HOW TO START with 3D design. Let's chat.

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alright guys through human design so this is a really difficult subject because I know that many people probably wonder it's like how the hell these guys are coming up with all these cool shapes out of a freaking cube I mean if you look at the cube right it's not very inspiring piece of geometry I mean it you know it's just it's a bit gray so it's a bit like a you know nerdy cheeks is he gonna on the floor with messy hair stretch jumper on a pile of books you know but groom it up a bit and you might be in shock and if you think are some sexist is gonna have a good shot in your life anyway so um the cube right everything starts with the cube or some kind of a very simple geometric shape of the plane but before that you need to know what you want and this is really important it's like in life okay if you are doing a job that you don't really like and the job gives you a lot of money you still gonna be unhappy unless you're just a materialist and you don't you know he only care about his money that means you don't have a soul so that doesn't matter you know the human but if you are a human and you're doing a job that you don't like you're gonna be pissed all day every day right I used to be a lawyer I hated it I don't care how much money it makes okay I don't I wouldn't care I wouldn't change my place with a top corporate lawyer from freakin whatever okay I don't care because this is what I want to do I wanted to art I've been doing art for years and that's what I wanted to do and I don't wanna do you know organic design or interior design out of the max or one of the guns I wanna do spaceships dogs space stations I wanted to sci-fi hard surface and nothing more I the clients recently approaching me about making some benches I said don't look like a guy who gonna make your benches the is wrong with you John I mean like what up look at my portfolio what the do you see benches some people and if you don't know what you want is you're gonna just circle like a piece of turd in an ice crack without purpose you know just until eternity right so you need to know ask yourself what you want what kind of modeling you wanna do and is this actually something that you really want to do or you're doing it because it's a fashion because you think it's cool to be a game designer or you know game model or whatever if it's not for you then don't do it and if it is for you then work your ass off and do it and then do not listen to anyone who tells you differently okay doesn't matter if your girlfriend parents whoever it doesn't matter because if it is really really what you want to do and you are sure then everyone else just do it because otherwise you're gonna be unhappy and people who actually appreciate you as you are or what you do will come along and that's the story of life okay and the same thing is with design if you know what you want to design for example I want to design a bot okay what can I bought do I want you need to ask yourself acquired before you even start touching the cube right it's like a foreplay okay you know what I mean just in your head before you start touching I have a bit of finesse okay think about it you know the angles the stuff you're not I mean so anyway think about what you want is it that bipedal more Mac is it time you know animal like Mac is it like from horizon zero dawn right is it like um I don't know a snake Mac is it is it the shape is what you want you know it is a ship cool you know being transformed into a Mac is it the transformer Mac you know what do you want to create and then start building the shapes up so when I show you this is you know this is what I made recently right but let me show you how it started okay so let me show you one of the first files this one see what I mean look at this so let let me tell you how I started it now what I wanted to do is to create a funny little bot with a round round top because I need that round is gonna make it look kind of half cat half evil okay because I know I can put a face on it and you're gonna be cute ish because gonna be small can like a pocket thing I knew what I want I want like a cute Spybot okay with the candle on the top and final eggs okay so I know what a chicken likes but you know I need to find a mechanical chicken legs and I did watch this so when I flip this bot to the other side right you can see that this is exactly the same shape but the end product right if I go to if I bring this mic up right the end product is you know it's very different right I did it with you know I put on my own spin on it I didn't copy the design I just copied the proportions more or less and even changed the feed because I didn't like these feet okay I wanted to have more like a human on human feet okay I was gonna like funny toes and stuff right but I wanted this shape because I knew it's gonna just look kind of funny and it's gonna be like more like a sneaky but okay so again I di need to have an idea and it's a simple one too just a lot of details but this is the beginning so I wanted some kind of a shell on it and I knew what kind of shape of legs I want right and you know then I started refining it for example in the in the final version you can see these legs are much larger because this one would you know basically tip over it's just fall backwards because there's not enough support but if you look at these legs right there much longer see that the huge so they support this pod very well so I've changed this later but let's move on with our design and look a bit further yeah so let's go to far number five see now what happens here right I started to work on mid details so I got the blocking down the main the main the main shape because I get the main shape the proportions right once you get that down you can start you know chiseling out the shapes okay so I knew I want