How To Lock Your Bike at Home | Urban Bike Security Guide

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foreign overdue I'm going to upgrade my home security to make sure my bikes are safe at home hopefully give you some tips along the way thanks to Abbas I've got all the kit I need to make sure everything's nice and secure [Music] so I keep my bikes in my garage which is attached to the main house uh it's kind of my hangouts about all my kit goes loads of bikes shoes more racks you know all my bike stuff I like hanging out in here working on my bike got me music got my motorbike I've even got a Porsche build in the workshop at the moment so anyway I like hanging out here it's also quite a secure having my bikes basically inside the house uh so yeah I know some people don't have that option they might be keeping their bikes in their shed or in the garage but the first line of defense really is to make sure that people can't get into where your bikes are so nice to make sure I've got a decent door and also really important I think is to make sure people don't really know you've got bikes I never carry a bike on a bike rack on the car to know some people I've heard of this people have been getting followed back from where they're riding and then people just know you've got bikes so don't leave them outside trying to show them off at all just stick them in the house and have them under lock and key foreign [Music] so I have an alarm and security camera outside of my house so sensors on the doors motion sensors so if anyone comes in hopefully that's going to be enough to put them off also it's all on an app as well so from ever away it's nice peace of mind to think from away for a week you might not know that everything's gone but at least I can check on my phone but one of the problems with that is I've never had any internal cameras so you know the once the alarm did go off and it was one of the sensors turns out it's probably like a shadow moving or a door blowing in drafts over but because I then can't check inside the house still a bit worrying so I am going to set up a couple of these cameras these are the Abbas wireless battery cameras so they're motion sensors they can record things as well so you see it little uh SD cards into the base station and you can set them on schedules as well so I'm going to do it so during sort of 11 pm until probably six in the morning I'll have these things set to record motion when it goes off so if anything happens inside the house and out I'm Gonna Know alarm on the house I think it's really important you know if I'm not here then hopefully the neighbors are going to do something about it but at least on though that someone's in the house so these cameras are completely wireless they've got like an internal rechargeable battery with USB there last stages super easy deal with HD uh video on them uh it's got a motion sensor so it'll record any motion if you set it up like that and uh got night vision as well foreign so I feel like an alarm and cameras gives you really good peace of mind but it doesn't necessarily stop someone getting into your house so if they are in then you want to make sure they can't just pick up your bike and run off with it so it's a really good idea to have your bikes locked inside your house somehow and the basics are the heavier a lock is the stronger it's going to be so pure physics the more material there is the harder it's going to be to because as you may have seen in some of those videos of Thieves they have soft portable battery-powered angle grinders or bolt croppers and they could just with a bit of time they can get through almost anything so be interesting to see just how strong this lock is this is a cheap lock less than 10 pounds from my sort of local DIY shop and I've also got some cheap bulk proppers uh you can get much bigger ones in this I want to see how long a lock like this will last against some proper tools foreign side there those bolt crops aren't even going to go around that so if someone wants to get through this they're probably gonna have to use an angle grinder obviously that's going to make a load of noise it's going to take some time to do it so this is a level 12 Security on alvis's scale 15 being a Max so nice and secure it's nice and heavy and I'm gonna have to lock my bikes using this and I'm gonna use a Wall anchor on the wall so I've got this Airbus Granite wba100 it's a 20 level security for their anchors so this is a big one secures directly to the wall or the floor using these big fixings you actually sort of punch these ball bearings into those so even if thieves come equipped with tools like a six mile Anki they can't wind out so this is going to go on the wall and then my chain will go through it both by storage my space is fairly Limited in here plus lucky enough to get loads of bikes GM nges Plus on my own so I've got quite a few bikes and for ages I had the sort of old-fashioned hooks where they're just static just on the wall and it was a real pain trying to get like one bike out in the middle was really hard I'd take loads of bikes out to get to it so I've come up with a bit of a better solution actually I've got this ingenious uh space