5 Reasons Why I Like Telecasters for Metal

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] yep you heard that right and you saw it right i'm trying to pick this guitar up and it got hung up on this crappy stand here i've got a better stand for playing live by the way i think it's one of those gorilla stands or something like that anyway that wasn't supposed to be part of the video maybe i'll cut this out [Laughter] cut it out all right so yeah you just heard it that was metal with a telly the fender telecaster here now this is not my guitar you guys have seen this in prior videos i did a couple videos with this guitar i think earlier this year and i'll tell you a little bit more about that after after we go through these five reasons why i like playing this tele for metal or just a tele in general so anyway let's go through these so these aren't rules these aren't um they're not based on any facts it's just my personal experience and that's one thing i want to say before we get into this guys you know somebody can say well this is the best guitar for metal or you should play that or you should try these pickups blah blah blah at the end of the day it's all about what you prefer so i want you to try to remove any any like biases or cognitive biases that you might have when it comes to picking something out you know that that might suit you well even though it doesn't seem like it because i mean let's just be honest this does not look like a metal guitar this looks like a metal guitar right this is my esp esp e2 horizon fr7 that looks metal man okay yeah it looks like looks like a country guitar right southern rock maybe so anyway let's get into and i think i've got five of these uh i don't want to say reasons but just kind of five things that i've been thinking about since i've been playing this telecast here all right one is clarity this is something i've noticed in playing this guitar and other telecasters that i've played as well these guitars have an immense amount of clarity [Music] here's the thing when you're playing with guitars that are built for metal per se okay when you're playing with those guitars with active pickups or even if they're passive pickups they're made for metal they're hot not like hot don't touch the stove but you guys know what i'm talking about as opposed to what this telecaster has and i know some teles have humbucker pickups i realize that but you know a lot of teles i say the majority of them just have single coil pickups now these are the sunday uh they're like special wound or whatever so they they are kind of hot rotted but they're not really like metal not like built from metal okay so you might be thinking well you know the the active pickups or the passive pickups made for metal will naturally sound better well the thing about clarity okay when you have hot pickups and you're playing with a high gain amp sometimes that might have a tendency to sound muddy of course you can dial that in appropriately with your gain and eq and so forth but it's easy for those pickups to kind of get away from you sometimes if you know what i'm talking about especially when you're playing riffs and you need everything to be tight now of course i'm not saying that those metal guitars with metal pickups i'm not saying they're not tight they indeed are what i'm saying is though you do have to be careful dialing it in sometimes depending on the volume of the amp especially if you're playing with a real amp if you're playing with ant sims it's easy just you know whatever i'm talking about playing with a real live tube amp okay or even a solid state amp for that matter if you're on stage sometimes hot pickups with a lot of gain you just have to be careful with the tele i noticed just a ton of clarity whether i had the gain on the amp backed off or cranked which the little clip you just heard i had it kind of cranked up so uh you just get a lot of clarity in my opinion again all this stuff's just my opinion guys so don't take it as gospel the gospel of jason hey that'd be a cool book another thing i've noticed about these guitars and i can't really speak from personal experience on this one but i'm just speaking from the experience of the masses of guitar players that play a telecaster man these things seem to be just rugged workhorses i mean there's a reason why you see a lot of folks playing these guitars on stage and especially gigging musicians another thing i like about the tele is overall it's just kind of it's just a simple man's guitar and i'm kind of like leonard skinner i've said this before i'm a simple man but there is a factor of simplicity uh with a telecaster i mean i know you've got the same amount of knobs and you've got the pickup switch but i don't know and maybe you guys understand what i'm talking about or maybe i'm just not making any sense at all it could be the case you know certainly i don't have a bias towards the tele because again i don't even own one i'm just considering getting one uh and i just kind of wanted to share the metal tones that i just cranked out which i'm going to play some more for you but yeah i mean i think it sounded good but anyway so there's just a simplicity to this man i i don't again i don't know if i can explain that i do like the fact that we don't have a floyd or floating tremolo here sometimes that's a good thing not to have on stage when you're