How to Sustain a High-Performance Mentality | Dan Pena | Top 50 Rules

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this is what I'm training you to be like the Four Horsemen of the [ __ ] Apocalypse Adolf Hitler might be the highest performance guy that ever was born on the planet when you decide that you really want to invoke permanent change you start playing to win all the time me motivation watch the top 10 with believe nation he used an Pena and here's my take on his top 50 rules for success enjoy okay let's kick it off with rule number one practice success before you are successful and to practice success before you're successful one of the stories and I know Peter remembers that before I had any money I used to go to the rolls-royce dealers and sit in the cars and smell the leather touch the leather okay and these days this is 40 years ago I went to million dollar houses and my wife and I would walk through the house and they'd say one of your parents getting here kids no we are the buyers okay and to get used to it and that's the reason the castle is so effective and the reason I stopped giving outside seminars is that the success rate is almost five times greater going to the castle having a butler wait on you dressing thinking more of yourself because self-esteem is the key to high performance if we feel good about ourselves and we hang around with people the average of the five people that we are mostly around is who we turn out to be rule number two know what you're passionate about follow what you're passionate about what you love you if it's not work if you love what you're doing okay most people when I say they're living quiet lives of desperation is because they're involved in the business or and/or a job that they don't enjoy they don't they're not passionate about okay so if you found something that you're passionate about then it doesn't matter if you work three hours a day or 13 hours a day that's where you start and most people aren't there most people have to find that rule number three surround yourself with great people but does that look like your group yeah it doesn't look like your group I mean in no way shape manner or form you know maybe if we had a bunch of bunny rabbits running there or it's unbelievable but again you are who you're hanging around with you know and as Oprah Winfrey says and which I talk about a lot is that you want people with a like mind and that are better than you smarter than you more intelligent than you to get on your bus don't be so concerned about what you're gonna do with those people but you want to you know the joint brain is you know there's nothing the joint brain collective brain or brains can't overcome and I give the example of the atomic bomb Manhattan Project and they were put together and they were told we need we need to develop a weapon of mass destruction which they didn't call it that back in those days in the middle 40s to end the war in the Pacific and they did they didn't know if I was implode or explode but they did but if you're if your team doesn't look like that then you should I won't say you should give serious thought you should just change rule number four perfection equals paralysis perfection equals paralysis okay so debt you you can never make a perfect to say no no if you left it the engineers no car would ever come off the assembly line no car would ever come off the assembly line and I've been in business with enough engineers I can tell attest to that with my hand on my heart they'd still be trying to try to make it better and the internet business is very much the same the internet kids want a test and test and test and they would want the the landing page to be this and roll it out the great thing about the Internet is your results are instantaneous and you can make changes instant correct I mean if something that I'm over seen at a Concorde level 60,000 feet doesn't work in two days can it forget about it move on and today at our meeting now the young kids are we ran a three days sir and we closed it down and they are thinking I'm gonna ask why I said no that's fine next because without them making mistakes and without them being allowed to make the decision they never get any better and in 95 percent of the time I know probably better than they do but we're never been you know we're never going to be able to know everything or have them know everything unless and they will never know everything but unless they makes mistakes and make mistakes and get comfortable with making mistakes also if you want to learn how to have more confidence check out my 250 for confidence series it's free the link is in the description below but Nolan does know initially upfront you have to try you have to swing at the plate a kid like you you had to keep track of seven days a week 24 hours a day what you do rule number five focus on the few not the many mousekewitz the famous Prussian general said focus on the few not the many and the when biggest common the most common air that I see and successful reasonably successful business men and women are that they try to do too many things and focus on the few not the many rule number six believe passionately most of you lack the skills to sell your vision with clarity because you don't practice and and the travesty really is is because you don't believe enough in it you just don't and if what you're trying to finance isn't your dream isn't your vision I mean the banker or the person on the other side of the table sees to it clearly they know just absolutely definitively because at the end of the day they want to feel down deep inside warm-and-fuzzy that this person or this person will do whatever it takes to pay me back the money and if you don't believe with all your heart then you're not going to you know go that extra mile that's what they want to believe and most of you don't believe passionately and what you're doing and that's why it's very easy for me to say you got to turn the damn key just walk away and look for something that you can passionately believe in is that so difficult rule number seven what gets measured gets accomplished another one of my great influencers is Toyota Toyota automobile he wrote a book called the Toyota way and he said constant supervised stress constant