into my memories i was a young woman in so much pain i felt like checking out through suicide would be easier than living so i know what it feels like to feel daunted and to feel like the memories are the conversation of the world around me called my life is overwhelming i know her but when you get a glimmer either through your own eyes or through someone else's eyes because someone else can see for you sometimes what you can't even see for yourself and in those days when they can see more for you borrow their lenses don't look at yours put on their lenses and someone saw something in me and i promise you i didn't see it in me initially they kept telling me you got potential i kept saying what is potential i don't know what that is what do you see i see a young girl who's in pain i see a young girl who's sick and tired of being sick and tired i see a young girl who's in this dark skin that no one seems to celebrate on television there are no supermodels that look like me i got these full lips and these round hips and no one is saying a size 8 or a size 10 is beautiful i got this kinky hair no one is telling me that kinks and curls and coils are beautiful oh it might have gotten popular later i tell people all that stuff is beautiful now but i've been having to carry for over 50 years and so i was stuck in this conversation that i know you're speaking of lisa i was stuck in this reality that looked like my dysfunction and and and what god gave me was holding me back and then someone else told me something i'd never heard you can be amazing you have what it takes i do you get to get up i can again and again and again for real your failure can feed your future really that's in your failure that your greatness will be born huh that even with all your imperfections and your issues you're perfect for the calling on your life and the calling on your life will never be passed on to someone else it will always be yours really with all my stuff and all my imperfection and all my dysfunction and all my insecurities i get to be great your human spirit is waiting on you to give it an assignment a bold bodacious audacious ginormous scary assignment that is going to take you a lifetime to live out lisa what made you believe them when you've had such hardship in life this and someone comes to you and tells you that most people either wouldn't believe them or just thinks it's bs or believes them but doesn't take action and then just uses it as emotional soothing um without actually then taking action so what was it that then happened i treated my life like the court of law that's all they want is evidence so i begin to look for little small pieces of evidence something small microscopic not the length of my fingernail just a little bit of evidence to tell me what they said was true just a little bit lisa a little bit and then i would hear someone say wow you inspired me i did one person all i need is one that's evidence oh that's just evidence i i begin to sit in that closet that you talked about that walk-in closet call my office and i begin to pick up the phone i said hi my name is lisa nichols and i have a program for teenagers and i'd like to give it to you for free and i was wondering if you would be willing to allow me to come in for two hours and teach your teens emotional literacy i teach emotional literacy now i had never really taught it but i believed i could teach it and i doubt and i doubted i doubt and i died out of the yellow pages lisa out of the yellow and i got no no no thank you no no thank you i doubt i died 20 30 40 people and out of 40 people i end up getting 10 maybes and out of the 10 maybes i got 4 yeses evidence evidence and then when i went and i would teach and now no one told me how to do this i was making this all up i'm jelani single mom we're just trying to change our life i go i teach i ask them five questions what did i teach today that you needed to hear what will you use when you go home now mind you i'm teaching 12 year olds 13 14 15 16 17 year olds what will you go home and use with your family do you did you want to come today would you like to come back 100 of the did you want to come today were no 100 said they did not want to come 96 said they wanted to come back but if i'd only gotten two percent lisa that was evidence because here's what's happening your mind is going to produce whatever you ask it for so if you ask your mind to produce reasons why you should stop reasons why this isn't going to work reasons why this shouldn't happen if you ask your mind to produce that your mind is going to give you that evidence i never asked my mind to tell me why i should quit i asked my mind to tell me are they right when they said that i got something i asked my mind to tell me should i keep doing this i asked my mind to show me why i was being sought after i asked my mind for all the evidence to keep going and the quality of your answer is completely determined by the quality of your question a lot of people are getting unhealthy prosperous unsupportive answers because they're asking low vibration questions why am i being targeted why people don't like me why is this happening to me and then the universe gives you the answer this is why it's happening to you but if you change the quality of the question what lesson am i learning right now what lesson will i learn from this that i will take and run with forward what parts of me are ready for this time what contribution can i make during this time where are the allies that i can link up with all of a sudden people say hey sis i'm here because the question the question sent the vibration out to the universe that sent back the answer that i needed and so i kept looking for small pieces lisa small pieces of evidence that there was something in me some little nuance of something in me waiting to be born now mind you i didn't my family didn't get it my family were nervous they're like what are you doing you're you're you're leaving your security of a job you have a child now you're doing these workshops with all white people we don't know if they're gonna they're gonna hurt you or harm you because that's not our history let's just be honest it hasn't been this kumbaya cross cultural lines and here i am packing up my bags packing up my suv and packing up my five-year-old son and moving from los angeles to san diego for a dream that doesn't quite