How To Start Shopify Dropshipping in 2024 (No BullSh*t Complete Walkthrough)

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what's popping youtube welcome back to the channel if you're new here if you're old here my name is nathan nazareth and i'm a 21 year old e-commerce entrepreneur based out of vancouver british columbia canada and in the past year i've embarked on the journey to start my own personal brand and youtube channel to help as many people get started who were in my shoes just three short years ago now i don't sell a course this is what you're gonna get right here for free on youtube a full guide and all you'd ever need to learn the business model and start generating money online right now and that being said there are certain things like intuition experience networking private resources private connections and things that simply cannot be given through an online video course format so for those things i also do have an education company where i work one-on-one directly with students to help them through any problems along their journey if you are at all interested in that the first link will be down below to go ahead and book a free discovery call with me and my team or we can chat over instagram if you're interested so do that if you want to cut the learning curve but if you want absolutely everything given to you right now with nothing held back for you to go ahead and start building your own online business from scratch this is the perfect place to be let's jump into it so firstly i'll briefly cover my experience with drop shipping and e-commerce thus far i'll also talk a little bit about how my mental state physical health and certain things in my personal life had to change in order to allow me to be successful with this business model and then this full course will be broken up into five different modules so module one will be centered around product research and what it takes to find your very first winning product module two will be on all things store setup so this includes copywriting the sales process logos and graphic design work and everything you need to build out a website from scratch module 3 will then be on different forms of advertising including both paid methods as well as free or organic methods module 4 will be on fulfillment automation back-end setup hiring and everything you need to do to run your business smoothly and effectively as well as automation and finally module five will be on alternative advertising methods golden nuggets tips tricks and helpful hacks that i've figured out along the way so stick around because i've poured months of ridiculously hard work into building this course out and i truly believe that this video course right here is the best course for dropshipping e-commerce out there including both free and paid courses that people offer and all i ask in return is that you go down to the description smash the like button for me as that'll help with the youtube algorithm and help push this video out to more people to hopefully impact them save them money and time some of you may already know me so i'm just gonna go really brief on my story over the past three years and what got me to this point now so short three years ago i was a freshman in college and i was constantly searching ways to make money online to keep up with the lifestyle and going out on the weekends and all the things that i wanted to do and so i came across social media marketing and the first thing i did was i built an agency from my dorm room in college i noticed there was a lot of local businesses that needed help with their online presence website and selling their products online and that was the route that led me into drop shipping because i was working with one client who was selling her own digital product she had poured her life into this fitness course that she was selling online and i helped her market it i got it off the ground with facebook ads google ads seo in a short two weeks she had done over seventy thousand dollars in online sales with a hefty profit margin because it's a digital product as well and that money was absolutely life-changing for her and it was life-changing for me seeing that she made that much money in such a short amount of time and it motivated me to start selling products to the masses so that's when i started drop shipping i failed four stores before i had my first successful store and i just kept pushing because i had seen so many people online talking about their success stories i surrounded myself with success stories in facebook groups and different networking channels and all around me i saw people having success and i knew it was only a matter of time before i could do the same the biggest mindset shift that i had to have there was understanding that i was no different from the people that i saw on my screen the same way that i really want you guys to understand that you are no different than me i have no fancy degree no special talents no einstein level iq i simply decided to sit down at my computer and try flash forward to now i've done over seven million dollars in sales with my e-commerce brands if you don't believe me i have other videos on my youtube channel breaking down these brands and how i've gotten to this point along the way i also started posting to youtube instagram and other social media platforms as i built up my personal brand and then i started an education company where i worked one-on-one with students who want to follow the exact same process that i took to get me to where i am today additionally not a lot of people know about this but i also have a creative agency and i usually work with larger brands for that as it's always something i've been passionate about ever since i started my first social media marketing agency back from my dorm room now the beauty about drop shipping e-commerce and just the business model of making money online in general is that you can take it in so many different approaches it can be passive income for you it can be a part-time income it can be your full-time career whatever it is you can always find value from this information you can take bits and pieces of this course how to build a website or how to run ads start an agency around one of those specific skills get really good and start making a lot of money and remember i was able to dive into dropshipping while being a full-time student as well as having my social media marketing agency so if i can do it you definitely can do it too now what does it take to be successful with dropshipping ecommerce because anyone can consume all this information but who will actually be the one to go on to start making a lot of money with it well in my opinion it comes down to one big mindset shift i failed four stores before hitting my first successful winning product and so for me at the time i easily could have given up at any point along that journey in fact there was times where i was literally this close to giving up i had drained my bank account i was seeing all of my friends make good money in their part-time jobs and i was sitting at home spending money and not making a single dime the path of entrepreneurship can be lonely especially at the beginning you're gonna have to overcome a lot of obstacles and challenges and i can tell you right away that it is simply not for everyone but if you are all passionate about entrepreneurship and you can develop a mindset like i did where i knew it wasn't a matter of if i would become successful but it became a matter when i was so sure and i locked myself into entrepreneurship and i knew at some point i would find the success if i just kept digging and kept working and i knew that every single dollar i spent and got nothing in return was just a learning and an opportunity and that at some point it would all compound into me eventually making way more money than i had ever thought and i was right now secondly all the free content out there that you consume related to drop shipping and e-commerce is not 100 accurate what trust me i've been there as well when i was first starting and i was watching all these youtubers i didn't know who to believe i didn't know who to trust i absolutely promise you from the bottom of my heart i would not be able to say this if it wasn't true that this drop shipping course that i'm providing for free on youtube is the best free content out there and there's not a single ounce of information that i'm withholding there's no little white lies i'm not trying to sell you on anything my education company is doing very well again if you are interested you can check it out but i'm not pushing it on anyone at all and i'll shut up about it at this point in the video for the rest of the video and if you ever feel overwhelmed because i'm talking about so much and going through so many concepts just understand that what i'm presenting to you guys today i took three years of intense work sleepless nights 16 hour shifts of learning and working and failing over and over again to come up with all this knowledge for you guys so you don't have to take it in all on one go but i recommend you save this video you use it as a reference share it to friends and i wish you the best of luck as you go through this let's dive in to module one all right welcome to module one where i'll be talking about how to find winning products to build a winning brand in 2022 and beyond now a lot of the stuff in this course including this module is going to be focused around tick tock because tick tock has been going crazy as you guys know both from the organic side of advertising and the paid side so a lot of these product research recommendations will be geared towards tick tock as well so keep that in mind but first things first let's dive into the product criteria checklist so first thing we need to understand is does the product solve a problem or does it have a wow factor or does it have potentially both okay now both would be the best but a winning product doesn't always have to have both so firstly you should ask yourself a few things when you find that product firstly does that product solve a particular pain point okay so is there a certain niche of people who could gain a lot of value out of using this product and it could help them to solve an issue in their life now second thing could this product catch people on impulse okay this is really big for tick tock so is the product cheap enough of course number one now is the product reasonably priced enough for somebody to pull out their credit card and want to buy it right away that's huge when it comes to paid advertising on tick tock it also does matter on facebook but for the most part to be successful with drop shipping especially right off the bat you don't have customers taking weeks or even months to think about buying your product so think about when you're buying you know an apple iphone chances are you're gonna take some time to think about or maybe that's a bad example because everybody loves apple and they're an insane company but you know when you're buying a phone or a laptop you're gonna take a lot of time potentially even months to think about buying this product so for them they're not driving instant roi off of their ads yes they're running ads and yes they're gaining a lot of benefit from their ads but they're not getting that instant sale that we're looking for when it comes to drop shipping we want to make our offer so irresistible that consumers are willing to pull up their credit card and buy right then and there the moment they see your ad okay now the second piece is exclusivity or saturation so can your product be found at your local walmart big box retailers can you find it on amazon you want to check all these things now sometimes it's okay if it can be found but you want to make sure for the most part the product you're selling especially if you're building a long-term brand is pretty exclusive meaning you can't just go out and get it super super easily and this also includes competition in the market you know are there millions of other drop shippers selling this exact same product right now or is it relatively untapped now that's kind of a double-edged sword okay because on one hand if there's millions of people selling it it definitely has a ton of demand and you could go above and beyond and take it into a brand but on the other hand if there's millions of people selling it it's only gonna make it more and more difficult for you to find success selling it and you might have to invest thousands and thousands of dollars up front before you can build a brand and make your presence known and lastly you want to look at potential growth okay so is there room for improvement on the product this means can you iterate and make the next generation of the product once you have some cash flow you can speak with manufacturers and start upgrading and redesigning it or is it a relatively static product a great example of this is this upright go to in the bottom right hand corner of this page it's a posture corrector much like the original black one that went crazy on aliexpress you guys know which one i'm talking about now this is an iteration on that product you know somebody found a way to make that product more sleek more seamless you can easily wear it under your shirt and it'll vibrate you when your posture is moving in the wrong direction versus you know the big bulky backpack looking thing that keeps you upright at all times this is the better version of it and that's why this company has found so much success because they took a very hot product with lots of demand that solves a particular pain point for customers and they made it even better now this one's kind of optional because obviously if you're selling you know 300 product you're probably not going to have a 2.5 or 3x markup on it but for the most part especially when it comes to tick tock drop shipping you want to make sure you have at least a 2.5 x or 3x markup on your product and lastly you want to make sure your product is in a passionate audience or niche so there needs to be you know a thriving group of people out there in the world ideally in an industry that's exploding and taking off you can check google trends and do market research which we'll get into in a moment here but of course you want to make sure you have a hungry market of buyers who are willing to buy your product now here's some extra things to look out for that you might not have noticed right off the bat and the first one is confirmation bias so confirmation bias in the sense of drop shipping is basically when you want to justify selling a product because you like it yourself or maybe even somebody close to you like your family or your friends will buy it and you have to remove this bias because my largest brand to date that's done over six million dollars in sales i never would have bought that product myself probably nor would any of my friends but just know that there are seven billion people on this planet three billion of which are shopping on instagram facebook and tick tock all the time for new products and just because you wouldn't buy something you wouldn't like something doesn't mean there isn't a hungry market out there for it secondly of course intuition and experience this is huge and you're only gonna gain it with time and testing products so don't get frustrated don't give up after your first or second product for me it took me a whole host of products to really understand what a winning product looks like and you're gonna get better and better at this every single time and then what you'll find is your success rate and testing products will go through the roof because your intuition and your experience just gotten so much better through seeing firsthand what works and what doesn't work on these ad platforms now lastly you have to think about passion too as much as you want to make money and sell anything under the sun you have to think about what aligns with you especially if you want to take this into a long-term brand you have to feel that you're actually going to be providing value to a certain group of people and you also want to have passion for the brand and the direction of it in doing so you'll find yourself putting so much more time and effort as time goes on into the brand next generation of the product and you'll be excited to see where you can take things as opposed to if you had no passion at all likely you would run up a winning product to 100k 200k make a good amount of money and then move on because you realize you don't need the quick cash anymore and the brand just wasn't something that you wanted to pursue long term now that is completely fine as well and that's exactly how i started but now i'm always thinking about building brands with a long-term vision and trying to align them with my own beliefs and values and i definitely recommend going that route as well because e-commerce is changing and the days of being able to throw up you know a half-assed website and make 100k overnight are kind of gone so diving into method number one we have the supplier method so i found 70 of my winning products this way and this method is something that not a lot of people reveal or talk about but i promise you every single person who does numbers in the e-commerce community knows exactly what i'm talking about here so a quick breakdown of what it looks like first thing you want to do is contact suppliers on alibaba aliexpress dhgate tab out etc there's so many different websites that have wholesale prices and inventory now you don't have to know what you're selling yet so let's say you want to start here on aliexpress you can literally just browse around click on any product it's actually a good product but disregarding the product you scroll down to the bottom where it says the name of the store so this store is called mini bear what you want to now do is look at the positive feedback and the followers usually anything above 90 is pretty solid these guys have 96 so they're doing well and they have over 44 000 followers i'd recommend looking for at least five to ten thousand followers as that way you would know that they're pretty established and lots of people buy from them then what you want to do when they check out is you want to hit contact now as you can see as long as you're signed into an account that you made for free this is the page it'll take you to you'll likely get some sort of automated message like this but what you want to do from here is then send them another message i actually have an example of exactly what to do down here so i found a product that i liked i actually did sell this product for a bit and i said hey i'm an experienced drop shipper looking to sell your product now this is going to get them excited because you said your experience or maybe you've told them how many numbers you've done now you don't have to lie or fabricate anything so i'd recommend just trying to build that excitement because they want to make money just as bad as you do so by me saying i'm an experienced drop shipper they know right away that i could potentially make them a lot of money by selling their product and then notice here i said please whatsapp me and then i left a number