supervised actually I think he used the word organized stress what does that mean it means keep people accountable just like Peter sage says right keep people what get measured gets accomplished and I have signs in most of the business I'm involved in when you walk in the door that's a big thing about as big as that paint painting they're what gets measured gets accomplished right without measurement you're just fooling yourself rule number eight just do it okay the question is do you the person ask me the question have what it takes to do what bandit and you never know but Nolan does know initially upfront you have to try if the swing at the plate you have to you know take risk you have to be willing to sacrifice you have to be one of the make commitment they just do it I keep saying that I mean it's it's simplistic it sounds like I'm well you know I'm not having thought the question too but that's not the point at all the point is after 21 years of coaching and after almost 45 years of killing us myself and being high performance person in six decades I realized you just gotta do it rule number nine be extremely positive but I'm high on life okay okay and that became popular in the 60s when everybody was going I was D right okay but I'm high on life I always have been high in life I've got a lot of energy the same energy of today as I did 30 years ago but you're naturally a positive person I'm a hundred percent positive I don't guys you know the most contagious thing in the world isn't a positive action it's a negative thought hmm a negative thought and because you can that can grow geometrically and kill deals kill you even companies for that matter and so but I'm extremely positive rule number ten love yourself and I tell people one of the things that you need to do and I'm stealing my thunder is you need to be more selfish me you as an individual Jesus all right I'm not enough no no nobody is okay because you can't love somebody or love what you're doing unless you love yourself and most people and I've got a whole section on this when they look in the mirror Brian they don't like what they see I'm bald I'm two wrinkles my tits are too small my kids are too big my ass is too thick my yeah I've got what do you call when you get Pippa acne I've got this you know my my shoulders aren't wide enough you know nobody likes nobody not nobody but many people don't like what they see when they look in the mirror so you got so you get them to to be more selfish and to like themselves more yeah oh yeah we don't want life love love rule number 11 focus Warren Buffett and Bill Gates simultaneously said one word focus that's it focus and in in in the many years that I was a hundred percent focused and I created a lot a lot of wealth for myself I only thought about one thing and that was it and I'm not I'm not saying that it's easy because if it were easy there'd be like a qlae shop on every corner like Starbucks my market is 700,000 people out of seven billion if you want to be me seven hundred thousand out of seven billion I don't know what fraction that is but it's not a very big one that's it there's seven hundred thousand people on the planet that can commit to the focus the laser beam focus of the gates Trump's Ellison's etc if you if you want to if you want to create generational wealth generational wealth is wealth that you make in 20 to 25 years because depending on who where you google it a generation age of 20 or 25 years we we do that and I've taught and I did it myself how to do it in four to seven years and the in virtually throwing everything that you've learned or read out the window but its focus and not that many people can stay focused in fact that's an understatement that gross understand hardly anybody can stay focused rule number 12 make some money unless we build the right foundation I mean the house will be wobbly and it'll be you know you got it we got to build the right foundation and for the most part most people in this room and most people listen on YouTube have to come to the realization as sad as it is that you have pissed you have urinated heretofore up until this morning your entire life down a very simple that's it if you want to create massive wealth if you just want to be a happy slappy housewife from Dundee or happy slappy bimbo from Toronto or a happy slappy guy who goes to the Little League games and basic Arizona then that's okay but if you want to create some money and money's not everything but if you don't money think money can buy happiness you don't know where to shop you can get money and then go save the world and get money and save the forests in Brazil you make money and go save global warming which I don't believe in you guys I mean and save that the pig kids in by app or know that you but without money you can't save a thing don't you understand don't do it it's on YouTube understand that until you make some shekels until you make some coin you can't help anybody because if love got the job done you wouldn't all be up rule number 13 pushed through failures we have two bank accounts like I said earlier a financial bank account an emotional bank account and where we all fail myself included is emotionally I get afraid you know but it's not what happens to you in life it's how you react to what happens to you in life but I just push through I'm so used to success now you know I'm not blowing smoke up my owner I'm so used to it now it's my fact pattern I mean it's mine nobody's interested in the failures I've had last year I had tried 22 different things that failed but I tried - there were big successes so nobody's interested in the oh I think we'll try this and it didn't work I think I'll try this and it didn't work rule number 14 find a mentor the system that I've seen that works which is very much contrary to all the other success guys which I don't consider myself is the mentorship or if somebody mentors you so you find somebody it is where you want to be and has accomplished all this either man or woman and then you find them and you come to them with your dream and your passion and and and assuming the chemistry is right and it's not always right the rest is history it's like the Tyson Gus D'Amato deal you know yeah okay Tyson by accident the greatest respect Mike found that guy