playing out and actually i've been getting more gigs booked lately uh i'm doing this in december 2021 i've already got like five gigs booked for january of 2022 and probably more coming and i've got three next week the week of christmas having something that's a workhorse like we just talked about and then having the simplicity of a guitar like this uh hopefully that makes sense yeah that's a that's kind of a factor that's something that i've noticed as well another thing that i really love about this particular tele and maybe that's because brian has the action super low on here and we've got nines i think these are the nines uh nine through 42 strings here uh which i've got to read i'm supposed to restring it for him i've got his i got his ernie ball slinkies right here actually i supposed to restring it on a live that i did last week or this past week and i got around chatting with you guys on the live and i never got around to actually changing the string so brian if you see this dude these will be on here before i give you your guitar back the playability of this thing for me uh the telly fits my hands just perfectly and and i i'm speaking for other teles that i've played as well uh but it just fits my hands perfectly the neck here uh i mean it's not like a super fast neck like my esp and ltd guitars but it's still very smooth to play it frets easy and all that and here i'll just play a quick little a little lead on it for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so yeah very very easy to play so that's another thing i like about it uh the final thing that uh that i really like about this guitar and telly's in general for metal is that you're going to get a different tone than what you're used to hearing you know i want to say everybody else but a lot of metal guitarists have you're just going to get a different sound out of that i mean teles they have their own distinct sound and tone and that's why people buy them like my fifth cup of coffee today i'm on a special nutrition plan right now trying to lean out so for some reason i'm just craving coffee all the time just a side note i might do a video on that later anyway so the big thing about a telecaster for me is that it gives you a different tone now would this be my primary guitar for metal uh probably not probably never however if i were if i were going to record let's say my my rhythm my core rhythm to a song i pinned that to the left maybe i want to do a second rhythm and pan that to the right i totally got that left right thing wrong just now but you get the picture but it would give me a different tone or let's say i recorded my two rhythms because you guys know i i've told you this before i i record two rhythm tracks hard pant each if i record those two rhythms with the same guitar right i might have some other parts in the song that i want to sound a little different and that's where the telly would come in or maybe i do record one song on the album maybe i record the entire album with the telly i don't know uh but it just gives you a different tone and sound that you're not used to hearing in metal music again i know there are some metal musicians like john 5 uh and this and probably several others that are known for playing tellys but that's a very small percentage of metal guitarists that actually play a tele and again i'm not saying you should play a telly i'm not saying we'll sell your jackson and schecters and deans and esps get rid of those metal guitars and buy a tele that's not what i'm saying i just uh really i just wanted to make this video because i plugged this into the evh and i just had a good time playing it so let's hear another tone real quick [Music] so here's what happened guys um last week i just had this itch to play a telly i don't know why well i kind of know why because again i've been thinking about getting one uh for mainly for my live gigs which i'm not playing metal with my solo live views but uh i text my friend brian brian he's the front man for the southern creek been they're a local cover band here they play a lot of southern rock and country uh in the brandon area primarily they they play throughout tampa some as well in other areas but uh phenomenal band i'll actually leave a link to them in the description of this youtube channel i'll link to their website there because if you're in the area definitely definitely check them out that's their website in the link so you'll you'll see their social media and all that on there as well and brian's dude it actually inspired me to get out there and get on stage again uh you know i had been stuck in the studio for the past like i don't know 10 you know 11 12 years recording my own music doing some projects for others as well from time to time a lot of writing and doing some other things but i wasn't playing live anywhere even though i had my own albums out there i wasn't playing out and of course to play out uh you kind of do have to revert to playing cover songs because that's what people want to hear when they go uh to eat or have a drink or have a glass of wine they want to hear songs that they're familiar with which i've got a little catch to that i'll share with you real quick here seeing brian's band play it's like okay i've got to get out there i didn't want to play covers at first but i'm like you know what i'm playing covers i'm going to do it i've got to