Bell 505 helicopter review and flight ( Jetranger X )

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Copy/paste of my rant on the 505 in another subreddit where someone claimed that it was some super modern revolutionary helicopter.

Just note this is tongue in cheek so have a read and roll your eyes and have a chuckle, there is a bit of hyperbole so dont aneurysm.

i work for a 505 operator, and also have about 2000hrs just amongst all the varients of the 206 except the LT, half the part numbers of the 505 still start in 206, the entire tail rotor assembly and tr gearbox is off a shitbanger, and the main rotor system, blades, and mrgb are all part for part longranger transplants. The arrius 2r isnt completely new, its a ec120 (2f) engine with a fadec system replacing the hydro pneumatic fuel controllers of the 2f. the hot section and the accessory and reduction gearbox internals are the same, a scratch of modernisation on a proven engine yes, but you wouldnt say the c30 was "completely new from ground up" over the c28, and the 2r over the 2f isnt either.

The fuel cell is not bigger, its 320L whereas shitbangers after ~1990 have 340 and pre 1990 can be expanded to roughly that with a range extender nozzle. The way you drain fuel from a 505 is retarded as well, there is no sump drain, no ports on the bottom of the tank like..... every aircraft i can think of... you suck it out with this stupid dick pump looking thing that gets stashed on the inside of one of the few inspection doors this helicopter has... which is a relevent point, because you cannot daily inspect the right side of this helicopter, there are no inspection doors on the right hand side to have a gawk at the breaker box, the battery, the engine controllers, rhs frame, etc... and for some reason all the cowls are held on by screwhead bolts instead of dzus fasteners that the 206 has on most of its cowls.. i reckon i could have all the cowls off the top of a 206/L/407 on my own in less than 3 minutes and without scratching them.

The circuit breaker and fadecs being mounted on the transmission deck and behind it is retarded as all the water that enters the area from rain or being washed drains onto them and fucks them out. One of ours had a wierd bug recently where halfway through the spool up the entire everything would crash, all screens blank, big crack noise, no sign of life.. not great for a light vfr helicopters typical role which is remote work..

The lithium battery is because the thing has cg issues.. there is no reason why it cant have a more robust battery as there is tons of room in that area... the cg issues are the probable cause of yet another common stupid-bell-thing.. the wasted room, there is an enourmous ammount of wasted volume where the engine controller /cb/battery/float bottle go, like the empty area behind the hatrack in the 206, it just wouldnt be able to handle the cg if that area was open for use by fuel or cargo.

The standard cargo bay is shit too, its weirdly/awkwardly deep, and the door is tiny so you cant utilise the volume anyway.

The 505 brings a flat floor, which is useful for utility, much more comfortable seating than the 206, and the float bottle is internal now instead of under the belly... but the skids are too low for a belly pod so we cant get any advantage out of that trait anyway.... oh yeah.. the floats cant be re packed by onstaff engineers, they have to be sent away.. that may have changed though.

The garmin 1000 is barely utilised by a light vfr helicopters role..its all superficial stuff to look modern, i sometimes refee tothe g1000 as just a GA toy that cirrus weekend warriors use to play make believe airliner, they are not used in larger jets or ifr helicopters or military helicopters to my knowledge.

The real engineering of a helicopter is in its rotor system and transmissions and engine.., and the head of a 505, from its 206 origins has not been touched, it still flings grease all over itself, we still have to re grease it after rain.. if you arent careful when you inject grease into the spindles, you can damage the excluder seal, which makes that spindle lose all its grease all over the helicopter in the first 5 mins of its next flight. The head and blades have to be removed to replace the seal. And the head is so reliant on grease that historically 206 have problems with brinelling on internal componants... we still have to tie the blades down because it has no mechanism to lock the teetering function as the robinsons (also old shit) do, i dont fault the 206 for these things, because it's 60 years old... but the 505 has no excuse. The helicopter still has an airspeed-torque limitation that is suspiciously similar to one of the 206 which is the torque limitation above certain airspeed due to the airframes aerodynamics bending the mast.. so you cant count "modern aerodynamics" as a win for the 505 either.

No rotor brake per standard...

Because of recently found manufacturing defects they all need a penetrative dye inspection on the collective stick every 20hrs untill bell comes up with a fix, and charges us for the privelage probably.. the cockpit has to be gutted to do this, and they cant be flown right seat solo now...