when he was 13 14 years old when he was you know doing all kind of ugly things not dissimilar to myself but the same age and and Gus mentored him until diamond and as that in you know Mike will admit I guess I don't know I've never talked to him about you know when when Gus died and all that all that stuff happened he made some poor to some very poor decisions so you got to find that person and you don't just you know you're not just gonna find him you know walking down the street on the high street I mean you have to make a concerted effort to find somebody that you that you you look up to and normally that person is several years older than you but they're successful in what you want to do rule number 15 stop wasting time if you had to keep track of seven days a week 24 hours a day what you do you would be shocked astounded overwhelmed or as they say in Britain gobsmacked how much time you waste and I make them keep track of every minute of the day every minute of the day and it's not easy it's not easy and when you find it out the I have people that have come to the seminar it's spent 20 hours a day walking in the fresh air in meditating 20 hours a week excuse me not a day 20 hours a week and they don't get anything done and they don't feel relaxed rule number 16 fulfill your potential what takes you off what like what really sets you off right now you mean irritates me irritates you pisses you off that man's greatest burden is unfulfilled potential man's greatest burden is unfulfilled potential and I say when I look at the audiences and I know that maybe only 1% are going to achieve their potential not fully I've still haven't fulfilled my potential but unfulfilled potential is man's greatest burden and it breaks my heart because I know what you kids are capable of I know I've had kids with Atiq to 180 IQ that I mentored that have that have done big big deals actually the ad IQ did better than the hundred ad IQ okay and I know what they're capable of and I know how ten million or 100 million or whatever the number is changes lives and the and then all of a sudden you know you believe that you can walk on water you believe that you can take a loaf of bread and feed however mean he was supposed to have fed and make water into wine and when you believe at sea the the the true test of a leader is when you've trained other people to be leaders it's in you kids I mean you can do it if you want it bad enough and you stay focused and you're willing to maintain that commitment rule number 17 work hard my dad was a workaholic he was a cop but he was a workaholic when he retired from the LAPD after 28 years he had 700 plus days they wrote him a check for he never took a day off 728 years he never took a day off it was always at work and the so I saw that and I say you know and although and then he went on he went with the CIA and he became a college professor but I saw him work hard and the and I aspired to follow my dad and my dad's footsteps as far as that was concerned I turned 16 which is when you can get a permit to work legally and I got a job as a box-boy which they don't have anymore where you put groceries in the ladies bags and you help them out to the car the first month that I worked was August 1961 when I turned 16 so my birthday is the 10th so I worked 20 days 21 days my paycheck for that cuz I just happened to look it up was 241 bucks so I worked about 240 hours in 20 days you you got a headache you don't want to work I'll take your shift you you want to go to the beach I'll take your shift okay so my first month that I first 20 days I work I was averaging ten twelve hours a day when I'm 16 years old I realized as Elan musk recently said if you work 80 hours a week and another guy works 20 40 hours a week unless you're something's wrong with you you're gonna get twice as much done I I discovered that rule number 18 take action prayer is great contemplation is great but if you don't take action action action all the rest is wasted and what the kids today I have trouble with they canal reading a book to take an action all and I'm not saying you shouldn't read cuz I've read the classics I've read Shakespeare and you know all that stuff but it's not taking action taking action is pulling the trigger going out and making something happen and even if you fail rule number 19 have high expectations I'm 15 pounds overweight my doctor said and he said you know if you wanted to be in perfect health which everything else is perfect my health I'm well you should lose 15 pounds and I said I'd have to give up three or four martinis and a bottle of wine every night I'm not wanting to do that it's I know what it takes and I know what I have to do I used to run marathons I run the Boston Marathon and I know what it took the Train and I'm not you know I don't run like that anymore i Stairmaster but I mean I we all know how to lose weight we all know how to get physically fit we all know how to build our businesses I can go to the Yellow Pages today and pick out any business that's in this room and I can find somebody that's beating your brains out I don't care what you do and as some of you have heard me say but I'm gonna say it again because it's important for this example again we're all have 100 IQ for some of you I'm giving you some for some I'm taking away some we all know nobody can have 10 times our IQ well then why the hell do people make 10 times more than we do a thousand times more than we do why because they think and dream bigger than we do high-performance people have high expectations not average expectations rule number 20 don't overthink things Matthew and I were discussing some of the things about why you've discounted on a subconscious level some of the things have happened because absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and he said there's something very profound for an Australian this is heavy duty but he said I decided to do it even though it was stupid I decided to do it stupid meaning the follow the process to an intellectually bright guy who's an engineer and see you won't you you see you'll figure out a better way and he followed the stupid process that works and has been working for 45 years 20-some years before when I was doing it in 22 years since I've been coaching and he called it he