You Have The Power - Lisa Nichols

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hi there and welcome back to the Lisa Nichols show this is that space where we come together to gather tools to gather mindset to Corral together and remind ourselves what we deserve to have in life and to figure out how to get there how to achieve that if no one's told you today I want you to know that you get to choose the life you lead no matter what's happened in the past no matter what the present moment looks like you get to choose now I didn't say it be easy and it definitely may not always be comfortable but it is always possible and don't let any situation or any person make you think otherwise while a lot of unexpected things happen to us in our lives it doesn't mean that we don't get to navigate our life experience you will have to become someone you may not have ever thought you'd have to become you may have to do some things you never thought you'd have to do or go some places you never thought you have to go or pull some things out of you you didn't even know you had in you but the truth is you get to design your destiny you are the author of your autobiography you get to create your life story you may not determine every character you may not be crazy about every character in your story or every situation in your story but it doesn't change the fact that no one and I say no one repeat after me no one gets to write your story but you so often I meet people who don't believe that their dreams are possible for them we're so used to looking at other people's life through the window of social media through the window of television or through the window of whatever and wonder what do I need to do why can't my life get easier for me why can't I have that well number one you all know the whole story you have no idea what they've had to do navigate through to take that picture or to give you that shot you only know that you got the sometimes filtered version of their life the truth is anything is possible for you you just have to choose it and then you have to choose your conviction say conviction type in the chats my conviction over your convenience now that right there that's the game changer that's the deciding factor that's what distinguishes people who are living the life they know they can have from people who are knowing that they deserve a better life but they don't have it is your commitment to living your conviction over your convenience the thing that I see that hold most people back isn't the knowledge it isn't the money it's not the lack of knowledge it's not the lack of money it's not the lack of opportunity it's mindset blows my mind and I know cause I was there you know I for probably I don't know maybe maybe 13 years I felt like I was living a version of myself I don't know if you know what I'm talking about but I felt like I was living a version of myself meaning who I was showing up as was nice and she was she was assertive and she was kind and she was goal oriented but she was just like I believe 15 percent of the woman I knew myself to be but the 15 that I was impressed people or it at least got me by you know what I mean doing just enough to get by and don't mention when people started complimenting me and telling me how wonderful I was doing then I felt like I was doing better than a lot of people around me but it didn't change the fact that I knew there was more in me and there was more for me and I wanted to touch that I just wanted to touch my own 100. so sometimes you got to be your own hype man and Lady sometimes you got to be your biggest bestest cheerleader sometimes you may be the only one in your cheerleader stands cheering for you and that's okay you have to be willing to understand that even if you get knocked down if you can look up you can get up you got to recognize that if you can walk then you can turn your walk into a run and if you can run man you can turn your run into a sore but you also got to know that even if you're crawling you can turn your crawl into a walk first you got to be willing to look in the mirror on a daily like you're looking at me right now you give me your time you got to be willing to give yourself your time look in the mirror on a daily and remind yourself Who You Are who you've become navigate and pat yourself on the back for who you've been and then remind yourself that abundance Happiness joy living on purpose is your Birthright it's not a hookup please I'm still waiting on my hookup it's your Birthright spoiler alert is 360 abundance 360. you get to be happy in your health you get to be happy in your wealth and your finances you get to be happy in your relationships and you get to be happy in your spirituality you get 360 abundance so today I extend a gentle or our heart whichever way you need to serve to you invitation as your sister for you to stand up stand up and call your future into your present tense stand up and demand demand to yourself and your intentions that you transform into the next best version of you don't make it optional now I want to give you this powerful affirmation just a series of statements the affirmations turn my crawl into a walk am I walking to a run and you know the rest I had to declare it to myself even when my life didn't look like it at all even when my life did not match my statements I had to keep making the statement boldly and to my life adhered to the statement I was making about who I know myself to be so repeat after me I stand Here in My greatness say that I stand here and my greatness I own my light I own my brilliance I am enough I'm bold I'm courageous I am perfect in my imperfection this is my time I am bright enough I am old enough I am young enough I've experienced enough hence I'm wise enough I understand who I am I Embrace who I choose to become I'm Unapologetic about my intentions get ready here I come I want you to save these words print them out and put them somewhere so you can see them I used to have statements all over my house I still have them in places but I have them on my bathroom mirror I had them on my kitchen refrigerator I had them on the back of my front door and the one on the back of my front door it's been over 22 years I still know what it says it says the world is ready for my greatness and I'm ready for the world I still remember it because it it spoke to me it got me ready it reminded me so print them out when fear Creeps in when doubt Creeps in when naysaters creep in when haters throw haterade on you and it's louder than your possibility turn around and look at it turn around and read it and say oh I you know what I I'm tripping I forgot who I was let me remind myself I am enough say these words and then keep going remember this show is not just a monologue it's a dialogue this is your safe space say safe space this is your safe space judgment-free Zone Come On Studio say judgment-free Zone this is it they're going to say it again with a lot of energy say judge me for its own this is the judgment-free Zone I caught him off guard y'all this is the place where you come and you can bring all your Genius and we won't put you down for that or you can bring all your curiosity questions and concerns and we won't put you down for that either we're going to love you as is and we're going to love the person you're becoming so leave a comment below and let me know which of these lines in this affirmation really set you on fire or what did you need to remember why did this message if it served you perfectly right now why what did you need to hear what did you need to be reminded of what did you know but then you forgot that you knew it so you started Living like you didn't know it anymore you're like Hello thank you Lisa I needed to be reminded of that what please comment below I really love to hear from you this is a dialogue this is a courageous Grown Folk conversation if you haven't already please make sure that you subscribe to my channel why not listen this is the place where we come to keep moving together and click the Bell notification to be notified when new episodes drop and remember this every single time that I say that I believe in you and that I love you it's not because it's my closing statement it's not because I've run out of words you know I I really don't do that it's because I do and if you haven't heard anyone say it lately I believe in you and I love you I'll see you in the next episode until then [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music]
Channel: Lisa Nichols
Views: 68,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lisa Nichols, motivation, self-help, The Lisa Nichols Show, perseverence, focus, Goals, goal setting, goal achieving, abundance, abundance now, YANA, BOL, business growth, abundant life, motivational speaking, personal development, women entrepreneurs, female role models, black women, transformation, transformational coach, self development, Motivating The Masses, You Have The Power, Power, Affirmations, Affirmation
Id: 74ZtTJa0WhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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