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hey guys it's Jesse from jx1 girlband and today I want to reveal a secret I'm going to tell you how I am recording my guitar covers or how you can record your own guitar cover well of course it all starts with a song you want to learn and let me give you a little advice it doesn't make sense to choose a song you don't lie and you don't want to play also don't choose a song you just want to use to impress others it's all about you if you don't have fun if you don't feel comfortable don't record the cover to this song for me I will never record a Bring Me The Horizon cover because I don't like this band I'm sorry I is but there are some artists I don't want to cross and you also shouldn't cross so if you have chosen the song you would like to cover you would need a camera to capture you this is my very first camera I have used no second the first camera was a Sony Ericsson camera which wasn't too great this was my first serious DV cam I purchased for around 180 euros and I have recorded my Master of Puppets guitar cover with this camera but if you don't want to invest so much money you can also just take the cam of your phone just start somewhere I also started with the crappy camera of my mobile phone the next gear you might have to purchase is an audio interface I have used my Steinberg you are 22 for several years until it broke it was about 90 euros when I purchase it so it was ok and affordable this is the Native Instruments Komplete audio 6 it's a bit better I think and it's also processing better this is the interface I use now but you don't need that's high-quality in the beginning there are people that use universal audio interfaces and I like well I need to save a lot of money until I can't afford this so if you want to start seriously recording of each I'll get yourself an audio interface 90 euros is enough the next step is your guitar preparing your guitar of course here is mine and I have just recorded a guitar cover of trivial strife with this setup so to reveal other secrets some people ask me what I have here on my headstock it's a tripod I always had a very blue tripod by me go but that's that thing broke after 2 years and I have purchased one for 9 euros it's a manual tripod with soft stance so that it won't damage the guitar I wrap it around the headstock so that my action camera which I got for 80 euros it's now about 30 euros so that I can mount it here on my headstock and show you guys how my fretting hand works then I have here on the body [Music] a mount for this action camera from Sony it was a bit big more expensive and I have used the patreon pledge for purchasing this camera otherwise I couldn't afford it myself but it was on sale for 200 euros and it's a 4k action cam so it's really cool and this one here is a try it orbit camera mount you can use it for everything this camera here is holding on a shelf with one of these things and I have used another one year for fixing my other you can on the body of the guitar so that you can see what my picking hand does also here is some foam so that the body of the guitar won't get damaged at all so before you choose to record fancy camera angles make sure you don't damage your instrument you prepare your guitar who is plugging in the cable and I will also give you a tip here don't purchase the cheapest guitar cables because these are the connection from the guitar to the audio interface and if the cable sucks your signal will suck so make sure you don't purchase a cable for under 15 euros that's enough for the start this one here is a very special cable I got from music port if it's a cars cobble from a guy called Kyle he does these cables on his own he handcrafted them and they are really really good but just as an idea if you want to get more serious about it this is my setup basically and if you want to see my cameras here this is my main camera it's a lumix panasonic lumix TM CLX 15 is a 4k camp and I can unmake the all these fancy zoom and video because it's 4k this is pretty awesome I have saved money for at least two or three years to purchase that one and the camera you see here is Canon LEGRIA mini X I use it for vlogging stuff and additional cameras so now let's take a look at the setup right so now here I am on my desk and here is my PC running my da W is a program with which you can record sounds is a Reaper and Reaper looks like this it's a free program if you don't use it for commercial purpose otherwise you might buy a license but for you if you are just starting out and want to test it this program is completely for free and I totally recommend it to you guys because it's awesome yeah so what is a DA W program it's a recording program and it allows you to load some VST plugins into it what does this mean so if you want to kind of record a guitar cover then you might import the file you want to cover into this program you can do this pretty easily if you're on running your Explorer and have a file you want to import you just take this file and drop it into the program and it is in the program I've done this before so here it is strife because of copyright matters I have muted this file and all you have to do in order that you're able to record it is connecting your interface to your piece on a USB port and normally it will load automatically because your PC might be connected to the Internet and the interface will download all the drivers it needs in order to work