wasn't trying to be insulting or anything he says I just decided to follow that you know how did you say instead of trying to be smart I would just try to be stupid shut that part of my brain and just do it and what happens he did it and that's why it's hard for the youtubers and all the other because you can't dumb you know dumb down you won't you will not believe that it's easy you can't you know you won't it but he put it very succinctly you know he just dumbed down and shut off that part of his brain and just followed the steps you don't need case studies you have a you have a template you have a script that a monkey can read that Alex wants a case study because he wants to know this behind it because he's stupid and that's why Spore you don't need in him in case studies how many times do I have to say you had the script I said don't change a word on the script not a comma if it's got misspelled and won't send it out misspell the last thing you need is a case study this is why you're poor this is why the sucker watching this on YouTube were so poor rule number 21 keep on going when I was a kid they said I was [ __ ] they stood me in the corner with a dunce cap but if people know what a dunce cap is you know okay and if I turned around they put me in the closet kept me there for five six hours are urinated on myself I my pants until my parents came to pick me up now just imagine if that had happened to you but I used it it's not what happens to you in life it's how you interpret what happens I made it made me stronger tougher smarter most people would just collapse when I play football American football the coach Roy Jay may he rest in roasting hell where every years he says pinna you're something slow you oughta wear the other team's Jersey do you understand what that means you're such a poor athlete put the other Kings jersey on you no good for us but I kept on going hitting that land boom you don't want to have the tackling exercise one guy in the middle and everybody just said I was that guy every day if that had happened to you I know what you do some of you would have committed suicide that it made me stronger yes I'm 601 225 a twisted steel and Panther pissed at age 73 but I endured all this stuff rule number 22 don't care what others think rumor is that I'm following in the footsteps of two of my mentors and for those of you that aren't bright enough to know that that's Lenin and Stalin and me there's some truth to that because I believe in the old Russian way I'm not interested in your opinions that's the last thing I need is your opinion is if your opinion was so good you wouldn't be here and if you look at my Hall a wall of influencers they're both on there amongst some other people like the devil and a few others Hitler renumber 23 don't be an expert at least two or three of you have asked me privately on one-on-one or during the breaks you know I was thinking about going into such and such but I don't want to know anything about such and such how can I do it remember I knew not enough about the oil and gas business to fill the top of that pen I knew less than and by anybody's imagination or statistics or benchmarks I was super successful and as I said earlier a couple days ago now unfortunately I know a lot about the industry and I haven't made any money in it in a number of years I want to you know I haven't because now I look at the deals man oh I mean the ratio between gas and oil and this and that and supply and demand so now I'm an expert I've made a diamond it in 10-15 years because now I look at it the wrong way I look at it even though I don't do spreadsheets I look at it in the spreadsheet manner and I come up you can always come up with a reason why not to do something and by god I've come up with a number of them over the year in Orland gas rule number 24 be tough as nails mr. Carnegie with hard bastard Vanderbilt was a hard bastard Henry Ford the first was a hard bastard Rockefeller was a hard bastard Steve Jobs was a ruthless hard bastard as Apple's CEO Cooke regularly begins sending emails at 4:30 in the morning on Sunday he's a hard bastard why are all these guys they changed the world got one thing in common take the prisoners and then we got you a stiff drink and a good kill most people in this room I'm ashamed to say and fast forget the stiff drink just a good my proceeds from paypal acquisition were 80 180 million ba-ba-ba-ba then I had a borrow money for rent these guys myself included are all in if they believe what they're doing they put all their money at risk on which I have several times not in recent years SpaceX worker reveals a brutal company motto motto helped him survive all-nighters working for Elon Musk notorious workaholic Elon Musk is so tied to his office that he's been known to sleep on the floor I slept on the floor Ford slept on the poor job slept on the floor day slept on the floor success leaves Clues you weenies I still work 50 60 hours a week and I haven't had at work in 35 years rule number 25 just do it best advice I ever got from mister Grasso's do it he didn't say just do it he didn't swear and the best advice I've ever given anybody is just do it we take too much time procrastinating we take too and because we're afraid of failure and fear is false expectations appearing real we're worried about what other people think we're trying to fit in and I can go through a whole litany of [ __ ] not it's not [ __ ] it's not true litany of stuff why you are where you are because you just didn't do it you didn't want to make a mistake you got a mortgage you got a two ex-wives you got a 15 year old daughter who's pregnant I know you're your dad's got Alzheimer's your mother's got emphysema spitting up blood I can go on and on and on and on but the bottom line is if you had 15 years ago you had just done it 10 years ago you just done it five years ago if you just done it six months ago if you just done it you probably wouldn't be in the position you're in now so I'm saying no matter what your age is it's still time to just go out and do it just go out and do it rule number 26 be a warrior this is what I'm training you to be like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse warriors not whiners not warriors do you think Donald Trump is a whiner do you think