How to Start Streaming in 2024! | (FREE Overlays Included!)

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so it's a brand new year and you want to get into streaming you've come to the right place because in the next 15 minutes what I'm going to do is not only teach you how to stream on Twitch YouTube any of the streaming platforms but I'm going to help you create a solid foundation so that throughout the years as you're adding all these cool bells and whistles you're going to have something to work with so that you're not going to set yourself up for failure in the future I don't want to waste any of your time though so let's get right into it so very briefly this tutorial is coming from the mind set that you're brand new to streaming that you've never done this before I kind of want to help some of the newer people out so that they have some kind of guidance or Direction so they don't get misled down a pathway that's going to shoot themselves in the foot later on there are many different broadcasting softwares that you can use but I think the most optimal the best one is going to be OBS studio and I'll tell you a little bit more why later on down the road but first up if you guys just want to visit the website link that I have in the description below this is going to be where you can actually download OBS Studio Studios for yourself all right so once you've downloaded it open that bad boy up and we should be looking at a a screen that's very similar to this you might have a few differences because I've actually gone through and added scenes so that I could record this tutorial if I didn't add the scenes beforehand you guys wouldn't be able to see me you wouldn't be able to hear me you wouldn't have any kind of uh visuals for the video it would just be a black screen so uh just keep in mind that your scene section over in the bottom left and your sources should just be completely blank at the start of this tutorial and trust me I know that looking at all of this right now is probably very uh confusing and a little probably overwhelming as well but the reason why we're using OBS um is that a lot of these other programs are a little bit more dumbed down for the user and if you wanted to further down the line you know maybe add effects to your microphone or add effects to your webcam or have really cool Transitions and videos They Don't Really allow for that to be to be done simplistically or effortlessly you know what I mean so I really want to set you guys up for success for the future so the very first thing that we are going to do though before we start focusing on the elements of the stream is we want to connect our stream to the platform that we're going to be using and the best way to do that especially if you're newer to the program is I would advise just go to tools and do the auto configuration wizard it's going to go through the process of how to set things up step by step in a in a very easy way so the very first page that pops up on the autoc configuration wizard is it's going to ask you how are you using OBS because this could be used as not just a streaming soft Ware but it can also be used as a recording software so if you want to make tutorials for yourself if you want to make Let's Plays or things like that you could set this up however you'd like to so we are now at the next section it's going to ask you your base canvas resolution now there are many different options that you could choose um but I think the most optal at least for my setup is going to be 1920 by 1080 um but the FPS you're going to want to make sure that that's at either 60 or 30 but prefer 60 when possible you want to have a smooth looking stream it's not necessary that it's always going to be super crisp high quality but when the frames start to drop that's when you generally notice that your Twitch chat is kind of like hey like they notice that something's wrong all right and then the next setting is going to ask you which service are you streaming to since I already had my Twitch account logged in uh I tried out the YouTube portion just because I wanted to see how it looked so all I had to do is just enter my YouTube uh password and username and then it asks me to do a just like a bandwidth test which I highly recommend doing and then you'll press the next button it'll go through uh a little wizard that tests to see what kind of internet connection you have now this is the most important part when it comes to streaming if you are streaming off of a Wi-Fi connection the best thing that you could do when it comes to streaming is hardwire your computer using an ethernet cord directly to the router and I know that that's not always possible I was in a situation where that wasn't possible for me I actually bought an extender a Wi-Fi extender plugged it into the wall set it up and then ran an ethernet cord from the computer directly to the Wi-Fi extender and that worked for a good portion of time you really want to have a strong um internet signal when it comes to streaming these are the settings that it recommended for me if I were to stream to YouTube and so then all we have to do here is just press apply settings and uh we should be done so before we get started with the scenes and the sources last thing we want to do is make sure that we go to file and settings and we want to add our audio equipment so if we go to the audio tab under desktop audio you want to make sure that this is set to whatever your speaker output is so I'm going to use speakers realtech R audio cuz that's my speaker output and then for the mic I have an external mic that I use that is attached to the red Scarlet solo so I want to make sure that that is my mic input right here and once you have those set you're going to press apply so you're going to notice now that you have two different audio channels in your audio mixer you've got the desktop audio and now