Inside your head, there is a problem. And you are worrying too much what people
think about you. And it's really causing a lot slow progress. So watch closely as I train you on how to
stop worrying about what people think about you. You might be suffering from the very same
thing that a lot of other people are suffering from. It's called WOTAM. W-O-T-A-M. What Others are Thinking About Me. And it is a epidemic. I mean, it is like... It is very contagious. It is infesting the minds of the people and
it is causing massive, massive problems. And the kind of problems it's causing is we
are literally, as people, worrying so much of about what other people think about us
that it consumes our thinking and keeps us in a state of paralysis. Really, like we can't even think what to do
because we're so concerned what our neighbors are going to think or our family members are
going to think or the people in the office are going to think. And it literally stops us from having progress. But what's going on? How come this is so hard for so many people
to get past? Because you listen and you will hear that
when somebody is not moving forward and you ask them what's your biggest challenge and
they finally really honestly get down to it... The number 1 challenge that people are having
today is they worry about what others are thinking about them. So I want to uncover for you really what's
going on inside of head. And also, give you some steps about how to
stop this madness. Because it's totally messing up your life. It really is. So does what other think about me, whole situation. What's happening is when you are posing the
question of wondering what the other person is thinking about you, you are activating
your mind to search for the answer. And so, your mind is trying reach and and
trying to figure out what the other person would think of you. So then, your mind is puling back a whole
bunch of scenarios. But none of the scenarios can actually be
confirmed. Because your mind can not confirm any of these
scenarios, it is an incomplete request that you've given you're mind. It's an incomplete request. It can not come up with an answer. So because it is unfinished, you're mind keeps
looking for what other people are thinking about you. And because it can't find the answers, it
won't stop searching. It's like giving your computer a search option
that it is running constantly. Searching, searching, searching,searching,
searching and it never finds and answer. It literally gums to computer or gums up your
brain. And now you can't process any any other thoughts
very well. Because half of your thought process is still
trying to search what all these people are thinking. So, that's where it started, as you we're
curious, I think in the beginning of what people think. But now, the request can never be answered. And now, every time you've wondered what other
people are thinking, it's gotten to it's level where it's now causing you to move slowly
in your life. Alright, so what do you do? How do you get out of this? How do you stop this? Because you know, as an adult, you might be
thinking it's not affecting you very much. But what's happening is the way you plan your
calendar, the way you make decisions about your family. What you wear for the day. What you do in the form of going for goals
or not going for goals. It is affecting you. It is slowing you down, it's causing problems. And if you don't look around, you're going
to be completely blind to all the problems that's causing you. For a teenager, big problem for a teenager. Literally, if somebody... If a teenager is struggling with their grades,
I would have to say, this is on their mind constantly. What are the others kids think about them? You know, what are their friends think about
the,? You know, if they... If they're trying to have boyfriend or girlfriend,
they're always thinking what they think. We're wondering what their boyfriend or girlfriend
are thinking about the. But it consumes the mind. And let's say that you have 100% of your mind
to use to make decision. This right here, this going to take off 50%,
60% of your thinking process. No wonder you can't remember things. You know what? No wonder you can't finish things. So, how are we going to take care of this? Because if you don't figure this out, your
kids are going to have the challenge. You're friends are going to have the challenge. Somebody's got to start figuring out how to
just quiet this mind back down. So you can get back being productive. Alright so this is what you do. Give you some instructions here so it can
make sense for you. It's up to you to create the answers. Your mind will never figure out what other
people are thinking. No matter how much you try to figure out. It won't figure it out. So, it's up to you to answer 4 questions. And these 4 questions is in the search menu
in your head. And it's up to you to literally sit down with
pad of paper or get on your keyboard for you laptop or your computer and answer this 4
questions. Now, you're going to feel like you're making
up answers and you're you know, it's like, "Wait a minute, I can't make up these answers." If you don't make up the answers. it's an incomplete question and your mind
will never stop. So the way I stopped it in my head was I start
to thinking, "What answers do I actually need to come up so my mind will quit this nonsense." Just quit the nonsense of searching. Because an unanswered questions can cause
you to feel insecure because you've so many unanswered questions about what people are
thinking about you. You can feel insecure, your self-esteem can
go down, your production or your performance will definitely go down. So I took these 4 questions... I got a pad paper out and I just answer them. Now, notice this is "What do I think of them?",
What am I thinking of them? And what do they think of me? I came up with an answers. And here's some answers that I came up with. Number 1, of course they think I am handsome. Right? I know, that's one of your questions. You wonder, "Do I look okay? Am I alright?" And I know it sounds like it's totally cocky
or it's totally, you know like, be in all about yourself. But if you're wondering what people think
about your parents and you don't decide yourself, you're going to make this decisions what people
think of you. So I made a decision that I am handsome, I
am smart. I've got it put together, I know where I am
going. And this is what other people think of me. Because if I come up with these answers and
I believe my answers, my attitude, my performance, the way I act around the people will completely
change. I'll be more confident for sure because what
if I am worried of they think I am stupid or I am too slow or I am too fat or I can't
do anything right? If I am thinking they're thinking that of
me, well then I am going to act that way. Doesn't it just makes sense? We're already playing a head game with yourself
anyway. You're already playing ahead and give of wondering
what they're talking about. You might as well play a better head game. You might have as played a better head game
where you turn out good. So make up the stories yourself. You're already make up so many weird stories
in a day anyway about yourself. Make up better stories. If you're going to try to figure out the story,
just make it up. So, there's 4 questions. You can see what they're saying. Answer all 4 questions. But get involved with making the answers the
way you want them to be. Now, I got to tell you. I am an introvert. And how did I come out of being an introvert
so I can be an extrovert? I had to decide what people thought about
me. One of the challenges that introvert have
is they're always searching to figure out what's going on around them. And one of them. And one of the things that an introverts get
caught up in is what do people think about them? And the stay quiet and stay in their shell. But to open up my extrovert side, I came up
with the answers. So if you're not outgoing and you're not,
you know, productive or doing very many good things a row. You're to do list doesn't get done. I think this is haunting you. It totally is messing with your head. So since you're going to play a psychological
game with yourself already, it's time to make up your own answers. Now, here something else about you that I
know. And this right here is super important. You have to stop measuring others. You see, one of the reasons why you wonder
what they think of you is because you over analyze people. Oh, yes you do. I totally busted you on this one. Because if you worry about those other people,
it's because that's what you're doing to them. You're over measuring them. So just stop that. The other one is stop being so critical. A person who is really critical of them self
believes that other people are critical of them. And so, wait a second, it sounds like you
actually started the problem. I know this things. I know this things because this what I used
to do. I used to be super, super analytical with
people and measuring them like crazy. And then I wonder what they thought of me. And I used to be so critical about others
and judgemental. And then I created this whole facade of that's
how they think of me too because that's what I think. So I had to like, calm down the craziness
in my head. How do you like calm this down? So I backed off this, I backed off this and
I answer all those 4 questions and it calmed my mind down. And when I calmed my mind down, I can focus... I can focus on my steps of what to do each
day. I can focus on my goal. I can get my goal because I am not worrying
about what people think about me. I think today's a good day for you to stop
it. And just take some actions. You'll be so glad you did. Now, you don't want to miss any the training
I have for you. So make sure you subscribe here to the YouTube
channel and make sure you're watching every one of these videos because it's real life
training on challenges you face everyday. So just when you thought you had it all figured
out, watch my next video and it'll open up your mind and teach you exactly what to do
so you can be more productive. So subscribe. You'll love it.