rail so it basically lets me move all the bikes out of the way but also they're back together so when I want to lock them I can slide them all up to each other uh so basically it's got these hooks that kind of spring-loaded so they don't move until you stick a bit of weight on there and now you can slide your bike along or spin it round so it lets you get your bikes up super close to each other which is really good for locking them together put the Wall anchor in the corner and I'm going to use this Steelo chain to then hook through that Wall anchor then through the body so the great thing about this is I've actually got a few of these and these are all key matched so the three locks all use the same key makes it super handy and then also you can link them together to make an extra long one so you can get these in different lengths anyway I've got the 1.7 meter lens so I've got three of these so obviously I can get up to three and a half meters [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] bikes are secured yeah I could go tying a bit with locking wheels up but inside the house I'm not on a ball that's too inconvenient if I want to go for a ride now super simple just to undo this Slide the bikes out of the way get the 101 and go uh and I think but you know if the alarm's going off these aren't going to be able to get cut through really quickly so it's gonna really put someone off trying to come in here and take my bikes foreign [Music] if you're going for a ride from home maybe you want to leave your house key at home so you don't risk losing on the ride then these key safes are a good option this is a simple combination one that goes in the outside of your house attached securely then obviously use your combination put your key inside there or there is a smart version of that as well so this is Bluetooth so you actually use your phone to unlock this or a combination as well it's got both options but it's obviously battery powered same thing attached side of the house or another really good option it's got a shackle that's why I've used these before to my van if you don't want to take your van key right in then you can actually lock this to your van and put your key inside it again using your phone to unlock it but it's it's not a completely waterproof it's ip54 so still want to give it leave it somewhere fairly protected but a couple of options if you don't want to take your keys with you when you go for a ride the last lot that I use is this Travel Guard super lightweight it's got a combination so yeah it's not heavyweight it's secure but my boy uses this when he rides his bike to school just gonna put someone off just grabbing his bike and legging it to be honest I don't really ever go out of my mountain bike and leave it unattended because it's too nice a thing I wouldn't want to risk it get stolen but if you do check out the video that Dotty's done in the past on looking after your bike out and about however I do ride my Urban e-bike aka the dream machine for taking kids picking up crates of beer and skids and wheelies interview love this thing this is the ugliest bike I've ever owned but it's so useful it's my obeyer tattoo e use it based as a car replacement to do normal jobs around town and for commuting so I leave this bike in town every day and for that I make sure that it's properly secure so this is the Bordeaux Smart Alarm it's a folding lock you can get a keyed version as well but this is the keyless Bluetooth version so use your smartphone to lock and unlock this thing also shows you where your bike is located uh it's the max security level 15 locks are great for me bike you can also get this key match with a lot of Bosch bikes so they'll have a key for the battery and also a lot of them have these wheel locks as well so again you can have one key that runs everything on your e-bike so super handy so it's max level security use your phone to unlock it but it's also got an alarm on it so if people start fiddling with your bike it starts getting moved it'll give them a warning and eventually they'll start beeping on them [Music] all right thanks to Abbas uh I'm secure bikes should be good because I don't know about you but I'm always hearing my bikes getting nicked so it's nice to make sure everything's under lock and key don't want we'll probably enjoy getting nicked let me know if you've got any tips down below or if you've been unfortunate to have a bike stolen and what you've done about it give us a thumbs up if you hate bike thieves
Channel: Global Mountain Bike Network
Views: 28,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bike security, home security, lock your bike, safety, bike safety, secure a mountain bike, locks, locking, ground anchor, chains, insurance, cameras, abus, cut a lock, how easy, GMBN, Global Mountain Bike Network, mountain biking, mountain bike, Bicycle (Product Category), MTB, Bicycle, Downhill, XC, Cross Country, Enduro, MTB skills, bike skills, mountain bike skills, bike, bike riding, cycling, gmvn, neil donoghue, sec-feature, 4896, 𐒎, ꛒ, ዩ, ᡫ, 1o, ኽ, 1d, 1t, ፕ15, ή, lnrhomeε, η
Id: -s6zKjn4BXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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