The 505 is literally the jurassic park john hammond spared no expense illusion of modernisation of the helicopter world.. a helicopter has to do shit, and the parts that do the shit in a 505 are from a 206.. and the turbomecca engine... which bell doesnt make..

i have a laundry list of ramblings bigger than this post when it comes to the cabri, as i used to work for a cabri operator and have a smudge of time in them, which i suspect most of sour grapes pedantic whiners dont.. but.. u/foxxray54 is right though that the cabri brought way more to piston trainers than the 505 did to light turbines. Having the same shitbox lawnmower engine is par for the class as no other piston manufacturer wants to touch helicopters, bruno guimbal wanted the cabri to have a merc diesal engine originally but aviation being aviation we get the finger.. at least it has plasma ignition.

A better example of a modernised helicopter using existing platform is the ec130t2 over the as350, but even that has the same heart and muscle as the also produced 125. But i forgot what point i was making

And dont tell me to get a life.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/mast-bump 📅︎︎ May 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

No winglets on the horizontal stab. I wonder why.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/2oonhed 📅︎︎ May 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

I flew Bells demonstrator 505 a while ago when they came to Canada. I didn't spend a lot of time looking around the airframe, but I was generally underwhelmed flying it.

Pro: It seemed to have a good amount of power compared to a 206. The flat floor cabin is nice. Visibility was pretty good IIRC.