problem so once this interface is connected to your PC and your da W is loaded you can here insert tricks here I have already inserted a bunch of tracks because I have just recorded strife by Trivium but what you do is if you want to record your insert a new track and this is the track that appears now and you can then choose what input you want to record so my interface has two inputs left and right because if you see before it has two connections so I choose input mono left this means now the input is track that is on the left side of my audio interface which is pretty easy to understand I think and you cannot record at the moment you have to arm this track for recording this is when you are pressing here this red knob recording up and you might also hear what you want to play so here it's the red card monitory it's off and now you can turn it on and there is a yeah I won't explain too much for you you just on this record and press the monitor speaker here in order that you can hear what you're recording and the next thing is that you grab your guitar and play something not of course anything because I don't have enough vaccine so if you have to a trip arm and one for activated you then it's like here on FX and then you will find all the VST plugins' are all F access that can be loaded into the program and I use buyers amped to and bias FX for recorded I also have got advise head but I really like to use the program directly bias that is really cool for jamming and recording spontaneously this is I can't so recommend this bias that to you it's so clean amazing and I have played a tour with this amplifier with my bed / sense and it works so well but here at home I just use the program and there I load bias FX if you want to know more about the program bias and bias of X and M you can't just tell me in the comments otherwise here you will see my banks I have been wanting thank you and thank you I have several or different presets from level quads tour I'm trying to disturbed or even Metallica and now I want to record something really cool a Trivium and I think this one here this one isn't too great so maybe disturbed [Music] this is better [Music] but I don't need the chorus [Music] and here you can just choose whatever a preset you want to have [Music] there's too much delay involved here so I will stick to disturbed you without the chorus and cranking up the volume bit so now we can just record a bit [Music] [Applause] so this is basically everything and yeah what I do normally is what I want to record is following I go here to the program and I am marking the region for the complete trek and say toggle repeat this means you play the song and after it got out of position after smart it will start again so I can then record two or three takes and I will choose that tag that was decent enough and delete all the other tracks [Music] obviously that's basically it if you have recorded your stuff here in the da w like I have done you with this thing and the other great trick you then render out to your program on your recorded file you do this with your file render strife demo program will render the file for you [Music] and then you have to send the recorded video to the audio and this is so tricky I can also tell you how Amara about mixing like if you want to mix decently you have to apply a low-cut filter cuz this year you can add to your track and equalize it and then you cut away some frequencies everything below 120 Hertz for example this will get rid of the bass mumble you have on your guitar and makes room for the actual face but I've done here is raising some myths to get more punch and also I have done a high shelf cut here because it was sounding too hard but every guitar is working differently and so I just recommend to just mess around with the equalizer once you have found some settings that are suiting for you yeah what I then do is adding compressors and also here on the master volume I add some plugins for mastering by compressors and volume limiter or volume Maximizer but I think this is running too deep you won't need these if you're just starting out you just need a cam this program know how to record I know how to get files in the program and that skins trick is here just mark all of your tracks you want to record press this toggle repeat and then you can just start recording because this will run endlessly and you a chance to record with perfect take all right and for mixing I normally don't use the money for boxes because I'm living here in the an apartment and people would like to have a calm and not noisy and this is why I would totally recommend to you to purchase decent headphones are not in your headphones but hardshell normal headphones so that you can mix without debugging your neighbors and also protecting your ear because in your headphones on to well for mixing I got here these pretty amazing male classics they are really cool it sounds so different compared to normal have fun together store for 20 euros because I have been heard frequencies I've never heard before and was wondering why people tell me that my mixes saturating was something I couldn't hear this with my own headphones and but these they're so awesome they're working so well and I haven't been using anything else for the year of Nell they are still working and yeah pretty cool stuff so what I am doing now is I show you my program that I use for cutting videos it's called Sony Vegas 12 Pro my audio interface