he worries and gives up what you think of them do you think I must gives up what you think of them do you think the late Steve Jobs gives it gave up what you thought of him do you think Bill Gates gives up and I go on and on and on the only one that gives us what you and you and you and the morons on YouTube rule number 27 leave your comfort zone most of you have not attained material wealth because you've stayed in your comfort zone every family has a aunt an uncle a grandfather then went out lost the family fortune right Uncle Harry crazy Harry you lost twenty thousand fifty thousand a million whatever the number is well that resonates in you in your brain your little pea brain and then you hear another one your roommate in college he's got an uncle Harry so pretty soon the only input that you have is people losing their family fortune that affects you ie you then live within your comfort zone ie you don't take risks a tortoise a turtle can only move forward when it sticks its head and its feet out and when it sticks its head and its feet out its most vulnerable right biggest risk most of you have lived a bubble-wrap life most of you have been risk-averse risk-averse to the extent there are people beyond my comprehension they get all the way through high school we've never been screamed at never been slapped never been in a fight never been reprimanded by their parents and then look at them snowflakes snowflakes meaning they melt under pressure and when I say that world is through look at you the reason why the aliens haven't come down to take it why why are they gonna learn anything no rule number 28 love what you do it is simple can everybody in this room do it no because everybody in this room is not willing to make the sacrifices I don't know how to do it four hour work week which came up a little earlier I don't know and I know Ferriss and if you believe the 4-hour workweek I've had a bridge to sell you in New York I mean one of the comments from the seminar that just ended from the 1820 kids all of which were about half my age we had a couple of old gits in their 40s but most of them were less than 30 they commented at breakfast the last day which was a Saturday or Sunday they said how can he still be so fired up running on two hundred percent of all the cylinders when he's been on his feet 15 hours a day for six seven eight days and we've been sitting on our arses and we're tired and he's not you know why because I and if you don't find something that you love what you do don't bother because if you don't have a passion for what you do and your love it gets old I say this stretching a little it's like a significant other that you've been around too much you know what I mean everybody in this room can relate to that I think ok well if you're not passionate about what you do in life it gets old and then it becomes work and as soon as it becomes work you're finished the reason why I'm fired up at the end of a six seven day week of 15 18 hours a day is because I'm passionate about pulling you sorry asses across the goal line because that's my goal in life now to pull as many of the sorry individuals on the planet across the goal line as I can before they put dirt on me rule number 29 turn your life into a process I want to take because you think life is a journey that is horseshit life's a journey if you're a [ __ ] and you're [ __ ] that's why you're not so that's what you've done with the life up here too far it's been a journey and how good is the journey you tell me wouldn't you rather when the first time you went out with somebody that you thought you're in love with thought is the operative word once you've lied to have a template oh let's follow this process instead of because that is a journey and all the mistakes you made and raising this little kid for kids you got instead of having this book wife doesn't have to be a journey it's a journey for morons do you think life is a journey for the Trump kids that's a process the same process his daddy raised him by saying for me life ain't a journey who fear my kid it's a goddamn process so you tell me if your results orientate it at all who's better off the journey or the process rule number 30 seize the opportunity right now on November 8 I announced that when mr. Trump whether you love him or hate him this was the beginning of the greatest transformation of wealth the world has ever seen since World War two now what are you what are you going to tell your kids and your grandkids 25 years from now when they say gee daddy gee grandpa what were you doing other than having your thumb up your ass during the greatest transformation of wealth and the history of the world what were you doing oh nothing that's what most of you will tell them your grandchildren and your children it's never going to get any better than this kids this is the eyes I said on YouTube the eye of the perfect storm this is it I never thought I'd live to see it again this is going to make the 80s look like a nursery rhyme which I praise Allah praise Buddha praise God I participated and slashing and raping everybody in the 80s legally this is going to make that look like a nursery rhyme and what are you going to tell your kids oh I had a spreadsheet I had to think about how to read another book on M&A you morons rule number 31 surround yourself with greatness the first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the man who surrounds himself with now if I were going to judge you or you or you by the guys you hang with the guys you kill with I think you're a [ __ ] you hanging to Bill Gates does not chill he does not go to the Super Bowl Steve Jobs didn't hang why do you you hang out with monkeys a lot of resemblance here you know you become a circus show me your friends and I'll show your future most of you would be embarrassed to tell me who your five closest buddies are rule number 30 to minimize your regrets I didn't know I had this in common with the founder of Amazon but he's in the regret minimization business he is modeled his life styled what will I regret when I'm 80 now that he's 50 something he says now it's going to be 90 same as me but I've had 80 for a long long time and there's still some things if I have three regrets one I'm a combat trained army officer they never saw