Cons: The thing had, for a new helicopter, a really shitty main rotor vibration to it. Everyone loves the 206L for its smoothness, well somehow they managed to remove that. And this was the official Bell demo machine, presumably tracked and balanced as good as it can be. It also did have the optional cabin floor vibration damper to it. And it still sucked. The demo pilot sitting next to me spend the entire time explaining the huge digital dash with its 10,000 functions, probably to distract me from the vibrations? It's a VFR machine, I'd rather be looking out the window, not push it until I need synthetic vision.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ewan_Whosearmy 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] okay i'm here with polly who's from bell helicopters yep who is going to talk to us today about the fairly new 505 that's about right when was it introduced 2017. yep production is starting 2014 it was unveiled in 14 as well and the first delivery took at 17 2017 and since now we already sold over 300 helicopters wow and we've already flown over 50 000 hours and this is really a innovation over the 206 l4 yeah with the 206 because it only fits four passengers plus a pilot so it's a light single and engine helicopter so it's the newest and uh and the whole other models out there this is the newest one so far but there's a lot of parts yeah like the rotor system and the transmission that are that are from the 206l which is the longer one so we brought a reliable parts that are within in open over flying during 30 years so we brought it here because it's so reliable yeah and we flow over a million hours on this part so you can trust on it so taking all the best parts and improve the rest for sure yeah the clean concept in the cabin so we have an open cabin let's have a look so coming from that show six they had the broom closet right the flight controls running over here now you have all this extra space an open cockpit yeah sure yeah that's amazing also the flat floor concept right to carry cargo so it's all flat this over here this door opens as well so you're gonna have a 55 inch opening to load and unload cargo also passengers a grass in grass over here it's just easy yeah that's beautiful it's completely different than the other jet ranges isn't it it is yeah we also have the integrated uh integrated uh hook points so you can put a net over your cargo so it doesn't go any air this is standard from factory and all of the seats are full point restraints it's four point restraints yep and crash seats crash hits front and back right this is quick release so just a pull in here you would release the seat it's attached on the wall so you're gonna have all this space for cars so the whole three rear seats can be removed yes for sure and each seat weights 20 pounds so it's a very light seat and still crash resistant i see and a glass cockpit glass cockpit g1000 this is a the old version so it still has the 1000h but the latest version coming out of the factory is the nxi right very nice all right let's take a walk around the outside sure thing so here on this side we have the fuel tank it's approximately 85 gallons 84.85 which is 577 pounds of fuel burn rate is about 30 32 gallons an hour so you can fly two hours and a half in there and it's a is it a bladder type system it's a bladder type system yeah and it also has the chug and if you have a crash the bladder type system will help you to prevent the fuel of spilling out of it ah very cool yes you don't normally see them behind the door like yeah so it's kind of hidden just give a nice perspective on the paint and everything yes here's a window for you to visualize the hydraulic system there's a lrb in there a little red button that you can do your pre-flight looking through here baggage door baggage compartment yes where we put the other passengers there you go yeah the non-paying passengers go in here and the other side you have another door so this door is optional but the right side is standard i see and they're both the same size the doors this door is smaller okay it's about four inch smaller than the other one and these and these are the weights that's the weight for the cabin if you're using the floor for cargo and this is the baggage bay 250 pounds right oh it's great isn't it it is it's very spacious and can you fly with the door the these luggage compartment doors off yes you could yeah if you're carrying anything bigger then you would fit inside there is no limitations there is not saying the manual that he couldn't right and this is the grounding point for refueling yeah or down here or down here on the wheeling like this is where you hook the wheels so you can either put in here or over here yep so this one is equipped with floats so we have dart floats equipped the bottle would be here to activate the floats so also coming from the 206l blades right these blades are very long it's very wide it's going to give you a lot of inertia on autos and very good for safety yeah and that very specific twin light sound twin blade sound yeah that old bell style it's still here you're still gonna feel you're flying a bell yeah but with neo technology the engine is our first time using a saffron product it's a turbomeca areas 2r yes 505 horsepower so it's a very strong turbine for a small helicopter yes you're going to fuel in flight that are you you know you have a lot of power in there to work with you and i see a fantastic filter system here as well yeah it's the ibf which is uh inlet barrier system it's also standard with the helicopter yep also with the engine we have dual feed assistance so we have a redundancy in there for the startup is very easy you just need to push in to start the fedex will take care of how they start up for you austin flight he's gonna be there working for you while you can you know it's gonna reduce your workload so you can enjoy your so no throttle anymore no trout it's just a switch we have the boats attaching the tailbone in the truss we're gonna go around we're gonna see the truss which we call is the backbone of this helicopter is where everything holds into so we have this is all aluminium at the back here yep our aluminum uh uh-huh and this is the oil cooler that's the oil cooler yeah oil and transmission yep uh-huh and then on the bottom we have the air conditioner oh okay fancy air conditioning very