okay and this isn't actually my number so if you're trying to spam me it won't work but as you can see here they then drop their whatsapp and you can carry over the conversation there the big three are whatsapp wechat and skype i usually just straight up ask for the whatsapp i found so many of them have it and i really like using whatsapp myself anyway so it works now if you notice i put spaces in between each letter of whatsapp now i did this for a very specific reason i did this because aliexpress will actually take down my account and they'll ban me from messaging people if i didn't do that so it's really really important and here's why they make seven percent fees on every single transaction so aliexpress wants you to stay in their platform and purchase directly off of their website but because they make those fees the suppliers are going to charge more money and you have less flexibility with what you can do with them in terms of shipping lines and stuff like that so as soon as you can get their messaging then you can go talk to them you can negotiate with them you can ask to look at their factory you can vet the product before you decide to sell it and so much more i would always recommend doing this no matter what but here's the thing once you get this number here's where the supplier method really comes in you want to go ahead and message them and ask them exactly what's moving in their warehouse in their factory if they're working with any drop shippers right now what products are trending they know because they have access to all of the orders they can see what they're fulfilling they can see the products that are moving so likely they'll send you a list of their top products because they want to make money too and through that list you can get access to so many winning products that are relatively untapped because not a lot of people have seen them popping up on facebook ads yet and they're just starting to take off so that's this step here inquire about the warehouse inventory existing retailers etc then you want to launch on a branded niche store this is my favorite way to do things build a shopify store which we'll get into in another module around the niche that the products in so if you're selling a gardening tool maybe you make a home improvement store okay if you're selling a cooking tool maybe you make a kitchen store if you're selling a hockey stick maybe you make a sporting goods store and so on and so forth the next step in this kind of funnel situation here is you want to validate the product you want to gain proof of concept sales profitability and we'll talk all about that in advertising and then of course you want to continue to scale order into the warehouse white labeling packaging logo shipping which we'll talk more about in the next modules but that's it for the supplier method really simple really straightforward it's just about building those relationships with the suppliers and figuring out what products are trending right now little bonus supplier method for you which i've actually found a great product this way this is the local supplier method so you can go to farmers markets mom and pop shops boutiques craigslist etsy any type of you know handmade goods or sellers who are who are building the products themselves out of their own home or a small little shop and you can basically reach out to them and offer to sell their product at scale online chances are these people don't know how to run an online shop and you can leverage the amazing handcraft products they built to make you a fortune as well as build their business and make them some money too what better way to boost your local economy and it's a win-win for both of you now when you're reaching out to these people you're talking to them maybe at a farmers market here's a picture of the night market where i live in vancouver what you want to do is ask them if they can do volume because you want to grow this brand are they able to pump out 100 200 300 000 units per week if you were to get to that scale you want to ask them if you can private label their products with your own branding so that you can build your own business around it you can ask them if you can innovate and iterate on the product if you want to you know add some adjustments make some tweaks to make it more your own and then you want to obviously talk to them about the quality of the product too and make sure it actually does what the intended purpose of it is and it will provide value to the consumer and lastly you want to build out a contract so you're protected as well negotiate you know find a reasonable price point so that you can make as much money as possible but you're also not ripping them off entirely you want to create that win-win situation figure out bulk pricing because chances are you can get the product cheaper and cheaper as they step up in volume and maybe even ask them for an initial trial period if you're worried that the brand might not take off and you just kind of want to test with their product now on to the next method we have the free method now starting with aliexpress you can just go scroll through any category pick on a specific niche like hoodies and sweatshirts and start scrolling around looking at different suppliers looking at different options looking at reviews seeing what's selling hot going to even the home page and looking at tons of trending products it's pretty straightforward then you have the facebook search method for this one all you want to do is go up to the search bar and type in shop now dot bit l y now lots of brands use dot bit l y to shorten their links and if you hit shop now it's obviously going to show you videos and images that are relating to a product because it's trying to get you to purchase so right away we can scroll and we can see some top products this looks like some kind of cool hair clip down here we have some sort of jeans that are supposed to hug your waist and bring them in i guess and they're really stretchy and so you can just scroll and find tons of different products and that's actually the perfect segue into my next method which is the general store approach of the free method because once you find a store and i know this is a good store because i use them myself for the general method you can click on their facebook page and you can scroll down to where it says page transparency click see all and then click go to add library what this is gonna do it's gonna bring up all the ads that they're actively running now if they're actively running an ad chances are they're making money on the product otherwise they wouldn't be running the app especially if it's been running for a long long time if it just started running yesterday maybe they're testing it out i usually like to scroll down to ones that are more proven and ones that have been running for at least a couple weeks now here we can see tons of different lighting products these guys are kind of in the home improvement slash lighting niche and i definitely frequently check back to see what's working for them now the next part of the free method is facebook and tick tock pixelation so what this means is when you're scrolling facebook or your tick tock feed as you normally would any time you come across an ad of a product what you want to do is click on the ad go to the website go through their checkout process you don't actually have to buy product but add it to the cart go to the checkout page all those things and so what that's going to tell tik tok and facebook is that you're an active consumer ready to buy a product so they're gonna start firing off tons of product ads to you and then you can simply scroll through those ads on your feed as you normally would build it into your daily routine of checking social media and you can actually come across a lot of hot products by simply doing this and the last thing here that we have is free chrome extensions so this is perfect for the general store method remember what i was talking about with arctic sure here if we just go over to google and we type in arctic we can come on their website and as you can see on the bottom here i have this extension installed which is called alley hunter it's a pretty good one there's tons of ones that do similar features but if you go over to this panel right here called product it'll actually just list out the best selling products for them so of all time the custom moonlight they had has been their best-selling product then the light of life lamp then the moonlight i mean these are all huge dropshipping products so it makes sense followed by all these other ones and you can just scroll to see what products are selling really well for them also this competitors tab shows you different competitors selling the same products so you can check out other websites and stuff like that apps used shows you what shopify apps they're using if you want to pay for premium you can actually see how many orders they're getting and their stores performance in real time and stuff like that i don't really need to do that that much anymore i used to have it but yeah anyways i'm not really promoting them but she wanted to show you it's something that i use myself i'm not going to plug you on any affiliate link or anything um there's tons of other free chrome extensions that do the exact same thing now on to the paid research method we have ad spying platforms okay and and that's pretty much it there are other platforms out there that don't have ad spying features but i just found ad spying platforms to be the fastest the most effective and also great for competitor research that's why i like using them and i have a list of three here that are pretty much all you need we have mining up pp ads and drop by spy now the top two my emp ads are very very good for tick tock ads and drop by spy is a little bit more catered towards facebook ads so once you know how to use one of these ad spying tools you know how to use all of them because they're all effectively the same thing just with different products how they work is they have teams who constantly sift through facebook and tick tock and select winning ads and put them onto their platform that's why it's a good recommendation to get more than just one so you can get access to different kinds of products in case the teams missed some of the best products out there but for example i'm just going to show you one of them because they all function the exact same so let's start with mania i'm on the homepage of my mania account here there's so many different features but all you really need to pay attention to are these three here facebook ads pinterest ads and tick tock ads which is the collection of all the winning advertisements right now i'm gonna show you tick tock ads just because it's the newest one but they're all very similar so now what you want to do is you want to add some filters so you can narrow down your search so first thing you want to do is go to countries i usually select united states united kingdom because these are places that i'm actually going to be targeting when i launch the ads myself and again we'll get into that in the advertising module ecom type you want to click on shopify then you can choose the amount of likes and the amount of plays it has usually i just add one filter and that's usually likes and i add about minimum 1 000 likes having a minimum of 1 000 likes means the product was ran enough to likely have been profitable so if we go to scene date i usually like to go last 30 days so i can see ads that were last seen in the last 30 days you don't want to be looking at ads that were seen two three four years ago and that have died off and from here all you want to do is simply scroll you can go ahead and add products to folders and lists and save them and stuff like that once you find ones that you like and then come back to them later if you click on the product itself they'll have video ads they'll take you to the aliexpress page and again everything is so much more faster and effective when you are using a platform like this by the way all the platforms that i am discussing in the course that are external will all be linked below in the description so you guys can go pick it up and some of them have unique discount codes for me and my audience as well i just have one more slide for you guys on product research and this is to do with market research there's a bit broader but it helps you find untapped markets and goldmine niches so the first couple things are exploding topics and google trends they're both very similar exploding topics and google trends helps you find new and upcoming niches and markets to take advantage of google trends is a little bit different because you have to search for it yourself whereas exploding topics can show you collection on the homepage they both work similar though so i'm not going to go ahead and show you both but for example if we want to see what's selling well right now let's think of a niche let's think of the kitchen niche so if we expand this out to the past five years as you can see there's been steady growth in the search term kitchen which means that lots of people have been looking to buy products in the kitchen niche overall and likely the growth can be explained by just the growth of e-commerce in general because it is in this kind of linear fashion so i wouldn't worry or stress too much about that but what you don't want to do is start selling products that are on a downward trajectory it does look like this is going on a bit of a downward trajectory but sometimes it's false and especially when it's been so linear like this the entire time i actually highly doubt kitchen's gonna go to zero like it says that it might so when things are in a kind of linear fashion like this there's always demand there's always a market for it now let's try something more summer oriented as we are heading into summer here let's try the term camping what you're gonna see is every single summer it spikes up like crazy and look where we're going right now we're going up i don't know why this line's projecting down we're definitely on our way up for another summer where tons of people are gonna be looking up the term camping and buying everything from mattresses to water bottles to backpacks and anything they need to use on their expedition but with that that pretty much sums up module one product research and now you guys have the entire toolkit to go out and start finding yourself some winning products now let's move on to what we do when we actually find ourselves a product all right so welcome to the next module after testing dozens and dozens of shopify stores i've finally got this down to a proven practice that takes me no longer than about 45 minutes to an hour all in to set up a shopify store and have it ready to go for testing your brand new product so we'll go over everything from choosing the right content to optimizing your website the site load time all the different apps that you need your sales process optimizing your funnel for conversions the back end work and setup for fulfillment legal pages and all that kind of stuff but without any further ado let's just get straight into this all right so kicking it off with the first step checklist here we need a shopify free trial setup we need to set up the name and domain name we need to select our first product decide if we're gonna do a niche store a one product store a general store and then select an additional one to two products as upsells cross sells maybe even bundles depending on the niche depending on the product so again a lot of this stuff is gonna vary depending on what product you're selling but for the most part the system is pretty plug and play and we can just go through these checklists which will help us out during the creation setup so first things first we need a new email account so i'm just gonna go over here and click create a new gmail account perfect we have our email account set up it's as simple as that now the reason why it's nice to have a fresh email account that you keep separate from your personal email is obviously so you can manage all of your business stuff in one place this is just my preferred way to do it in fact every new store that i start i pretty much use a different email for each one because i have the long-term goal of taking it into a brand in which case it's nice to have all of its assets under one google drive and all the emails the va work all that kind of stuff done through one email and one google suite but now of course we need our shopify free trial we just go type in shopify sign up it should pop up here somewhere there we go and we can just hit start free trial now all we got to do is go ahead and pop in our email that we just created password and then set a store name it's helpful if you do know what you want to call your store at this point but it really doesn't matter because you can always change this quite easily later on for now i just called it test store and this little questionnaire you don't have to know all the answers to it right now either so i'm just going to skip most of this actually if you do have a better idea it does help but again you can always go back and add it later now this part is pretty crucial you need to add your address so that you can actually get paid out so i'm just going to go ahead and fill in this information real quick and bingo that's all we need it'll just say at the bottom your trial has just started so welcome to the shopify dashboard it's pretty simple this is your homepage you're gonna give you a bunch of tips tricks recommendations and we'll start working through the rest of the pages now our next step here is to choose our name and domain name so the easiest way to do this is to just go over down here and then buy a new domain now you can do this on godaddy for a dollar and then connect it which is pretty simple as well uh but it's about i think seven or fourteen dollars somewhere around there on shopify so i usually just buy it straight through here because it's relatively inexpensive and in the beginning if you don't want to spend any money at all you don't actually need a domain name because you can route the traffic to of course when you are building a brand it's nice to have your own domain name though so i would recommend getting one pretty early on for the sake of this store i'm not actually going to buy one because it's kind of unnecessary but i'm just going to show you the process that i would take to go through buying one so now this point we got to think of a name but obviously what goes hand in hand with the name is what type of product and what type of store you're running so for me i love doing niche stores and niche stores is basically when you pick a certain niche whether it's cooking whether it's camping whether it's cleaning home improvement lighting so many great niches out there that you can sell products and there are tons of hot products in so i gotta choose a product for this let's go back over to mania which i showed you guys about in the product research module and i'll quickly take a look at tiktok ads and here's a pretty popular product that i've been seeing around quite a bit so for this