People Who Will Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

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- [Narrator] Picture this, it's finally happened, a zombie apocalypse and the fight for survival is on. Many of us like to think we'd survive in a zombie apocalypse, but the reality is that you need the skill, tools, and the knowhow, if you wanna avoid becoming zombie chowder. So from the master of DIY weaponry to apocalyptic engineers, let's assemble the ultimate team of people who undoubtedly survived the zombie apocalypse. (bright music) Wizard of weapons. It's safe to say that you're gonna need more than walls for protection in a zombie apocalypse so it makes sense to arm yourself with some defensive tools, or better yet, a guardian with bulletproof knowledge in the science of weaponry. Thankfully, I know a guy. Joerg Sprave is one of few people that truly stands a chance of taking out a horde of zombies single handedly and just wait 'til you see what this brilliant madman can do. Even pre-apocalypse, Joerg spends his time designing and crafting some of the most weird and wonderful weapons you'll ever lay your eyes on, almost entirely from scratch. Sporting an interest in slingshot since childhood, Joerg loves nothing more than showing off his latest and greatest projectile creations on his YouTube channel and has a whole armory of epic creations to keep any survival community at the top of the food chain. (slingshot shoots) (people laughing) This slinger has a real talent for taking standardized weapons and elevating them to the next level. Take this double bow and arrow, featuring two bows mounted side-by-side with a DIY mechanism that releases the arrows either one at a time or simultaneously. Or what about this giant torpedo slingshot? Dubbed the Torpedo Shooter 2500, the lengthy barrel is loaded using the power of a very large bespoke rubber band. Instructed to hold a 2.2-pound piece of sharp tipped steel, the heavy duty slingshot has enormous potential for destruction. - Okay, again. (slingshot shoots) Whoa. (laughs) - [Narrator] Just replace that car door with a zombie head and enjoy the carnage. Considering these metal torpedoes are reusable, they're a perfect addition to any zombie survival armory. Not only does Joerg possess a sharp knowledge of all things slingshot related, he also has plenty of other interests that are sure to come in handy during the apocalypse. Including weight lifting, which will be a big asset for our survival team. Creative thinking is another invaluable asset in a survival situation and Joerg has it in abundance, as demonstrated with this six-shot monster spear gun design. Dubbed the Mosasaur Hunter, the blueprints were created by 3D artists, Carlos Ortega Elizalde, as a theoretical way to hunt dinosaurs, but Joerg has made it a reality. Made from six separate spear guns mounted in a rig to hold them together, each is able to be triggered individually or all at once with a central trigger on the rig. The end result is a mega weapon with the ability to deal with multiple zombies at a time with piercing precision. If you're looking for something more hand-to-hand, then Joerg has that covered too. With this bladed whip that looks straight out of a diabolical alternative version of history, Joerg's whip sword packs a serious punch and will embed itself into whatever target gets in its way. (grunts) (smashes) (laughs) - [Narrator] While the whip sword's deep digging fangs are sure to stop one zombie dead in its tracks, it's proclivity to wedge itself into targets means it's a lot better for one on one zombie encounters then versus a horde, but if you're looking for something more horde unfriendly that won't get stuck mid fight, then Joerg still got you covered. The "Walking Dead" inspired Lucille bat is the TV series' greatest anti-hero villain's weapon of choice for good reason and Joerg's interpretation of it would be invaluable in the apocalypse, but Joerg himself would be the most valuable asset of all given this technical prowess, as well as the fact that he takes extreme pleasure in being the perpetrator of destruction. (laughs) (gunshot) (laughs) - [Narrator] Now, that's a laugh of a man who's built for the apocalypse. Master of weapons, check. - I love it. (laughs) - Wasteland Gladiators. After battling through the initial outbreak, our next priority is to get far away from any built-up urban areas. More people equals more zombies, which equals more problems for us. So for somewhere a little more secluded there's no better place than the desert. With scarce settlements and nowhere for an approaching horde to hide in the open desert planes, defense is a little easier, but hang on, it seems there are certain survivors here already. These are the loyal attendees of Wasteland Weekend, an annual festival held in the Mojave Desert in Edwards, California. This event is an all immersive experience of everything apocalyptic. Attendees are among some of the most end of the world obsessives out there and trust me, they're ready for anything. While the post-apocalyptic theme of Wasteland Weekend might be pretend, there's some very real talent on display here. Particularly, when it comes to end of the world survival gear. The Wasteland Gladiators are part of a combat league that meet at the Wasteland Weekend festival to practice their fighting and armor crafting skills. Scavenging defined protective materials, each gladiator's armor is unique to them and the trick is to cover as much skin as possible. Not only to protect yourself from suffering injury, but also from undead bites. While fictional characters can often be seen wearing little more than