fancy that's optional radar altimeter right um so install that stabilizer is outside the tailbone so it's easy to visual do a visual inspection it's coming from our 407 it's just a little smaller but it provides great stability in flight bringing the nose uptight noisy military helicopter so for a seven stabilizer this is a sled it's called sled here it provides the stability on climb so it's going to help you on time right the driving train the drivetrain is running up here oh yep all the way to the main rotor the small transmission also the tail rotor is very big so it's going to provide you a lot a lot of efficiency yeah when you're working with winds so is this larger than the 26 rod yep so back here in the tail we have some stuff that we don't see often in helicopters this is called the friend damper so it's damping out the vibration of the tail looks very digital yeah so it's it's a wire rope that it just works around the vibration so that's how it damps all the vibrations this is a movable ballast so the way we we work with the waiting balance and keep the helicopter balanced is by changing the weight from the tail to the nose so let's say you're carrying a lot of passengers your nose is going to be heavy so you need some extra weight in here on the tail so that's how you're just transferring the weights that are in the front to the back here yeah that happens i see that's how you're gonna compensate pretty good all good in here so as you can see it's a very long tail rotor yeah yeah it's it's two inch larger than the choose itself so there's the other two boats holding the tail rotor yes attached to the truss yep so over here on this little door so this is how you're oh this is how you get into the electrical there's a lot of space back there there is so the bottle is over there so it's not getting any baggage space from you so the water is on this wall there's a lot of space that's the truss yeah so that's the backbone of the helicopter where everything is attached to it so they've moved all of the circuit breakers back here yep so we don't have any secret breakers on the inside the cockpit oh interesting it's out here it's like when do we use circuit breaker right sometimes they everyone uses it to turn off the bpp yeah so everything the garmin is doing that for you now so you don't need to do that anymore yeah you have the lithium ion battery this is it this is the whole battery yeah 12 pounds wow so yeah it's it's gonna provide you it's a smart battery yeah so when you're flying cold climate it's gonna keep warm for you if it's shut down i see so it's pretty good all the garmin computers are there the ones that talk to fedex to the engine back how much room is back here yeah it's very roomy yeah and it can virtualize it's the epsu it's all the electric power unit for you and then the relay is back there right interesting so you can you can't check with the circuit breaker yes just do your pre-flight check then but if you have anything going on it's going to be on the garment and the garmin will tell you if any of these are you wouldn't tell you if it popped no you would come here but oh yeah interesting yeah and then what else yeah also the pedals they're controlled by cables oh okay we got back from our bell 47 yeah pretty reliable was our first helicopter and we're using that technology in here the technology from the 47 is in this aircraft it's actually the the cables and the truss oh really the truck is the same in the 47. yeah we brought that back a big piston engine in here as well if it would fit so yeah all the technology real ability that we had in the other helicopters we brought back in here have a look at this paintwork the paint stripe runs right to the edge of the tee they're amazing very specific about the same thing on the cargo here they really did a great job painting this one so this is the standard baggage you can see it's bigger so this is the one that's standard yeah the other one on the other side is optional but yeah it's pretty roomy you can put a lot inside it's sealed yep and what are these bags so those cushions in there you can use if you're a short pilot let's say it's gonna come right here you can attach that right over here yeah so it's gonna give you that extra forward i say push you should touch the controls another thing here that's where the balance the ballast so these come out and can go on the tail yep it's two plates of 10 pounds and one of five i see so that's how you balanced out the cg very analog very analog yeah um and so the doors are quite different than yes as well there's still a slam door yep with three latches yeah and all you do is slam the door and then close on you yep there we go and this is this is quite different than other yep it's uh it's very simple yep simple and it does the job and these doors can be removed for flight as well you can yep this one we still have the nut in here yeah this is the standard but there's a quick release as well with the pen that it's pretty easy to remove if you need those off yeah and are there different uh window types being developed like a bubble window we haven't developed that yet still in the works right yep but another thing here is the sliding window is optional right so photography and so forth yep yep oh that's great all right all right and you've got the wire cutters at the top and the bottom still the wire cutter bar on top yep the bottom one's quite far back isn't it yep it's on the structure right structural yep and the uh the rotor is the same as the previous yeah it's 206l same tutoring two bladed system we kept the two blade assistant to you know what if you have a small hanger like small confined areas a two blade system so much easier just you know to move around yes yes oh great all right let's take a look inside all right okay on to the interior so yeah i just want to show you how much passengers have have a lot of room yep i am 5'7 i have a lot of extra leg room yes head room a lot of space and air conditioning air conditioning for each one yeah each one has this is an option or is this a standard this is optional air conditioner yeah you would have steel here but not with the ac rolling on it yeah yeah so yeah it's pretty spacious very comfortable the seats this one is the premium leather seat and then we have uh optional as well as utility so you pick which one you would like which would be