test store i'm going to be going with this product would i actually sell it it'd be worth a test and with the right creatives i think it can do well on tick tock it is quite saturated meaning the competition is really intense there's tons you mean you can see two ads right here for this product a couple big players dominate the market for this product and i've done a lot of research on it in the past so i probably wouldn't sell it uh knowing what i know about the product and how many people are selling it and nonetheless you can make a lot of money with it especially if you use organic tech talk and make the right cool creatives that nobody else is using a lot of advertising comes down to the creatives and we will talk about that in the advertising portion as well but for now let's run with this product i think it looks pretty good if i click on here and then i click on see product it'll take me to a website of another company that's selling the product right now and then remember the chrome extension tool that i was using if i go to product here and click find suppliers it should instantly show me a bunch of different suppliers that i can get this product from perfect so here's the supplier on aliexpress for this product it's got about 74 reviews 4.9 stars 336 orders and if you look at the supplier they have 96 positive feedback so this looks like a pretty good bet now remember what i was saying about contacting the supplier i would normally go ahead and do that right away but just for the sake of this video so i can continue and hurry this along i want to immediately start building out the store but we were at name and domain name setup so now i gotta think of a cool name for this store now because it's kind of in the diy lighting slash you know aesthetic room improvement niche i have to think of a clever name in that realm so one tool that helps me and it's completely free is just the thesaurus okay so this helps me come up with really cool names because all i do is i go ahead and i search up something that relates the product so in this case i just look up light and so many synonyms for light is going to start showing up like bright luminous rich shiny sunny and i can just look at these and kind of feel what speaks to me and then make the name based on one of those there's a couple different ways you can go about naming your store you can just pick something that really speaks to you or jumps out at you you can grab one of these synonyms right here you can kind of mix and match you know two of these synonyms or mix it with any word you want or you can just make up a word altogether that doesn't exist i honestly like doing this quite a bit because it can sound cool and eventually the name can be really branded to your store so for this i'm just going to pick one of these here randomly let's go with luminous and then let's pick another one um let's go with brilliant so how can i combine these two into a word that does not already exist uh verluminous that doesn't sound too good um luminant illuminant no luminant loomient lumint okay that's not working um let's pick two more uh actually you know what luminous and brilliant brilliant voluminous brilliant ah whatever i don't mind it brilliant [Music] and there you go the name is unavailable which means somebody else has it and you want to buy the dot com domain uh it's typically the best way to go about it you can buy other domains the dot-com one's always the most common one right so if you did have a dot ca which is canadian domain but somebody else had the dot-com domain then chances are a lot of people who are looking up the name of your store in the future might accidentally go to the dot-com domain and see a completely different site which is not what you want you want them to land on your site so it is nice to have the com domain and later you can add in other domains let's go back to the thesaurus there and see if we can come up with a better name um cloudless maybe let's just try a different uh word here let's try bright golden i like golden moonlit golden ah doesn't sound too bad just stick those two together moonlit golden there we go um available to buy so when you're happy with your name that's literally that simple you have to put too much thought into it again because you can always buy a new domain name later we're gonna go with moon back to our store setup here now that we know we have a niche product we selected our product we have a name and domain set up we got the free trial we got the gmail set up we need to start looking at one to two additional products now this can come here in the first step section or it can come at the end or it can always come later but i'd like to kind of just at least get an idea of other products that i could be selling so right over here when i looked up 3d custom night lamp you can already see a bunch of different cool lighting products like these hexagonal lights this moon lamp over here this acrylic led nightlight base these stick-on lights this pac-man light up uh sort of i don't even know what to call it a little lamp thing down here you can see you know different kinds of 3d lamps and stuff like that tons of different custom fixtures but overall it's really simple to add products in that already have demand that already doing well and the nice thing about this part is you don't have to you know search for that winning winning product you can take one that's already been scaled to an excessive amount in fact a lot of the times that is better because you know the products gonna sell so a great upsell for this would be this moon lamp right here if somebody's buying these uh custom portraits chances are they're willing to buy a moonlight because it's kind of in the same niche it's kind of gonna have the same effect except for the custom aspect of it it does look cool it's a cool lighting product to throw in your room so a lot of people are gonna be interested in that as well so many great products nonetheless now that i have an idea of it i can always come back later and add it to the store all right now on to the product page checklist this is gonna be the most important part that initial beginning stuff that i did is kind of just laying the foundation the product page checklist is actually building out you know what customers are going to see it's actually the sales process and the funnel and goes and encompasses everything from copywriting to images to videos to gifs to the structure of your funnel to how everything looks as a whole to your conversion rates and your process and exactly what's going to get customers to move and want to purchase so this is the piece right here that is the most important and then after this we'll talk about back end setup and just getting all the settings right before launch okay so now the first step of copywriting is doing market research product research and competitor research okay so what you want to do is you want to find similar listings to your product maybe they're on amazon maybe they're on other websites other stores selling it or if there is none a similar product nonetheless you want to then look at reviews of the product see what people are saying about the product see what the suppliers what the manufacturers are saying about the product see how other stores are marketing it and you want to take that all in i recommend making like a google document or something and adding as much information as possible to that google document of all the research you accumulate from these kind of three pillars here i'll do a little bit of this but i already have a solid understanding of what the product is just because i've done research on it in the past and i know exactly how it operates how it functions what it's used for the intended purpose of it the different marketing angles that i could come at it with and so much more so i won't have to do a full in-depth process of this but i'll do a little bit to show you guys the next thing we want to do is figure out how to drive conversions with effective copywriting there's a couple different tactics and tricks you can do you can do catchphrases and taglines you can use conciseness you can make your copy very benefit driven which is super super huge you can add shipping faqs guarantees all that kind of stuff to build more trust with your consumer and actually get them to pull up their credit card and spend i want to highlight one thing right here and that's conciseness okay so i'm not a copywriting expert i've never specialized in it or claimed to be one but i write a lot of the copy for my own stores up to a certain point and it still converts and the reason for this is i'm very very concise simple straight and to the point with the copy i've always understood that no one wants to read huge blocky paragraph text i mean when you go to amazon sometimes and you look at products you see all those texts with the specifications of the product and everything like that do you ever read any of that no chances are you look at the few images of the product maybe you look at a couple reviews you see the main description one or two points and you have enough information to go ahead and make your purchase right what we need to do is give people information enough to make their purchase in the most concise way to remove friction from the buying process that's really really important and if you can slip in benefits right you want to show them how this product can impact their life and add value to them and solve their problems okay now you can do this in the form of catchphrases tag lines you can use a couple different sentences and have you know keywords bolded and stuff like that there's different ways to draw attention to what needs to be driven home to the consumer and we'll get into that as soon as i start writing the copy and then lastly building trust is super super important i would always recommend having you know faqs guaranteed shipping especially if it's a product that is really hard to use or it's not super simple or it's not straightforward and to the point just by looking at it in that case you definitely need faqs and you definitely need a shipping policy and likely even a guarantee as well any type of tech product if it involves lighting if it involves basically plugging it into an outlet in order to use it people are going to be a little bit worried because they're going to be oh what if it malfunctions what if it breaks what if it shows up broken well that way if you have guarantees you have you know a great shipping policy and your shipping is fast people aren't going to be too worried about that so for this particular product too this applies quite well now the next part and arguably even more important is how you sell your product through images and you probably heard that saying that you know one picture tells a thousand words or whatever that saying is called something like that so if one picture is equivalent to a thousand words i got a question for you how many words is one video or one gif equivalent to okay so depending on the product videos can be super super important especially if it's you know a process to set up or whatever having a great video on your landing page could make a huge jump in your conversion rate also adding gifts and little lifestyle clips of people actually using the product in action can be huge i think for this product we probably won't make a full breakdown video on it but we'll have different gifts and stuff like that so at least it's not solely static images although static images can be very very good as well especially when it comes to the actual product page because that's the first thing people are gonna see later on if you're running you know google search ads and stuff like that people are gonna see that pop up and they're gonna make their decision right then and there from the images so for this the best two types of images you need are studio photos and lifestyle photos and typically you need a blend of both people want to see the product in action as it's intended to be used but they also want to see the specifics of the product as well and i'll show you what i mean by that okay so now starting with the market research product research competitor research finding reviews of the product all that kind of stuff i'm going to rip through that real quick it'll probably take me 10 15 minutes again because i already know stuff about this product i'll probably put this on time lapse so you have to sit through all of it and i'll briefly explain what i did at the end so you can follow along and make sure you do the same process for your store first thing i'm going to do is pull up a little google document so i can consolidate all the information onto one dock right here i'm gonna start looking so i'm just gonna go to google i'm gonna type in 3d glow in the dark night lamp custom i'm gonna start looking tons of different stores popping up here i'm just gonna go ahead and open up a few of these stores i'm also going to go look on etsy i'm going to look on amazon and look on a bunch of different places and i'll catch you in a minute now bear in mind that it doesn't need to be perfect i've had to reject my perfectionism so many times and learning to do that is such a skill because i know each and every one of you want to take 12 hours to make the perfect copy and you know edit every last word but that's just not how this game works because if you were to do that you wouldn't have enough time to test enough products you wouldn't get any initial results you'd like to get discouraged and you get emotionally attached to the product so i'm telling you right now please please please huge tip don't worry about perfectionism you can always go back and redo it later and i think going off on a little rat here but i think the way that our school system is you know you get let's say an essay in english class and once it's turned in you get a mark you never see it again and that's how you did but in the real world at least in business and specifically with drop shipping you can turn in your project example the copywriting you know your website whatever you can launch ads you can drive traffic if you don't get good results you can read the data and you can come back and you can change it and you can perpetually change it and you should always be changing it that's how even the biggest companies in the world their websites are never going to remain the same in fact they're always changing it right and so that's what we need to do is we need to learn how to reject perfectionism and just get a quick initial test and launch in and then come back and make all the edits you need later and you'll be even more motivated to do so when you start seeing some revenue coming in so in the beginning this is really all we're going to need to draft up the copy i've made a few key points at the top here from some of the research that i've conducted moonlit golden laps custom led night lamp will bring any memory to life surprise your loved ones by turning them and into your light of love simply send us your desired image and we'll craft a steam beach wood stand with your custom led image photoshopped in detail onto an acrylic panel our custom lamps make the perfect unique and thoughtful gifts for friends family or that special someone so what i've done here benefit driven text okay surprise your loved ones that's it you know a huge benefit and a reason for why you'd want to purchase this product bring any memory to life of course that sounds like a great thing you want to do right and you can use this as the main catchphrase or the kind of tagline the punch line at the initial top of your product page simply send us your desired image then this part here i'm more explaining on how to actually use this and how to you know purchase from us and what kind of happens next just to clear things up a little bit there the next part is our custom lamps make the perfect unique and thoughtful gift for friends family or that special someone again really just outlining who you can buy this for it doesn't have to be yourself it can also be your friends family or you know your girlfriend or something like that then of course technical specifications and this is not done i've just drafted up a few things we're definitely going to think of more and you know polish it quite a bit but just the start and not bad for a couple minutes of quick research here and then down here i have some descriptions that i've taken inspiration from from other websites selling this product and i also have some ordering instructions that other people have on their website and then some delivery information and just kind of seeing what other people are doing and then i looked at some reviews as well at seeing other platforms like that and i just wanted to consolidate that and keep this here for now because it will come in handy when i'm building out the product page so now the next step is gathering content and you have to be careful with this so images videos stuff like that because you don't want to get sued you don't want to use other people's and find yourself in legal trouble you want to make sure all the images and content you use are copyright free now a lot of the ways you can do this is starting with aliexpress the actual listings itself and sometimes these suppliers will actually use content they've stolen from somebody else who has a brand but my experience is telling me that this these images actually came from the supplier themselves just the way that they're laid out if you're unsure about it you can message and contact the supplier which you should be doing anyway but because i'm like 99 sure that these images here are fair game for me to use then i'm going to go ahead and start using them i'm also going to check around google i'm going to check pixels is a great one i'm going to check the shopify free image store or whatever it's attached to your shopify platform inside of the website builder and i'm going to get a bunch of content together and save it in a folder you don't really need to watch me do this part but i'll throw it on a time lapse anyways just in case [Music] all right so basically i saved all of these images here to a folder again that extension that i have also allows me to download all the images from one click which is really nice it saves a lot of time and then i saved a couple of the images down here as well and remember you don't need to go crazy because you can always come back and add more images and you know customize things and use a tool like canva to make things look even better for now i just want to get some content together and now that we have some copywriting stuff together some images together we can start building out the website and making all the necessary changes and we're going to make a lot of changes as we go right the point of this first part was just do some research gather some information gather some content that was free and available for the taking and now it's time to actually get into the design aspect of things [Music] now theme let's talk about that so it's given me the dawn theme uh right off the bat which is a basic classic shopify theme uh which is actually pretty decent and once you know how to use one