How to SYNC AUDIO & VIDEO for Guitar YouTube and Social Media Videos

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this is for all you guitar players who want to film yourself playing guitar and put it out there on youtube or social media but you want the audio quality to be awesome sounding in other words you don't want it to sound like this [Music] you want it to sound like this so i'm going to take you through the process that i do to sync my audio with my video so that you get that pristine and professional sound alright so the first thing you do you open up your doll open up your recording software now forgive all these tracks and it looks messy i just opened up a session that i was already recording some other stuff on actually for another youtube video which you guys will hear in another video after this one uh anyway i'm just gonna scroll over here so i've got one guitar track see i've got a little red dot over here pressed i've got one guitar track open i've got a little marker here where i'll start and what i'm gonna do is i'm just going to press record on that one guitar track and i'm going to play now we're ready to record this track but there's one thing i want to mention first the first thing make sure your audio interface level is up high enough so that you can clearly hear the sound because when you go back to sync the audio and video well you'll you'll hear what i'm talking about all right let's record our track we're just going to do a quick whatever i have no clue what i'm about to play in fact i can't find my pick i did find my beer oh there's my pick for some weird reason it was under my beer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now what you just heard was just coming from the monitors here that was not the audio and video sync it was picking up the sound from my monitors into this little lapel mic i have going here and it really doesn't matter how loud i have that you're still going to get some room noise so the magic happens when we sync the video that i just played for you to the audio that we recorded just now alright so here's the guitar track that we just recorded all right so what i like to do is i you know i set this marker in advance and that could be your start marker or whatever marker you have by the way i'm recording this in presonus studio one i don't know how your daw works i assume it's similar you know you just record a track you set your markers because that's going to determine what you dump down into the mp3 file that we're about to create so in this case i've got marker three ideally you would just have a start marker because you know you're working on a brand new session i was just too lazy to create that this is like my youtube session here so i kind of like use this all the time for different things so there's my start marker and then i'm going to go to the end of the track which is about right here and i'm going to set i think i have some delay going on there so i'm going to set my marker here my end marker which is four and i'll just drag this back like that now what i want to do is i want to render my mp3 file so that i have the sound that we just created on guitar so let's do that let's dump that down if you're working in a session like i am where there's multiple tracks what i'll do is i'll just hit the single button so that way this is or the solo button rather that way this is the only track that gets rendered and of course when you render this down to an mp3 you want to make sure you're rendering the correct markers right if you're working in you know a session that has other stuff in it that's just kind of a side note again more than likely you're in a brand new session so you've just got your start and then you set your number two marker or end marker where the track ends and you just dump that down so here we go i'm just going to name this guitar for uh video there we go so my markers were between three and four i believe and i'm just gonna dump it down this should only take a few seconds here and boom we are done so there is my song right there i can just kind of play it real quick the mp3 to make sure it's there alright so we recorded the audio part our little guitar track there's recorded we dumped it down to an mp3 file the next step now is you've got to dump your video down to your computer now in this case i'm actually using my iphone 11 which is the phone you're looking at right now so i'm gonna stop this and i'm gonna transfer my file from my iphone that i recorded with the guitar playing to my imac here so that i have both files the audio and video files and then we'll jump in imovie and sync them together alright so we're in imovie now i've got a blank slate in here pretty much so what i'm going to do first is i'm going to go find my movie file again i'm using the iphone 11 so everything's apple it helps keep everything kind of in sync which is really cool uh so i'm gonna just drag my movie file first into the movie program which again is imovie so i'm gonna drag it into imovie here now you need to do some initial work once you drag the file in so here's the thing here's the reason why i advised you to make sure your interface level is up at a decent level and that's simply so that you can hear yourself playing guitar in the video sometimes you can have the interface at a level where you hear it in your studio but your mic may not pick up the sound quite as well so that's just going to help you if it's a little bit louder it's just to help you sync the audio and video a little bit easier now another thing i look at here you can see kind of where i'm talking it was a lot louder you can see how the levels are up higher all right let's record our track we're just going to do a quick whatever i have no clue what i'm about right so i actually recorded that