like a cloth yeah this one doesn't fold yeah the utility seats they would fold in here so it would have similar oh so there are thinner there the question is yeah right yep right yeah and then also the integrated tie-downs will be standard so if you need to carry cargo around yeah they are standard in there and are both headset type standard as well uh no no the limu plug is optional right yeah but yeah there's a lot of leg room isn't there dairy is a lot yeah it's very spacious very comfortable missing the the divide is a complete change yeah it's another picture yeah open cockpit isn't it wow it's amazing it's very early and it sits in the back it's actually four inches higher than the front ones right so they are looking over yeah so they have the best view in the in the helicopter and is there more uh sound dampening available if you want yes you can put a soundproof just like this one in the middle here yeah you can complete its ad it's optional yep so it looks more like vip the helicopter right so you can configure the helicopter as you go as you need right yeah this one they added the floats they added air conditioner they added the htos which is the traffic advisory terrain advisory it's all included in this system all right let's look at the front all right all right so as a right now the seats should be in flight position they had to be all the way forward and locked right that's how you lock these seats oh yep we're coming with uh more development that the seats is gonna be also locked in the back for taller people so they have more clearance in the flight controls right so as you can see it's a very nice and clean cockpit for the pilots there's not much going on everything is integrated in the garment system that's your miscellaneous panel that's so this is where you can add more more yep depends on the operation cargo hook if you needed the cargo clock would be here so you have room for improvements and things you need yeah air conditioner is going to be down here we also have a 20 28 volts direct current if you need to like charge it's a charging port oh okay it's the old style like a lighter yeah stick your cigarette lighter in there yep but what's really interesting of course is the uh is the collective and how different it is so it's just a cork in here yes there's no throttle it's a switch yes you don't fly or arrow and everything is controlled by the fader and there's a there's a flying idle on both sides yep my side also got one same same so that's he would switch the controls flying from pic to pic both would be in fly yeah and then if you're flying i would go on idle and you would be the prc at that time i see and if both went to idle the engine would go to idle you would go to ireland yeah so you just gotta make sure you you vocalize that and whoever is flying yeah has to be in flight and if they're both in fly you get a warning message dear yeah you get a a dual fly test message so it's just warning you you're both in fly and if you need to do performance out rotation or something you you're not going to be able to because i switch fly but you're still on obviously i see i switch is still in flight so whoever is flying has the fly and the other one will be on idle and you got some backup instruments as well yes we got backup instruments it has its own battery it can run for one hour okay yeah it can charge through the battery the main battery and the generator but it carries its own battery so yeah if you would lose both screens you can still rely on the standby uh-huh the events for the ac is on this side so this is the old style yep we already have the new style which is three vents three ports coming out so you have more directional very cool and the pedals adjustable just like the pedals yeah you can see those little holes with the pen and then you can adjust as per your height yep oh very nice and let's have a look at the cyclic there's nothing special about this it's a completely different design now yeah so there is a lot of option of the cargo releasing here yes they have the cargo provision so that where you would unhook the cargo right they have the float system so that's going to be for to inflate you just pull it there's a pin that holds for safety so you cannot do anything right now yeah so before that you would pull it and then it would inflate that's the terrain uh traffic mute oh okay if the garmin's telling you hey you have traffic and you acknowledge that by pressing them mute button right so while either side you can be pilot and command yes this one has slightly more more the configuration for pac is more on the right side yeah you could still reach everything you need yes right it's very fairly close yeah the frictions as well is only on the right side but you can fly either side as a pac single pilot these controls are removable so everything can come off oh okay so you could carry a passenger just removable on the left side just on the left yeah those are fixed in there and this is the frame damper so in the cabin we also have a a way to compensate the vibration in the cabin just two big springs inside this box oh okay compensating all the vibration the cabin it works pretty well so what's it attached to how does it work it's just a spring it's a pretty coiled spring thick and it's just there inside it's not attached to anything it's just compensated with the vibration okay on those springs in the manual we have a little compartment just a little manual yeah and then it comes off with a first aid kit it's right here yeah and up here we've got a rotor brake rotor brake and a fuel shut off emergency this yep you just pull it if you need it and then you would close oh okay the fuel they would stop feeding yeah yeah all the placards are also here yeah and there's great visibility isn't there it is it's very good for pilots and also for passengers it's a hybrid helicopter like bell came with this designed to suffice all the pilots like you know carrying passengers doing utility job the hook can carry two thousand pounds on the hook so it's very like a heavy load but it's still this helicopter can perform yeah with uh the engine so it's all of the benefits that yeah but with a lot more power and a lot better cabin yeah now the newest technology as well yes full glass cockpit it has all the ifr you could train ifr is not ifr certified yet but he has the six-pack all the