theme you pretty much know how to use all of them the website builder is pretty much the same across any theme there's obviously gonna be some different aspects and things that you can use um but for this example i'm just gonna show you guys building it out on the theme that it gave me which is still gonna be good if you do wanna go the extra mile and pay for some additional themes one thing that i really like is the impulse theme i think it's like 200 bucks i'll link it down below or something like that there's also debutify which is completely free um and yeah off the top of my head those are kind of two that i would go with but even the basic free themes can get the job done and it's all you need in the beginning and then later on you can go and reinvest in some of the more expensive themes that have different capabilities so i'm going to go ahead and click customize and as you can see uh we basically have nothing going on here we have a bunch of different columns and stuff already pre-loaded and set up for us it's all on the left to go ahead and edit that's the home page they have a catalog a contact page on the menu and all that but we're actually not going to use any of this right now i just wanted to show you guys kind of the website build and we'll come back to it later because the most important thing is the actual product page itself so firstly we need to go to products and we need to add our product now you can do this through you know there's apps like oberlo and actually overlapping is closing down but there's a bunch of similar apps that you can import things easily in one click from aliexpress but i like to actually come out here and just build up the product itself and we'll talk a little bit more about that later and why i do that it has to relate to the supplier and the auto integrations that i like using for fulfillment but for now we're just going to come here and start building out the product itself so for the name keep it pretty simple i'm just going to call it moonlit golden custom led lamp okay if you can think of something really creative um then you can do so but in the beginning it's not going to affect your conversion rate a whole lot and we have to preserve our mental bandwidth for the things that are so i'm just going to go ahead and call it that then for copy i'm going to go ahead and paste some of this stuff that i wrote into here and notice how i kind of have four key points and that's because in between each key point i wanted to have an image or a gif or something like that so right below this one the main punch line here moonlit golden's custom led night lamp will bring any memory to life i want to go ahead and add an image and you want to add images when you're adding them with the text like that that makes sense okay and usually i like to go for original size so it keeps the quality of the original image as you can see here this image makes sense because it's showing you exactly what happens when you upload your image it's showing you how it's created the design effect and then the final output which makes sense because the text here says it will bring any memory to life and this image here is showing us exactly how this product has brought this image to real life so i'm just going to keep plugging away at this for a little bit and then i just threw in a guarantee at the bottom all custom laps are carefully crafted packed and shipped within three business days of purchase we use expedited worldwide shipping and your packages guaranteed to be delivered within seven to 15 days after placing your order if for whatever reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase we offer a 30-day full money-back guarantee we even cover shipping no questions asked that's gonna help increase trust and help push people over the edge to purchase the product of course we'll get into the shipping and stuff like that when we actually touch base with the supplier in the next module um but for now this is the uh product page i think it's looking pretty decent a few good images ideally i want more of a lifestyle image but we can always change that later and a gif or some type of like little short video would be nice towards the end uh but overall it's not too bad so now we got to think of the price point so earlier when i was doing research i was seeing that a lot of people were selling the product for around 60 70 even eighty dollars it looks like the average price to get it from a supplier is around twenty dollars um so i'm going to give that at least a 2x markup like we talked about in the previous module or 2.5x markup and we're going to go for a 49.99 price point the reason why i go a little lower and try to undercut the competitors in the beginning is because i want to see if people are going to buy the product if there's demand right and if and if people aren't going to buy it at this low of a price point then they're probably not going to buy it when i eventually raise it to 80 90 100 so there's no point of starting out really really high but you also don't want to start out really really low okay because that's gonna give your product perception that it's cheap and it's a drop spring product and all this and people are gonna turn away so it still needs to be premium priced i'd say you know for this anywhere between 49.99 and 59.99 is pretty solid so i'm going to start here and we're going to do the classic offer for now of 50 off so the product is originally going to be 99.99 now we'll get into offers and all that stuff later um but for now the classic 50 offer is a great place to start and you can always test more offers moving forward as far as that that's pretty much everything that we need on the product page right now so i'm going to change the product status to active and go ahead and click save all right so now the product page checklist is semi-complete again we'll come back and refine things later we now have to work on the back-end setup of the store so this is going to cover legal pages the home page contact us page ideally track your order page we're going to talk about apps such as a reviews and different apps that involve post purchase upsells which is really really crucial especially when you're building a brand different trust urgency and scarcity tactics that can also be used through apps and we have more apps obviously we'll talk about which includes stuff like image optimization and speed and then we'll do some pixel setup walkthrough particularly for tick tock and then we'll do uh supplier integrations and talk a bit about how all that works right off the bat let's just go through the settings and make sure everything is up to par and you guys can follow along if you're building a store as well so basic information uh nothing really too important here we just have the name of the company the legal name of the company if you're incorporated or anything like that but now one thing that is really important is the store currency so we need to change this to us dollars i'm in canada but changing it to us dollars is really really crucial because the largest market for e-commerce is in the us that's typically where i'm advertising to now if you are advertising to a specific country only obviously you want to have everything in that currency but for me us dollars is what i need and for about 90 of you i reckon it's what you're gonna need as well so we're gonna go ahead and keep it that way and then we're gonna go over to plan this is where you'll eventually purchase the shopify plan as you can see i'm on the free trial for now and also a little point of advice if you want to extend your free trial it's really easy all you have to do is go over to the help section of shopify fire them a quick email and say something along the lines of hey i was working on my store and i don't think i'll be able to have it ready until my trial runs out is there any chance you could extend my free trial so i can continue working on it and seeing if shopify is the right platform for me they want you to use their platform as opposed to you know wordpress or other wix or other websites out there so they're going to do whatever they can to keep you as a long-term customer of theirs and time and time again this has worked and you know it's not going to save you a whole lot of money usually they're going to extend it for about 30 days so it'll save you like 30 bucks um but over the course of you know 10 different stores if you're always testing products and building stores it's just the perfect little hack that you need to know but for now we're going to have this store done literally today so we don't have to be bothered by any of that and then later we can come back and purchase it for billing you want to go ahead and put your billing information here so that way it can bill you for the shopify subscriptions the apps and anything like that that you need to be charged with then users and permissions this is where you can add staff accounts and collaborators eventually an accountant eventually a va stuff like that payments over here this is where you want to set up your payments hit complete account setup and you can use shopify payments in the beginning they're not too bad the rate isn't super super high that they take um so it's a pretty decent place to start out eventually you can look at third-party uh payment processors but for now shopify payments and paypal is really all that you would need so you go ahead and set those two up very very simple you just put in your bank account information and stuff like that not a whole lot going on here it's just kind of the specifics of the checkout process and so it's going to ask you if you want to automatically fulfill the orders or don't automatically fulfill and stuff like that pretty much for now i just literally leave all of this as is and i'll tell you about why i do that later with supplier integration and all that kind of stuff shipping and delivery you do kind of want to set up some sort of shipping rates and again i usually do this after i actually work out the product price with the supplier and everything so for now we're going to leave it as is taxes and duties you don't got to worry about that for now i know for me it's once i hit 30 000 in revenue with a new business then i have to start paying taxes and i have to incorporate or set up a legal structure so usually there's ways to get around this in the beginning and that's what you want to do right because you don't jump in incorporate spend all this money and then realize you're gonna shut down the business and do something else so always start off like this don't bother with taxes it's a really good problem to run into when you are making that much money and in that case we'll talk a little bit about taxes and stuff in a later module now locations gift cards none of this stuff really matters too much markets you want to go ahead and add the market of any country that you are selling to for now our primary markets own the us so we'll just keep it that way sales channels you're gonna have different sales channels and marketing channels through here your domains this is remember what we talked about earlier with connecting the domain brand so this is different logos and your colors of your brand and stuff like that that you can save on here which is pretty neat feature and then notifications just how you want to be notified for certain things to your email and stuff like that and then meta fields and files don't really got to worry about that files are just going to store all the images that you've uploaded and used on your website developer and things like that languages you can add different languages for your store and lastly policies we're going to set up the legal pages i just create them all from templates so the template that shopify already has is pretty solid and it's got your back obviously when you're scaling up to you know multi multi thousands of dollars and you're worried about getting sued and all that kind of stuff then you can come back later and you can edit all this information um but for now you can leave it as is and you just have to change a few small things so if you want to change the email you can do that if you want to insert your return address and wherever these brackets are you can go ahead and update it to your address uh your company information anything like that so it's pretty straightforward there and once you have that down you pretty much have all the settings and the back end stuff set up but now we've got to finish kind of building out the rest of the store that isn't directly related to the product page so if we go over here to online store what you can see is themes blog posts pages navigation preferences we want to start at pages what we want to do is we want to open this contact us page here make sure it's defined as the contact in the theme template and then provide a little bit of information on how your customer can contact you so for me i'll just say if you have any questions or concerns about about your order please reach out via email at nathan does ecommerce123 or fill out the form below and then maybe set a little expectation for them as well you can say you can expect a prompt response within 24 to 48 hours of submitting your ticket and that's pretty much all you need there and i'll show you what happens later when we open up that page itself now the next page we want to add and this is optional is a track your order page so i'm not going to add it for this because it's again it is optional but i do like to add it for a lot of different stores especially when i have tons of products and people are wondering where their product is for that you can use different types of apps which automatically integrate to a platform where they can type in their tracking number and see a good app like that is called after ship but what you can also do is you can just go track my order and then you can bang give them a little bit of information so you can say something like wondering when your package will arrive please click the link below and use the tracking number sent to your email to find out where your package currently is okay and then you can add a link uh 17 tracks a good um website for all-in-one package tracking so you can add a link and we'll talk a little bit more about this when we work with the supplier and set that kind of stuff up um but for now this would really be all you need i'm not even gonna put publish it on the store because again it is optional and you can also do all this stuff by email and eventually when you have a va and stuff like that you might not need it on the store anyway so for now those are kind of the two pages that you're really going to need besides that you'll have your home page and then you'll have the product page you don't want to go crazy with pages you want to keep everything simple remember the goal is to remove as much friction in the buying process and get the customer from point a to point b without allowing them to mess around and waste too much time on your site and eventually click off now navigation here's where we can set up the menus so the main menu which is going to be at the top of the website we can have home we can have the contact page we can have the product page so if i go to products i can find this product right here and we'll just call this custom led lamp and we can also add the track your order page if you wanted so i'm just going to put this one right up top so i'm going to put this one right up top followed by the home page followed by the contact page and you can also add these in the footer as well which is going to be at the bottom of the website you don't have to for now i'm going to leave it as search and that's pretty much that and then if you go to preferences you can add titles and meta descriptions so you can name uh you know how your website will look up if you can add the text so that your website will show up that way when people find it on a google search and stuff like that we'll just call this moonlight golden custom led lamps and then you can write you know a clever one or two lines here for description which also helps get a better ranking on google and other search engines here you can also add a google analytics account we don't need to do that for now um you can set up your facebook pixel really quickly and easily through here as well we don't do that for now and then once you pick a plan you can disable your password so that people can actually activate your online store from their regular internet browser besides that that's pretty much everything that we need to know about that and if we go back to the online store and hit customize here we can start building out the home page and making sure everything looks good as you can see if i go to the contact page on here it's really straightforward it has the form and then it has if you have any questions or concerns about your order please reach out via email left my email there and then told them some expectation about when they can receive a response and then over here on the product page this is how it's looking so far it still has some customization to do we still have to decide on the key photos that we want to use but the price point is in there it's automatically changing to canadian currency because that's a setting in the theme which i can later turn that off if i want and then down here you can see the photos and the copy that i've already added again it's gonna need some fine tuning and adjusting for sure to come up the way that i envision it but not a bad start now this site looks very basic very bare bones obviously nothing's really on here but i want to tell you that you've already reached the hardest part in the store setup and design if you got to this point you have some information together you have the pictures you have the copywriting for the most part down from now on all you need to do is just refine edit add images make your site look pretty and this is kind of the fun part too people love playing around and spending a lot of time again my thing is i want to move quickly i want to move efficiently i don't want to waste a lot of time because i have tons of products to test and i can later come back refine and optimize but feel free to spend as long as you want if you really enjoy this process too of course it's fun for you then spend as many hours as you want to go through and edit all this everything on the side is really easy to use so all these are little sections as you can see this is the main image banner section you can add different images you can choose the size of it you can change all the text it's literally the most easy website builder to use of all of them that i've tried like wordpress wix uh commerce hq woocommerce that's why i love shopify so much because of the themes and because of how easy it is to use and you can easily go ahead and delete columns too so let's say i didn't like this and i thought this was too much i can just go over the side here click on it and then click remove section and it's automatically going to be gone again we don't have a video right now so i'm going to go ahead and remove this section i don't really like this multimedia collage i want to keep things