combat to that the day before my mother died at here at the castle I'm screaming at her god damn it don't be a [ __ ] or not sick you're not gonna die next morning she's dead can't go back on that Canyon and the third is I didn't set my goals high know nothing about missing my son or my daughter's sweet 16 or missing a soccer or a baseball game but none of that that you have been led to believe wrongfully are important I am a world-class eulogy gripper and every single person I've buried I normally go to seeing but normally they asked me for it they die I go and I said well what do you know what do you want me to say and they always say I'm sorry for it I didn't take this risk I didn't do this I didn't do that not that I missed my son's wedding not that I miss my third grandchild birth all that sloppy toppy that's the risk they didn't take Adolf Hitler might be the highest performance guy that ever was born on the planet he got beat performance doesn't mean you're a good guy he got more done with less than any human being ever he got more done with less a little chicken private Austrian from the second world war to be Chancellor of the fatherland so I mean when I say it I mean it's a compliment not all the bad things he did but I mean from from some nothing to something he's a high-performance guy rule number 34 press the envelope I am mostly titanium and steel parts this is me artificial shoulders artificial collarbone artificial knees full knees artificial hip I've been busted up over the years I do a lot of extraordinary things not the least of which getting run over by a buffalo 25 years ago but I'm always pressing the envelope physically and mentally and financially ie we started the boxing ring which as I told some of you in the beginning 95% of everybody thought it was a great idea 5% said that I was inhumane like the gladiators and the Lions and all kind of bullsh and I've continued to press myself now this is a 2014 we're in New Zealand and I see a poster about bungee jumping and I said I was telling I got to do that instead I just turn around and it's right here this is where the bungee doesn't so I got to do that so the next morning I said I'm in line there's about 50-60 Millennials kind of like you guys and they're all saying the winds were gusting 40 to 60 miles an hour and you can't jump so all the millenniums ago when that wind dies down I'm gonna jump that I'm gonna jump they're all dancing around so I waited about 10 minutes I take $100 bill I walk up to the head of the line I said don't you think that the winds die down now he said I believe it is Hesser I jump okay I come back these guys are still saying without well your duty jump I didn't know the wind died down but when it dies down the next how I'm gonna jump down some of those guys are still in line waiting rule number 35 find mentors you only have one time to make a first impression the first impression is how you look now I already know how I look and you know how I look as well second impression is when you open your mouth most of you with the greatest respect can't speak properly you stutter your mumble you sweat and I can go on and on I've learned it like the hot lights because I want to convey my message so you go where there are people that you want to be like you find somebody that is in my whole basis is mentorship find somebody is where you want to be twenty or thirty years from now and go to him or her now and I had the presence of mind to be attracted to some very very famous very well wealthy people in my 50-year career and I went after them to not not for money not for anything like that but I just wanted him to talk to me and to share their wisdom rule number 36 build good habits excellence is not a single act it's a habit and right now most of you have piss-poor habits and most of the kids on YouTube have piss-poor habits because your habits have been based on what you've seen first of all how your parents acted second of all how the people that you've been exposed to hanging with show me your friends and I'll show you a future and the if you in your neighborhood you know most of the kids are getting arrested going to jail going to prison there's a high probability that you're gonna get arrested and you're gonna go to jail and you go to prison rule number 37 take action what are you gonna tell your children what are you going to tell your grandchildren 20 years from now daddy grandpa what were you doing doing the greatest transformation the wealth and the history of the planet although having your stomach yes what are you gonna tell him oh I was thinking about it I was spread yet I'm proud to say I haven't done a spreadsheet in 10-15 years don't read another book go listen to another read a blog listen to a podcast rule number 38 wanted died enough as a hip-hop motivational guy a black guy yeah and he says if you don't want to be successful as much as you want lungs breath in your lungs now that you qualify in this room hardly anybody to come to the seminar quantifies when I was doing this and when I invented qlae and didn't know was kill away at the time only knew it was too late when I look back and I put it together the models if you will or the formula I wanted it more than air I sacrifice my God my country my family my children my parents my friends and guess what it happened rule number 39 be an eagle eagles fly alone I have no friends friends are problems friends are challenges if you can if you aren't into yourself and that means something else now that what I mean if you're not into yourself enough that you can't spend the weekend by yourself and your something's wrong with you visa vie self-esteem being a high-performance person and accomplishing the high performance acts something's wrong with you rule number 40 dream big a guy I was a barrio bad boy in the barrio of East Los Angeles to the guns me that's a big lead that's a big big it doesn't I can't imagine well came close last year I was honoured by the Queen of England I am now as they call a member of st. John a member of st. John which is just but look thank you thank you and it's a derivative of Templar the people that supposedly took Christ's body died at Island you know the Knights of the Templar that's what it is but for kidding me East LA who almost killed