instruments needed to fly ifr so what are some of the other options that are coming up for the 505. so we have uh also optioned as autopilot sure axis yeah genesis right now has uh two and three axis that he can install garmin is also coming with the their autopilot they're just uh finishing up everything also two and three axis so i'd assume most owners would want to wait for the garmin instead that it's all integrated yes it's all linked together but genesis is doing pretty good we already have some 505s out there that is using genesis autopilot yeah and it's doing great yeah that's cool so autopilot's coming up in any other options changes they're going to be making yeah now that the production's starting to get really underway isn't it yes it is yeah so the we're still learning about the 505 and the things that can do it like it's unbelievable like how nice and how powerful the 505 is it's always surprising for the the people with demo it's like they don't think it would be that powerful but when they pull that power is like wow there's power there for days yeah we also have the option of a high skids this one is uh it's an on lowest skills right now the high skills will be about six inches higher than it is right now so that's good for off airports landing uh in uh terrain that'll be no pavement area yeah it looks pretty nice yeah uh other than that that's it i think we already covered all the options you can have in here yeah very cool yeah it's like a customized nowadays you can customize so much and just do us the way you like right before you would buy a home cover this is what you get but right now you can customize as you like okay off you go all right we're gonna follow the checklist for the startup so we're just just gonna follow through everything paddle position i just set here it is there a checklist also available on the g1000 or you do it always from there you gotta have on it sonia usually you can print yeah you can live in the helicopter or with an ipad you could i'm pretty sure you can load over there right over here checklist file you don't have right now but there's a way that you can download inside the flight system seats is forwarding locked so like we said previously just make sure it's already locked and it's not going anywhere good doors latches we verify they're all the way in seat belts secure yep you got it flight controls so we're just gonna get the frictions off on the flight controls and we're just gonna feel the controls and make sure they're working properly it's all the way in no travel in there good fire extinguisher is running between us checked is there and there's a lot she's secured so throttle right now we should be an idol for start which you are you are and me as well um leaning light is gonna be on the head of their right cycle it's a tiny little yes use a little switch yeah and uh miscellaneous panel all we want from the miscellaneous panel is the anti-collision and hydraulic system should be on before start everything else will be off everything else should be off ready to switch on the battery which is not a problem when you turn the battery on does all the av come on or is it a separate switch yeah the e-learnings come on it's gonna do the bit built-in test for you automatically you don't need to push any buttons it does all for you and sim which is the standby attitude module is there and it runs out its own battery when you need it so battery switch is already on good we can put our headsets on you can hear me i can hear you yes sean as well yep cool all right bleed air so the blue air has should be all the way closed for startup oh yes so glittery air is just bleeding the air from the engine hot air into the cabin so you can use for defogging and heat oh i see um it has the wire so we didn't use headset and helmets on we already did the master caution warning light which we mute over here the caution lights are over there and now we're gonna go through the garmin should do our profile or waiting balance checker database so once you boost the g1000 is going to give you the database list you just make sure it's up to date if it's not up to date you just download the new ones and put in the system you can either download on a sd card or you can flight stream to you through your garmin pilot so if you have a garmin pilot you could transfer all the databases to bluetooth from your ipad to the computer so we're going to go ahead press enter oh this is cool yeah this is very helpful so it's so easy to just adjust everything you need so it goes from a seat position so you just load your weight in there which is sean is in the middle and no one is flying on his side so 170. zero out zero out we have some baggage in the baggage compartment all you need to do once you load your weights is a few onboard sync and it's gonna show you your cg so lateral cg is a little to the left and and the longitudinal cg is forward so this is the limits you have for ford and lateral how come it's a little to the left when the big fat guy's on the right right so let's see what's going to happen here i see so you see that moves yeah there's more right uh because normally the pilot's here yeah then uh you are true then go yep okay yeah closing off close enough 140 again the sink and it's getting your cg's let's say let's say we want to carry someone heavy in the front with you yeah the heaviest we could go right now would be 260 right if you keep adding it would be off cg it would be chewed nose heavy so to compensate that you can add those weights that is by your side in the tail okay so that's how you would compensate it's getting hot in your house let's get it up okay this is very important as well and it's pretty nice for the pilot is the accidents page so if it had a hot start um over torque oh okay it will come up here so you know what's going on in the system i'm gonna confirm all of that it's gonna bring to navigation page right now for start we want the psi page this is how you control the helicopter no more steam gauges all you need to look at is the green arc as long as you're in the green you're good to go you could be in the yellow for five minutes and that's a that's it all you do is like just control the psi that's your parameters right now the parameters for exit limitation is torque it could be mg or ng and this is your rotor attack and engine tank right here the bigger the bigger