How To Stop Puppy Biting In Seconds

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ow [Music] world of difference and that was addressed in as you saw maybe five or ten seconds [Music] welcome back to february k9 training guys and in today's video you are going to see me in real time instantly fixing biting behaviors the two most commonly asked questions we get here at fenrir are how to stop your dog pulling which we've done tons of videos on and how to stop your puppy or young dog biting and in this video i'm going to show you exactly what you need to do to fix it straight away bertie's seven months old and has still never quite got over the puppy biting stage especially when he's excited now i'm starting the session stood up because that helps at least alleviate some of his excitement but when i come down to his level that's going to trigger the excitement more and that's where the owners are noticing that the biting is at its worst oh yes oh yes there we go so as you can see there quick example of it as he gets more excited and the owners want to be able to play with him they've also got grandchildren and grandchildren naturally ramp the energy levels up and when you come down to a dog's level which small children tend to be as you can see the licking very quickly there you go nibble turns into nibbling and biting and he's just had a right good go on my ear there which i'm letting him get away with for now so i can show it you on camera ow so again it's uh everything in my being to not address this but i think it's important that you see um how quickly these things get on the ears again definitely seems to be your favorite doesn't it how quickly these things can escalate if you don't get on top of them quickly so then guys i'm about to address biting and so much happens so quickly in this live clip that it's really important that we cut back and forward between the live example that you're about to see but with me explaining the theory the why the what and the how so that you can replicate and get the same results at home now when it comes to addressing biting incredibly quickly i utilize my three-step process to be able to do that that three-step process is that we must correct the undesirable behavior we then redirect to the desirable behavior and then we reinforce the desirable behavior that is how we are able to have such huge amounts of success so then the first step is correction now when it comes to correcting your dog you have to use beautiful timing so you have to wait for that moment that your puppy young dog or even adult dog makes that decision to open its mouth and put a body part whether it's your hands your face your arm whatever it is that your dog bites that split second they make the decision to do it we have to correct it swiftly when it comes to biting i believe that you have two approaches to correction you've got an active correction and you've got a passive correction in the clip that you're about to see i utilize an active correction i use my verbal correction with a minor touch correction so when bertie goes to bite me i use a noise stern verbal correction and with a slight touch just on the side of his body just to let him know hey no that is not acceptable i repeat that process twice to make it clear first one startles him and he goes well i'm not quite sure what that's for his energy starts to ramp up and he goes to mouth again and with a slight touch the touch is nothing more than not designed to cause harm it's just designed to startle them that corrects the behavior now if you feel uncomfortable administering an active correction like that which i do believe is the best approach a passive correction can work incredibly well as well but i'm going to talk about that after you watch the live example of me correcting bertie's biting behavior yes [Applause] good boy good boy so that is an example of an active correction but if you don't feel that you are confident or assertive or like the concept of administering a correction like that then you can utilize a passive correction for biting what i recommend same principle it has to be timed efficiently but soon as the dog makes the decision to decide to start to mouth you grab them by the collar we're not talking about grabbing them by the scruff of the neck to design harm but we grab them by the collar and we hold them sternly look them directly in the eye and use your verbal correction so as the biting begins to happen and you hold until the energy starts to decrease when they start to relax yes and we let go if they're the behavior back up again same principle grab them verbal correction and hold we're not shaking them we're not hurt we're just holding them in place and waiting for the energy to come down as soon as that energy starts to come down we can let go and let them know yet that's what it is that we're looking for so that's how we correct the undesirable behavior of puppy biting but then it's important that not only do we let our dogs know what we don't want them to do but we also have to be fair and make it very clear what we do want them to do so that's where step two comes in and we redirect our dogs ideally you want to redirect the biting onto something that is equally as fun for them to bite and that is why i designed our fenrir hammer and in the example you're about to see i correct bertie's biting behavior i wait for his energy levels to start to come down slightly then i replace it and i redirect him onto the hammer and i get that energy level back up but onto the hammer i've redirected that energy away from me my ears my face my hair and my hands and onto the hammer and because the hammer's designed to be so incredibly fun for the dog it's a very easy redirection for them to make good boy yes good boy yes good good boy yeah good boy good good boy yes good boy yes good boy so then after we've redirected onto the desirable thing we simply need to reinforce that behavior let them know great job now ideally as part of your training with your dog you'll have been using marker terms like yes or even a clicker so when they're chewing the right things we can say yes or click and then you can either pay them with treats or you could give them a stroke or just the simple act of saying yes and letting them know good job we're reinforcing that behavior then as we move forward we want to make sure that we're finding times where the dog is chewing the desirable object on their own of their own accord and we're going to mark and reinforce that as much as possible and what's going to happen is that them chewing the right thing is going to happen much more frequently if they make the bad decision of chewing you biting on you again we're going to correct it either actively or passively which means that that undesirable behavior is going to happen less frequently and to increase how fast the desirable behavior happens we combine the two with redirection so we correct the undesirable behavior so biting happens less frequently we redirect them to the desirable behavior and then we reinforce that behavior so that behavior happens more frequently the bad behavior decreases and disappears and we're left with an incredible desirable behavior that happens first time every time so now let's cut back to the live example of me doing this with bertie and let's watch this unfold in real time to show you just how incredibly quickly this process can happen [Applause] good boy good boy good boy good good boy yes good boy yes good good boy yeah good boy good boy good boy yes good boy yes good boy the night is away so that was a real-time example of exactly how i deal with puppy biting and as you can see how quickly that problem can be addressed now i'm going to try and proof it for you here and see if we can go through that process again i'm almost going to be a little bit unfair with bertie i'm going to put his redirection hammer away and see if i can egg him up again to show you the process now this is something that i have done countless times and can you see the difference in his demeanor and his energy levels now where i can now greet him and he's in a calm respectful position he's now starting to even become submissive but he's respecting my space much better world of difference and that was addressed in as you saw maybe five or ten seconds i haven't offended him he's still happy to be with me he wants to play i'm gonna see if i can rile him back up but still he's being respectful he still is happy go lucky friendly excitable bertie that we love where you going and again bringing my face right down to him this was a real big trigger especially offering in my ears he's being respectful much more respectful and i'm gonna wait hopefully bring him back to me get that lovely desirable behavior back from him yeah good yeah good boy good boy now i'm gonna reinforce that behavior and let him know exactly what it is that i do want him to chew which is a fenrir hammer yeah good boy you can go take that you go play with that good boy i'll play with it with you oh yes get it good boy so that is exactly how i address puppy biting adolescent dog biting and even adult dog playful biting i make it very clear to them what i don't want i make it very clear to them what i do want to puppy biting very often in the space of second disappears so correct redirect reinforce do it swiftly from a place of love because you love your dogs you must lead your dogs i hope you enjoyed the video like it if you did subscribe if you're new because we do videos like this helping you have the perfect canine companion of your dreams every single week and i can't wait to see you on the next episode [Music] you
Channel: Will Atherton Canine Training
Views: 3,250,982
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Id: EfcxapE9DHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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