a tank top in zombie shows and movies, there's no such thing as plot armor in real life. For the Wasteland Gladiators, tire rubber is a popular choice for the torso area, offering reasonable protection against melee weapons and teeth in any post-apocalyptic battle. Gladiators often line their tire chest plate with dirt bite protective vests, as well as pieces of steel, making their armor a natural choice against any number of gnashing teeth. So with some armor to stack alongside Joerg Sprave's DIY weaponry, I think our team is ready to hit the road onto our next stop of apocalyptic stock-taking, an ultra tough vehicle. Driven to survive. A huge part of Wasteland Weekend is also the pimped out car showcase, which is filled with all sorts of highly armored vehicles that are purpose built to withstand the apocalypse. One of the finest sets of Wasteland wheels ever conceived belonged to this incredible vehicle, dubbed Atomic Annie. This 16,000 pound zombie proof truck is owned by Wasteland Weekend veteran, Travis Blankenbaker and consists of a Frankenstein mashup of vehicles including a 1972 Ford F600, 1951 Chrysler New Yorker, and a 1973 Chevy pickup truck. The Atomic Annie is loaded with plenty of protective features, including an intimidating steel front bumper, armored Chrysler doors, and there's even a gun turret installed in the roof. Masters of armor and machines, it's safe to say that recruiting the Wastelanders to your team is a strong start to post-apocalyptic life. While the desert was a good place to play and recruit and recuperate in relative peace, it's really no good for long term survival. Exposure and a lack of water is far more likely to kill you here than any zombie, so we need a place to put down some roots for the future. Thankfully, I've heard rumors of a super secret survival bunker and I think we should check it out, but before we drive Atomic Annie to Bunkerville, it's time to further expand our weapon inventory with something a little more heavy metal. Shots fired. Even under the protection of Atomic Annie, being on the road during the zombie apocalypse is a dangerous place to be. While we'll be able to zoom past most of the undead before they have a chance to notice us, we all know zombies can flock together like sheep and if we hit an undead traffic jam, we're gonna need something to clear the road ahead. Luckily, I just spotted a hitchhiker who I think may be able to help us. Meet weapon aficionado, Alex Smyth, creator of this Steampunk Gatling gun, which is pretty darn metal in every sense of the word. Encased in a riveted aluminum and steel skeleton, Alex modified a classic Ruger 10/22 rifle into a survivor's dream. Sheathed in real copper and complete with a miniature boiler that simulates steam using dry ice and water, the gun is driven by an electrical motor and features seven rotating barrels. (gunshots) The fully functional clip loaded firearm weighs in at a whopping 60 pounds, but thanks to Atomic Annie's gun turret, we can mount the Steampunk Gatling gun directly onto our ride. Pretty awesome right? Well there's more. Alex Smyth just tipped us off to the location of a military hanger nearby, which is home to an experimental weapon of extreme usefulness to us. To counteract the risk of missing our zombie targets with an accurate gunfire, this secret weapon provides a pretty mind blowing solution. Meet Metal Storm, the gun with the ability to fire 1 million rounds per minute. Check it out. (gunshot) That beast of a weapon just fired 180 rounds in one single blast and when it's fired at fully automatic pace, nothing in the vicinity of this mega gun stands a chance. Metal Storm was originally conceived by Australian weapons inventor, J. Mike O'Dwyer, and was intended to remain stationary only to be used in setting up ambushes. However, since its debut test session in 1997, it's never actually been used in combat due to legal regulations for weapons used in warfare, but guess what? In the zombie apocalypse, there'll be no one left to enforce any laws. If we could acquire more portable version of the Metal Storm gun like this imagining from "CSI: Miami" it could make quite the addition to the roof of Atomic Annie for blasting away through any rapidly amassing hordes, assuming its recoil doesn't knock the vehicle over. So now we're armed to the teeth, let's get our team somewhere safe. Apocalypse Ark. After a long journey, we finally made it, it's bunker time. They say that if you fail to prepare, then you must prepare to fail, and our next post-apocalyptic prepper certainly took that literally. Meet Bruce Beach, a man who spent more than half a decade preparing for the end of the world and just wait 'til you see what he created. Starting in 1978, Bruce began accumulating what his neighbors described as a bizarre trove of old retired school buses. By 1982, Bruce had managed to collect a total of 42 school buses costing $50,000 all in and what he did next was beyond anything anyone could have imagined. Having lived through the Cold War, Bruce feared nuclear war was coming that would result in the end of the world. So his 42 vehicle strong fleet of buses became the foundations of one of North America's largest private doomsday bunkers. Nestled on the edge of the vast woodland surrounding the small town of Hornings Mills in Ontario, Canada, Ark Two is an underground labyrinth intended to serve as a safe zone for survivors to wait out the impending apocalypse. The result is a 10,000 square feet, million-dollar total construction cost underground labyrinth, built with the specific purpose of protecting and housing a survival community. While this Noah originally built his Ark