How to turn a stopcock that will not turn off.

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hi everyone back on again thorny subject stop taps stop whichever you like to call them and that falling problem have you gone to turn the water off and it won't move it's solid and I've got a video up on another way of doing this but I'm going to show you one other way that you may be out of here and don't think that by putting wd-40 on there it would do any good it won't touch it waste of time okay this is my preferred way of easing off at a pendulum now not all of them are gonna go sometimes you just can't move the nipping stiff for so long so yeah we have a scope I'm showing you an example with a 22 millimeter one of his so new stock normally I know there's a back of a cupboard in a very good place shoes younger sink somewhere and they were devil to get to now we're assuming that solid Odin use yarn you can't movie it just gone pretty hard first thing to do okay little spanner and ease off this packing knife if you can now I've got one loose already don't rip it already you loosen it off but just turn it like so and just twist it off a few turns don't worry it starts to weep a little bit it's quite normal because you can tidy up afterwards if we manage to free the thing and get it working on it now if it's got a screw head in there and you can take this top off even better and it give you a bit more room to work with so what I do then the only thing I'll find nice to get a grip on these round brass Pro is a pair of these these are old fashioned stillson's used them for years these are tens but you're probably a bit of a smaller pair and I besides i because they'll get in there what I do as you can see if I turn this round is I adjust those to fit over that okay and get a grip now assuming that obviously it's solid you push it down and just get a bit of movement you mind you better go that far and once it gets really hard don't try and push it any more the stillson's off and go back the other way okay take it back to where you was take it off and then go back again what you'll find you'll gradually get a little bit more and a little bit more like more around to that way now now we've got a little bit more Isaac don't try and push it any harder and back open it up again he's gradually you're breaking off the lime scale is inside that thread getting it off and getting this tap to go so just keep Allie it takes it a while stillson's back on and turn again and you're going to find you get a little bit more again and then back off and leave the tap over to sink running and you'll see when you get it off because a lot of people don't realize that some of these taps are only on a little short why everybody probably on a couple of turns and what happens is you've actually got it off but don't realise it is off this you haven't tried to tap at the sink so why are you doing this sounds mad but run the tap so you can see when you ease off because believe me a lot of people have actually got the tap off relight not realizing it is off and gone that little bit farther and run from you and the end their days I say break it it's already broken so you know there you are you got the renewing anyway but that's usually my remedy you can then turn it back on you use your wife you've done that you can do it by hand okay and if you get any weeps out of this gland not here at all anything now there you can pack it with PTFE tape just push it in and then do it up again okay but normally you can just tighten your own get your spanner back and just start now don't go too mad with this because if you turn it too much you won't be able to turn it again you'll go very stiff so that there's a fine balance so take it off a bit of it if it was too cool and it would be nice and easy so don't over tighten this packing line or you back to square one all right don't go mad so pop that loose again and just pack it if it won't really hold the leak in as I under a completely a string of PTFE tape by that long just rolling it thin roll it around that there just push it in with a screwdriver in to that hollow setting just pumped it in and then push that in and do it out then you'll find you won't have to do that not quite so tight and it'll still hold water then but not leak and you should be able to turn it nice and easy okay so that's my simple remedy so I know a lot of you won't have instructions you know it's kind of not together - we've got a stopcock is really quite bad just can't move it then to buy a pair of 18 stillson's is not a lot of money and worth ago because sometimes the the axle of china be newest stop copying a dodgy position really tight can be a lot of time consuming energy for a little thing i mean cost next to no money really no people have turned it off in a street and put the stopcock above the old one on a spare bit of copper above but it's not quite the done thing really I've seen it many times and yes it can do it that way but direct you in your attacking play sometimes can be quite an arduous problem which behind cupboards and so forth okay so that's it just a little tip on me I'm not already got a video on these that stop crooks before but and I thought I'd try this tip as well because I may not mix it on the old one because I'm still getting lots of people with trouble with the old seized up Scott you know there you are so that's it for me use your place of my videos nobody go there it and 43 thanks for watching guys bye bye
Channel: dereton33
Views: 61,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stopcock, stoptap, tap, plumbing, plumber, main valve
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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