How To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed Right Now | Mel Robbins

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and so when you feel overwhelmed what I know about you is that your brain is full of a bunch of garbage I am going to disappear overwhelm using a simple pitcher mason jar and a garden-variety spiral notebook I know I'm not kidding I'm actually gonna disappear overwhelm overwhelm is something that you want to fight because if you allow yourself to stay in a state of feeling overwhelmed by the amount of things that you have to do that pressure and that uncertainty combined with this feeling that you can't get anything done is gonna create anxiety in your life it's gonna impact not only your your well-being but it's also going to severely limit your ability to focus and get things done so the most important thing with overwhelm is to understand what it is and a simple tool that you can use to get rid of it so here's what we're gonna do so let's pretend that this right here this empty mason jar is your brain in order to do your best thinking you need to make sure that you've got the full capacity of your brain leveraged and pointed at the things that are important to you here's the problem when you go through life as you go through life what happens is you know your brain starts to fill up with information and that's what creates a state of feeling overwhelmed being overwhelmed is nothing more than having a full brain so as you go through your day-to-day life and you start checking email and looking at texts and looking at Facebook and sitting in meetings and flipping through television channels and sending emails and writing Excel spreadsheets and running and picking up the kids at work and getting another text and looking at Instagram and looking at Twitter and checking out the news your brain gets pretty full doesn't it and so when you feel overwhelmed what I know about you is that your brain is full of a bunch of garbage and so oh I didn't think about the drain draining I hope that's not bothering you but it's certainly gonna bother me what you need to do in order to fight overwhelm is you've got to actually do a brain dump you got to get rid of all that stuff so that you've got an empty brain so you can focus again so how do you do that it's easy to do with a cup of water because you just pour it out this is what you're gonna do you are literally going to dump out everything that's in your head onto this piece of paper every concern every worry every to do every thing that's bothering you that you're thinking about you're gonna write down all right and when you're done writing down everything that's in your head and there's absolutely nothing left oh I've got something due tomorrow that I kind of forgot about once you get that stuff all down on a piece of paper pull out a highlighter take a look you could do everything on this list you could but what should you do what are three things just three that you should do in order to advance the things that matter to you let's see I got to do that one I got to do that one and I got to do that one the rest of this list is complete and other garbage it's other people's stuff it's the email stuff it's the meeting stuff it's the stuff that's not all that important to me it's not that mission-critical so by dumping everything out I now not only have the three things I need to do I've got a clear head so I can get it done [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mel Robbins
Views: 520,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mel Robbins, Overwhelm, Brain Dump, Productivity
Id: 4zEBjqhwobA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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