How to Setup Overlays in Streamlabs for New Streamers

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So in today's video, I'm gonna go ahead and walk you step by step on setting up all of your animated overlays inside of Stream Labs, like you're just chatting, your gameplay, your alerts, your countdown time, or your position the whole nine yards. That way, by the end of this video, your stream looks professional. So let's go ahead and get started. So the first thing you're gonna want to do is you're gonna wanna have your animated overlays ready to go. If you don't have some, you can come to stream designs for the video. Today I'm gonna be utilizing the package called Illuminate. If you don't have animated overlay packages right now there's a 50% sale where you can go ahead and get the animated package, the Stinger transition, and the countdown timer, all for 49 bucks, which is a great deals. I'll put the link into the description of this. For you to be able to go ahead and purchase that. And there's different other overlays on the store that you can go ahead and select from. So once you have your animated overlays, what you want to do is you wanna go ahead and open up stream labs. Once you have stream labs open, you're gonna come to the left hand side where it says scenes. Now you're gonna have a predefined scene already, so what we'll do is we'll right click on this, we'll rename it, and we'll call this starting soon. You're gonna select Done. And what you're gonna wanna do is here where it says sources. You wanna hit this little plus icon, you're gonna select media. You're gonna select Ad Source, and we're gonna name this start. You're gonna select Ad Source on their locate file. You're gonna hit brows and you're gonna go to the stream designs files that you want ahead and downloaded. And once you have access to them, once you open it up, you'll come to where it says Overlay screens, and you'll come here and select starting soon. Select open. And now you wanna make sure you select loop. Because this isn't animation, you wanted to keep going until you decide to switch scenes. So you'll select loop, you'll select clothes, and our starting soon is ready to go. Now the next thing on their scenes, you're gonna press a plus icon. You're gonna name a new scene. You're gonna name it Countdown, and then you're gonna select Done. And then here under sources, you're gonna impart the source, Media file, Add Source. And now here you need to select Add New Source. Instead, you're gonna name this count, add Source. And then again, we'll locate that file. You go to your Stream Designs package, and what you want to do is you want to come to where it says you're, where you saved it at. Here's the countdown timer. Have it. I'm gonna open it up. And again, this is one that you don't select the loop because once the countdown timer's done, we want it to just simply finish. So we'll hit close. There's gonna be our countdown timer. Now we're gonna go ahead and press plus on the scene. Again, we're gonna name this just chatting. You're gonna select Done. And then again, we're gonna go ahead and add a source. We're gonna go collect media file, You're gonna add source. We're gonna add a new source instead. And here you're gonna say chatting. You're gonna add source. And again, we're gonna locate that file. You download it from Stream designs. We'll come back here. Here's the package. We'll come to where it says overlay screen. And here you're gonna see the just chatting most like, Okay, And here you are. Gonna want to go ahead and check Luke, we'll hit done. And now we have our just chatting and we'll come back here in a few moments to go ahead and add our webcam, to add our gameplay and our live chat. I'll show you that here in just a moment. So the next thing that we wanna set up is gonna be our gameplay. So we're gonna add a new scene. You're gonna name this game Play, you're gonna hit done. And then here under sources, you're gonna press the plus icon. You're gonna come where it says media file. It adds source. We're gonna add a new one. And you're gonna name this game play. You're gonna add source, you're gonna locate that file, and then you're gonna come back to your folder and you're gonna see here that it's gonna go ahead and say Overlay screens. And here's the overlay bar. So you'll select overlay bar, you'll select, okay. You will want to put this on loop again cuz it is animation that's gonna be playing. And then here it is. So now what we want simply do, we can resize this place, this all the way at the top. We can make it smaller if you like, and place it right on the top. And like I said, we'll come back here in just a few moments to go ahead and add in our gameplay and all the things that we need. But right now let's just go ahead and keep getting all our scenes set. So the next one we wanna do is wanna do our B right back. So we're gonna add a new scene. I'm gonna name