really simple and easy so we can move towards the testing as soon as possible i want my featured product on there i want to talk a little bit about the brand i want a nice big image and that's pretty much about it and then i want to edit the footer and then once that's all done it's going to look pretty solid and then once i nail down the product page which is the most important contact page is pretty much already done so what i'm going to do now because you don't really need to see this entire process is i'm going to work on it a bit i also don't want to kill my entire camera battery and i want to get this video cranked out today so what i'm probably going to do is leave this on a bit of a time lapse do a bit of work and then i'm going to come back when the site's fully finished and complete i'm going to explain to you guys everything that i did any little tweaks that i made and why i did so kind of my thought process behind how the store was made but nonetheless we reached the hardest part of store setup so congratulations especially if you're following along now it's time to have fun play with this a little bit customize it to our liking and make it look cool all right guys so i'm back and the store is officially complete or at least as good as it's going to get for now but first a couple things i wanted to show you guys tick tock and facebook have their own sales channels right here so this makes it super easy to go ahead and install the pixel and set up with your ads manager we'll cover a little bit more about that in the next module pertaining to the advertisements themselves but just to show you guys right now how easy it is all you have to do is go ahead and click setup now and it'll walk you through the process of connecting your tick tock ads manager the pixel and everything with your shopify store same thing goes for facebook they've actually just started using this feature as of may 28 2022 normally you'd have to do everything through facebook itself there is some still specific event parameters and things that you may need to set up inside facebook itself but for the most part the two sales channels are super easy to use pretty much one click through everything and they're set up and they're found right here now as far as apps goes i've just went ahead and installed tracking more which i was talking a little bit about earlier and also after ship and those types of apps that can help you with uh finding your tracking numbers and you know taking the customer to the right information of where their parcel is currently located then next i have luke's product reviews and photos i usually use looks or a reviews they're both pretty solid and they give you a nice clean feel to the reviews and really builds trust and increase and really builds trust with your consumers i think reviews are probably the most important thing that's why it's literally like the only app that i have on here obviously like over time as the store is doing well i go in and add more apps another big app is vitals where you can do bundles and cross-sells upsells you can do scarcity tactics you can do sticky at the cart you can do countdown timers all those sort of things so again this this course is gonna be perfect for you know getting started with drop shipping and everything obviously there's gonna be more advanced scaling techniques and apps that you'd get kind of later on down your journey but for now this is literally everything you need to go for a good test so now if we're looking at the actual storefront itself i'm just going to go ahead and hit customize here and one thing you want to keep in mind is that you always want to optimize your store as best as possible for mobile especially when selling products like this what i find is about 90 of your customers are actually accessing it from a mobile phone particularly an iphone but of course there's android and stuff like that as well so here's what the home page is looking like um it's very very simple you know nothing too crazy obviously i want to get this done pretty quickly to show you guys so i didn't put too much time into every little decision but as you can see it's just a main image banner there a couple little pieces of text or copywriting and then there's the main images the actual product itself people can purchase straight off the homepage just shedding light on our 100 satisfaction 30-day money-back guarantee again there and then all the quick links at the bottom uh including all of our legal pages and stuff like that and then sign up and save for our mailing list which is going to be huge to start collecting emails from anybody who lands on the site besides that we already went over the other pages and i'm just going to go over to the product page and on the product page itself again just a couple pages just a couple pictures uh the title the reviews uh huge add to cart button here really encouraging people to go ahead and click it obviously similar copywriting is what we had before but with a couple more images mixed in a couple more images about the sizing and the parameters of the lamp there and then again the guarantee at the bottom and then here's how the reviews are looking laid out with the lux app installed it's not too bad for the reviews there overall the site's not bad and it's worth it for a test it can definitely get sales but there are a lot of things that we want to do in the future to improve i can just name off a few so you're aware of them right now at the top we want to have more life sally photos as well as you can see these are kind of studio photos of just the product itself we want to have them actually you know shown next to somebody's bed showing with somebody holding it and smiling and various things like that additionally 19 reviews is a little bit on the low end i usually like to go for anything 40 50 60 plus but i wasn't about to bang out that many right now i just wanted to make that point to you guys besides that i did touch on this earlier but some sort of gifs or short videos would be helpful in the actual landing page itself obviously refining the product copy could be good if i spent more time on it and deciding what words to bold and whatnot to bring attention to certain things i probably could have chosen a better selection of images but i just wanted to get it out there in kind of the template form to show you guys but yeah there's lots of improvements that could be made overall but still nonetheless this site is ready for a launch it's ready for a test to see if we can get any initial results and then if we do start getting results we go back and we start optimizing all these things we start getting new apps stuff like that and that's just the way that i like to do things it keeps things as simple smooth and efficient as possible and ensures that you don't waste too much time on something before you've validated that it has proof of concept and can potentially make you money so with that being said it's time for my bread and butter it's time for advertising and marketing we're gonna be going over facebook ads tick tock ads and other strategies so don't go anywhere and let's hop into module three all right guys so on to module three we're gonna be talking about tick tock ads facebook ads paid advertising in general i'm gonna be revealing all the secrets and the stuff the gurus don't want you to know the stuff that really isn't out there online for free so listen up take this all in take notes do what you got to do but this is going to be exceptionally valuable so starting off with the fundamentals we first got to understand how the algorithm works and it's roughly the same for facebook and tick tock but basically what happens on these platforms is they have a little snippet of code called a pixel both a tik-tok pixel and a facebook pixel so we'll start with facebook ads and i'll just use that as an example because they're both roughly the same basically what happens with this pixel is it gets installed on your website okay really easy ways to do this like adding it to the code inside of your shopify store or one click connecting it through the sales channel or setting up the events through the ads manager itself we'll talk a little bit about that when i get to the platform but once this pixel is installed on your website what it's going to do is it's going to gather data from every single person who goes onto your website and with ios 14 you've probably heard of the new tracking parameters and things that make it more difficult to capture information because consumers have to opt in to being tracked that is true but it's only true to an extent because it only gives them control over certain things you're still nonetheless gathering a ton of data on every single consumer now when i say data i'm talking about everything from their age to where they lived to even previous search history and stuff they've looked at before online to if they're an intent purchaser meaning if they frequently add things to their card check out and make purchases online all of these things are considered data and what this does is it all gets compiled inside of facebook's algorithm and facebook's algorithm honestly no one really understands it in depth and how it works because it's machine learning and it's constantly evolving but essentially what it does is it categorizes customers so every single person like me and like you who go online who show up online who have social media accounts set up are constantly being gathered data upon and so that's the reason why data is so so valuable for these big tech companies because then they can make more money from advertisers and charge an increased price because they know exactly who to spit out ads to okay so having more data for facebook allows them to then hyper target customers and make advertisers sales which is good for the advertiser and good for the platform so the more data equals better but now you're probably wondering why everyone's switching to tick tock even though facebook has been around for so much longer the ad platform is so much more nailed down the algorithms are so much more concrete and they have so much more data but that's because facebook has so much data so they're able to pinpoint customers a lot better than tick tock what they can then do is they can charge an increased price so everybody was freaking out because facebook's cpms or cost per mil cost per 1000 impressions were raising like crazy and advertisers were spending so much money and they couldn't compete with large companies who were dishing out millions upon millions of dollars every single day whereas tick tock for the most part is completely new and there aren't all these massive companies on it advertising yet so it's kind of like early days facebook in a sense where the algorithms are still good they still have billions of people on their platform gathering data from except the cpms are generally a lot cheaper so you're paying a lot less for the traffic now facebook is still going to convert higher and it has time and time again because of more and more data but chances are you're going to be paying more to reach the same number of people though those people might be better fitted to buy your product so those are kind of the trade-offs when it comes to facebook and tick tock in general and that's how the algorithm works in a nutshell the specifics of it it's just too much to go in detail and you don't need to know really anything beyond that now the next point about advertising on both of these platforms is that your creatives and your offer are king that's what's going to set you apart from your competitors in the space from the people selling the same products from other people in the same niche that's going to be the thing that makes all the difference people like to talk about media buying strategies and sell you on their facebook ads programs and think that there's some you know magical formula that you're gonna plug and play and instantly make way more money than everyone else if that was true there would be one system and everybody would be using it to their advantage but that's simply not true that's where you're going to get you know hundreds of advanced media buyers out there online selling your program and each one is going to be completely different so really you have to build your own strategy and formula from experience that you've had obviously depending on the niche depending on the product there's just way too many factors to have one perfect plug and play strategy but for the most part if you follow one strategy that is proven to work that has worked for you before those work for somebody you know you should be good right out of the gate and that's exactly what i'm going to show you guys when i hop into the tick tock ads manager and facebook ads manager i'm going to show you exactly how to launch your campaigns from scratch and then we'll talk a little bit about scaling as well all right now because we talked about creatives and offer being the most important we have to talk about creating your video ads and building a system for testing especially on tick tock you need to have so many creatives constantly being made the creative life cycle or the point in which the creative kind of dies out and doesn't perform as well as it did originally is much much shorter on tiktok in general than facebook which is why content is so so important and even the biggest brands such as apple or microsoft you'll never really see them running the exact same ad for years upon years because they get what's called ad fatigue it's when millions of people have already seen the ad and they're kind of done with it they're not really intrigued by it anymore so you need to hit them with new fresh angles and creatives are going to catch their attention and the same can be said for any company of any size so we need to talk about a few different ways that you can go ahead and build out your ad creatives you can use a popular editing software adobe premiere is kind of the go-to there's like final cut pro and stuff like that i'm not really an editor myself i've never been great at it so what i personally do is i like to use cheaper faster easier more efficient alternatives and one that i frequently use is called in video so if i pull up in video here they've done an excellent job of providing over 5000 templates to make it so easy for you to go ahead and start making ads so we're talking about tick tock ads specifically or maybe instagram story ads or whatever type of ad you want to run you can click on which aspect ratio you want so for this we'll go for the 9 by 16 which is the tick tock instagram stories all that kind of stuff can be used on feeds as well i believe so if we click on this it's just going to load up the nvidia software which is all cloud-based and online and it's super easy to use additionally if you see at the bottom here they have a youtube video editor a youtube intro maker facebook video ads maker they have posters they have instagram video editors meme gen like literally any piece of content that you need for promotion or organic creation they have they got 24 7 support which is really really good if you're on a subscription with them and just tons of stuff as you can see in the categories here they have intros bite-sized ads testimonials if you have customer reviews for your product they have blogs and different things like that they have tons of tutorial videos making it really really easy to edit your own content so i use them for quite a long time when i was making video ads myself and if you guys are interested i'll have them linked down below i reached out to them and they kindly offered to sponsor this video so thank you so much in video really love your guys service and hope some of you guys out there can find it just as valuable as i do so as you can see here all the different pre-made templates which make it really easy to plug and play your video into any of them and they're all optimized for tick tock facebook everything like that so yeah moving along here in video is a great option again they'll be linked down below and you also have ad agencies such as bands off ads viral ecom ads those types of things and these guys are really easy to work with as well i'll have them linked down below in description if you are interested i usually use these guys for testing products if i don't have time to go and create my own video ads to order the videos or anything like that i usually don't use them too much in terms of scaling but once you sign up and log into your account here you can see some of the recent orders that i've made if you go over to video ads they'll show you all the different services they have so a single video out a split testing package which is the one that i recommend because you get three different variations you get three thumbnails you can get ad copies and everything so it's all plug and play ready to go to launch into your facebook ad campaigns now they also have specific ads for tick tock which are going to be a little bit different a little bit more user generated content focused a little bit more native to the platform which i also recommend picking up if you're advertising on tick tock they also have thumbnail packages and bulk deals and stuff like that so another great service that i always use there are other agencies out there that do the exact same thing so if you find any on your own or you want to order them from a freelancer on fiverr upwork or something like that that's also a good alternative and then lastly we have utc content creation and influencer work which kind of go hand in hand and this stuff has been exploding on tick tock lately specifically and doing insanely insanely well so one thing you can do for ugc content creation which basically stands for user generated content is you can order them on ad agencies which now provide that service such as bans off ads which is really nice but another thing you can do is you can find creators yourself who are best suited for the product and a way to do this is by simply scrolling on instagram your explorer feed even start in your own network with your friends and family if you're selling let's say a female product for you know middle-aged women maybe i would think of using my mom so i've called my mom and be like hey do you think you could film a short video unboxing this product you think you'd film a short video for me 15 seconds of how much you love using this product and see she would say sure and i'd pay her a little bit of money and i would get a video from her and i get a video from as many people as possible and i'd have so much content to test now with this you want to send them your product so they can actually film the video for you and you can put it into so many different forms like mashups of every single person product reviews testimonials uh unboxings so many different styles of ugc content that works really really well on the platform we also have influencer work so this is where you pay an influencer or you get them onboarded into your affiliate program which i'll talk a little bit more in the alternative advertising method module module five of this video so stay tuned for that because there's gonna