How To Stop Puppy Biting Instantly

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now by far and away the biggest concern that people have when they're raising and training their brand new puppies is how to stop puppy biting it can be incredibly infuriating and it can be pretty painful and in today's video i'm going to show you exactly how you can address it and get past this stage incredibly quickly and you can follow along live as i do it with these two little guys today now before i show you exactly how we fix this puppy biting i have to talk about ways that don't work and if these things did work there'd be no puppies in the world biting people but it is the single most requested problem behavior with puppies and that is to simply ignore the behavior and think that it's going to go away unfortunately it doesn't work if it did work that is why i would suggest that you do but we have to have an ability to communicate to our dogs what is acceptable and what isn't so ignoring the behavior doesn't work nor should you squeal and pretend that you're a puppy mate or a littermate and let them know that they've hurt you when it comes to the wider success of having a puppy you have to be able to communicate to them that you are their loving leader and i'll ask you the question do you think when these guys have been nipping and chewing on their mothers their mothers would squeal and ignore the behavior and hope that they learn not to it's not what they would do we have to be able to communicate to them effectively from a place of love kindness and empathy to set these guys up for success because the last thing you want is these adorable little puppies turning into adult dogs that still mouth chew and bite and it happens every single day so with you guys let's stop that from happening right now and the way that we're going to address this behavior and the way that i've helped thousands of people achieve massive success with puppy biting is following my methodology of correct redirect and reinforce it's really simple we correct the undesirable behavior biting on humans we let them know that isn't acceptable we redirect them to what we do want them to chew and let them know that that is acceptable by reinforcing that behavior so let's start with the correction piece of the puzzle because it's this piece of the puzzle that people have no idea how to effectively implement so an active correction is what we're going to do when we are imitating what the mother dogs would do so this little guy is actually being lovely right now sitting nicely and patiently and i'm going to reward and praise this behavior this black puppy is a little bit feistier so when he makes a bad decision i took that away and i'm waiting for the exact moment that he makes and that was an active correction and again so you see i have startled the puppy the puppy's clearly not upset they've gone back to play so still wants to play and i want to play with them so when they're making good decisions like he's doing now and playing with him he's getting belly rubs he's getting praise and he's getting attention but i don't want to stop there because i'm a loving leader i'm a balance leader and i don't just want to challenge them when they make mistakes i want to communicate to them what they should be doing instead so that's where we go to our redirection but not until we've helped communicate what isn't acceptable first now i'd certainly rather be using a puppy hammer but we've only got our full-size one so now i'm bringing a toy into the equation and i'm getting their attention with the toys and when they make the decision to chew on that instead which they're doing now yeah good good yes they're getting praise and they're getting reward when they're nibbling and chewing on something that they should be i'm communicating to them effectively yes and then i'm reinforcing this desirable behavior and with now nothing more than managing those three systems make the bad decision and chew on me i'm going to correct that behavior once i've achieved that outcome and then yes i'm going to bring a toy into the equation and our fenrir hammer has been designed to be an incredibly engaging toy and something that the puppies are going to want to chew on instead when they make those good decisions they're going to get rewarded bad decision correction i'll just redirect towards something i do want them to chew on instead and when they make those better decisions they get rewarded for doing so so guys as you can see puppy biting just simply isn't something that you have to live with and you don't have to listen to people that tell you that all you can do is ignore it or all you can do is squeal and turn you back to it and hope the problem goes away address the problem from a place of loving leadership and you'll build your communication with your dog for a wide variety of other problem behaviors that you may face as well so enjoy your beautiful new puppies but don't forget we need to lead our puppies because leadership is love [Music]
Channel: Will Atherton Canine Training
Views: 1,010,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O1mh9yGnCh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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