How To Stop Your Bike Getting Stolen!

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there's nothing worse than getting your bike nicked it's a sinking feeling i wouldn't wish on anyone and if it's happened to you i'm sure you'll never want it to happen again we here at gcn have plenty of experience of locking our bikes up but we've also had a chat with the team at sunday's insurance who provides cycling insurance for cyclists across the globe and they've shared with us their extensive experience to help you lock your bike up properly so here are some tips from the pros the first thing to consider is your lock is it up to the job this one is a d-lock but you can also get an alarm d lock a cable link and chain lock but the main thing to consider according to sundays is that you get a lock strong enough to withstand an attempted theft brands all have their own way of rating different locks but here in the uk there is an independent company called sold secure who assesses and rates the security of different security products including bike locks their website is definitely worth checking out even if you're not from the uk because you can look up different locks and check their rating for free before you buy most insurers will have specifics about what type of lock you need relative to the value of your bike and as a general rule of thumb the more expensive your bike the more secure lock you will need so if your bike's worth more than a thousand pound sterling here in the uk then you should use a sold secure gold rated lock if it's less than a thousand pounds you should use a sold secure silver rated lock and in both of those circumstances sunday say they'd be happy to insure your bike in case of theft as long as it's locked correctly which i'll come on to in a bit but just to point out remember to keep receipts of any locks you've bought and also take photos if your bike is nicked as proof that your lock's been broken best practice in terms of how to lock your bike up make sure you use your lock and attach your bike to an immovable object like a ground anchor or a bike rack making sure that lock passes through the triangle and also the rear wheel of your bike and obviously whatever you're locking it to then use a cable to attach it through both wheels making sure no one can simply un under your wheels and walk off with them and also make sure that whatever you're attaching it to can't be easily dismantled sundays say they've had plenty of claims where bike racks have simply been unscrewed and fifa then carried the bike off [Music] it's one thing to remember when you are locking your bike up is if you buy a d-lock like this and it comes with a cable the cable isn't necessarily rated to the same standard as your d-lock so always lock it up with the rated lock that you thought make sure that's through the rear triangle and the rear wheel and the bike rack don't just lock up your cable with the d-lock to your bike crack it's sad to say that you should lock your bike up if you're going to be more than five meters away from it or if it's going to be out of your line of sight if it's going to be close by to you then you should consider slowing a thief down any opportunists out there will take advantage maybe use your helmet straps to uh lock your bike to a little bollard you're gonna be sitting next to it and i'm sad to say these things happen my teammate got his bike nick just as he was walking into a cafe and it was gone for good if you want to beef up the security a little bit more a light lock like this which you can then attach to something just slows the thief down it's not going to stop someone cutting through it but it's going to slow them down you take five or ten minutes to get through that and then run off with your bike also don't just lock your bike to itself you want to lock it to something another removable object someday say they've had claims where people have literally just lifted off a locked bike and run off with it when storing your bikes at home don't think they'll be safe if left in any sort of property if your bike will be stored in your garage or inside your house then the doors will need to be locked with a minimum of a five-lever mortise lock a ceo grade three closed shackle padlock or a chub deadlock so check the spec of your home before you rest easy if you have a garage consider getting something like a garage blocker as an additional security measure and if you are unsure whether the specs of your house meet your insurer's requirements get in touch with them ask them sunday say they'd be happy to answer any questions you may have if you're storing your bike in a metal shed make sure that shed is permanently fixed to a concrete base and locked up using a three-point locking system if you don't have a shed or you saw on your bike in a common area or perhaps outside sunday say then the bike needs to be locked to a sold secure gold rated ground anchor something like this which is fitted to the floor to concrete floor and fixed with tamper-proof bolts once that's fitted on the floor it's not going anywhere lock your bike to it in the method we've described in this video if you store your bikes in a wooden shed sunday they won't insure your bikes inside because the wood is just too easy to rip apart and get into so what you have to do is lock them up to an anchor inside the shed to make them insurable into something like this this is a shed shackle from a brand called pragmasus it's essentially fixed to the wall of your shed the tamper-proof bolt so once it's in place it's not going anywhere and then you lock your bike up to that point there in the method described it also strengthens your shared wall and if thieves are going to get in there and try and take your bike and rip it apart they're going to need to take a whole chunk of wall with them which is why it is such a good deterrent against theft on the topic of keeping your bike at home many of you will have a home and content insurance policy but it is worth checking your policy wording on whether this extends to covering your bike or if it needs to be added as an extra it's also worth bearing in mind that home and contents insurance does what it says it covers items at home so if you are out and about with your bike and it's stolen more than likely that isn't covered some home insurance providers will provide coverage for this but more than likely that will be capped at quite a low value taking out cover with a specific insurer like sundays will allow you to cover your bike away from home but also potentially cover yourself from accidental damage from the likes of crashes of course you do pay for this but that is the balance you need to think of when taking out insurance and only you know what's right for your circumstances [Music] traveling with your bike perhaps an overnight stay in a hotel on the way to a race or an event you're gonna need to take out your car at least take it into your accommodation sunday say they won't cover your bike if it's left in your car overnight and having woken up at race hotels to hold fleets of bikes being stolen from pretty beefy team trucks i'd agree so if you are planning a trip don't leave your bike in or on your car overnight because you can't rely on it being there in the morning if you are using a bike rack or you're leaving your bike in your car during the day when the risk is lower sundays say they will actually insure you as long as it's locked to an immovable object within the car that's something like a child isofix point or specific fixing points which you can find out in your vehicle's manual also make sure the bike is locked to the rack using the bike rack mechanism also make sure the bike isn't visible from the outside if you're leaving it in your vehicle during the daytime [Music] if you're commuting to work consider getting yourself a heavy-duty lock and leaving it at your place of work that way you don't have to carry it to and from work every single day leave it at your bike rack lock your bike up with it it's safe for the day if you're moving about town all the time perhaps consider a lighter more wearable lock that's suitable for everyday use that you're not going to leave your bike in for longer periods but remember if you are leaving your bike in risky areas that have a greater likelihood of robberies double up double up on the locks get a diamond standard from soul secure rated lock that way you're not risking a theft also at home lights security cameras alarms all are the sort of thing that are going to deter a thief and make their job really difficult which is what you want to do as mentioned before we work with sunday's insurance who provided the information we shared with you in this video and it's been really enlightening big thanks for sundays because i personally learnt a whole heap they offer cyclists insurance in the uk usa australia and new zealand so be sure to check them out if you've got a minute you can find a link in the description below let us know though in the comments if you've got any tips we may have missed specifically to your region really interested to hear your thoughts and if you did find this useful please give it a big thumbs up and of course thank you for watching i'll see on the next video first off i've gotta find the key to the lock may have may have lost it don't do that just another tip stop in the rain now i'm gonna be walking home
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 61,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secure, security, bike insurance, insurance, insure, insure my bike, how to, lock, lock up, dead lock, d lock, d-lock, padlock, steal, stolen, bike stolen, bicycle insurance, cycle insurance, cycle, claim, no claims, bike lock, bike locks, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, Road Bicycle, How To, bike skills, cycling skills, GCN Cycling, velo, sec-how-to, sca15, ꗧ, ꔈ, ꗶ, n1, ោ, ሙ, ସ, ଙ, ホ, ᠫ, ഺ, ዩ, ළ, Ꮽ, Բ, Ժ, Լ, Ծ, Հ, ፕ20, ザ, ጞ, 4825
Id: k9HrpEJvGh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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