be some crazy stuff in that module on all this but in general for influencer work when you send out a product you pay an influencer you're paying for that piece of content more than anything yes if you can get them to post on their organic accounts and you can do promotion that way and make money that's really really good but what you're getting is an awesome piece of content that you can repurpose and use in ads this is why big brands pay for people like steph curry and lebron james to be in their video and tv commercials because they know the amount of trust and credibility that that comes with and anyone who's seen them before is going to feel more comfortable buying that product so that way if you're working with an influencer or a big celebrity you can just get a better version a higher quality version of ugc content especially if that person has a lot of pull if they're just a regular creator that's fine too because chances are they're really good at content creation and they'll do a great job so influencer work and you see content creation go hand in hand and they're kind of taking over right now especially with tiktok so i'd really recommend diving into those as well as the other options when getting started like the ad agencies and making your own ads and editing them through in video or another software like adobe premiere now onto tick tock ads let's talk a little bit about tick tock ads specifically and why we should be using them right now so tick tock ads right now i talked about this a minute ago is kind of like the early days of facebook where it's very new tons of big advertisers aren't out there yet people don't really know what sells the best set because it takes time with facebook people know what creatives work different ad copies with tick tock we're still figuring that out in the past six to eight months we've really found out that ugc content works very very well this is content that's very native to the platform it's shot on a simple iphone and you know it looks like i literally just made this in my own bedroom because that's the type of content that goes viral on tick tock and once i go to the ads manager i'll give you guys a setup and walk through how it's done how to read data and make decisions that move the needle so so you know exactly when to scale cut your campaign start a new product all that kind of thing also add creatives and what to look for i'll get into that now so this is a really really important slide you should take a picture of this if you can uh tic tac ad creatives need to be native to the platform shot on the iphone following trends and using popular sounds just like you would if you're trying to go organic from posting on your own account that's what does very well for ads as well now there's types of videos that you can do unboxings how to's after buying experience or post purchase experience benefit driven so showcasing the benefits of the product or using the product in action and then a mashup of real customers in their experience so maybe you take you know five different videos of each person reviewing the product and you mash it all into one video and that becomes your ad now there's also something to be aware of called spark ads this is when you pay an influencer you pay a creator to you know send them the product and make the video for you you can then get them to send you a unique code from their video which allows you to advertise straight off of their tick tock account now this is really valuable if you're working with you know someone with a lot of credit credibility like a huge influence or a huge celebrity because you're going to get all of that social proof and credibility when every time somebody sees that ad on their for you page so this right here is the key to success and as tick tock always says when you pull up their ads manager don't make ads make tick tocks and that is so true now facebook ads is a little bit different let's first start with why we want to use facebook well talked about this a minute ago as well it's the largest database and has the most advanced algorithms there's over 2 billion users all around the world and a large majority of which are actively shopping so in general more purchasing power larger markets the demographic is a little bit older than tick tock just on average that's something to be aware of but that also means there's more purchasing power so usually if i'm selling an expensive product chances are i'll test it on facebook ads first if i'm selling a cheaper product i'll probably test it on tick tock ads first now with the ads manager and business manager walkthrough and setup i'll get to that as well as the column customization the pixel setup once we dive into the ads manager i'll show you the walk through in the launch strategy now with ad creatives how to get and what to look for okay so same exact thing that i was talking about over here you can make them in video using the pre-made templates you can make them yourself in adobe premiere the best way and honestly the easiest way is probably just using ad agencies when it comes to facebook in the beginning that's what i've always done but ugc content creation has also been working insanely well with facebook so if you find something that's working well with tiktok take it over to facebook and vice versa because although the platforms are different they're very very similar at the end of the day in terms of what's going to sell and then of course we'll get into the tweaks and optimizations for scaling once we get over to the ads manager as well but just to give you guys kind of a briefing before we get there this is what the ad creators generally look like so there's an ad copy there's a creative so the actual image component or video component maybe it's some sort of a testimonial and then you'll have your call to action in this example here this is a client that i worked with in the past on my marketing agency you can see this button learn more that's going to go ahead and take them to the website and this is another form of ad here this is a direct message ad where it says send message and the lead will show up directly in their facebook inbox so a couple different styles of ads you can run for us we're going to be focusing on conversion campaigns which i'll get to in the ads manager as well but it'll be laid out the very same and this is look this is a story ad here so you know when you're swiping on instagram stories this is what it's going to look like a picture logo little bit of text call to action links all that kind of stuff and then when it comes to audiences uh this is gonna be more prevalent when we talk about scaling but just to get you guys familiar there's something called cold traffic okay so cold traffic is when you're reaching somebody for the very first time typically you're broad targeting your interest targeting them you're not setting a whole lot of parameters then you have warm traffic warm traffic is when somebody's already warmed up to your brand to an extent maybe they've seen you before they've done they've taken some kind of action or event either on your website on your ad maybe they've even watched your ad at least 50 of the way through all of these things constitute as an event and and you can then retarget to them but llas is when you then take the group of people that you're retargeting it to they're called lookalike audiences and you build similar audiences based on those people because facebook has such a huge database it can match you up with similar people who have already taken similar actions on your website or on your ads or on your social media pages hot traffic would be considered retargeting itself so this is when you're directly targeting somebody who's already seen something who's already made a purchase from you already added to the cart and so these people are very very close and chances are they just need to be pushed over the edge and there's a bunch of different strategies you can employ such as discounts such as you know building or increasing trust offering money back guarantees and stuff like that you got to figure out for whatever reason people did not follow through with their purchase so you need to get them to purchase at all costs and that's where retargeting comes in now retargeting can also be used for getting somebody to purchase again if they're happy they're satisfied with their product hit them with a new ad for another product and they're already warmed up to your brand so they might purchase now broad targeting is kind of what i consider the end game when you're scaling with facebook and this is when your pixel becomes so so saturated with data from you know millions of data points that it's able to snipe out customers like nobody else and this is how the advantage comes in when you have so much data and why companies buy data and why sometimes it's hard to beat out those big companies who are just mass advertising and spending millions that's because they have so much data on their consumers that they just let the algorithm do their thing they just sit back pumping creatives and the algorithm knows how to get their customers and acquire them at the cheapest cost possible which is what they're looking for so broad targeting is kind of the end game this stuff is is kind of scale and you want to start off with cold traffic then test out look-alike audiences then eventually start retargeting as your audience base grows and then eventually you want to be running broad targeting campaigns as well as you're probably still testing other retargeting campaigns look like audiences things like that but eventually broad targeting is what's going to make you a lot of money and that's what i've found with facebook ads just to show you guys an example of how ad set will look so a little bit more in depth before we look at the creative itself now we'll look at the ad set that holds the creative and then i'll show you the campaign when we get into the ads manager the ad set will look something like this so you'll have your facebook page connected an instagram account connected if you're running instagram feeds as well you'll have your ad set up you can either use an existing post that you already made on facebook and you're advertising that or you can create the post directly inside of the ads manager you'll create the post and then you'll have the ad embedded inside i typically keep the placements on auto the targeting you choose the gender the interest the age the demographics the previous search history all these things depending upon what product and what niche you're selling of course and a b testing that's basically when you split test things you want to make sure you're only split testing one variable at a time because if you're testing more you won't know what made the difference let me explain so let's say you run that you launch this ad and then you want to test a new variation so you go ahead and you change the creative you change the text you change the type of ad maybe we're not doing a message ad anymore we're gonna do a lead generation ad and collect emails or whatever it is right if you change all of those three things at once and performance increases how are you going to know which thing had the biggest impact and increase your performance so my recommendation is always only move one thing at a time so if you want to launch a new ad set and you want to change one thing let's just change the creative keep everything else the same and we can see if performance goes up or down and you can infinitely split tests like this until eventually you reach the highest and most profitable point and then you know what's working really well for your company and you can keep cycling into new creatives and trying new things but it's a never ending even the biggest companies in the world are constantly split testing new things so that's super super important then we have detailed targeting expansion and audiences which again we'll dive into a little bit more when we get into the ad platform now but that's kind of the brief and the general understanding if you've taken all this in you already know a lot more than the average joe about advertising in general and how these ad platforms work so now let's get into my launch strategy and showing you guys exactly how i go about setting up these new campaigns okay so starting with uh tick tock here i have tick business this is the ads manager platform and as you can see right here like i was talking about don't make ads make tick-tock videos they literally give you the secret sauce but anyways if i go ahead and click start now i'll be taken over to this page and i'm just going to click on one of my recent ads managers here and under here where it says campaign this is where you're going to access the kind of campaign view and dashboard that looks very very similar to facebook so here you have the campaign view where you have the campaigns that you set up within each campaign you're gonna have the ad groups and then within each ad group you're gonna have the actual ads so i'm not currently running anything on this manager right now i have some old stuff and some old tests going on here but i'm gonna show you uh exactly how i go ahead and create out a launch campaign that looks just like this so i go ahead and click the red button there called create it's going to take me to this page now what you want to do is you want to optimize for conversions that's going to be purchases and that's obviously what we are going for so i like to keep everything named i'm not super nitpicky with it but i'm just going to call this uh cold test lamp one no special ad categories and i'm gonna go ahead and turn campaign budget or cbo on cbo has been working very very well on tick tock for me lately it wasn't initially at first but now i'm starting to see that it's working quite a lot better and basically what cbo does is it distributes your ad spend budget across different ad groups depending on what the algorithm thinks it's going to spend the best on as opposed to setting a certain amount that has to spend on each ad group so i usually like to start around 100 a day uh the budget can vary sometimes i start a lot more but that's because i've had more experience and i've built up more capital i know kind of what more of a winning product looks like but for the most part 100 is a solid starting point dollars usd so then go ahead and click continue and then same thing for the ad group so i usually name this by the interest that i'm targeting i'm not always targeting interest that's the thing especially with tick tock i find that broad works very well especially if it's a broad product i feel that this product is pretty broad though it might be worth testing different types of couple interests as well so you can have multiple ad groups so for this ad group i'm just going to call it broad and what we want to do is we want to promote to the website then we're going to select the tick tock pixel and we're going to select the optimization event so for this one here we go we have this pixel and then we're just going to go complete payment as that's what we're looking to do and then with automatic placements it's going to automatically show your ads across all supported placements what we want to do here is click on advanced settings and turn off video download just so people can't go ahead and steal our creatives usually like to have user comments on because they help the ads achieve more impressions and conversions and gets that kind of organic engagement going now one thing about automatic placements to be aware of you're also going to be placed on platforms that aren't tick-tock now depending on your product it can be beneficial but more often than not i will actually go down to select placements and turn off news feed app series and pango which are just their other applications that they own where they also advertise on so i'm just going to keep it on tick tock i recommend you do the same for most products and then for location i usually go united states and then for location i usually just do the united states and canada for languages i usually go to english and then for the gender for this one it could be a male or female buying the product unless it's a specific product it's only for male or female recommend keeping all this as broad as possible for age i usually go 18 to 24 all the way to 55 plus uh just because 13 to 17 year olds typically don't have a credit card maybe they're not making a whole lot of purchases maybe they got to ask their parents first so you want to make sure the person is at least 18 years old and then when it comes to audience here they're going to offer you top performing categories based on your recent campaigns and conversions usually you want to go ahead and select this if you are testing interest because it's going to give you a relatively broad subset of interest if you set up your account correctly they'll give you the right interest to test but for this case we're doing a broad test and then targeting expansion i've usually been turning it on lately and just enabling it for all certain criteria that is available basically as it says here targeting expansion will increase your chance of reaching a broader audience and achieving more conversions in this case we're keeping our audience in this case we're keeping our audience as broad as possible 121 million to 148 million which is pretty huge now when it comes to budget and schedule there's two different things you can do here i've been liking to go with day parting lately okay so day parting is basically when you select the times of the day when people are actually going to be scrolling on their phone there's two different strategies you can do one strategy you can select morning lunch time after work and evening so that would look like somewhere between 7 to 8 30 a.m and then for lunch time it'd be anywhere between like 11 30 to 1 30 p.m and then for evening it'd be anywhere from like six to nine and then late at night like 11 to 12 or 11 to 1 or something like that but what i've been finding works best as of now is just simply selecting every single day from about 6 a.m all the way to about 12 or about one so this whole block of period is when people you know aren't really sleeping they're kind of awake actively looking on their phones and stuff like that and everyone is on tik tok all the time now so i recommend doing this or even all day you're pretty much ready to go in terms of the actual ad set itself then you're going to want to go ahead and click next and it's going to go and take you to the page to create your ad so you're going to have your your custom identity this is an old store that i had so i'll just leave this for now i was a bubble tea straw product anyways did pretty well um but yeah you'd swap this out obviously for the product of your choice and then when it comes to the ads you want to go for a single video ad and you want to go ahead and upload that which i'm going to do right now so this ad i briefly made on invideo all right and now the ad is in there and then you want to come up with some clever text so i'm just going to say this lamp reignited the flame in my relationship something