How to Start Streaming Using Streamlabs OBS (2024)

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hey guys it's Tech here in today's video I'm going to you how to set up streamlabs OBS so that way you can stream with it to Twitch YouTube pick whatever your platform you want to I got you here today you guys did not know I did a video like this for 2023 they changed some stuff this year so I want to do an updated video for 20124 so let's get right into it the first thing you do is download streamlabs OBS I will have a link to it down below what you're going to do is go to the website you can see here what you want to do is click on download streamlabs for desktop once it says you have downloaded streamlabs OBS all you have to do is go to your file explore go under downloads in here and when you're in downloads you see see the file for streamlabs OBS and we're just going to open this on up and install it on our computer once You' done that it'll say finish and installed and all you do is say finish and you can run away and it automatically finishes too so it's an easy setup process now once you course do install you will have access to a little thing here it says how do you plan to use uh streamlabs we're going to say live streaming for the time being uh we're just going to continue and then they're going to show some icon stuff you want to just click click skip on this because you don't need to set up a direct connection to these platform now you can also import stuff from OBS studio if you do primarily use it but I assume you're a new streamer so we're going to say start fresh now they will have some other things like do you want to set up your mic and webcam we're going to just skip all the stuff right here we're just ignore all of it because of the fact that we're not worried about it for the time being the first thing you're going to see in streamlabs OBS is scenes and sources now just imagine your scenes as different layouts you can have with different sources so if you want to have two separate scenes one scene for just your FaceCam and one scene maybe for like your face cam and gameplay you can always set that up like so but for the time being we're going to set up a simple layout where we have our gameplay and face C can on top of it so we want to set that up we're going to add our actual PC first so what you're going to do is click the plus icon and sources and when you're in here what you want to go to is display capture for a single PC setup and this will capture whatever monitor you're actually using if you're using a dual monitor setup you just make sure they add the monitor you usually game on and for me since I'm a single PC set up with a single monitor it'll be the first monitor you see here with that though we have access to our gameplay now if you do want to add a webcam maybe like a C920 or something on your desk or maybe a camera on your side what you're going to do is go into add a source again and this time you're going to go to video capture device you just want to click on this add source and when it adds The Source you should be able to capture the devices logo so you can see this is my webcam I actually don't have the camera on let me turn that on so now that my camera is on you can see I have my side camera here which is usually in my keyboard cam for my uh main PC when I stream but we're going to use it just for example you can customize this however you want but we're just going to leave this default for the timing cuz it Doesn't particularly matter and what we can do if we want to move this around to actually make it look nice what we do is grab one of these Corners drag it down like so and then we can actually place it on the side since I'm usually facing my monitor this way I'm going to have it point it Inward and then you can just drag it and that way you have your face cam and also your gameplay now keep in mind that imagine your Senor sources as a burger the top of your bun is going to be of course your overlays and alerts and of course the bottom of your button is going to be your gameplay and in between your bun in the middle like your meat the Patty is your face cam so if you put the actual face cam in the bottom of your bun you won't see it on screen so you need to make sure that your face cam is always above your gameplay with that though our setup looks pretty good now if you do have a capture card you want to add like a gaming console or your PC that you're actually using a dual PC set up with what you going do is go to sources click the plus icon again video capture device and find your capture card as a new source so we're going to say add a new source instead yes and we're going to create and with that we can actually see here I have the capture card we're using for my uh side camera we want to go to Elgato now I don't have anything plugged in for the time being but theoretically if you were to have a device on here it would pop up and then you have your second PC and of course you can just slap it under your webcam like so now you might be wondering yourself how do I add my actual alerts to actually my stream so I can see when people actually follow me on Twitch or kick and stuff like that I'm going to te you how to set that up next what you're going to do is go to B tricks life I will have a link to it down below and what I want you to do is log into whatever platform you primarily use for me we're going to use twitch cuz that's what we're setting this up here for and it's going to just log in through your Twitch now that you can see it's logged in through twitch and if we want to add our