How To Stop Lag on A Minecraft Server (Increase Minecraft Server Performance!)

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hello everyone and welcome back to the breakdown today we're gonna be talking about minecraft server lag now here on our server plate-up breakdown craft comm we've struggled with lag in the past but if we go ahead and do a lag check down here I'll be able to see we're running in a smooth 19.8 TPS with 61 of players online over 10,000 chunks loaded all sorts of awesome stuff there so uh yeah basically what I'm saying is I know a thing or two about diverting lag especially considering we're in the most laggy version minecraft ever 1.13 is actually the laggy version of minecraft and we're currently running one dot 13.2 so yeah I don't think we're do about fixing lag in minecraft and that's exactly what we're going to be doing in this video so let's go ahead and I guess jump on into it now the most important part about diverting lag in minecraft is pretty simple you need to make sure that you're on a good server host and we use here and play it operate DM craft comm the best minecraft server hosting multiverse apex minecraft hosting they were actually awesome enough to sponsor of this video you can check out apex minecraft hosting at the first link down below and it is actually who I would recommend for lag free server hosting they have incredible hardware and will work with you to help improve your server and make it lag free so go check them out first thing down below the breakdown that XYZ slash apex we use apex ourselves now after that that's when things start getting pretty cool we can start doing configuration so we can start doing things like that at that point so let's just go ahead and jump on into it so if we go ahead and switch on over to tutorial mode here we'll be able to see paper now you've got a good server host but that only goes so far because if you have a great host but you're running bad code and bad software on it it's not gonna matter seen if you're using apex you need to run the most efficient server software out there and that is going to be this right here and that is paper we run paper ourselves and you can find paper a linked along with apex in the description down below as a matter of fact apex actually has a one click install paper anyway I'll stop talking about apex now you just need a really good server host to be able to stop flag on your server and apex is by far the best one out there to help you do that nonetheless here we are on paper very simple download the most recent version keep it up-to-date and that will go a long way to reducing lag on your server right so basically this right here is a big big help and if you don't have a paper server you need to go ahead and switch over to paper if you're wanting bucket or spigot it's a simple drag-and-drop basically replace your draw file and that's it you don't have to worry at all if you're running bucket or spigot because paper is a pool from bucket or spigot basically it's a distribution of those as it don't think with even more stuff one of the great things about paper so it actually adds an async chunk loading back into one dot 13.2 this was removed from spigot in one dot 13.2 paper said we're gonna add it back in and they've done that and that helps lag a ton so first and foremost get a good server host with Apex minecraft hosting secondly you need to make sure you're running to the most optimized version of spigot or actually a bucket and that is paper here and then after that you need to optimize those and customize those correctly this guy right here is linked in the description down below it is on spigot MCO or again this is the guide to setting up bucket spigot paper and even your server properties file to reduce lag go down through here set all of this up I'm not gonna go through all this because it's pretty self-explanatory right goes through everything it was last updated if we scroll down here to the bottom we'll be able to see it last edited on November 27 2018 and it is very very up to date so go down through here and do all of these enhancements and change all this stuff and optimize all this I'm not going through all of it because it's a ton and it's going to be different per server and he does a very very good job at explaining that however there is one thing that I want to mention here and that's this pre generate your map basically whenever you set your world border which you should have one go ahead and pre generate all that using a plugin and as you can see right here world borders the plug-in he recommends go down through there do world border fill and then wait it's going to take a long time we did it and when we did and lagged our server for forever but it has helped perform it so so much since then now once you've done all that you'll still possibly have some laughs and that's where we can really start helping you at this point all I've done is said get a good server host get a good server platform likes paper right that's what you want to run on and then set those up correctly using this guy come on figure out that yourself however what if you're still having lag after you've done this this is where it came in for us right so what do you do well when you're in game here what you want to do is do slash timings paste and now this will only work if you're on a paper that's why it's so important that you're on paper do slash timings paste hit enter and then you'll get this handy link right here which is a timings report you see that click on that time he's report and then go ahead and open that up to go ahead and drag it over here to our main browser and here is our timings report this is what it's going to look like yours is going to look different because you're running it for your server but as you can see we are basically constantly having some sort of TPS loss but it's very rarely felt in game you file on our server you almost never feel that lag because we're running on such good Hardware over an apex actually making up for that tick lag and actually if we run a lag check real quick we'll have a 19 TPS you see that nineteen point six five anything over its 18 TPS is a very very good so you don't have to worry about that by the way to run this lag check you need clear lag on your server you can do /gc I believe to be able to get that if you have essential though you can see /gc shows your TPS and all that information without you know running lag checks so that's how you can get that if you just have essentials otherwise you have clear like what's we talking about later you can go ahead and run / lag space check to get that info nonetheless here's our timing support right as you can see we always have some lag running in the background there but it's very rarely felt as you can see our TPS is always near or around 20 as you can see so how does this work let's go ahead and go through reading this now if you hover over any of these dots you'll be able to see what the TPS was at that time how much TPS loss was happening how many players how many tile entities you had that things like hoppers and items on the ground and things