super simple something easy like that uh you can also add multiple versions of the text and you can split test between them and you can try you know scarcity tactics or 50 off or you know really breaking down your offer but for me what works best is just doing some kind of clever catchy line that people might actually read and then continue to watch your ad so that's fine for me right now and then of course you want to paste the url of your shopify store into there so for example i would just have this right now because i don't have a domain and then the call to action would be standard and it would be shop now obviously if it's a physical product and you can go ahead and confirm this and that's pretty much it for this page i remember before i was talking about spark ads you can turn this on here if you are running a spark ad which is basically somebody else's tick tock account they've given you the unique code to advertise they've advertised for your product and then you can post it up onto your ads manager and that's literally it guys keep it super simple again there's no secret sauce no secret testing strategy or formula that's pretty much what i use every single time for launch it's gonna go in review for a bit and then it's gonna launch once it gets approved so there we have it the cold test lamp campaign again you can duplicate and you can add additional ad groups as needed if you want to test between the recommended interests and the broad that's usually a solid place to start and so two to four ad sets if you do want to test more things is pretty solid sometimes you can even go with just one broad though and this is the campaign structure i use almost every time for almost every single physical product now when it comes to scaling this up i actually like to use horizontal scaling which basically means all i'm doing is i'm duplicating this so so this does well let's say after a day of running it got you know three forex ad spend and i really wanna you know generate more sales and pump this then all i have to do is go over to create a new ad campaign choose my existing ad campaign it's gonna go ahead and take me through this exact same process except everything's already going to be filled out for me and then all i have to do is go use ad campaign use the existing ad campaign maybe i want to change one thing inside of it or something so then i go in here and make those changes so that's pretty much it you just want to duplicate and scale that way uh you can raise the budget as well so you can try you know doubling the budget you can try scaling it out five or six times if you're doing exceptionally well then you can double the budget on all of those but there's no hard and fast rule for scaling everyone's going to tell you something different and from my experience you just have to play around i like starting with horizontal scaling and then playing around with vertical scaling which is just increasing the budget the algorithm is really weird on tick tock it's not as nailed down on facebook so my best recommendation is if things are going well if it ain't broken don't fix it right just duplicate it just double it just scale it just increase the budget and see what works from there if you're not having success if profitability is lowering you're not finding the same success you expected just go back to what was originally working and start again from square one and keep trying new things it's literally that simple if you ever need me to review your ad account or something you can go ahead and dm me on instagram i'm always happy to help out and help make those changes now when it comes to the columns uh this is a pretty solid column customization layout to go ahead and actually read the data so we have uh status and budget obviously telling us if the campaign's active or not the amount that we're spending on it daily the total cost that we spent the cost per click the cpm or cost per mill so cost per thousand impressions uh the amount of impressions the amount of clicks the ctr the amount of conversions the cost per acquisition and the conversion rate okay and then we have results and and cost per results and this kind of stuff towards the end here and then total add to carts total initiated checkout cost per initiate checkout and there should be a cost per app to cart there as well so i'm going to get into more reading the data on facebook because it is very very similar but for the most part these are kind of all the columns that are essential that you need but again i'm going to break this down even further on how to read the data and optimize moving forward once i dive into the facebook ads campaign right now as well all right so now before i dive into the exact launch strategy for facebook which is similar to tick tock i do want to show you guys a better idea of how to read data so i have this ad account pulled up with about nine thousand dollars in span from a product that i was running a little while ago as a wallet product actually scaled most of it on tick tock but i wanted to show you guys some of the data and the facebook campaigns that i ran as well uh so first things first i'm going to show you guys how to set up your campaigns so if you go to customize columns you'll be able to choose you know all the different things that you want to look for so i'm just going to go ahead and x through all of these and the first thing to keep it simple obviously there's more stuff you want to look at as you kind of get more advanced in your advertising career but to keep it simple and to the point what you want to look for first is you want to look at is you want to look at click through rate right so the percentage of people who are actually clicking on to your ad so i like to go for with unique because if you get one person and they click on it a bunch of times it'll spam up the number higher than it should be unique gives you better indication because it only tracks one time per person so for most things they usually go unique and then you can also look at outbound clicks which are outbound clicks go straight to the product page and click through rates can go to any sort of link so maybe your social media page or things like that um but usually it's fine i usually just go with the unique ctr and that's kind of that first step in the funnel right getting someone to click from the ad to the actual landing page then the next thing that you want to do is you want to look at the amount of content views so these are going to be people who are actually uh you know viewing the content on your web page so we're landing there and staying on your web page we want to look at the unique and we want to look at the cost for this one the next thing we want to do is we want to look at add to carts because that's naturally the next stage in the funnel again unique and cost and then followed by checkouts unique and cost and cost is obviously you know the amounts uh the amount it's costing you per each person to go ahead and check out and then finally we want to look at purchases we want to go total cost per purchase and then we also want to look at the return on ad spend just to get an idea of how our ads are performing for the most part you can look at other stuff but this is going to give you a pretty solid indication of how your ads are doing starting with these campaigns that i've ran in the past we have an add to cart test campaign some of what i was saying about uh lookalike audiences we chose at the cart for this one campaign budget optimization scale i believe this was a broad campaign i believe this one here was another broad one with different countries and stuff this is a page view look-alike audience test this one should be another broad campaign and this one should be an initial interest campaign okay so if we look at the unique ctr they're all kind of around a similar point usually anything above two percent is pretty solid uh but 2.5 plus is what you're shooting for so all in all it was pretty close hitting that 2.5 in total across all these different campaigns we go over here to cost per content view now this is all in canadian um but i'll give you the figures in usd that i'm usually looking for as far as cost per content view i'm usually looking for less than a dollar so this checks out either way even though it's cheaper because it's actually canadian now cost per add to cart what we're looking for here is we're looking for now it sucks that the data is actually not loading i think this is just because the store was ran and closed down such a long time ago that it didn't actually want to leave the data for us i'm not too sure why it must be to do with the new ios 14 update and things like that um but anyways what we're looking for when it comes to unique content views is we're looking for at least 10 of those to convert into add to cart so imagine if this total number here was 100 then we should at least get 10 add to carts okay now imagine if those 10 add to carts converted at at least 60 into checkouts initiated that's what we're looking for at least 60 so the checkout initiates should be six here and then imagine those converted to at least fifty percent ideally more in purchases so we should be look at least three or more purchases right so now that's how we can kind of read the data based on the number of add to carts the number of checkouts the number of purchases obviously it's a bit different we don't have access to the data for this um so we're just going to have to go off the cost per add to cart the cost per checkout and then finally the purchases and the cost per purchases what we notice is not bad of a drop off between the cost per add to cart and the cost per checkout roughly around the same price above two dollars more but we're noticing a huge drop off from the cost per purchase so this is something where we can read this data and go okay we need to fix up our funnel and realize why our people are dropping off maybe the shipping's too expensive maybe we're not building enough trust with the consumer through the checkout process whatever it is we can then go in and make those optimizations so that's why reading data at scale is so important for the little things like that and obviously facebook has mistracked because i do remember this being a lot more profitable than what it shows here at 1.18 and i actually think this was right around the time when ios 14 first came to fruition so the tracking was all over the place with facebook it's still not great and there are third-party software's out there that you can look into to help you track and get better numbers and more accurate data but nonetheless i know i was profitable in this campaign for sure and it all starts off with the ctr which is one of the most important things and then you follow along the funnel how are people adding to the cart is there a huge drop off should be around 10 then how many of those people are adding to the checkout should be around 60 it shouldn't be too big of a drop off and then from the checkouts of the purchases should be at least 50 percent ideally a lot more right and you can kind of read that way and then any type of holes in your funnel where you're not really hitting those numbers you can figure out why and then make the necessary changes and optimizations now as far as the initial uh launch campaign goes why don't i just show you into one of these uh ad campaigns that i've actually launched now that i'm thinking about it so if i just click here you can see what i've done is i've set up multiple ad sets okay now facebook's a little bit different than tick tock in this way where you always want to set up multiple ad sets and you want to test different interests so i've named each ad set by each interest iphone accessories broad okay so here we have the pixel we have the conversion event just like tech talk we have the daily budget so 20 for this ad set cbo is great on facebook too i do use that a lot but sometimes is good too where you're just setting the amount of dollars per asset uh and then down here this is where i've chose the countries australia canada u.s again age 18 and 65 plus all genders can use this product and then i selected one interest and i make sure my selection was broad with at least 674 793 people estimated audience size should actually be higher than that um typically but i guess this is on the lower end there we have that it's going to give you estimated daily results i don't really listen to any of this because it's never really accurate and it really depends on your creative and then inside of each ad set we have each ad so i took i made four creatives with this i think i actually purchased some from an agency and then i filmed some outside myself now the same thing with this one this one's called narrowed so i took the same interest i guess this interest was performing well at the time and i must have narrowed it down even further also we have automatic placements on all the time for facebook i think that's your best bet as long as your creatives are optimized for the different feed placements now i'm trying to figure out here what i did to ought to narrow this down a little bit more than the previous one but it might actually just be the same duplicated i'm not sure why i saved it as narrowed you can always duplicate ad sets if they're performing well as well anyways down here into wallet same exact thing i only changed one variable to split test the only thing that i chained was changed what's the recommended interest and look at this we have a huge audience size 2.7 million to 4.3 million across those three countries typically you the larger the audience size the better again give facebook more rain give them more free reign to go in and snipe out the right customers for you and then lastly we have men's accessories as well so that's pretty much it for the testing strategy again very very simple very straightforward give facebook as much free reign as possible their algorithms are insane and anyone who tries to micromanage it too much won't do as well as if they keep things broad and just test a couple different interests and then over time you can start to test lots of different campaigns by building up audiences around lookalikes around retargeting stuff like that and then remember and then remember endgame you want to keep things as broad as possible and run massive massive campaigns at scale so i could show you how to go into the audiences tab as well and you know build out the different audiences once you are scaling and you want to test out look-alike audiences and stuff like that but i'm thinking it's not super necessary i don't need to dive into all this because i just want to get you guys off the ground with a decent launch strategy in this course and if you do need extra help when it comes to scaling and stuff like that we can always talk later and i have made other videos specifically on this topic but it'd be just way too much for me to break down the entire ad platform and take hours in one course video i want to keep this as simple and as straightforward for you guys so you can get right to the point and start your drop shipping store with the best information available now as you can see i'll just briefly run it by by you because i think it's important if we go custom audience here we can choose any of these events let's say website okay and then we can choose the pixel of course we can choose the amount of we can choose which event we can choose the retention so the amount of days and then we can name this page view recent 30 days okay and then we can create that audience it'd be as simple as that the audience will populate and then you can re-target towards anyone who's looked at your page within the past 30 days and then you can even build a look-alike audience around that by going here and clicking look-alike audience and it's the same for every single event i know i just ran that by you if it's overwhelming don't worry about it you'll figure it out as you go so so that's it i hope you guys have a solid understanding i know i moved really quick uh just because this is kind of stuff that i'm doing all the time so it feels really comfortable to me but if it's your first time you feel overwhelmed don't worry about it at all watch this video again pause it if you need put it in 0.5 x speed for all i care go slowly because i revealed a lot of information really really quickly there and i also have more videos on my channel that go more in depth about the ad platforms themselves and tons more tutorials coming so don't worry if you're feeling overwhelmed i'm trying to give you guys as much gold as possible in a short amount of time as possible for this course this is going to be a really long course but hope you guys are getting some insane value out of it and if you could for me go and smash that like button because we've got a crazy module coming up next that's going to completely change the game for you and something that not a lot of people talk about especially not on youtube and information that's just very very hard to find especially for free so thank you guys so much all asking returns you smash that like button and let's get on to the next module well guys congratulations you've made it to module four now this is going to be arguably the most important module so make sure you stick around for this one because it's often one that's overlooked and there's little pieces of information here that have taken me years to really figure out so regardless of where you're on your journey this is going to be a great module to help you out i'm going to be going over order fulfillment supply chain management automation cash flow finances accounting increasing your customer experience while also allowing you to work less taking time off of your hands helping build a team getting virtual assistants making hires doing interviews and all that kind of stuff this will be an effective blueprint that you need to minimize your time while maximizing your efficiency and output and also increasing your customer experience so first let's talk about order fulfillment and i can't stress this first point enough over delivering for your customers this is an absolute must you should be fulfilling and processing your orders every single day i've experienced the drawbacks of not doing this firsthand it's actually caused me to collapse and fold multiple multiple businesses because i didn't have these systems in place why you need to be doing this every single day is because of the era that we live in it's 2022 and people expect their products their snappy they want an email right after they purchase they want to see the tracking number know the product is on the way they want this whole experience and this journey and that's what they're getting from other big brands i mean look at amazon they have same day shipping next day shipping all these kind of things and if we can't even near compete with them well then how are we going to take any market share right even if it's the tiniest bit how are we going to capture market share if we're shipping products out that take 30 days to get to our consumers so now there's a few different methods to fulfill and process our orders every single day and