How to PRACTICALLY MEMORIZE the BIBLE || 5 TIPS you need to know!

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Hey guys, Today, I'm going to give you five practical   tips that you can use to memorize Scripture. And this is extremely important,   especially in the day and age that we live in. Because the devil works through evil men and   companies to spread lies. But John 8:32 says: [John 8:32] But if you don't know the truth  or you can't remember it in the   time of need - you're in trouble. But when you already know the truth   and can quote it, lies have no power over you.  Because you have the Word of God written in your   mind and heart and it is the strongest  weapon you have in this temporary world.  We see a great example of Jesus Himself when  the devil tried to tempt Him with half truths.  Jesus used Scripture. He quoted Scripture   every single time. Hebrews 4:12 says: [Hebrews 4:12] [Psalm 119:105] Now, just before we jump into this, you  also need to understand that it will help   you nothing if you don't have the Spirit of  God that helps you to understand Scripture   that reveals the truth of Scripture to you. Because you can know all the Bible verses   but if you know it in the flesh, it  will help you nothing because you   will understand it wrongly and use it wrongly. It won't help you because you won't understand   the spiritual depth of the Word of  God if you are spiritually dead. [1 Corinthians 2:14] Now, let's start with the first step  to practically memorize Scripture.  Number One: Start memorizing  Scripture while you are young.  You know, I remember my dad when he  was still here on earth telling me,   Daniel, you have to learn Scripture. Memorize it while you are young and he was right.  When you're younger you remember  verses better than when you grow older.  And you have a lot more time to memorize  a lot of Bible verses while you grow   older and it will help you in your life. Now Timothy is a great example of someone who   learned scripture at a young age. [2 Timothy 3:14-15] Wow. You parents.  Are you teaching your children to love  and understand and memorize the Bible?  Number Two: Start with the Bible verses that are  the most important for you right now in your life.  The more valuable or special  something is to you, the more   likely you will be able to remember it as well. For example, if you grew up in a Christian home,   right, but you practiced religion in  the flesh but were spiritually dead,   you have not been spiritually reborn. And then you read this: [John 3:3] Then reading this, you understand,  oh, I need to be born again just   because my parents are Christian. It doesn't mean I'm a Christian.  I need to personally accept Him as my  Lord and Savior and be spiritually reborn.  And then you make a point of  it, to remember this Scripture,   because it helped you to understand this  truth and it marked a change in your life.  So start to memorize all the important  Bible verses where God speaks to you.  Let's move on to Number Three: Make a point point  to repeat and remember Bible verses that are short   and easy to remember. This helped me a lot.  You know, I first really started to try  and memorize Bible verses in my middle 20s  I would say. And I focused   on the Bible verses that are very important to  me but also verses that are easy to remember.  The reference, for example, you know  the passage, but the references.  For example John 10:10. So 10: 10.  Easy to remember from the Book of John. John 10: 10.  And it says: The thief comes only to steal  and kill and destroy but I came that they may   have life and have it abundantly. So you see, the verse is short.  It is easy to remember. And the reference John 10:10   is also short and easy to remember. Another example is Matthew 7:7: [Matthew 7:7] So when you hear a verse like this in  Bible study or at church, write it down.  Memorize it and start to use  it, even in your prayers.  For example, I would start to pray and say,  well God, in Matthew 7:7 it says that I need   to keep on asking - keep on knocking -  keep on seeking - and you will answer me.  And so that's how you start to  learn and understand God's promises.  And then you will see how it start to change  your life as you write it on your heart   and mind and while you even pray the Holy  Spirit will just bring those Bible verses   up as you communicate with God. Let's move on to the next one.  Number Four: Break the  verses down to understand it.  If you understand something, it  is always better than just trying   to memorize it from repetition because  you understand the meaning of the verse.  Let's take the example of Matthew 7:7. It says: [Matthew 7:7] So now you break it down: ask, seek, and knock. So you basically understand, oh, okay God   is saying basically the same thing  that I need to pray without ceasing.  Breakthrough prayer and so if you remember  those three words - ask, seek, knock -  you will remember the rest of the Bible verse. Number Five: Write down all the first letters of   all the words from the verse you want to remember. Now, some people, and I used to do this a lot,   I would write down the Bible verse, name the  reference, right, and then the verse itself.  