have context yet by myself right everyone was afraid and so let fear let fear coexist with your dream don't wait for the fear to dissipate fear's just saying i'm asking for more information fear's just saying give me more give me something that allow me to dissipate okay let's feed fear let's feed fear with information let's feed fear with partnership let's feed fear with techniques let's feed fear with experiences i was willing to fall enough to until i stopped being afraid of falling that's oh god that's so freaking sure as you were listening by the way all the questions you need to um ask yourself those are so powerful because i really do believe perspective is everything and framing is everything we all have a choice to look at something in a super negative stand um point of view or have a choice to see what goods can come out of it not necessarily that that itself is great but that if bad things do happen what is the lesson you can learn um the only other question that i would urge people to ask themselves is where can i follow lisa nichols and get more of this freaking fire that this woman is spouting girl like seriously you are there is a voice that needs to be heard right now obviously i've been a huge fan of yours for many many um many years um where can people find you and all the amazing videos and everything that you're doing amen well number one i i want you to look out for the piece the social justice piece that i'll will be debuting it literally is a mini movie it's 15 minutes the characters are a black woman of consciousness asking us to rise to another level and an angry white man and an angry black man who are just trying to find their way to each other and it's a beautiful piece of carefrontation confrontation resolution um honesty and so look out for that it's gonna it's gonna come out it's it's free i'm gonna put it out to the world i'm gonna ask your support sis to help me get it out so that's a that's a part of the awareness that's going to come out and um and it's my spoken word debut and it's it's it's very beautifully disruptive i was i literally nervous for the first time in years really nervous about something but i want to invite you to i'll go to and um sign up to be on the wait list um to for an event that i have coming up about honing and and using and elevating your voice in on whatever capacity as an entrepreneur as a social change agent as a parent as a business owner um as someone in corporate america really the power of your voice um that's really one of my callings is to teach people how to really own this thing and to move all of the mindset that could be limiting out of the way um there's many juicy things coming up i'm gonna be hosting courageous cultural conversations um uh in a couple of months right after the debut of the piece of poetry the cinema that comes out we're gonna segue into courageous cultural conversations and really hold a uh international global conversation on an ongoing basis and then i'm going to begin to train leaders and teachers how to facilitate courageous cultural conversations so and i mind you i knew none of this five months ago so when i did my year-end strategy session none of this was on the play but to be willing to pivot in the time of need and to and to rise to the occasion and say put me in coach i'm here put me in coaching that's what i've done and so i'm going to be hosting courageous cultural conversations and i'm going to be teaching people how to host courageous cultural conversations so to all my friends sisters and brothers who've been going okay i want to do something what i i may not be your answer um but i am one of your options and i'm honored lisa to be with you it's my honor to have had you witnessing me and learning from me for years and it's my honor at the next level to sit and be your guest on your show and i just want to celebrate you that your journey has taken you from watching me to aligning with me and holding cyber hands with me right holding some cyber hands with me and so um i love and appreciate you who you are who you've been and who you're becoming girl thank you you have no idea how much that means to me thank you for taking the time to be on here and being so freaking impactful to my audience i know how many people just have been begging and dying to see you on the show so it is obviously extremely my honor to have you on here girl and however i can support please do let me know amen until all of my sisters and brothers who have asked for me to be here i thank you uh i speak life into you i speak restoration into you i speak resiliency into you i speak healing into you know that as you walk through this journey as fluid and flexible as we must be as uncertain as it is you are not walking alone we might be a part in distance but we're connected in our hearts i promise you that i'm your sister and prosperity and possibility and believe me when i say i love you because i do thank you guys guys there it is go check her out this woman is not only just had the most beautiful soul but she's so freaking badass she doesn't use excuses she holds herself accountable and she inspires everybody else to hold themselves accountable so they can then make the change in their own life so go go go check this woman out and until next time guys be the hero of your own life peace out [Music] what up guys thanks so much for watching this video if you'd like another dose of bad or artery make sure you watch this video right here or this one right here because i know you'll like them but hey also while you're here guys you might as well click that subscribe button down there so you don't miss any future episodes and until next time be the hero of your own life peace out
Channel: Lisa Bilyeu
Views: 54,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: women of impact, woman of impact, lisa bilyeu, tom bilyeu, impact theory, quest nutrition, motivation, inspiration, Lisa Nichols, Lisa Bilyeu, Women of Impact, WOI, unwelcome interruptions, routine, entering the unknown, the unknown, tilling new soil, the soil of life, uncertainty, growing during uncertain times, accept yourself, rise above, find the voice inside you, power voice, permission to fail, second chances, failure, success, write your own story, write your story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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