this B right back. You're gonna select done, and then here under sources, you're gonna impress the plus icon. You're gonna go to media file, you're gonna add that, You're gonna say New Source, you're gonna put B, B Add, Source, and then you're gonna go ahead and locate that file. You're then gonna come back into your stream designs package. You're gonna come to where it says, Be right back, Screen, hit open. And then here you are also gonna want to go ahead and put Loop on there as. And then you'll close. And now you see that our B right back is now ready to go. So next we're gonna go ahead and do our stream offline. This is gonna be the screen that you utilize after you're about to end your stream. So we'll do scene, we'll do plus, we're gonna name this offline. Hit done. We'll come back to sources. We'll do media file, add, source, add new source instead. We're gonna name this offline. Okay. And you're gonna go ahead and add source. We're gonna locate that fire. And again, this is gonna be right directly inside of your stream. Designs package. Here we stream offline. You're gonna select open. This is one you will select as loop. And now you're gonna see here that our stream is currently offline. This is the screen that you will utilize, so we have our starting soon. Our calendar are just chatting our gameplay, our be right back, our offline. Now we want to go ahead and start adding some additional things into it. So let's go ahead and go to our just chatting and let's go ahead and start adding our webcam and things of that sort. So for just chatting, you're gonna go to sources, you're gonna press Plus, and now we're gonna go ahead and look for a video capture device, which is right here. You're gonna like Add Source. You can name this camera. You're gonna select add source. And now it's gonna go ahead and select your camera. Now I'm using my cam link, but you can see right here, you can select your webcam and then we're gonna go ahead and hit close. Now you can see here that it covered the whole screen. So we want to do here is we want to go ahead and resize this. And before you do that, center it, you wanna make sure that's just chatting is above the camera. Why? Because what's gonna happen is now you can size this up and it be directly inside of the box without any issue. So now you can resize it, position exactly where you want. And now you can see here that. Side of the camera, right? So next we wanna go ahead and add our gameplay to this window here. So to be able to achieve that, and what you want to do is you want to go ahead and hash press Plus we're gonna select another video capture device. You're gonna hit add source, you're gonna do a new one, okay? And you're gonna call this game, you're gonna select add source, and then here is where you're gonna go ahead and select the game capture, right? I use the Al Gado. So again, there it is. We can close this. And again, it's gonna be big. So we want to go ahead and resize this. And again, you can go ahead and position this to just chatting above the game so you can get it behind. And now you can go ahead and start sizing this up exactly to fit inside of this screen here. And again, this is just for that preview. So there you go. There's the gameplay there. And then we'll come back here in just a few to be able to go ahead and add our live chat. Now, before we go ahead and continue to go ahead and add our gameplay to this window here, what I want you to do is go to the description of this video and download the ultimate Streamer checklist. This is a checklist that you must have because today we're gonna set up your your stream and it's gonna look professional. But in that checklist, I tell you what to do before you go live. What to do after you go? And then what to do during your live shoot. You get people to follow you to subscribe and how to promote your stream and your content afterwards so people find you when you're offline. So that's a free checklist you can download. It's called the ultimate stream or checklist. Go in the script in this video to be able to go ahead and download that. So now we're gonna go ahead and add our gameplay. So to go ahead and add our gameplay again, we're gonna request a plus sign. We're gonna come to where it says video capture device. And now since we already added it, we can use it again. So we're gonna go ahead and add. You have our gameplay there, but again, we wanna bring it up the gameplay bar above to the top, right. So now what we want to add is gonna add our camera. So to add our camera again, we're gonna go to source. We're gonna come to says video capture device. You're gonna add source. And then here you're gonna select your camera. We're gonna add source again, and now what I want you to do is resize this, but leave it right here in the middle because we're now gonna go ahead and add our webcam border. So what you want do is here is you wanna press a plus sign. You're