for the nuclear doomsday he believed to be coming for us, this school bus shelter is a master class in the construction skills needed to keep out the undead. Not only is this Noah's Ark buried 14 feet underground, but it can also accommodate up to 500 survivors at a time and even has a nursery to prioritize the care of children as they grow up in a world full of zombies. Bruce really thought of everything when creating his apocalyptic bunker and included a whole roster of survivalist features. The bunker has one very fortified steel door entrance that even a colossal horde of zombies would struggle to break through. There are storage spaces for long-life canned goods, working plumbing, along with a healthcare room with the creepiest dentist chair I've ever seen. If that's not motivation to not get yourself injured, I don't know what is. There's also a communications room and most importantly a decontamination room to wash off all those zombie guts. The Ark is powered by diesel generators and a nearby waterfall provides water that can be filtered to drink, meaning that this place would make a pretty, cozy cubby hole to continue on our way to rebuilding civilization. While you might be wondering how exactly we'd gain access to this very secure private bunker, it turns out that his Ark has been without its Noah for some time. Sadly, Bruce's life came to an end before the world did and he passed away in May, 2021 at the age of 87, but without him around to see the apocalypse, it'd be rude to let all that work go to waste so I think we should hold up in this Ark for a while, don't you? Jobs for judgment day. In the new zombie world order, being part of a community is your best chance for long term survival, but you'll need to find a way to make yourself a valuable asset. You may not realize it yet, but your pre-apocalypse job is now more important than it's ever been than it could make the difference between life and death. If you're an ER doctor, military personnel, or a mechanic, you'll automatically become a valued member of the group, lucky you. Welders, meanwhile, can turn their hands to crafting some truly awesome apocalyptic weapons. So I vote to recruit a welder by the name of Ryan Groney, who crafted this DIY mace that looks perfect for some heavy metal zombie head banging. Or what about the post-apocalyptic answer to the Kingdom Heart's key blade, courtesy of Ryan's fellow metal master, Cameron the Welder. Not only are those some truly head splitting welding skills, but the fact that Cameron fashioned this thing out of bike parts shows his ingenuity with the limited resources of the apocalypse, making him an invaluable addition to our survival team. From metal melders to wonders of woodcraft now, surviving long term away from built-up cities requires knowing how to use the natural environment to your advantage and there aren't many professionals that know this way of life better than lumberjacks. (smashes) (wood breaks) (wood breaks) With that kind of power, not only can these guys gather and prepare a ton of wood, they can also cut through any zombie hoards like butter if they appear in the woods. (grunts) (wood breaks) (duck quacks) - Impressive. - [Narrator] While the lumberjack swing strength is unquestionable, many of them have yet another skill that makes them an invaluable apocalypse asset. Under all that plaid, many lumberjacks have expert climbing skills as swift as the coursing river, which they demonstrate in speed climbing contests at lumberjack conventions. These tree scaling skills will no doubt come in handy for a quick escape from a sudden woodland horde, all ensuring we get to reap the benefits of the lumberjacks' other skills as long as possible by keeping them alive. Now, if you're not a burly, hands-on, outdoorsy professional, you might be thinking that your job would be completely useless in the apocalypse, but with a bit of creative thinking, many professions can add value to a survival group. For starters, we all know that zombies aren't so smart. So disguising yourself among them is a neat trick to have up your sleeve if you find yourself in a tough spot. Check this out. (upbeat music continues) This realistic zombie hand, fashioned from repurposed clothing and makeup materials, just goes to show that being a makeup artist or a costume designer might have some surprising usefulness in the apocalypse. Coupling this hand with a zombie centered zombie face mask, this could be used to blend in with a huge zombie horde, if you need to pass through it or retrieve supplies from the center of the horde. With that in mind, extending your zombie survival crew to include a cosplayer isn't as crazy an idea as it seems and if you've got a perfume maker on your team, you could even try and figure out a way to create your very own zombie guts perfume to seamlessly blend in with any horde at any moment. Eau De Undeath, a no miss solution to throwing zombies off your scent in a post-apocalyptic world. (sniffs) Hmm, that's rotten flesh, all right. Survival runners. Post-apocalyptic job hunting aside, one scale we can all agree is essential in the zombie apocalypse is the ability to run, fast. This will be essential for any team members we send out on supply runs, once our stockpiles begin to run low. Speed and agility are invaluable skills to possess in a world where there are thousands of undead trying to eat you, and while the idea of living with a TikToker sounds even more horrifying than any zombie, the guys on the PhatGaps TikTok account are some of the most skilled hardcore pros around and initiating them into our community will be well worth it. Just one look at these guys' skills