one is the rotor the small one is the engine your cast messages your engine parameters transmission pressure and temper oil voltage electrical and then your fuel so right now we have 275 pounds in the tank all right let's go ahead and start up okay i'm gonna put this away just making sure again we're on idle and all we need to do over here is just push this in and it started the prime part is working it's already working with the feta can just if you're inside the system and she's increasing ts and ps are coming up the pressure is coming up the auto start is still going on it's going to come off in between 50 to 55 and cheap that's when the auto start is complete wow that is so simple isn't it in the event you would have a hot start in the start the engine would automatically shut down for you so that's a protection on the engine itself generator will come on air conditioner is coming on yes yesterday right and now we're actually don't need to wait for anything to put on fly and go really so you can put a fly so the rpm lights only on because it's on idle yep yep that's correct so right now we can put on fly going on fly on my side and here comes the fedex doing everything for you choose a rpm test there and we're good i'm just going to get this very quiet in here isn't it departing runway all right we're good to go so what we're gonna do i'm gonna take off in the air if you want you can get uh have the controls and fly a little bit okay let's do a couple of circuits november 505 hotel mike is that the port city ramp with informational lima requests uh departure from the alpha will be starting to do work it's already showing traffic on this system for you there goes that aircraft now the remember five seven seven one so how much power are you pulling in in hover four six charlie traffic departing runway one six is a hawker so much for pulling right now torque is 61. 62. so the torque limits is 100 so you still have 40 percent off so really you're only just over half power and a hover with three people on board yep yep it's pretty good it's got a lot of power this helicopter it does for sure just waiting for clearance a lot of military jets taking off helicopter five hotel mike uh taxiway alpha beanport city wind one two zero at nine o'clock at all times uh the g1000 is beautiful uh skyla nine by beautiful and it has all the synthetic views so you see in reality like mountain steering roads power lines antennas traffic it's out there for you one two seven six golf portsmouth power port 85 mile pounder where's the radar altitude radar our camera is right here the green one 660 yep so this is your air speed your ground speed your altitude your vsl might say i'll take your climb too five hotel michael yeah one thousand and below and just for advice we'll be out in the north and then we'll be back it's just a demonstration flight for five hotel mic so what do you find unique about flying the 505 over other aircraft it's very comfortable i like the comfort of sitting in here the flight controls are very good it's just right there for you you can just have your hand in here hotel might give traffic to your uh one o'clock three miles southbound to enter the left down for only one six say uh sky lane at two thousand feet right now we'll be looking for that traffic to five hotel mic uniform five uniform chapter one o'clock to two to three miles northbound is a helicopter at one thousand feet oh there is there's one here one there pretty cool right so yeah it's just like the sitting position is very comfortable all the technology the power you have that you can use the g1000 doing other work for you as well uniform you have traffic to your uh two o'clock now northbound at 1000 feet about one mile i have it inside for five hotel mike it's right there all right we have the helicopter inside whatever knife uniform that traffic is the helicopter so once you're on the map for your torque and power is over on the left so they're still going to be here for you the pressure's attempts from the engine so you're going to mention the psi will be here for you on the little corner yeah and then if you want to have a bigger picture of the engine you can bring it up is going to be right here how is the air conditioner working yeah perfect yeah so can it give a visual on the range for fuel and things like that sure yes that's pretty neat so if you keep zooming out you're gonna see a wrench in there so this with this feel this is how much we could fly with 20 minutes reserved so this solid nine line is no fuel but if you land at the 172 on this line you would be in 20 minutes reserves so calculating all of that for us is saying like if you're still flying on this power that's how much how far you can go with this field right now does it give any helicopter specific type warnings like power or anything like that uh not that ones no it's more intuitive like with the engine and the things that is happening around you like if you turn on the pedo is gonna come up here like on so everything you do it tells you like it's very integrated with this system that is running can we see the warning when both uh collectors are in flight for the left so we're cruising what would be the normal cruise speed so right now because i'm not using that much power we're at 104 which is pretty good but uh i'm gonna add some power push the nose forward and see how 120 is pretty good i'm still flying on the green yeah three or four six trillion freaking changes here and never expected it never exceeded it yeah and it calculates for you as as you go on outside temperature pressure that's gonna change really cool and it does it for you oh wow yeah 115 right now it's pretty good ground speed 118. and it's still playing pretty good right yeah yes yeah yeah starting to get a little bit of vibration now but it's still very yeah it seems like they've integrated the best parts of the larger helicopters into this haven't they yes we brought out the nice technology into this little helicopter yes like the transmission is being compensated out of vibration with the live mount and the live mount came from the r429 or multi-engine helicopter twin turbine so we brought that technology and in here would you like to try to fly sure why not all right pretty much okay yep you got it right number two so you're good boy we're rocketing along yeah so the weight the weight on the uh cyclic