some engines at the back so I cut them really quickly all right I knew I wanted some you know some really like a large base and some kind of like a funky funky shell and some kind of like a top maybe with some spyglass or something and and I wanted some kind of a shell on top of these legs okay and I kind of like am like a double layer and if you look at the funnel design you know you can see that you have it here and they just simply run with a different color a different shade of grey if you will let's go to far number nine right so that's getting more refined okay I'm getting more and more more and more details in but they still made details okay I don't move into small details because if you start detailing stuff from the from the beginning you will lose yourself in details and very simply think things just gonna go out of control very quickly okay now look at this one it's still mid detail okay there are no fine details in here there's still mid details so you do not touch fine details until you until you ready to do it and you're ready to do it when you finish made details and when do you know that that's a matter of practice okay a matter of practice is a matter of watching other designs matter of working in art is just years of experience you can't get it in two days it's not gonna happen so if you're an impatient prick it's not for you okay it takes time knowledge takes time get used to it okay millennial so you need to take your time right it's not gonna you can have a talent but trust me talent I have a talent it's five to ten percent of what you can do you know may be fine without work but the ninety five percent okay that's hard work sixteen hours a day of work there's no other way about it ask anyone you want they will tell you the same the most talented people are nowhere in the world there like crazy because they know what they want they have a talent for it and that's what they want to do if you don't believe me ask the chicks okay if the gets you wet do it you might regret it later John I mean so this is a mid detail I don't touch small details yet though I'm still working on mid detail okay because you again if you start overloading one part with details you will very quickly lose the whole bird's-eye view of the situation you need to supervise the whole structure at all times and that's why I'm moving from part to part from the you know from the top to the likes from the likes of the hips from the hips to the back from the front to the back from the back to the front and I'm just moving about and changing things okay you don't focus in the one area look how people paint paintings look at speed painting on on someone who's actually good at painting how they paint they don't paint one area they just jump about because they're creating the whole balance of shapes they everything is sustained balance right if you start focusing on an area you'll up the balance unless you're replicating something but that's not art okay that's a craft there's a very big difference now let's go here and go to 12c now now I focused a little bit more with medicals on D on the top and so I left the legs alone and I'm focus on the top a bit right all these cards double shell and so on so now let's see next file someone like 16 probably gonna move two feet or something alright there you go see what I mean now I left the top alone I edit justice binocular not binocular I mean Monaco and I moved to defeat you see I start detailing the feet but the feet are not fully detailed yet because if you look at the final design they're really detailed right there's a lot of stuff going on at the feet so they I started to deal them but I haven't finished it so I'm balancing the the top with the bottom and that I'm gonna move you know across back and and and so forth so you just keep moving around and the funny thing is that when you design stuff right when you start moving about and you start seeing things popping out you start being inspired by shapes and the larger is your visual library the more chances are they're gonna get inspired kind of acts parked in the middle of creating something there's a very interesting video by Scott Robertson who's a very good designer and he created for himself kind of like a stamp random brushes in Photoshop go and find his videos name is Scott Scott Robertson and he uh he has a fantastic book by the way on how to draw so it's easy to find him anyway so here's this video where he created those stamps of random kind of luck imprints so you click once with a brush in Photoshop and it just creates a random outburst of lines and from these lines he has videos how he gets inspired by shapes and it creates stuff out of them and this is exactly what happens in here so when you start creating a shape that you want to create so you into it your brain is engaged then when you start shaping it and trying to make it proportional and you know well-balanced your brain will start triggering and firing an old pistons and you're gonna start seeing shapes the way that there so once you get out of this cube mode right you will start seeing things and you know you can just follow them like a path of candies you know just don't go to the gingerbread house cause you're gonna get properly so anyway let's go further and it's not another one maybe I let's grab like a 24 something right CC now we're getting towards the finish but look at this I'm still not adding final details and the final details I mean decals right they're not there yet you see I'm still working on Geo so you don't see any screws bolts and of this crap okay because this will just clutter my image color my vision I'm still working on feet you know all that on the details of feet because the oldest stuff you know is geo right so um if you if you move further you know to to something a little bit like closer to 30 let's go to you know file number 30 now I can see that already