which is just connected to the PC with this USB cable here we have here the guitar input cable which is into clocked into input 1 and we have here the guitar cable the blue one that is connected to my guitar all the cables are here connected on my pedal board I have here the whammy pedal I'm using a pretty often when I want to play in drop tunings like my guitars and drop D I have recorded Interop C sharp so I'm using this pedal to drop tune and then we have here the guitar tuner and it's basically it all the other effects I'm adding them in bias are in Reaper on a side note when you are recording videos and you don't have artificial light make sure that your camera is either working properly so that it can deal with darkness or what I have done in my already times wait until the sun is shining and record with sunlight another tip might be that you take care of your cables so that they work in a long time so treat your gear well and if you're interested in this stuff I'm using for recording I have put everything in the description and if you have questions concerning certain gear stuff you can just put it in the comments video also among all comments I will give away one of these special posters I have just printed this year and you will get it signed personally right we are not here in something vague as you have checked out what you need to record an audio interface camera stuff up we have check out the D aw how to a metric for recording how to record a set of loop sections so that you can record multiple tags at once now we have here Sony Vegas where we sinking on the Nvidia I have already imported the audio you can do this with file import media and then selecting the file you want to import and we have it here and if we are listening to it it's working and the hardest part is actually sinking audio-video I have already done this but normally you just hear something like this because I have introduced my monitor speakers I have in here headphones also from easy there are these beautiful amazing in your headphones I use them for recording without fighting my neighbors it's so difficult for me as I don't use money to our speakers and then you can just think what something will happen on my video it's something like this just plain your car so what you have to do then is [Music] testing out when your video is in sync with the audio you have here a hint here is the trick starting and then you just watch the audio of your video when they ask the first signal coming it's these blue hums here and this is the first one but actually we're here at the second trick so this would be enough for syncing it [Music] year [Music] so I guess that is everything I can show you syncing audio and video is the hardest part and the trick here is to zoom in because the more you zoom in the better you can move the video file because it's more exact yeah if you have done this you can also add some fancy stuff to your video what I always do is my normal camera is something like this like really not that colorful I sometimes add some more brightness and contrast and also some more color so that it looks appealing but this is also nothing you will need in the beginning yeah also you have seen here maybe some artificial lighting I'm using you won't use this in the beginning but I have saved so much money during the years that I have kind of build up my small home studio now but that's basically it this is how I couldn't my colors right that's basically it what I'm doing you can then render the file in Sony Vegas with file render and then searching a format its mp4 that is working and then you can just choose whether it's 1080 pixels 720 or 4k that's basically it and if you're a friend of the video you can upload it to YouTube if you have further questions getting more into detail because I didn't want to talk too much about everything because I could fill two or three hours with it you can just ask me questions in the comments also if you want to have a second part where I explain some parts more in detail like this is a complete overview video I could also offer you to record videos for all the steps I've shown here in this video otherwise I really hope you have enjoyed these small tips I gave to you at this point I want to say many many thanks to all of our patrons at patreon supporting me there because they have been responsible for me getting a pedal board and the second action camera I have on my guitar body thank you so so much and special thanks go out to Mike Michael Mike llamo Vladimir we will appear Harald tre and the semi and Breakfast Club thank you so much for your awesome support the Trivium covers already online if you want to check it out I have linked it and also it's appearing here in the endcard otherwise I'm working on another talking video so just stay tuned in raqqa
Channel: JJ's One Girl Band
Views: 90,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to record guitar covers, tutorial, how, to, record, guitar, covers, cover, audio, video, recording, audio recording, video recording, electric guitar, guitar cover, overview, rachelf, sony vegas, reaper, audio interface, camera, action, action camera, jj's one girl band, jj one girl band, guitar videos, how to record guitar videos, review, jassy, jassy j, gitarre, gear, equipment, electric, pc, computer, program, programme, tip, beginner, start
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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