get back on stage so anyway i did that and um and then recently i've started doing some looping i mainly play acoustic on stage and i know most of you guys that follow me you've heard the story probably the past 10 videos because you know but i'm putting more content out there which i've got some more live content coming up for you and i'm sharing more information about my live solo gigs because it's something that you guys seem to be interested in so i'm going to be sharing more that uh but i mainly play acoustic covers right i play a lot of 70s and 80s on acoustic which really really cool i play a lot of deep cuts too it's the songs that like that people know but they haven't heard in a long time they're like oh my god i know that song i can't believe that dude's playing that and i'm not playing the same typical like the brown eyed girl and buffett and all that stuff that every other cover band plays i'm playing something completely different which is really cool which makes it way more fun for me but i wanted to start integrating some electric now i have been playing let me grab this real quick i've been playing my ibanez which i'm going to be playing this for the next several gigs until or if i get a telly but this is the guitar i typically play at my live solo gigs and what i'll do is i'll like i'll loop a clean tone and then i'll play some leads over it so uh you guys know i just put out my clean tones and my pod uh my pod go video so i'll put a link to that if you didn't catch that that was my last video i put out uh but yeah this is the ivan s prestige rg 1570. god forbid i break a string because we have a floyd or this is not a floyd this is the uh this is the actual ibanez floating tremolo here but yeah god forbid i break a string on stage then i mean i'm playing acoustic so i'm fine you know to switch back to that now i know i could get an ibanez without a floyd sure i could do that but again the tele seems to just cover so much ground when i'm playing uh those styles up there now i know we're way off track from playing metal with the telly here here's the thing if and when i think it's more of a matter of when than if at this point because i'm really craving to get a telly and i don't think brian's going to give me this guitar he's like no it's not even for sale dude so this thing is awesome i love it man i love the color and everything he's got this cool knobs and you know cool bridge here it's just cool i do i do for see me get nately uh pretty soon here and i probably will experiment recording with that um probably not this next album because i'm recording that like as we speak but albums to come you'll probably hear telly integrated in there at some point on some of the songs at least because again you know my last point that i made is just having a different tone having something that's just different not not trying to sound like someone else us guitar players and i've been guilty of this as well not so much in the recent years but i've been guilty before where like i gotta have that tone you know oh master puppets i gotta dial that exact tone why would you want someone else's tone get your own tone dial your own tone and go for your own sound you guys know i encourage you to do that i strongly encourage you to do that don't worry about chasing someone else's sound and tone just develop your own and this is how you develop your own style and character as a guitar player i really want to see you guys go after that uh you know instead of trying to chase down somebody else's tone so anyway i just want to leave you with that guys i hope you enjoyed the video here i'm gonna play just a little bit more metal for you before we end this thing so before i do that though make sure guys you check the links in the description of this video i've got my free metal guitar practice guide i've also got two metal guitar courses those are all the links are all in the description of this video and of course i've got the link to the southern creek band's website there if you're in the brandon florida tampa area uh you know definitely definitely give them a follow there and of course follow me on facebook as well i know a lot of us youtubers we prefer youtube over facebook and i get that i do as well but i do post my schedule i post my upcoming gigs on facebook so if you're in the local area definitely you know definitely follow me on there as well i put it up on my website too at jasonstallworth.com all those links are in the description of this video here uh so guys i appreciate i appreciate you guys thank you for your support please like this and make sure you subscribe i'll see you on the next video here's some metal to go out with [Music] you
Channel: Jason Stallworth
Views: 1,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best tele for metal, best tele pickups for metal, fender tele metal, fender telecaster metal sound, fender telecaster metallica, metal on a telecaster, metal on fender telecaster, how to play metal on a telecaster, metal with a telecaster, best guitar for metal, playing metal with a telecaster, telecaster guitar metal, heavy metal telecaster, fender telecaster heavy metal, fender metal guitar, tele metal tones, metal tone guitar, fender, tele, telecaster, guitar, metal, tone
Id: ymz4j99LzSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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