have decals in right so let's just turn on they look tough so now you see that we have in our some full details on all the oldest screws bolts and if I place them before I would just get confused because we so much clutter I wouldn't know where to put them so I wanted to push this marble as far as I could with details without actually making a little furry Christmas tree okay from a bad movie you know what I mean so that's how you you create those those those design stages simply one shape leads you to another it's like a like a flow okay sometimes you need to get away from the canvas go outside go and know your neighbors I don't care just do something else that's gonna reset your brain come back with a fresh mind and keep working but again at the end is all down to practice building a visual library and there's one more really important thing do not this is this is really crucial okay do not watch crop on Facebook or other shitty websites okay go to art station find the top dogs in your area so if it's dolls find dolls if it's you know characters find characters if it's sci-fi find sci-fi if it's an environment design find these guys and then make sure they are really really good and then follow anyone they follow because these guys don't follow you no layabouts okay they usually follow the good guys they follow concept artists they follow people who inspire them they follow good or not you know develop people who know anatomy etc right so they follow people who are good at their field and you can see that from the portfolio fine guys who designed for star citizen if you into so far these guys are amazing follow these guys so that's how you know don't follow people because of famous follow people who you think you know could improve your art in terms of they are from your from your area of expertise or your area of interest so if I'm into sci-fi design I'm not gonna follow someone who creates I don't know you know designs like a stylish design for Borderlands of Warcraft I do appreciate the art but I couldn't give a rat's ass about it in terms of doing it actually creating it right I do appreciate it visually when I did see a good design I don't care what it is I just simply appreciate good art but it doesn't have to be something that I will follow you feel me so you just focus on whatever the hell gets you going and the rest is irrelevant unless you can benefit from it so for example if I'm going to create a Mac that is a humanoid I will study human anatomy I will study sculpture I was studying muscles I'll study skeletal structure because I need it it's just plain and simple I have to study to understand it but will I be ever good with this kind of designs I don't know I prefer Bossa I like robots okay so I wanna focus on this so I'm not really into creating you know car right I created one or two but it's really not my fame so very important focus on people who are from your from your area you know you're AF interest so to summarize right make sure that you are doing what you've read a like doing okay not what not I have so many students when when I was teaching photography in Photoshop who are asking me could you please teach me how to recreate style of this guy'll on on Instagram assist why would you want to do that I said oh you know because I know it's about as girls and I like shooting girl says like it did why don't you create your own style oh no you know because I don't know you know just I wanted this because I know it's I said dude but it's not your style just do something that you think it's good come up with something that you as they are you know be I don't know how to do it because it takes time that's that what it boils down to it takes time and it will take time because these things don't happen in two days right you can't get stoned and just become a fantastic artist you're just gonna be a junkie with a pen he needs on to become an artist and nobody gets stoned maybe gonna get better ideas I don't know but the point is that you need to know your first and to get to know your you need to spend time on it and to spend time on it you don't know waste it on you know garbage design which which is exactly why for example people who go to like big markets you know I know markets like furniture stores and they see if a so far didn't know what the to do with it but when they see a whole design they say oh that would fit in our room because the wallpaper is similar because the coloring is similar because the area's similar of size and they can visualize it you see what I mean so it's it's kind of similar here okay you need to you need to have this the ability need to develop the ability to see that set of furniture without it being there and to do that you need to practice and to practice you wanna practice with the good teachers which means with good art because otherwise you might become a Hobbit's and create art and we have enough of this okay I'll turn is just ready basta ya well that's all for me guys hope he clears some path in your brain and get you to the point of start and you know don't let other people tell you otherwise they just jelly that's all it is because people who are really really creative they are way too busy to at other people we just don't have time for this too sweet too busy doing stuff okay so if someone is bitching at your heart it's the other jealous or waste of space thanks for watching guys hope you did enjoy the vid give us a like and sub if it did and if you didn't there is a link in the video description to a store with great discounts on soy products thanks for watching catch you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 5,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D design, 3d art, how to design, how to create, learnig art, scifi design, hard surface, blender
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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