alerts all we have to do is go under alerts up here and when we're in alerts what we can click on copy this link or you can customize your alerts beforehand but since I've customized it all of mine you can just like do whatever you want and then what you want to do is copy the widget URL once you have that copy you want to go back to your sources on OBS click the add icon and what you want to do is look for browser Source we going to click add browser source and go to the process and what we want to do is make sure the wide is by 600 the actual height is by 600 and then we want to take that link We copied and we want to just delete all that and then contrl + V or just paste that on in there and with that though our alerts are now added into OBS now if you want to get a little bit more fancy with your alerts you actually want to control the audio to them you can actually do so by using uh control audio VI stream uh Labs desktop you can do so I would recommend doing the same thing for St OBS Studio but for right now you actually see now I have my desktop audio for my game I have my mic which will see te you guys set up next and then we have my uh browser source so if you want to test if this is working all we have to do is go back to botrick click the follow icon and you should see it just works and you can see the actual audio track works for too so you can customize this however you want want to get complex with it but honestly you don't really have to mess with it but now that we have all of our main sources set up for streaming what we need to do next is set up our microphone this is the most important step because audio is more important than video so you need to make sure to have this so what we're going to do is click the little gear icon on the bottom left of streamlabs this is going to get your settings we're going to do is go into audio and our settings when we're in audio what we want to actually do is look for uh mic and auxiliary device one this is going to be the primary one that use most times around so we want to change this from default to whatever our mic is so for me I have this wireless headset right here I'm going to use that for the time being what you can see now we have our headset added as our main audio device you can see our mic is now working now there is one one thing I want you to do first off is actually add a filter so we're going to click on the gear icon where our mic is we want to go under filters and we're going to say Ed filters when we're in Ed filters you're going see this little area we want to add a filter real quick and what we want to add is one of the default ones that are filter types is a noise actual gate this will make it so you don't have any clicking noise in the back of your keyboard or have any noise from actually like uh maybe your fan or AC in the back you can just leave like like so and just close that now you can see right now when I stopped talking with the actual mic the a will drop down you'll see no leaking from the audio you can see there's no leaking audio so if I turn my AC for example and if I was to turn the filter off you'll see audio leaking from actually the background that right there is just audio leak is and we would want to prevent that so if you have a cookie game board you can get rid of it by adding a noise gate and you do some other stuff now another thing I would recommend you do after adding The Noise Gate is actually adding noise suppression what the noise suppression is going to do is so it doesn't have any clipping your audio when your audio goes into the red cuz if it goes into red you're going to clip especially when you have rage moments you might like yell or something like that and then that's not good for your viewers no one wants to hear that so go to filters add a filter what we want to do is change this to noise suppression and click okay and we want to change this the method we want to change it to RN noise and that way we have a noise gate for you know background noises and then a noise suppression uh just for in case we somehow peaked our audio if you get mad you can just you know go out without it having any problems you know what I'm saying now that you got your your actual video and audio set up what we need to do now is actually set up our settings for actually streaming so what we're going to do is go into our settings we're going to go to output and the first thing I want you to do is change the output mode from simple to Advanced with that though we can get on the next setting steps so the first thing you're going to do is actually change your encoder from x264 to your GPU encoder so if you have a video GPU it will be EnV h264 new or if you have a radon GPU just be radon or if you have an Intel GPU it be a V1 now that you got that we can leave our actual recording type as CBR and what we do is change our bit rate now this is going to be important what you need to do next is do a speed test what I want you to do is actually go on Google or whatever Internet Explorer you're using and look up speed test and we want to run a speed test what we're looking for is our upload speed to be higher than 12 megabits for a 1080p stream to actually twitch and if you don't have 12 megabits you only have 6,000 megabits or lower I will show you a different settings that we have the best possible settings depending on your internet speed you can see right here I have 30 megabits upload speed so we can do is actually do the 1080p one and then I'll show you guys how to get a perfect clean Chris uh 720 stream so we're going to make this first our bit rate we're going