How to stop a water hammer noise in your pipes

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hi everyone and welcome along today we're looking at water hammers yeah the noise are getting your pipes you know when you turn them off you get a massive bang what they have is that sometimes you can get it at night there's several things you can do to sort this one out and I'll tell you what they are is pretty simple one of the first things I always try is to slow the flow down now he won't stop pressure that will still go but find your main stop and just turn it right off and then turn it back on slowly crazy I'm gonna turn the tap on now now if you've identified whether bang comes from and went saying it's a toilet cistern upstairs it might be worth just locating the valve and you've got one on it if not it's worth putting one of these on they cost nothing they're really really cheap and just adjust that down so again it fills in a lot more slowly they did before this might also stop the bang for you now the reason I'm pointing to this stop clock in the Cubbies because his pipe leads up into the loft the root tank ball valve you find your noise happens at night when what was drawn off and you get a bang in it could well be the roof tank ball valve he's changing but you can again if you have a valve in I have on this one try slowing that down again and slowing the speed down not too much for a routine because you do need quite heavy flow in here so I advise if he does come from the routing probably best to change the ballcock in there now I'm pointing that this clip has come away from this pipe because this is another thing what causes a water hammer pipes are not clipped securely and you get a bang I mean you can see where that's touching that wood up there there is a potential water hammer so clip the pipe if you find it's loose anywhere tying it fix it down help stop that noise from happening now I'm showing you these by syntactic because a friend I just did a job for the other day found that the water hammer she had was so severe it was actually making attached every time it went bang so the tap run this is obviously you know the pressure is so bad if the bang is causing the cartridge in there to move it's probably war and that's why doing it but again every time it happened if you're finding you got a tap suddenly starts dripping or running after the bang not ideas the cartridge one in the tap but that effect of the bang is so severe that it is causing problems elsewhere of your system so it's very important to get this little problem sorted out first of all I say do try to locate the exact place where it is banging and that will be the probably where you might need to have get something like this I'm going to show you now if all those fouls now then second on the list of last resort items is one of these which is a shock arrestor okay just stop thumping pipes basically it's a pressure vessel takes to shock out of things it's good to get this as close to where you think the noise is coming from but disadvantage obviously is is quite biggest bulky it's got to be hidden away somewhere it looks quite ugly it can't with the app that on show can you so there is a good idea if you can get close to where the noises happening especially say like Ruth tanks in cupboards and things have been getting away out of sight it does seem to work okay but that's not the being all the the very best thing to do is to do one of these I'm going to show you next but by the way it will give you the link for this which is like one of these I'll put in the description one last thing obviously is to attack the problem at source and that is to reduce the pressure completely and this will reduce the pressure itself which does cause the bang as if you fancy put your money's on the main inlet to your house when you fill up to it and configure in this obviously will also do the job and off you slow the pressure everywhere to a rate where you get that noise stopped this is sometimes more preferable by lots of people I'll give a link this one as well okay it's that's it just like the one I thought I tell you about saying that experience hide the other weaker a house for well lady who had problems with a tap since you couldn't quite work out why whenever this bangin offer basin tap start to dribble and so I to jump in one when he repair the tap and also saw out of what am i wish i did do actually just by turning the main stock down it'll be really actually sorted that one out we bout have to put a shock arrest during so that was worth doing was him okay that's about it oh just a little one for me letting information video really thanks game watcher what are you derrin 33 for my stuff you know where to go thanks everybody bye [Applause] [Music]
Channel: dereton33
Views: 281,024
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Id: dfrsmXN9Jic
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Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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