gonna want to come to media file, add source, you're gonna add a new one, and you're gonna name this webcam. You're gonna go ahead and hit add Source, and now you're gonna locate a file. And again, inside of your stream designs package, you're gonna see here, it's gonna say webcam overlays. Now there's three different options here, and I'm gonna demonstrate every single one for you. So you have the bottom bar overlay. This is typically good for a green screen. I'm gonna show you what that looks like now, right? So you'll see here that that is just gonna be the bar, which again, I can just use it if I want to. Just like that. But it's really good for a green screen. So we'll go ahead and, and double click on this. We'll hit browse and we'll look at this one. This is with a border and without the bottom. So this is just the border. Okay. With the bottom as well. So this has the border and it has the bottom for you to be able to put that additional, like somebody donated or somebody just followed. So you can go ahead and utilize that. We'll go ahead and swap this out again. And now you have here with border, but without bottom bar. Right. So this is the one that we're gonna. This is the one that's just gonna be the border. You do wanna select Loop because of this animation, and you'll see here that now we can go ahead and add this. So we'll size this up, right? Make it to where it's perfect, where it needs to be, and then once you have it, perfect, what I want you to do is I want you to then, now that's there. Now what you wanna do is you wanna grab the webcam, you wanna hold control, and you wanna do the camera. And you wanna right click. And what you want do is you wanna select group. Okay? Group into a folder. And now it's gonna go ahead and give you the name. And then what you want to do is you wanna simply go ahead and save it. So let's see here. We'll group it into a folder. And then we'll just give it a few moments for it to go ahead and get loaded in there. And then once you have that group, now what's gonna happen is that you're gonna be able to go ahead and simply, and let's go ahead and just disable this right here. So once you have it grouped together, you're gonna be able to move every aspect of this and resize this without it changing your camera. And you can position everything exactly where you. So there you go. You have that there. Now we come back to our, Be right back. So what we want to do now is that now that we have our starting soon set up, we have our countdown set up. Our just chatting is ready to go. Our gameplay is good to go. Our be right back is good to go. Now we want to go ahead and add alerts and our live chat. So to be able to do that, we're gonna come to the website. Called Stream Elements. You're gonna wanna go ahead and get logged in with your YouTube, your Twitch, or your Facebook. Once you get logged in on the left hand side, you're gonna come to where it says Streaming tools, my overlays, and you're gonna select Create New Overlay. So once that opens up here for you, or we're gonna do is that we're gonna go ahead and start to add our alert. So we'll leave it at 10 80 p. You'll hit start. We'll come to where it says Add widget. You'll come to where it says Alert Box. And now what you're gonna do here is that you're gonna see the Follow Alert, Subscriber Alert, Tip Alert, Cheer Alert, Host Alert, Raid, and Purchase Alert. Now for the purpose of this video, we're just gonna set up the follow alert because the steps are exactly the same. So once you know how to do one, you'll be able to do the others as well. So what you want to do is you want to click this little gear icon. Once you click that little Gear icon's gonna bring over some menus. Now right at the Gate Stream Elements does give you a alert that you can utilize. You can use Emulate It Follow, and you'll see here that it gives you that animation again. But we want ours to be branded and to meet our brand of what we have here for Illuminate. And you do get stream alerts with the package inside of Stream Design. So we'll come back to Street Elements. We're gonna select Change Video. Okay? You're then gonna go ahead and select Upload. You're gonna select here, select files. Hey, you're gonna come to where you downloaded the package. So here it is, the package here, Stream package. You're gonna see alerts and you're gonna see new follower, which is there. So you'll select, okay, Once it's there, you'll select submit, and now you're gonna see the animation That's gonna happen, right? So what we want to do is we wanna make sure that this here, this. It's actually inside of this box so that it looks good. So there's a few settings that we need to go ahead and adjust. So to be able to do that, where first thing we're gonna do is the positioning. You're gonna put left layout here, text over image, right? So again, we can emulate that. You'll see here what it looks like. And again, we want to