can be adjusted or you're just feeling the hydraulics a friction yep so if it has a lot of load could be the friction but it's a little more stiffer than the other ones it has a little it feels like there's a friction in there right yeah yeah i like that way because when you're sort of stays hydraulic failure is it is it still flyable to the ground or do you need to do a running no you can still put on the ground yep i'm going to search well on you i just want you to feel the cycle and it's off okay oh it's still completely pliable yeah not a big deal at all just a little more pedaling there should get on train right battles win one three zero one zero yeah surprisingly easy to fly with the hydraulics off it is yeah all training like we do putting on the ground straight no need to do running landing yeah and how many seconds of inertia do you think you have in the rotor before launching the collective for autos um you can you can test it out like we can do out rotation if you want see we're gonna have to do power recovery right but yeah we could do that actually run right over here and just gonna climb a little more but it's it floats it closes it feels not you don't need to do available you're just gonna feel the yaw yeah and then you're gonna feel selling down and all you need to do is just starting at race on the ground and it's just gonna settle for you so this is a great private helicopter really isn't it it's very very safe and with the fedex having all that redundancy there for you is just great and comparable to other light smart lighter helicopters this is many more features than than a lot of the competition doesn't it it is yeah and when we say light we think it's a very lightweight comfortable actually the empty weight is already heavier than the others out there that's why it feels so stable yeah so it deals pretty good with turbulence by having the 206l uh transmission and blades and also for being half heavy it's pretty good on turbulence all right we are in a good uh altitude in here just gonna slow down a little bit and then we're just gonna entering out rotation okay we have plenty of air in here in case we need to go all the way down okay just slowing down a little more for 18 knots 80 to 70 knots and that's what you want to remain in during the auto yeah lower and right so that's it that's it it's a pretty smooth transition gonna find a spotular if we needed to rpms is good 100 101. down here yep yep so we're watching the writer speed yeah and now we're covering back absolutely the engine is back in he flicked it back on the fly yep terrain terrain just pulling power back in and the terrain is targeting right now we're just 500 above the terrain that's when it starts giving you a terrain terrain yeah now that was fantastic and i i gave like about a second before i lowered the collective really yeah so that's why we tell a little bit that's why we felt it'll float i was like let's let's see how much we can have that uh yeah like i said the controls it almost flies itself you know like it's steady in there it doesn't go anywhere i think what would be interesting to a lot of viewers um who might compare this to say an ec120b which has got this similar engine in it 500 horsepower yeah derated that is true this this helicopter can lift a lot more it does because you know you're not losing the power in the from that rear rotor and it's just a more efficient aircraft isn't it it is yeah and also the new engine rate the 120 has single feedback this one is the newest latest version with the dual feed x so they fixed all the tanks on this engine and now they gave out the power on the latest model just gonna make contact with tower four smile tower helicopter five hotel mic is uh just on the north east side of uh the airport coming about helicopter five hotel mike portman tower uh make approach straight into taxiway alpha report three miles out and reporting two miles out five hotel mic so the cabin is very quiet right very quiet yes yeah and you can still like uh add the the soundproofing here on the top services and you don't hear so much of the uh transmission whistle as well yeah it's pretty quite got a bird in there yeah there's none of the high pitched sounds that you normally get yeah it's all the way in the back so you don't hear much of that transmission helicopter five hotel might check those down taxiway alpha beam port city win one two zero at eight clear to land avoid overflying the heavy aircraft taxiing north uh christian affirmative north on alpha roger that we have the uh traffic on alpha tech so we'll be behind then for alpha helicopter five hotel mike so what sort of climb rate can you get at max performance climb with two people on board yeah so with uh the previous customer we rock it up like at the end we're looking like roads name or roger right jonathan right so yeah to shut down is fair and super easy you just put on io yep collectors all the way down give you the warning on the rpm you can mute that and all you need to do here is just wait for the system to tell you when to shut down which is gonna come on green light okay and then it's just a just flip to it off yeah and it usually takes 20 to 30 seconds it's pretty oh wow pretty fast yeah the cool down process is just incredible there you go okay to shut down i'm gonna turn it off the ac generator go ahead push it in and twist you off that's it that's what it takes fantastic thank you for taking us on the flight what an incredible machine yeah what a lot of fun it's a beautiful aircraft isn't it yeah it's pretty cool yeah yeah i can see why it's being it's such a popular aircraft yeah it's super easy to fly very user friendly right yeah yeah it doesn't take long for you to figure out things in here take so much work off you doesn't it oh yeah definitely simple very simple fun yeah but still very classic bell in so many ways it does yeah we kept the bell the about history and they're for sure breaking that rider yep it's gonna be right here perfect there you go you've done that before i have couple times all right thank you [Music] again [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Nick Murray
Views: 168,399
Rating: 4.9223042 out of 5
Id: EOnbs6WTQ7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 23sec (3263 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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