entire piece so i'm just taking the guitar segment out of that normally what you would do is you would just press record on your phone or your camera and then start playing so you've got less video to to chop up to sync with the audio i didn't do that in this case because you know i guess i was lazy and wasn't thinking so now i've got to find out where the guitar part is which in this case you can see the levels here are a little lower for guitar so you can see where i start playing guitar you can see the the little levels here on the video a lot of string noise so all i'm going to do is i'm just going to chop everything else out of this video except for the guitar part and you can split the video again i'm in imovie i assume most movie programs work you know pretty much the same and i'll just drag that back so now the next step and this is pretty simple we're gonna go take the music file remember we recorded our guitar playing and then we dumped it down to an mp3 file so i'm going to take that and drag that down what a drag huh all right here's where the fun begins guys here's where you really have to spend a little bit of time syncing these together now you can see the levels here see the little levels here in the video right you can actually turn those up a little bit so you can hear it better and then you can also see the levels here for the audio as well so let's see these look like they're closely synced what i like to do is i like to see where they start at you can see where the levels start to go up in both files it looks like they're synced already so i might have just gotten lucky what i like to do when i'm listening to this i like to play around with the levels like move them up and down just to make sure i'm not hearing one file over the other too much right so i can truly tell if they're synced or not we got really lucky here i just kind of cut the video in advance to the point where the audio kind of like just synced right up with it most the time i have to play around with this a little bit yet to kind of move things back and forth but it's really not that big of a deal and the more you do this the more you get used to it all right so we're seeing what i do now and this is like the game-changing part of this whole thing what i do now is once i know that they're seen i drop the audio in the video file so i take the video file and i cut the volume out so now all you're gonna hear is [Music] all you're hearing now is just the file the audio file that we recorded in the studio so the next step we just render this file down this video file we just render it down to a video and boom we're done that's it now we have a video of us playing and you've got that perfectly sounding guitar track in there that you recorded in your studio [Music] um [Music] now a lot of times you'll see me do videos with me playing along with a full mix not just a single guitar track but a full mix kind of like this [Music] there's really no magic to that at all i am doing the exact same thing i just record everything in advance like the drums the bass one rhythm guitar track and then i'll record my second rhythm guitar track along with filming myself playing that track or i'll do the same thing with the league guitar as well if there's guitar solos in it i'll just record myself i'll film myself recording the guitar solo and then just go back and sync those parts up together it gets a little bit more complex especially if you're wanting to record yourself playing different instruments now sometimes okay sometimes i do this too sometimes i'll just record the song and i will play along with the song while i'm filming that but i might not necessarily record that part of the song i'm just playing along with it then i'll cut the audio from the video so that you know it's pretty much me playing what you hear i know that sounds like it's cheating just a little bit but i mean if you're recording the music yourself and then you're also playing you know you can clearly see that your fingers are doing the same thing i don't consider that fake guitar because again you recorded the song you recorded the tracks you're just filming yourself playing along with it but you just want to hear the pristine audio recording so i think that that's okay now if someone else played the track and then you're just pretending to play along with it that's fake guitar that's a completely different topic but we're not going there on this video guys don't forget i am giving away still giving away and we'll always give this away my free metal riffs and licks practice guide get that there's a link in the description of this video below i know a lot of you guys have that already and of course you still get cool stuff for me after that but yeah download that again the link is in the description of this youtube video and you'll be in my metal guitar family at that point guys i hope this video helped you please leave comments if you have any questions about this if there's something that maybe i didn't explain right just let me know and i'll do my best to explain it a little bit better in the comments thank you so much for watching thank you for supporting this channel please give it a thumbs up subscribe all that good stuff see you on the next video until then keep it metal yeah i know this is a cool shirt no you can't have it keep it metal you
Channel: Jason Stallworth
Views: 13,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to sync audio and video, how to sync audio with video guitar, how to sync video with audio guitar, how to get a clean guitar recording for video, how to get a clear guitar sound on video, how to record a clear guitar sound, how to record guitar for video
Id: cKQjUi9cTPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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