FIX lag for your Minecraft Server - (Chunky Plugin)

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hey there friends today i'm going to be showing you how you can actually increase your server performance using this plugin called chunky and a chunky border essentially what this does is it gives your server a way to pre-generate your world that way when players are on the server uh say you're having a survival server and you want people to use a command like slash while teleport them you know several hundred blocks away from the spawn that might lag your server a bit because people are teleporting to ungenerated chunks so for example like if we fly over here all this stuff is ungenerated and so when we fly into it it starts to generate and then it can mag your server if you have a lot of players on so that is one of the biggest downfalls for these newer versions of minecraft it does not really generate worlds very quickly but we're going to be using this plug-in to basically pre-generate the world and this will actually help your server performance quite a bit when you have a lot of people going to different areas of the world so let's go ahead and jump into it all right so i'm going to get started we're going to head and install our chunky plug-in so there's actually two plugins we're going to be installing the first one is going to be the base plug-in called chunky which pre-generates the chunks and then chunky border is basically represents a world border system within those chunks that you pre-generated so i'm going to head and actually install both of these and we'll install them just like that very easy and if you guys need minecraft toys be sure you check out soul node the link will be down in the description and you can use my code striker to save at 10 off your purchases so let's go ahead and restart our server and we'll wait for the new plugins to load today's video sponsor is the sungata marketplace and if you are looking for any type of unique or custom plugin for your minecraft server there is quite a bit of selection over there so make sure you guys go check them out using the link down in the description and you can find some great plugins for your server all right so once you have those plugins installed we can do chunky command and that will show your main help menu there are two pages so make sure you glance over that so what i want to mention is that there's two ways that you can start uh setting your radius so the quickest way i recommend is just setting this pawn point if you just set the default radius it's going to center on zero zero so for example if we do chunky radius and then let's do just radius of ten that radius is by default going to go to 0 0 on your world so if you don't want that so for example my coordinates are negative 85 and negative 99. so say this is my spawn point that i want my world and then i want to basically fill in a radius from my location so to do that we can do chunky spawn and that is the easiest way it basically sets the coordinates to wherever you're at you can also set a coordinates if you want to center specifically coordinates that you have in mind you can use that center and then the specific coordinates right there of the x and the z and you want to be the center of your world that's right that's right boys all right so once you have your specific coordinate set we can now set up a radius so we can do chunky radius and then you can specify the radius that you want my case i'm just gonna head and do like a thousand block radius so now a radius is going to be filled in from your specific center point that you set so in my case negative 86 and negative 100 so then you can actually start filling in that specific area with a chunky start right so there we go now we have started the task and i went ahead and switched over to my council real quick so if we take a look at our console it is moving up pretty good we are already pretty much at 60 which is pretty nice so depending on the server hardware that you have and the core is allocated um and you know how many blocks you're trying to render uh it could take up to like an hour to two hours depending on how large that you're trying to do uh but i have basically 1.5 cores allocated to my demo server and this is on the ryzen 5 3600 so um pretty solid cpu and it's moving quite a long at a pretty steady rate and i do recommend when you render your role that you try to do it when there's less players online because um it does take up most of your cpu usage that you have allocated to your server so it's just best to do it when less players online and then you can basically go from there so once this is done we'll hop back in game and we'll set up our border now that we rendered in our world we can do chunky border and we can go ahead and add the border to this world so we go ahead and do add now go ahead and automatically take in whatever setting that we have so this is our coordinate and our radius and it automatically applies the border to that so for example what i want to show you guys real quick is if we switch over to my other screen i have a dyn map on here and it does hook in with dynmap so you can visibly see the border so here we have our 1k border which is filled in from nine map so since we have rendered in our world we can go ahead and fly uh to one of the edge borders as you can see it is generating so fast as long as we are flying because this has already been pre-generated so it does not even have to load it does not take any lag for the server to load it up it's just on the client side so on server side this has already been pre-filled in so there's no lag happening at all which is great so as you see we can have 20 tps and we can bounce into the world border uh right about there so there we go that is the edge of our rolled border which is pretty cool uh so if we switch over to our dynmap again real quick we can see hey we are on the very edge of the border so that is how players can visually see it if you do have the dynmatic plug-in installed as well and it hooks on uh just perfectly with that but anyways guys that is the chunky plugin very helpful i highly recommend it uh for generating the chunks in your server to reduce lag uh so anyways that is pretty much it hope you guys have a wonderful day i will see you guys in the next video [Music] come on
Channel: SoulStriker
Views: 12,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Plugins, Top Minecraft Plugins, minecraft bukkit plugins, Minecraft best plugins, Minecraft Spigot Plugins, Bukkit Minecraft Plugins, free minecraft hosting, free minecraft, best minecraft plugins, minecraft hosting, minecraft plugin, minecraft server plugins, dream, dream smp, minecraft, minecraft plugins, plugins minreacrt, minecraft dream smp, chunky, chunky plugin, minecrafts
Id: tuf7vknJnNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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