How to Startup & Take Off a Bell 206 Helicopter

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hey guys my name is sami zavonkovic and today i'm going to show you how to start the bell 206 l4 now that we finished our exterior pre-flight on the bell 206 l4 it's time to finish it on the inside of the cockpit first we have the cabin interior making sure everything's clean and secure next is our fire extinguisher making sure it's latched and its condition is good next is our first aid kit in the back making sure it's secured co-pilot controls secured and properly installed everyone's seat belts are secured and all the doors are shut and secure next we have the flight controls making sure everything is free to move so with the cyclic we're going to go in a nice circle one way making sure it moves freely nothing's interfering with it then the other way and then back to center feels good next our pedals and lastly our collective so all the way up and then all the way down nothing's catching feel good and the throttle so open all the way roll off to that idle release and now push and close it the rest of the way we want to make sure it stops at that idle release next on our checklist is our landing lights making sure they are off our hydraulic switch on engine anti-ice off next our radio nav off altimeter set free air temperature so the next generator switch battery defog blower pedo heat directional gyro pulled attitude indicator and our turn indicator off our heater turned off anti-collision lights stays on instrument lights off position lights set as desire off for right now rotor brake handle all the way up gpu connected if needed now for our battery when i turn this on you'll hear a loud rpm signal a little button underneath to mute it now our caution lights making sure everything lights up and our tot test making sure a little red light illuminates on our tot so avionics on fuel valve confirm on and that the guard is closed boost pumps so we're going to check that our light goes out and then we get an increase in fuel pressure so left one coming in we get an increase light goes out right one little increase light goes out we're gonna pull the left one again make sure the right can still hold the produce enough pressure left boost pump light comes on then both in fuel quantity check make sure we have enough fuel for our flight that we're about to go on now we're on to the engine start so everything's still centered throttle closed we're going to clear the area our next step is we're going to start the timer wait for it to get to five seconds at five seconds i'm going to push both the starter and the idler release out at least just in case i have to abort waiting for the n1 to hit 12 percent cracking throttle now i'm watching tot two spikes it slows down around 500 then continues to 700 i want to keep it in the yellow so i'm going to roll on a little more right there slowly moving the throttle keeping it in the yellow arc as i'm keeping the tot and the yellow arc i'm also watching the n1 waiting for it to get to 58 percent still rolling on waiting for 58 and one right there i have 58 off the starter at 50 seconds now i'm gonna do two clicks on the idle release one two and then roll back against it after we let off the starter we're now going to wait one minute to turn on our generator during this one minute i usually listen to weather get the current winds altimeter coming up on our one minute a minute 50 because i let off the starter at 50 seconds i'm gonna run roll up to 70 and one and then flip the generator on so rolling the throttle up there's a little bit of a dead area then it goes 70 percent generator on roll back next i'm going to turn on attitude indicator directional gyro turn indicator next is our hydraulic check we're going to flip the hydraulics off and on making sure there's no bump after hydraulics are back on we're going to check our gauges making sure everything is in the green and looking good before we roll up everything looks good so we're going to start that roll up on the throttle watching the tot and keeping the torque below 30 as we roll up so it is a smooth slow roll up so we're gonna start rolling that up keeping it below 30. watching our rpms now go up making sure those do not go too high and we're opening the throttle all the way okay so throttle is full open i cannot roll it on anymore next on the checklist is elt making sure there's no indication of a transmission so we're good there flight controls freedom everything feels good so these next few steps we only have to do when it's below 5 degrees celsius and that is checking turning on engine anti-ice and watching for a climb in tot and then turning it back off and watching for the decrease and then turning on pedo heat watching for a small rise in the ammeter and then turning it off for a decrease in the ammeter after those checks we're going to go to the hydraulic system check so we're going to turn hydraulics off do a small x motion going to be pretty stiff raise slightly and lower slightly on the collective next hydraulics on and we're gonna get a little bit of a bump that i talked about before then we're gonna do a small circle making sure everything's smooth and controlled and feels good now that our hydraulics are back on and everything's centered thanks before takeoff we check we set our engine anti-ice pitot heat light switches instrument lights radios all as required or desired the flight control is still centered and throttle we check that is still full open checking our gauges making sure everything is still in the green and our fuel quantity is good now we're ready for a takeoff so we're going to go ahead and put stow our checklist but in between our seats and we're ready for takeoff making sure our area is clear no one is standing or walking up to the helicopter okay so for this pickup we're going to slowly raise the collective while adding left pedal and a slight aft into the left cycle input keep slightly raising the collective until we get once get up and now we're in a safe hover from here we can move forward to the taxiway and get ready for our takeoff as for setting it down we're going to slowly lower the collective keeping our pedals lined up let the ground surprise us [Music] and a nice smooth landing then lower the collective all the way adjusting pedals now that we're down pedals neutrals collective all the way down cyclic centered we're going to roll off the throttle until it hits the idle release we're going to mute the rpm the low rpm sound we're gonna start our timer two minutes raise the collective a little bit just to stop that hop we're gonna grab our checklist and we're on engine shut down so we already did collective pull downs we landing lights are off reduced to idle we muted the horn now we're gonna do to stabilize for two minutes kind of two minutes cool down battery switch off and on watching for a decrease in an increase there's a little decrease there's the increase left boost pump out engine anti-icing is off directional gyro attitude indicator turn coordinate so directional gyro attitude turn indicator elt check for inadvertent transmissions good there radio navs turn off we're gonna keep them on so you guys can hear after the two minutes come up we're gonna turn our generator off then push the idle release and roll the throttle off coming up on our two minutes so generator off idle release push roll off view engine out [Music] making sure tot is coming down now we are waiting for 38 on the rotor we're going to apply the brake lock it all the way down as the blades start slowing down we'll slowly release the brake still keeping pressure on it and then stopping it just a little off center rotor brake all the way up all other switches off so we're gonna pull right boost pump and our avionics off before i turn avionics off what i'm waiting for to turn the battery off is our n1 to stop spooling so we're waiting for that to go all the way to zero before i turn the battery off off and that is how you start up and shut down a bell 206 l4 hey guys hope you enjoyed the startup on the bell 206 l4 go ahead and check out our quick stop maneuver video and like subscribe and share we'll see you next time
Channel: SUU Aviation
Views: 18,053
Rating: 4.9179487 out of 5
Keywords: how to start up a bell 206, how to takeoff a bell 206, bell 206 startup, bell 206 startup and takeoff, bell 206 takeoff, bell 206 take off, bell 206 start up, bell 206 helicopter, bell 206 taking off, how to start a bell 206, bell 206 long ranger helicopter, suu aviation, bell 206 long ranger, Startup & Take Off A Bell 206 Helicopter, take off a bell 206 helicopter, Takeoff included
Id: sx8pOvLW-xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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