like that how many entities you have that is mobs and how many chunks you have now chunks doesn't work correctly in my opinion I don't have never really went over that we have over 10,000 chunks loaded on our server not the amount that it says there so yeah but nevertheless the rest this information is a very very accurate now as we can see the orange is our TPS loss the green at the top is our TPS so you can actually have TPS lost without actually affecting your TPS as long as your server is able to catch up and handle it now what is this 25% TPS loss coming from right here and let's look at this little area right here now this is our time zone currently this information down here is only looking at the time period between the two blue dots so I'm gonna go ahead and move mine to go there and there kind of pinpoint in on this a little bit of lag right here you can see it spiked up a little bit and we did see a little bit of fluctuation there and actually it looks like we had a decrease in some of our entities there which could have caused that issue but nonetheless we've got this we've got this a little bitty lag right here and we've got it selected between these two time periods these time periods by the way are set to 5 minutes now we come down here we can see the percentage of tick right how much of the ticks were laggy and what percentage did this thing take up never ask me a full server tick most likely everybody's gonna have that but then inside of that we have tick entities which is actually taking up 35% of our total tick there and then we have the do tick right there so let's go ahead and do tick entities then we can see it's two tick is taking up them 26% of that and then we can see entity item is actually taking a bat up right there so we probably had a bunch of items drop on the ground right here and then those items get removed with clear lag at which we'll talk about here in a second so that's how you can identify that you're looking for this big total number here right how much lag is this having total within these chunks you can actually play around with this a little bit if you want to see the average lag across that amount of time and what was causing that as we can see we have this full server tick still tick in two T's but it actually turns it to a falling block if we do the average there that's what you never want to do that just do total and it's going to give you a better idea after that we do have villagers villages are always the biggest lag on our server up to 20% of our lattice came from villagers but if we move this around it is going to change some so if we do this entire thing and look at it over that it's going to change and I guarantee it's the item won't be the number one lag on the server it'll change - there it is villagers as that villagers are always our biggest lag 7.4 one percent of ticks also known as 5% of the total there then it goes to cows then it goes to items zombies so on and so forth for entities and do these are always our biggest issue but let's say entities are your biggest issue as well well what do you do well we have a solution for that and you come up here you do have a plugin like stack mob this is going to combine mods together to prevent lag on your server very very recommended for most servers we run it on our server something that I would recommend if you have tile entities causing an issue like entities floating around things like that then you're gonna need a plug-in like clear lag this can also help with mob lag by clearing mobs out every five minutes specifically hostile mobs himi cleared out every five minutes using clear lag here right so this is a plugin i would recommend now you might run your timings here let me get back over to it you might have something like this let me see if I can find it tile entities now you can see hoppers you might be having a hopper lag we have hoppers optimized right using let me just go ahead and see if I can't move this right here there we go we have hoppers optimized using these settings here specifically the ones in spigot dot yml that deal with like your hopper timings and how your hoppers move let me see if I can find it really quick there we go hopper disable move of it right here is changed we've also changed in our spigot yml the amount hoppers move to our hoppers move three items at a time that's on our server we had in your zero hopper lag as you can see 1% nothing mob spawn is actually our biggest tile entity there but if you have issues with hoppers you're gonna use a plugin like epic hoppers here which will basically take and make your hoppers less laggy letting them to do tons of cool stuff now this does hurt vanilla hopper you know activity so most likely don't take this route unless you're taking it from the beginning of your server which could be a good idea especially if you plan on seeing a ton of hoppers coming into your server so yeah all these plugins are linked in the description down below and there are different plugins that you can use for example spawner upgrading and making spawners have to be upgraded before they can be used and like spawn a bunch of mobs and also help lag with a mob spawners for example that can help on our server with the entity mob spawner we don't have any plans on rolling it out though because overall we're pretty good arse dps stays up high 19 most of the top if we have a drop down then you have to react to it basically that's how I look at lag whenever lag happens right you then fix it whenever your TPS starts dropping you then go in you fix that and then you move on for example we had to do a mass exodus of like villager spawners and stuff like that our server because we had a bunch of lag that's now fixed though because we took care for the issue so nevertheless guys that so you can find like that's how you can identify and that's a you can stop lag on your minecraft server the this thing you can do is use this server optimization thread here linked in the description again that's gonna give you a ton of help and if this ever stops being updated I actually take the torch and update it myself because I think that is a very very very very worth doing to allow people to actually keep their servers optimized but nonetheless if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel you haven't already thank you so much for watching come play with us I'll play it off breakdown crapcom for an awesome one top 13.2 or 1.14 when it comes out survival experience my name is Nick this has been the breakdown and I'm out pace
Channel: The Breakdown
Views: 269,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Stop Lag on A Minecraft Server, how to Increase Minecraft Server Performance, how to make a minecraft server lag free, how to increase tps on a minecraft server, how to figure out minecraft server lag, how to make a server stop lagging, how to read minecraft timings, how to setup a lag free minecraft server, lag free minecraft server, minecraft server lag, stop mc server lag, plugins to stop server lag
Id: wDSt7FL1Se0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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