How To Stop Being Insecure | Effective Ways To Let Go Of Insecurity In Your Relationship

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How to stop being insecure. My name is Coach Adrian and welcome to HAPPILY COMMITTED Feeling insecure is a sure way to lose control of your relationship, of your self-worth, self-esteem, and over the years I've coached so many people who started to feel insecure and as a result lost the person that they love so much. And the idea here is to provide you with tools and relevant guidance to help you regain control and confidence in yourself and in your relationship. Oftentimes people that feel insecure forget what they're good at. And in coaching sessions, I often train clients to focus on their quality traits and attributes. And it's important to first understand what your quality traits are, and then, two, to put yourself in situations on a daily basis where you can let your quality attributes shine. Instead of seeking your partner's approval or reassurance, address your insecurities yourselves. It's important for you to take accountability here. Your husband, your wife, your boyfriend, or your girlfriend is not responsible for you. You need to work on your own self-esteem and your self-worth. Don't let them, don't let anyone for that matter have that control over your life. And so the whole idea here is to go through a process of personal transformation in order to help you feel as confident and as secure as you can be to in turn create the relationship that you want. Don't depend on them. And the start of that process is identifying the quality traits and attributes that you possess and then putting yourself, on a daily basis, in situations where you can let those quality attributes shine. Second, I need you to cultivate gratitude. If you are grateful for what you do have, if you're able to focus on the good, the positive aspects of your life, you are going to be able to reach a place of well-being, serenity and security. When you're insecure that voice in your head is forcing you to focus perhaps on a negative memory, on a time where you did something that you're ashamed of or focused on the things that you don't do well, the things about yourself that you don't like. Quiet that voice and focus on the good. And you can do that by being in a constant state of gratefulness, of gratitude. Throughout your day set reminders to pause and to appreciate what you have, what you're grateful for. And there's endless things to be grateful for and the more you cultivate that habit the happier you will be, the more secure you will feel. It's important to surround yourself with people that help you become better with people that don't put you down just to build themselves up. And if you're if you've identified a few negative people in your life, friends, family members, or even partners, it's important for you to distance yourself from them, to heal, to grow, in order for you to gain the confidence and the peace of mind and stability that you need to then accept them for all that they are and to not let their negativity affect you. It's also essential for you to keep your independence. In any relationship If you start to get sucked into other people's negative emotions or if you try strive continuously to live someone else's dream if, you are always focused on empowering other people and not living out your true core values, you're gonna feel insecure. Your life will not be aligned and you will not reach your full potential. So it's very important for you to stay independent in your thoughts and in the way that you want to live your life. Don't live someone else's life. Live your own and regain confidence in the process. Finally, in order to overcome insecurity, you need to stretch your comfort zone. You need to set goals on a daily basis and you need to attack each day with a purpose. Don't just coast through life hoping that things will just magically get better. NO! Have a plan or a roadmap and then make sure that you put yourself in a position to reach your goals. And I highly encourage you to seek help if you feel like you're overwhelmed. We as coaches are here to help. We've developed countless programs on HAPPILY COMMITTED to help you become the best version of yourself and to create the relationship you want. So join the movement! Subscribe to our YouTube channel, like this video if you've enjoyed it. This is a safe space. We've wanted to create a safe environment in order for people to share what they're struggling with. So don't hesitate to leave some of the things that you are insecure about and what you are doing to grow because that's what life is all about. For Happily Committed, I'm Coach Adrian. Thank you for joining us today, and see you soon for another video
Channel: Happily Committed
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Keywords: how to stop being insecure, happily committed, the happily committed project, coach adrian, insecurity, overcoming insecurity, is my girlfriend cheating on me, how to stop being insecure in a relationship, what causes insecurity in a relationship, signs of an insecure man in love, quotes about being insecure, how to overcome insecurity in a relationship, dating an insecure man, feeling insecure in a relationship
Id: Vw-EYPvY6mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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