you have the mic slox audio and for the mic if I'm talking you'll notice that the bar is moving from green to Red if it's in the red generally means that your mic is kind of peeking it's too loud you can fix that by either turning down the volume button on your actual microphone if it has one or you can drag the slider down on this uh this bottom portion here which lowers the decb thing to note though is that for your desktop audio this is going to pick up everything that your headphones here so if you're having a private conversation on Discord if you're listening to music on stream your stream is going to actually broadcast this to everyone so just keep that in mind there are settings that you can change to make this so that it doesn't appear on stream but you could still listen to it but we'll probably cover that in a separate video because there's a lot more to it and it's not necessary in order to just start streaming now what we need to do is to start bringing all of the pieces together we've started setting up everything nicely but now we need to create our scenes now our scenes are essentially like the pages of a story and our sources are like the words or the images that you would find on each of the pages so what we want to do is we want to create a new scene and you have free reign to create whatever kind of scene that you'd like to do for this tutorial I think it is helpful to kind of follow the standard of streaming when it comes to creating scenes generally there's going to be a stream starting screen or scene there's going to be an intermission scene there's going to be one for be right back there's going to be one for your gameplay itself and then there's going to be one more for the stream ending scene and like I said these aren't requirements My Stream personally I don't have a uh stream ending it's something that I'd maybe like to add in the future but most of my streams I either kind of raid someone else or we just kind of do our final farewells on my intermission scene so like I said it's not something that's required to follow this exact pathway but this is a great Foundation to set you up with something so that when you start streaming you're fully prepared so first up we'll go down to the plus sign at the bottom left and we're going to click plus and it's going to say add scene and what I want you to do is I want you to create a new scene for each of those labels we'll start off with one for uh starting soon we'll press okay then we'll make one for intermission press okay then we'll make one for let's do gameplay press okay we'll do one for BRB and that's just in case you ever have to use the bathroom it's nice to have a scene that's not just your chair and last one we're going to do stream ending and then press okay and I would recommend organizing your scenes so that they go from top to bottom in the order that you're comfortable with so I'm going to enable this preview really quick and this is why I had it turned off because it creates this mirroring effect I'm capturing the scene but now I'm looking at a preview of the scene that I'm capturing so it just goes on and on and on um I can't show you what I'm doing inside the starting soon cuz watch Watch What Happens I don't have any of the sources set up so you can't see it's just a black screen what I want you guys to do watching this video I want you to click on your starting soon scene and go to the plus sign right here under sources so what happens when you see this is you have all kinds of different utility that you can add to your scene um but what we want to add is we want to add or is it a media Source now in the description below I've linked uh a few videos that I've created just for you guys if you wanted to use them for your streams you don't have to but I gave you something just if you uh don't have anything at all to use you can have this just to start things off with but we're going to create a new source because this is a brand new video that we're adding we it's not anything that we've used before then we're going to press continue or okay and now we're going to locate that file so wherever you guys want to save this uh video file or if you have your own video file that you want to use I have mine saved under scenes here so I'm going to locate the starting soon right over here Boop we're going to press open and then what I want to do for this particular scene is I do want to Loop it because I want the video once it's finished to replay again over and over and over again we don't have to worry about any of the other settings right now we'll just press okay boom there we go we've got our starting soon the sources go from top to bottom so the streaming soon is on the bottom layer and we have to recognize that our webcam is on the top layer so we want our webcam to always be on top of whatever the layers are underneath or else we won't be able to see ourselves so right now I have the screen display capture on if I turn that off look at that got starting soon now for this starting soon page uh also you generally want to have the webcam not on as well for the starting soon so I'll turn my webcam off just for a second so you can see but you notice starting soon will replay over and over and over again and this just plays as long as you need it to so our first scene it's done and you may be wondering how did I turn on and off my display capture and my webcam if there's ever a setting or a sorry a source that you need to turn on and off you're going to use this little eyeball key eyeball means that it's visible and then if you click it it means it's invisible so pretty much with the scenes for starting soon BRB and stream ending all you need to do is only add one source that's it you add one media source and then just make sure that you name it whatever the file is that you want to use just to keep things organized but I would do you know