his teacher now was I thinking about killing the teacher no I was up on the Youth Club the second floor with a query him and I looked down at the teacher and the teacher it pissed me off and back in those days I wasn't the kind of guy you'd want to piss off so I dropped the aquarium wait 45 pounds by the grace of God are labuda he moved and it didn't hit him in the head to hit him in the shoulder and crushed his shoulder right clavicle if that had killed him back in the mid-50s I wouldn't be sitting here Oh Quinn want to give me anything not even a postage stamp and i wouldnt be living in a castle because i would expect a larger majority of my adult life in prison rule number 41 always play to win am i number of you who started a business at one time in a lot in your life the first 50,000 100,000 euros in revenue when you start is geometric growth so everybody that has ever started a business generated any income that's a geometric growth because it's starting from the ground zero to the first 50 100 everybody with me okay what happens you stop playing to win and you start playing not to lose if when not if but when you decide that you really want to invoke permanent change you start playing to win all the time and nobody preaches that they say keep six months reserved in your bank account right in case you lose your job that's that's a common [ __ ] for the first 30 years of my life I spent 125 percent of every penny that I made every year I was always as you would say in depth instead of debt I don't know why I called a dip at any in depth why because I didn't want any backup I didn't want any Plan B I either succeeded or die financially rule number 42 have high standards qlae works for not just money this kid came to me two years ago he had never finished higher than 20th and university archery he was on the archery team in Britain never finished higher than twentieth and any meat he'd ever attended this is him finishing first in great a year and a half later first the little skinny wimp [ __ ] he couldn't even pull the thing back I didn't realize you know they've got 60 pound bows so he goes and get a 140 pound bow well he doesn't weigh 140 pounds finished first he was firing 50 to 100 arrows I said you fire 500 arrows a day for the next year and you'll win his little arms would quiver couldn't get the thing back blisters cut through his hands he's the champ now your goal has got to be high standards I talked to a couple of kids and financial planning kids here and I happen to know a lot about financial planning being one of the forerunners 50 years ago and most of the kids are going to that wealth management as it's called now don't set the standards high enough you don't want to manage money for people that have two or five or ten million you want a man money for people that have a hundred five hundred in a billion but they don't teach you that during the training programs at Merrill Lynch Goldman Sachs at center et cetera because they realized that only one in a hundred is going to attain that goal and they want a hundred of you with five million in your book not one of you with a billion in your book rule number 43 focus on the few not the many folks on you not the many and I've been given that advice for 25 years and I was given that advice when I was with the Onassis people and we think we think about too many different things and we try to do too many things virtually everybody almost everybody in the group is trying to do too many things and the and the most successful not unlike you Josh you focus once you've pivoted on one thing until you got the ball across the goal line until you got the deal financed and until you get the actual money financed and the exchange contracts as it's called in this country the deals not over too fat lady sings until it's over and I see you gave it an example being on the one inch line two or three times and I see a lot of kids falter at the one-inch line the either because they're working on something else or they allow something else to obstruct their ultimate goal rule number 44 work hard Jack Welsh arguably the greatest CEO in the history of the world who managed in General Electric for 20-25 years he said there was no work-life balance there worth work life challenges and we make decisions and we live with him do you think Elon Musk has worked life balance no do you think Steve Jobs when he was alive had work-life balance no do you think Bill Gates no Henry Ford no original Heineken no so if none of those people that created the wealth of the world had work-life balance why do you think you're gonna have it why could you deserve it I don't think so you deserve what you get in life by working hard rule number 45 be tough I drove by a college today and yelled boo 35 people went to the hospital 734 needed crisis counseling 429 needed a safe area or room and classes were cancelled for a week there are universities that I've spoken at that have safe floors the third floor and the physics building in Cracow University has a safe floor if life gets too tougher than they go to that floor to chill the Air Force Academy has safe parts when there went yeah we have a Naval Academy guys so he said that they pull when they're being beat up too much enlisted man going through boot camp have safe cards that they pull or luckily we don't go to war with Russia they'll eat our lunch they're gonna eat us alive we're lucky there are no safe cards and life I tell the kids all the time if we're at war we'd all be dead see you're used to making mistakes and nothing happens for the few of you in the military in here you know mistakes and cost lives my our kids are Millennials but they're not I mean you'd think that they were Godzilla a tiller of the Han and Genghis Khan compared to them other Millennials our daughter is me with a skirt she's a rough she's a rough girl daddy why do you want to go if she were standing here she said my daddy treats everybody the same like whether you're the Pope although I do cut the pump some slack that's not quite accurate whether you're you know whoever I mean I treat everybody the same because I hold everybody accountable if you tell me you're gonna do something young lady if you don't do it I'll rip your head off down your neck I'll be all over you like like