go ahead and position this and move it exactly where it needs to be. So you're gonna scroll down, you're gonna come to where it says tech setting. Okay. And the first thing we're gonna wanna do, you wanna make this 20. Okay. And then as far as the color font, that's fine there. We wanna scroll down. And here where it says pulse, this is where we wanna make it, the color that matches illuminate. So once again, we'll come here. We'll see that it has that, that blue. It looks really good on it. So what we'll do is that we'll come back and we'll use that same kind of blue. So we'll come here, we'll select that blue there. So now that's good to go there. So what we wanna do is you wanna come where it says advance. Now here's where we gotta go ahead and adjust it. So typically 200 is typically the sweet spot to be able to get it right in the center and you can see there, right? So it's, there's perfect. But we want to do now is that we don't want the text to show up first. So you want to come. And you want to come to animation settings and here you want to say text appearance delay. And we typically wanna put this at about one second. It doesn't have to be perfect, but now we can go ahead and test that out again. Let's see here. And there it is. Perfect. Right? If you want this to be a little bit bigger, you definitely can. So you can kind of tweak it, but there it's gonna be perfect. So once you have all of those set up, right, and you set up all of them following the same steps, you're gonna select save. You're gonna name this Illuminate. Alerts, you're gonna select save. And once you hit save, you're gonna come up to the top and you're gonna select this little paperclip. And that's gonna go ahead and copy your URL that we're gonna utilize inside of Stream Labs. So what you want to do here is you want to come to your starting soon. You wanna hit the low plus icon, you're gonna go ahead and look for where it says Browser Source. You're gonna select Ad Source, and here you're gonna name this alerts. You're gonna go ahead and hit Ad Source. And here's where we're gonna want to go ahead and paste that link in there and then hit close. So you're gonna see here that now our alerts are there. So what you want to do is you want to come back to Stream. You wanna come to where it says emulate and just hit the follow just a few times so you can see the animation happen here. So again, you now can go ahead and move, move the alert wherever it is that you like. So again, we can grab it and position it to where you want it to be seen. I'm gonna just keep it here in the middle. And again, you could just move this around, make it bigger if you like to be able to showcase people's name more. So that's there, right? So now that we have that alert set up, what we want to do is we want to go ahead and add our alerts to every single scene. So you'll click on Countdown, you'll hit the Plus, you're gonna hit Browser Source, you're gonna hit Add Source, and you're gonna select the alert, add the source, and there is our alert. Again, you can test it by going to Stream Elements. We're gonna go to our just chatting. We're gonna hit the plus sign. We're gonna go ahead and select Browser Source. Again, you're gonna hit add Source, You're gonna select alert, and you're gonna add your alert and again, position it exactly where it is that you want. And then you'll come back to your gameplay and do the same thing for every single scene. So you'll come here, Browser source. Again, you wanna select alerts, and again, you can position in where you like, and we'll do the same thing on the B ride. We'll do browser source again, add it, and then do alerts. And then last one, you'll do it here on your offline screen and then you'll do browser source. So now that we have that all set up, next thing we want to do is we wanna come back to our just chatting. And now we want us get our chat to show up on our live stream. So to be able to do that, you're gonna come back to stream elements, you're gonna go back to where your overlays are at. Again, on the streaming tools, my overlays, you're gonna create a new over. That's gonna go ahead and open up a new editor for us, just like we did for our alerts. And now what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually create our chat. So to be able to achieve this, once this opens up here, we're gonna want to go ahead and Stream Elements makes it real easy for us to be able to do it. So 10 80 p, you'll hit start. That's totally fine. You'll click add widget. And then you're gonna come back to the bottom where it says Stream Tools. Your stream chat. Now based on what you utilized to log into stream elements, that's the chat that it's gonna pull. So if you logged in with your Twitch account, it's gonna pull your Twitch chat, you pulled in with your YouTube or your Facebook is gonna pull in those chats. So here's gonna be the chat that we have here. Now there's gonna be