stream ending under the stream ending scene and then you would just browse for that stream ending video here that we have in the pack and then just drag it in or or just open it up all right so now when we start working with the intermission and the gameplay scenes that's when things get just a little bit tricky so what I want you to do is click on the intermission scene and then you're going to go down to the plus sign under source sources you're going to add another media Source except this time we're going to add intermission and then press okay and you're going to browse for the file that says intermission we're going to add that as well and then make sure this one Loops also so what we're going to do is we're going to go down to the plus sign again and this time we're going to add a video capture device and this is going to be how you add your webcam so you can name it whatever you need to name it just do create new add webcam call it webcam and it's going to ask which device you trying to use so you can go through the listing of devices and if you locate a device and you notice it's not working but the light may be on try pressing the deactivate button and then the activate button again and that should bring the webcam back into the scene but scroll down and check out the settings and make sure that everything is matching what it is that you're looking for I personally like to to film with 60fps because it does create a smoother crisper stream if your quality of webcam doesn't shoot at 60 frames 30 frames is perfectly fine but from there all you really want to do is just make sure that your webcam is on top of the sources like I said before let me turn off the display capture and this is how it should look you should see the intermission and you should see your webcam so this Center space here on the intermission screen this is going to be where you would put your webcam now I have a green screen right now so hold on let me turn it off real quick pay no attention to the green screen behind me but if you want to have your clip line up right in the center of this window you can rescale it by selecting these red squares and dragging them left and right and you can make this box just slightly bigger than the chat box itself the cool thing is that you can take the left ALT key click and hold it and left click and drag on those red squares around your head and you can kind of start to to line this up so that it matches the Box box like that now obviously you're going to take some time you're going to do better than this but this is me trying to put the Box inside the window and essentially this is where you can put your uh your webcam at though and then behind me here this would be where you would have your chat box just keep in mind the chat is not going to to pop up on its own inside that box you will need to set up another source for the chat that does take a little bit more of an extensive time so I'll probably cover that in a separate video um because it's not necessarily a necessity in order to stream I just wanted to get you guys up and running um but streams and twitch alerts and things like that we can kind of cover in another video now the very last thing I want to go over with you guys is how to set up your gameplay scene now this is can be interchangeable with gameplay or it could be used for whatever kind of hobby you want to do um but I want you to click on your game play scene and then you're going to go down to the plus sign again I want you to go to video capture device you'll add an existing add your webcam your existing webcam and then what we're going to do is if you are going to be streaming games you're going to click on the plus sign again and this time you're going to add a game capture you can set up a different game capture for every single game that you play individually um or you could do game capture okay and then set it to capture any full screen application this way anytime that you start up a game in full screen mode this will capture the visuals from that game then you're going to make sure that you take your game capture and put that at the bottom underneath uh your webcam so that your webcam always stays on top that's pretty much it you've done it you've now set up all of the scenes that you will need in order to stream so let's run through them real quick so you're starting soon is going to be where everyone kind of starts to gather in to watch the stream if you switch over to the intermission screen now you'll be in the center and you'll be able to talk with everyone in between games you'll have the chat over on the side let's move on to to the game play so here's our gameplay scene then we have our be right back scene and finally and everything's all said and done you tap on your stream ending scene and you are all good to go all right so that is pretty much going to wrap things up today now if you did want to start live streaming all you would have to do now is press the start streaming button and as soon as that button is pressed you're going to be broadcasting to whatever service that you linked in the settings options earlier also be sure to like this video and if you guys want to see anything in the future like how to set up chat boxes how to do transitions or webcam filters things like that please leave a comment down below and then also subscribe so you can see the videos that we put out thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you all next [Music] time
Channel: Youtherevmk
Views: 1,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start streaming, how to livestream, how to go live, how to stream on twitch, how to stream on youtube, livestream tutorial, how to stream, how to be a streamer, streaming tips, streamer, How to use OBS studios, OBS
Id: J0n7_ke3cHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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