like a cheap suit rule number 46 be willing to make sacrifices as seven and a half billion people on the planet and my my guesstimate is world there's only about seven or eight hundred thousand of us on the planet that are willing to make the sacrifices of these the focused commitment and it's just like a premier athletes you know there's a lot of people that run $100 - but there's very few of them that make it the Olympics and there's even a fewer that matter rule number 47 love yourself first I love myself nobody my wife got god bless you would say I I worship the ground don't get mad at me Sally I worship the ground dan walks on but my love for him is transitory for the love he has for himself self-esteem if you don't love yourself you can't be a good husband a good father or good anything love you first and I have no problem and I've been that way even when I was doing bad things rule number 48 have a dream now this is me my best attempt to be a cholo in East LA that was taken 25 years ago and find out where my house used to be and if you can tell my house was from the chain-link fence to the brick wall wasn't very big house was it was 800 square feet when we were taking that picture in 1993 there was two drive-by shootings within the neighborhood and my camera guys jumped under the car that's why I come from this is where I lived in 1972 on Wall Street 14 years later I think it was 12 years later I lived there I lived in little they used to call him when they had no I forgot what they call but anyway a little apartment I had III lived in a place called the bedbug bedford but we call it the beg bug because carceral cockroaches were that big qualen we used to sit there and watch our little TV and we'd see the cockroaches racing back and forth the floor six of us in a two-bedroom apartment and in 12 years not dissimilar to President Obama I had a dream that I was going to live in a castle on an island and 12 years later I moved in rule number 49 dress well dressed like the president of the prime minister of your country you only have one time to make the first impression kids you're coming looking like some of you I wouldn't give you Tyla paper most of you I'd be embarrassed to wear dress and rule number 50 the last one before a very special bonus clip is just do you the 50 billion dollar man that guy yes yes he doesn't give a [ __ ] though yeah that's what it was almost dead I don't think we could play his stuff without getting sued Jamie hello Joe my name is dan pena I'm still affordable force at 6 1 2 25 and if you think that I'm almost dead and I'm not gonna be alive anymore ask this bear that I killed with a knife not too long ago I'm still a very tough guy at 71 I take no Bush in person or on the youtubes I'm not dead and I'm plenty alive and I don't give a [ __ ] what anybody says about me I rip people's head off and down their neck and from one tough guy to another tough guy don't be afraid don't be scared to use my stuff on your podcast it's all free you asked me why do you give it away free Dan I give it away free to take the last excuse away from the sorry why they can't fulfill their dreams I'm calling you out Joe you think you're a tough guard you haven't met me on the fifty billion dollar man and this is my lair [Music] now I've got a special bonus cup from Dan on how to keep an open mind that I really think you're gonna enjoy but before that it's time for the three point landing question it's time to go from just watching another video to taking action here we go question number one where do you need to raise your standards number two what new good habit do you need to build and number three whose opinion of you do you need to let go of if you are not experiencing anxiety if your problems are not replaced as soon as you saw one with a bigger one that's geometrically bigger then you're not growing I hate to hear people tell me my business is running smoothly everything's great well then you might as well or she might as well blow their brains out because it sure as hell aren't growing what my deal is all about is growing geometrically quantumly and just remember that and keep an open mind because I have been there and done that there's no question about that yeah yeah another thing I said this yesterday just because you haven't done it just because you've never been around somebody that hasn't done that hasn't done it and just because you've never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist because absence of evidence is not evidence of their absence I'm going to say some things that are real foreign to you some things that you've been taught by your parents your grandparents in school and basically all that is crap now I'm not talking about moral issues and things like that a religion I don't get into that I was raised a Roman Catholic if that desi and I'm still a Roman Catholic and my wife's a convert Catholic if that gives you any idea about where I stand on religion but I'll be glad to debate any that during the break so just keep an open mind the high-performance people that I will continue to allude to all day long live in a different world than you they came from the same world as you did but they live in a different world they think differently and if you want more Dane Payne check out the one-on-one interview I did with him the link is right there next to me I think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and I'll see you there I'm a barrio bad boy it came from the barrio beast Los Angeles as a adolescent gotten a lot of trouble
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 402,987
Rating: 4.8655801 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, dan pena top 10 rules for success, success motivation, dan pena success, dan pena motivation, dan pena interview, dan pena speech, the 50 billion dollar man, formula for success, dan pena advice, billion dollar man, how to achieve success, be tough as nails - dan pena, best of dan pena, success advice, guthrie castle, 50 billion dollar man shares his best success tips, dan pena top 50 rules for success, the ultimate guide to success
Id: gxs4PC-SiSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 7sec (3727 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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