tells you how ready they'd be if they ever got caught up in a horde while gathering supplies. Parkour in a zombie apocalypse is a high risk, but high reward strategy, given the chance you might fall over, but if you can stay on your feet, being able to climb at speed, evade attackers, and navigate rooftops, means being able to avoid street-level zombies by sticking to higher ground and supply rich cityscapes, but our TikToker parkour team members still need some muscle for protection on their supply runs and luckily, I have someone in mind. By the blade. Guns aren't exactly the best long term survival item for the apocalypse, as ammo is sure to run out eventually, so we're going to need something more sustainable for supply run defense years down the line, a good old fashioned swordsman. This is Shaquan Parson, a TikTok athlete who doesn't just have the moves of a parkour pro, but also comes armed with a freaking katana, and he's not the only one with the skills for slicing and dicing our undead enemies. Our second supply run bodyguard is Ty Pravong, yet another member of the TikTok dream team. Trained in the art of Tameshigiri, the practice of cutting targets like bamboo with surgical precision and astounding strength, a professional katana-wielder would be an invaluable asset to our recon team. Considering the mushiness of a decomposed zombie, a skilled katana swordsman could cut through numerous walkers like butter, expertly using their own momentum to deliver blow after elegant blow. If a regular katana alone isn't enough to make you feel secure, why not take some inspiration from the silver screen? This sword was seen in the 2010 horror movie "Helldriver" and features mechanical chainsaw abilities AKA the most unnecessary addition to an already lethal weapon. Nutty engineers in real life have indeed modified chainsaws to resemble swords so I'm sure our trustee, Joerg, would love to have a crack in making one for us. If wielding a 30-inch lethal sword with absolutely no prior training seems a little foolish to you, you're right, so we'll leave that to our team sword pros. As for you, there are plenty of other DIY weapons you can lay your hands on. For example, you could turn your hands into deadly weapons with these Steampunk razor gloves, constructed by weapon and props designer, Jacob Petersson. Jacob has a whole host of arm candy up his sleeve that are perfect for post-apocalyptic functionality. With a weaponized glove on one hand and armored hand wear on the other., you'll not only protect your digits, you'll also have easy access to a weapon for close range attacks because when you're the Freddy Krueger of the team, the zombies will have nightmares about you. Stave-ing alive. While the thought of wielding a sword or blade gloves to dispatch the undead is awesome, the further we get into the apocalypse, the scarcer supplies and weaponizable materials are going to become. However, mother nature has a plan and not for the first time in this apocalypse we're about to get some wood. As innocuous as it may initially seem, a nice long stick is a very useful tool to see through the end of the world when used as a combat staff. Not only are staves a handy way to incapacitate opponents, but they can also be used as trekking poles or walking sticks when navigating uneven terrain on the hunt for natural resources in the desolate wilderness. This is also a good way to make sure you always have a weapon in hand, which can also function as a digging stick or be used for generally poking and inspecting any suspicious looking undead bodies. Now, if you didn't believe me that a simple stick could be a dangerous weapon, just check out these moves from David Torak and tell me this guy wouldn't be surviving the apocalypse and if that's still not comforting enough, you can always sharpen the end of the stick into a point, creating the ultimate multi-tool, part stick, part spear, and if all else fails, you could always use your staff for stamping around and screaming, "You shall not pass" at all those zombies. That will definitely solidify your post-apocalyptic legacy, to be forever remembered has had one nerd who just could not let it go, and now I'm just imagining Gandalf duking it out with a massive zombie horde. I mean, who better than a self resurrecting zombie wizard to have on the side of the living. They say that variety is the spice of life and a variety of skills and tools are certainly what will be keeping us alive for this apocalypse. So zombie slayers, there we have our Be Amazed survival squad. From a truly bonkers masters of DIY weapons to Steampunk survivors and TikTok finest, all nestled inside the brainchild refuge of a post-apocalyptic Noah, we've got it all. Zombies, you better watch out. Who else would you add to the Be Amazed anti-zombie squad? And what skills do you have that would help you survive the apocalypse? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for watching and good luck. (upbeat music continues)
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 2,906,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, apocalypse survival guide, best zombie survival tools, how to beat zombie apocalypse, resident evil, walking dead, world war z, dawn of the dead, The One Man Who Will Survive the Zombie Apocalypse, joerg sprave, of Wasteland Weekend, Atomic Annie, Steampunk Gatling gun, Apocalypse Ark, apocalypse bunker, Bruce Beach, Ryan Groney, DIY mace, Cameron the Welder, phatgaps TikTok, Shaquan Parson, Ty Pravong, chainsaw sword, steampunk razor gloves
Id: 4-QY8qeJDqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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