things that we want to do here where it says position, size, and style, right? So if we look at our stream, see it's kind of more like a box rectangle. So that's kind of look that we want to grow here. So typically we can go maybe 500. That's gonna give us kind of like an easy, a nice little box. Again, we can do 300. That's gonna be a little bit too small, four 50, and we can go here and do 500. The only thing that's gonna be a good decent, So now what we want to do here is that opac. We wanna make it a little bit transparent. But before you do that, so you can position it, you wanna hit save, you wanna name this your chat, Hit save. Okay? And now we're gonna copy this paperclip. You're gonna come back to Stream to stream labs. You're gonna come to just chatting. You're gonna come to sources. And we're gonna add another browser source. You're gonna hit Add Source. You're gonna go ahead and add New source instead. And here, we're gonna name this chat. You're gonna go ahead and hit Add Source. And again, we're gonna go ahead and copy that link that we just got. We'll hit close. And then this is gonna go ahead and pop up. Your, your chat. So again, you have it there, right? We're gonna showcase it. And now you see the chat populated and it fits pretty decently in there. So again, we'll resize this, we'll bring it down some. So what I like to do is hold ALT on my keyboard, grab one corner and bring this down. So it just makes it a little bit easier to be able to maneuver and to utilize. So again, just bring it to the box and now we can go ahead and resize. That way it's there. And now what you would like to do is that once you have it in position, right, we want to go ahead and come back into stream elements, and now we wanna make this a little bit transparent. That way it's not there. So we hit save, and now when you come back, You're gonna see here that now it's transparent, and now your chat's gonna go ahead and show up directly in there. So now what we want to do is we want to go ahead and add our stinger transition. Our stinger transit is gonna be the scene that when you're switching between scenes, there's a nice animation. So you see right now, When we switch scenes, it just cuts. But inside of stream designs, we give you a Stinger transition. So let's go ahead and add that there. Now, so what you wanna do is you wanna come to this little icon here. You're gonna go ahead and click add transition, okay? And you're gonna name this. You're gonna name this Stinger, okay? Type. You're gonna go scroll down. You're gonna select Sting. This is gonna go ahead and open up some menus here for us. So we wanna go to video file, hit browse, and you want to go to the package that you want to hit and downloaded from Stream Design Stinger transition. You'll do Stinger transition here and you'll select Open. Okay. And now what we want to do is, this is gonna be very important, right? The amount of time that you select your for the transition point needs to be. Typically about seven 50 is the sweet spot, and we'll test it here in just a few. But then where it says here, auto monitoring, have that off. And then auto fade style. You wanna make sure this is cross fade. What that means is that when you're switching between scene and scene, your audio or your voice is not gonna get cut out, right? So you'll hit done. We'll go ahead and toggle it on. We'll hit done. And now let's see how it works. Right? And there's no transition now. So now we have a beautiful transit. That happens when we switch between scenes. So you can see here that now you have a professional looking stream, So the next thing you need to do is go live. But before you go live, this is super important because if you have a good looking stream, but then your stream is lagging or the quality looks bad, it doesn't matter if you have beautiful looking overlays, right? So what I want you to do is go ahead and click this video right here where I walk you step by step on the best settings to utilize inside of stream labs. That way your stream doesn't. And the quality of your stream looks as best as possible. So go ahead and click that video right there to get it step by step process of utilizing the settings inside of Stream Labs. I'll see you guys in the next video.
Channel: LAS Curry
Views: 27,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated overlay, how to add a stream overlay in streamlabs, how to setup stream overlay streamlabs, how to add custom overlay in streamlabs, how to add stream overlay streamlabs obs, how to make animated overlay, animated overlays for streaming, how to make an animated overlay for twitch, animated overlay setup, animated overlay setup in streamlabs, How do you add overlays in streamlabs, best animated overlay, LAS Curry, how to make an animated overlay, stream overlay
Id: vxSrnzp3fZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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