How to stop a water hammer noise from a tap

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i won today you're going to address the problem of water hammer noise that you get just when you operate a particular tap could be a cold tap usually bathroom basin sink now if you've got ceramic type taps you'll probably find that won't happen but if you've got taps that are could be mixer still but the use or washer then a lot of times the problem could be the actual washer itself so you can obviously first of all try turning your main stop pressure down to stop it but do remember they've got it too slow there it makes it very poor fo for the rest of the taps and also if you have a roof tank that would slow right down and you could possibly join the tank whilst having a bath before it could fill up because the pressure could be so low so what i'm going to look at today is if you're just getting that noise from a particular tap we're saying us a sink tap you turn it on you get a bad bad bad bad bang noise well this is as to fix that one fairly easy and simply but so what I'm going to show here is a kitchen tap it's obviously Allison - I'm going to take the top off and just show you what I mean what can happen with these tap so I'll just tap the top off take the cap off and unscrew the body now obviously before you do any of that make sure you turn the water off first do not try this put the water on okay so make sure the waters off and we'll take a buddy of the tap out now that are all different they can all be slightly different so I'm just showing you this particular model now as you can see there's our washer there one our seed now what happens is a lot of times this washer gets very very worn and it starts to move on that seat housing so that as you turn the tap off as it goes down onto the seat of the tap it kind of vibrates with the pressure the pressures high can kind of make a noise so as you've got to turn it off you get this squealing and hammering noise as that washer is fine brain obviously this is a new tab and you can see it's obviously not worn at all so now you can't just replace that washer and you probably will stop it but if you want to make certain to stop it then the answer is to take that washer off of fit one of these washers this is what we call a dome tap washer now that's on the end and this is a bath tap one I'm sorry so I haven't got a 50ml one to show you but if you replace with one of those as that goes into C it will gradually come across the seat like so and because of that action it kind of stops the water a monoids from happening because it gradually goes into the sea and it's not allowed to vibrate up and down like so and that stops that hammer noise so this is my recommendation if you've got a tap that he's making a noise just 110 get yourself a dome tap washer from your plumbers merchants or shop you get that that's a bath tap one obviously the sink one is that size now on some taps you have a recessed housing for the washer de'cine then you will have to file around the outside of that to get it to fit in can be a bit of a problem and sometimes a nut won't go back on the end and because it's it's not good enough thread left so they're the little problems associated with fitting a dome washer but at the end of day once you've got one on there it will I can pretty much guarantee you stop that water hammering noise at the tap so that's just a little tip from me screw on get your old dome on X grit well you may have to fire it rounds I say to get it to fit but once it's on here screw that back in there put your your tap back and put your top on and like a mirror I say that that will probably cure your water hammer noise if you just got it at the one tap and every other tap into us is fine right it can be a mix of taps to save it's usually the cold that does it but these days with combis it can be a hot one if you've got a warm moisture on there okay well see it's just a little chickies one has asked about that thing I was a good one to share with you it's just another way of solving a problem out right he died give me okay that's it from me usual place Derek Verde free for all my stuff you know where to go make sure watching bye bye
Channel: dereton33
Views: 343,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Water Hammer, How-to (Website Category), plumbing, plumber, tap, tap noise, hammering noise
Id: g0DUmmrhGwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2015
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