to make this 6,000 so we have more than 12 megabits upload speed which is good we can leave set preset quality on actual just quality you can change it to high but it really depends on what you want to do that's a personal preference I think quality is fine and then you don't have the enable look ated however if you are playing an FPS shooter like Valerie Call of Duty some other game like that I would REM enable look ahead makes it easier for the stream and of course if you aren't playing with anything with an FPS shooter that's not fast-paced and just still turn a look ahead just not worth well at that though our actual output settings are perfect for twitch so what we want to do now is go into our video things and what we want to do here is make sure the base canvas of our actual resolution is whatever our monitor is so my monitor is a 1080p monitor but if you have a 4k monitor or a 1440p monitor you want to make sure the base canas is whatever your monitor is that you're gaming to now while your output scaling resolution is whatever it's going to stream to so let's say I want to 4K downscale to uh of course 1080 you want to make sure this is on 1080 of course if you can stream 1080 you stream 220 you change 720 but for the time being 108 is fine and we can actually change this to 32 samples and with that we can actually uh not mess with the frame values this is a new one I've don't know why they have that it's unnecessary in my opinion and we want to change the frame value to 60 so you have 60 FPS not 600 FPS because there' be no reason to do that with that though we have the best possible settings for a 12 megabit upload stream which is like 1080p good quality now if you don't have 12 megabits and you have only 6,000 megabits or less what I want you to do is one thing different or actually it's two things but you get the point we want to change the output resolution to 720p and once we have done this we can leave it at 60 FPS but if you don't have more than like 6,000 30 FPS would be better and then for output what you want to do is change it from 6,000 to 4,500 because 720 doesn't require a whole lot of bit rate however 4,000 will be enough but giving that Lev 500 will make it look a little bit more sharper now we're getting to the final stretch of actually setting your OBS what we need to do now is add our stream key and URL so we're going to do is go to stream I want to make sure the stream type is set from uh streaming servers to custom streaming servers that's the big thing you need to do here and what we want to do is actually get our URL so we will have a link down below to this website here which will have all the servers for twitch now depending on where you're located you want to get the closest server link to you so for me example here I'm near actually Ashburn but you want to take this one for example here since I'm near Ashburn I'd copy this and then actually go to OBS or streamlabs OBS I don't I'm going to get the two mixed up I'm going to paste that where the URL is but you just find the closest server to you now for the stream key what you want to do is go to Twitch of course and go on your actual profile icon on the top right what you do is go under video or not video creator dashboard once you're in here you'll see a few different opions and what you want to do is go to settings stream and what you want to do is copy the primary stream C by clicking the copy button and we can just paste out into our actual stream key and with that though we can now go live on Twitch if you want to go live on Kick it's the same role apply you want to go to the kick website you're going to click on your profile top right go into settings after you go into stream key you'll see you have your stream URL we want to copy this we can just paste this on in here with that we got our pick URL and then grab our stream key and then we can paste that in here if we want to go live on Kick and bang you go live on now kick to now ignoring my YouTube homepage what you want to do if to go live on YouTube is when you click on the upload icon or create and go live and once you're going go live you'll get access to a few different things you'll get your stream key and also your R but make sure to set up your stream beforehand before you go live what we can do is copy our stream key and we can actually paste it on in our settings and we just paste our stream key bang for YouTube and then if we want to get our URL what we have to do is just copy the stream URL and then go back and streamlabs and now we can go live on YouTube as well that is of course how you go live on Twitch kick YouTube and all the platforms depending on which one you primarily use if you guys did find this video helpful here today make sure to smash the like button and get subscribed so you don't miss on feuture Tech content because we got a few PC builds coming in February we got a bunch of other videos planned and tutorials and so yeah if you don't want to miss any of those videos you know what to get subscribed also you guys for another tech video Until then have a great your day Tech grand [Music] out
Channel: Tech Grant
Views: 1,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs, streamlabs obs, streamlabs obs tutorial, how to stream on twitch, how to use streamlabs obs, how to use streamlabs obs with twitch, how to use streamlabs obs to record gameplay, how to use streamlabs obs with ps4, how to use streamlabs obs with xbox, how to use streamlabs obs on laptop
Id: ep0MhtlzMJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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