If You Struggle With Anxiety, This Mind Trick Will Change Your Life | Mel Robbins

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the question was what do you do when you wake up in the morning and you're having a panic attack [Music] but is something I lived with for years and it is terribly to me it's terrifying I'm so sorry this is happening to you and I want to tell you you can actually get control of it you ready yeah so first things first let me explain what's happening when your body is in a state of panic okay so that you understand what's going ever been in a situation in your car where you almost get in an accident yes and immediately when that car almost sideswipe so what happens in your body they just you tense up you have a instant what's the word adrenaline yes yes like your heart's racing right and your palms get sweaty in the situation I just gave you your brain has context for what the [ __ ] is going on so your brain goes oh my god we almost just got hit by a car as soon as the car leaves your body starts to slow down doesn't right what happens when you're having a panic attack is you wake up in the middle of the morning and your body's in a state of alert just as if a car almost hit you but the problem is your mind has no explanation for why it's happening yeah that makes sense that's far apart yes so your mind gets really scared because your body is now doing something that normally only happens when there's danger but the products it but there's no danger but you don't know the difference so you now wake up and I would get in this cycle where I would literally have panic attack after panic attack and then I'd be afraid of having a panic attack yeah and then I'd have a panic attack so you're gonna do this when you wake up and you feel that do not lie in bed stand up immediately start your day then as if it's two o'clock in the morning if it's two o'clock in the morning yes because lying in bed what with all of that and deep breathing it's probably not gonna help if you actually get up and physically move your body now thinks what she's getting away from the danger what I want you to do is come up with an anchor for [Music] what is a thot give me give me a Vig describe a place where you feel really happy and centered and grounded watching my grandkids great you're gonna go 5 4 3 2 1 and you're gonna have a particular vision of you and your grandchildren super specific and then just say I'm so excited to see them tomorrow I'm so excited every day all right I'm so excited I see them in the morning I'm so excited and what's gonna happen is by saying you're excited and by counting backwards 5 4 3 2 1 you interrupt the patterns you're waking this [Music] by saying I'm excited to see my babies and then you've got a picture of them your mind's gonna start to go Oh her Hertz racing because she's excited to see her babies just keep saying that you've got to give your mind an explanation right to get it to calm your body down in the car crash your mind knows what's happening you're gonna give it a reason do you understand I do the other thing I want you to know in the back of this book last page right here this is for everybody the book comes with 31 days of video torture sign up for it because I go into panic and anxiety very deeply all that's happened is for some reason we've started to worry and that worry has become a habit and now your body is worrying and that's now leading to panic we can reverse it okay you're welcome thank you that's actually my gift to you [Music]
Channel: Mel Robbins
Views: 3,884,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2017
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