But you can also just write the reference  and then the first letter of each of the   words of the Bible verse. And you write it in a block   and then it's easier to remember it. For example, Psalm 119 verse 105 says: [Psalm 119:105] So you draw a block with the  letters y w i a l t m f a a l t m p.  Now see if you can fill in the words. Your word is a lamp to my feet and   a light to my path. Now one last thing:   Focus on one verse at a time by using repetition. Now this is how I first started and you need to   be realistic with yourself to say, alright,  how many Bible verses can I actually memorize   in a week and memorize all of them so I  would focus on only two, three, or four.  So I bought a small pocket size book and I started  with the first Bible verse, writing it down, then   I would read it, close the book, and repeat it. That night, I will try to say it from memory and   the next morning as well without looking. And then only when I fully remembered it   perfectly - word for word - I would  then write down the next Bible verse.  Now, if you - you're realistic - if you can  memorize two Bible verses a week - that is   around 8 a month and 96 a year. That is a lot.  Now, there's one last important  thing I need to mention.  And that is try to understand Scripture  as a whole so when you read it, don't   just try to memorize certain Bible verses,  but memorize the books of the Bible as well.  So try to remember the Bible verse that you're  trying to remember now, in what book is it,   and what is the writer saying in this whole book. What is the message.  You see, you need to start to look at the Bible  with spiritual eyes and start to connect Bible   verses and different books with each other. Now let me just mention a few   things that might help you. Number One: There are 66 books in the Bible   with two distinct sections, the Old Testament,  with 39 books, and the New Testament, with 27.  Then Genesis to Deuteronomy is called the  books of the law, also known as the Pentateuch.  It starts with creation and ends in  the time when Joshua takes over the   leadership over Israel, from Moses. Then you have the historical books,   and it is from Joshua to Esther. Then you will find the poetic books,   from Job to Song of Solomon, and then you have  the major prophets, from Isaiah to Daniel.  And then after them, comes the minor  prophets, from Hosea to Malachi.  And that is the whole Old Testament structure. And then there was a long period - 400 years of   silence - everyone was waiting for the Messiah. And then finally John the Baptist broke their   silence announcing that the  Messiah is soon to follow.  He was preparing the way for Jesus  and then the New Testament starts.  Matthew Mark Luke and John are the  four eyewitness accounts of the life   of Jesus when he was on Earth. We call them the gospels.  Next is the historical book of Acts. It describes how the apostles started to spread   the gospel with the help of the Holy Spirit. Then from Romans to Jude we have the letters.  These are the letters from  the apostles themselves.  Paul wrote most of them. And lastly we have the book of   prophecy or vision - the Book of Revelation, which  reveals to us what will happen in the future.  Now as you start to understand what each  book is about, and what it describes,   the easier it will be to remember things. For example, the Book of Romans, where Paul   describes beautifully what justification really  means, and then you need to pray to God that He   will help you - lead you - with the Holy Spirit  to memorize Scripture and to understand it. [Luke 11:28] We need to study God's Word to understand  the promises of God and let me tell you as   you grow in Christ, day by day, the more  you start to understand God Himself and   His promises, the more it will change your life. And the more precious this book will be to you.  It is God himself that speaks to us. This is what He chose to reveal to us. [Psalm 119:11] Let me just give you an example so you  understand how important Scripture is.  There are many Christians out there - young  and old - people who say that they've been   Christians for years, who struggle to understand  the difference between the Spirit and the flesh.  The spiritual life. Why?  Because they don't read Scripture enough. [Hebrews 4:12] Now if you're new to the Bible,   and you're not sure where to start to  read it, please watch this video here.  There's also a lot of other videos on my  channel that will help you to grow in Christ.  So remember to subscribe and  never forget, that God loves you.  And I love you, too. Bye.
Channel: DLM Christian Lifestyle
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Keywords: bible memory, bible memorization, memorize scripture, bible memory goal, how to memorize bible verses, how to practically memorize the bible, 5 tips to memorize bible verses, how to remember bible verses easily, how to remember verses from the bible, tips to memorize bible verses, bible memory methods, memorize the bible, memorize bible verses, memorize bible books, memorize bible verses fast and easily, daniel maritz tips to remember bible verses, remember bible verses, bible
Id: S78FumwdouQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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