get really fast fulfillment there's this one method called the csv bulk order method or at least that's what i coined it because i had no better term to kind of explain it but that's literally what it is if you go to shopify and you go to the orders tab i'll actually run you through that right now if we go to the orders tab on the shopify when the orders show up here there's gonna be a button that allows you to export the list of orders into an excel file and it'll send that to your email what you can do with that is then send that document to your suppliers they're gonna have all the orders and all the information the names of the people all the metadata that they need to go ahead and plug it into their system and start shipping out the products for you so that's one method of doing it and a couple helpful apps to download would be mass fulfill and paypal tracking on autopilot they're both apps that you can get on the shopify app store and these apps will save you so much time so what mass fulfill is going to do is once your supplier returns to you an excel sheet with the tracking numbers matched to each order number you can upload that into mass fulfill it's automatically going to send out emails to all of your customers and mark all of those specific orders that are fulfilled taking time off of your hands so that you don't have to do each one individually and paypal tracking on autopilot's app that's going to do the same thing by integrating through with your paypal account so it's going to mark all the orders that came through paypal as fulfilled on their system as well it's pretty straightforward to set up now for a supplier integration this is my preferred method and this is working directly with the supplier all the suppliers that i personally use use a supplier integration so what that means is you give them staff access to your shopify they'll come in and install their own application that automatically pulls all your orders in and they can fulfill them every single day for you this is the most hands-off passive easy option and one that i would recommend time and time again one that i personally use the key thing here is you need to find a supplier that has the option to work this way usually they're ones with bigger factories that are more established if you guys do want access to any of my suppliers remember i'm always here to help you i'm even giving them out completely free all you got to do is go ahead and dm me on instagram with the keyword supplier and i'll send you over the list and lastly we have third party fulfillment such as zendrop cj dropshipping etc they're all basically the same thing they're kind of an all-in-one dropshipping platform i pull up zendrop here you can see they're an exclusive fully comprehensive fulfillment resource that they thoughtfully built specifically driven for e-commerce sellers so you sign up for free and you make an account and you connect it to your shopify store what's gonna happen is they're gonna help you with everything from finding the supplier sourcing the product and taking care of fulfillment every single day for you again it's a really hands-off passive easy to use option but it is a little bit more pricey than working directly with the supplier and their own auto integration so this is perfect for beginners to go ahead and sign up with an account here and then integrate it in with your shopify but again the previous method is the one that i would always recommend now we need to move on and talk about accounting here so accurate tracking allows you to make intelligent decisions sell your business in the future gives you better preparation for tax season and can also reveal to you opportunities for growth and areas to cut back costs what i recommend is starting with a basic excel sheet for daily tracking there are also other third-party apps to assist you with this such as order metrics b profit and tons of other similar ones i'm not going to get into those because i just like showing you guys what i personally do but i also want to give you some of the other options you can sign up for an accounting software like quickbooks or xero which are relatively inexpensive and allows you to keep all of your financing in one place or the last option which is one that i now do is hire bookkeeper accountant and attack specialist when you get to that point it's the easiest way to go about things if you guys do need help or want an introduction to a great accountant or tax specialist you can always dm me as well but i'm gonna show you guys the excel sheet for daily tracking because in the beginning that's pretty much all you need and i'll also link it down below completely free for you guys to pick up all right so this is literally it it's very very simple i set it up myself you have the date and every single day that you're in operation for the business will go right here you'll have variable expenses such as domains apps fees other expenses like that you'll have your ad spend for the day your merchant and conversion fees your sales your gross profit margin your net profit your total expenses total revenue and total profits and these all have formulas built into them as you can see at the top here total expenses is simply a combination of c2 which is ad spend plus d2 which is merchant fees plus e2 which is product cost plus b2 which is variable expenses to get your total expenses for the day and so using this sheet all you really have to do is plug in your ad spend number for the day plug in your variable expense number for the day the merchant and conversion fees are already worked out to be an estimate of the payment processing fees plus other fees that you'll experience on top of that you just have to put in your product cost which is going to be depending on your supplier and obviously depending on your product as well as your sales and all this helpful information here is going to auto populate using the formulas it's really really simple to set up for yourself or you can go ahead and grab mine completely free so you can track your profit every single day and of course it'll also give you insight into where you can improve you can see exactly why you're going negative and how to move forward and make intelligent decisions now accounting leads me into cash flow which is arguably even more important you want to maintain a healthy cash flow at all times not just in drop shipping but in any business because otherwise you can go under and even huge businesses go under this way so starting out for beginners let's just talk about credit cards for a second and why they're so important so credit cards obviously allow you to purchase something and then pay for it later in drop shipping that's huge because you're gonna have to wait a couple days for the payments from your payment processors to actually hit your bank account and this will vary depending on the payment processor but for the most part it's a couple days even with shopify and stripe and the big ones like that paypal can be instant but even then if you want to move the money to your bank account you usually have to wait a day or two unless you're willing to pay some extra fees to get it there faster so all in all if you want to keep a healthy cash flow credit cards is the way to go if you're too young like me i started with a debit card that's fine so there's a couple other ways you can keep healthy cash flow such as loans and financing now i wouldn't recommend you know going out and getting a loan and you probably wouldn't be approved for it anyway if you can't even have a credit card but my point here is you can use this in other ways that you might not have thought so chances are if you're working with a big supplier one of mine and you've built trust you build a relationship with them they'll even allow you to pay them after the product gets to the customer that way you're receiving revenue from the customer you're waiting for the revenue to hit your bank account you're waiting for the product to be shipped out and arrive to the customer and then you're paying your supplier or maybe you're paying your spar at the end of every single month or whatever it is try to make sure that you always have as much cash on hand as possible because that's going to help you out a ton especially when you run into unforeseen events that do happen such as payment processor holds and suspensions sometimes when you open up a new stripe account or a new paypal account they're going to see all this money coming in if you're doing well and they're all of a sudden going to start holding it and then you have to provide information and kind of jump through all these hoops that they want you to do in order to get your account back and start you know depositing the money into your actual bank account and stuff like that which can be a total hassle can be a total frustration it can take multiple days for them to get back to you paypal is absolutely ridiculous with that so i don't even want to get started but basically bottom line you want to have measures in place to kind of protect you from this and allow you to still be operating your business even in these unforeseen times so i'd recommend checking with your supplier building relationships see if you can get some financing deal worked out again a credit card is a must it's huge if not you can get away with a debit card but it does make things a little bit more difficult if you're operating on a very small amount of cash to begin with and this one kind of goes without saying calculate your daily expenditures ahead of time and ensure you have enough keep good accounting look in your excel sheet daily update the numbers daily keep track of your bank account balance daily just be do your due diligence with all these numbers and make sure you have enough money to pay make sure you have enough money to scale when you are profitable and you're ready to increase your ad spend and all these things that's gonna be really really important another thing that goes into this is refunds returns chargebacks estimated numbers somewhere between one to five percent of all revenue that you have to have set aside and ready to be refunded return charge back any of these instances now obviously you want to make your customer experience as good as possible you want to make sure your product quality and everything that we talked about before is up to par but even then you'll still run into chargebacks and still run into these unforeseen events so make sure that you are prepared for them and we'll talk a little bit more about chargebacks and refunds at the end here but on to the next part we have customer support so this is what i like to call the difference between a short-term success and a long-term brand and it all comes down to the way that you treat the customer now answering each customer yourself especially when you're scaling can be a total headache it can be a time and energy waste and it can not allow you to make those key decisions that are going to drive your business forward so when you get to a point where you simply can't handle the emails anymore you're tired of doing 20 30 an hour work of an hour's worth of work a day simply responding to all your customers you want to then look at a ticket management software such as freshdesk or zendesk can take care of that's for you or you want to hire someone which is my preferred method you can hire someone as a virtual assistant to go through and answer all your emails and keep up to date with all of your customers requests you can set up custom emails for them in a g suite or you can make an alias for them through shopify as well i want to talk to you guys a little bit about how i go about doing this and it's very very simple i go on a platform called upwork now upwork is a freelance marketplace where you can find anyone with any skill set and go ahead and subcontract them into your business or specific position you have available for them so all you have to do to do this is go ahead make an account and then click post a job and don't worry people are on here all the time looking for work i've never had less than 10 applicants for any job i've posted and i've even posted some really weird and kind of niche positions what you want to do here is fill out your job posts so we're looking for short-term or part-time work unless your business is absolutely massive and you do need somebody you know working 30 40 hours a week but then we go ahead and hit continue add your billing method and then you just go ahead and dropped up a short description of what you're looking for and then you can start reviewing applicants i'll show you an example of a job posting i created over a year ago when i was looking for people who could build shopify stores for clients i ended up finding a couple people through this training them up to my liking and then integrating them into my company so it was literally that simple i came on here said my company build shopify stores for clients we have a template and formula that we follow to easily create new stores within minutes if you apply for this position we'll train you and show you exactly how to build these stores out on shopify with ease if you have any knowledge in copywriting marketing e-commerce shopify web development design and are genuinely interested in this type of work that is a huge bonus more than six months less than 30 hours a week seven dollars to 35 dollars hourly and we're looking for someone of minimum intermediate skill and experience we can also add different skills and expertise down here and as you can see we had 18 people apply for this job position in which i interviewed all of them and i brought a couple people on train them up and are still working with us to this day so upwork's a very very good platform for this and not just for virtual assistants who can handle emails but for any task that you need done in your business a couple other reasons why a customer service agent is probably the first hire you're gonna make and why it's super important is because a cs agent can take an angry customer who's about to charge back into a positive review if you've trained them up properly most employees will have a decent idea of what you're looking for you want to instill over delivering into them make sure that they know how to over deliver for the customer make sure they speak your desired language that they have a solid set of emotional intelligence and skills relating to human communication and this is fun this is where you get to hone your skills as a ceo in developing and building out teams around you to help save you time so let's talk about some more tips about hiring through upwork so you want to chat ideally off the platform uh because it is difficult to work with them solely through upwork so hopefully you can schedule a call i always send them a meeting to my calendly and i get on an interview call with them there and from there i'll just integrate them into my company and chat separately with them on whatsapp or text message and things like that so we're not constantly working off of the platform upwork doesn't really like this so be careful with it though some key skills that you want to look for of course is coachability because anyone can be good at being a customer service agent but you want to make sure that they are open-minded they're willing to accept what you have to teach to them and they can learn as they go of course language is huge they have to speak the desired language in which your clients and your business operates in and then relevant knowledge and experience so that's a huge bonus if they've already done work like this before it's just going to be so much easier to integrate them in and they might even teach you something that you didn't know as well and then of course the interviewing process comes if you have a bunch of applicants you want to make sure you find the right one for this keep it informal but firm set your expectations right off the bat and also ask them about their expectations and aspirations coming into this position ask them a little bit about their daily life and background see what their kind of life and family obligations are like if they're going to be able to meet the required amount of time and the necessary work that you have for them also check out their work experience examples of projects they've done in the past also ask them if they're interested in doing a trial period or training period and see if they're willing to work on those terms first that way you can test you know one or two people out for a bit see if they're good see if they're not and move forward from that or you can also have them in a training period first where you're getting them up to speed before you're paying them you know full-blown salary and eating away from the company more often than not if people see long-term potential with you they'll be more than happy to do this now during the training you want to give them the essential information that they need you want to put them on a trial period and have them put that information in your trainings into practice and then observe the performance and provide them feedback you want to teach them about your business how you guys operate really have them understand the entire operation not just from their perspective but from your perspective and from other people who are also in your organization additionally you'll provide them with templates and scripts and all the information they need to get out there and start working for you right away review their work for a week or so check in periodically weekly communicate via slack or whatsapp or however your preferred communication method is and then if they are underperforming give them a written warning give them constructive criticism specific feedback and if they still aren't improving then you will have to have a call with them and potentially fire them and move on to your next employee to train now i'm not going to go super into specific detail with any of this stuff because this course isn't really designed for somebody who's at the seven figure moving you know building a massive organization this is more for people beginning with drop shipping or also if you've had some experience with dropshipping but now you're looking to build out a team and save you some time so obviously if you're going to do all this stuff make sure you do more research we can also chat about it and lastly talking a little bit about chargebacks and paypal claims some key points here you want to own up to any mistakes on your end so if it's genuinely your fault own up to the mistake provide the refund and you should have accounted for that already there's payment processor refunds and nature now bear in mind you will also get hit with a fee from your payment processor because they don't like chargebacks either and it's not good for their business as well now a proper response to a chargeback if you are fighting it and you are in the right you should have templates set up you should have va's working for you unless you're doing it yourself you should have evidence and tracking information and you need to specifically address the reason for the chargeback this one's super super important so if you're fighting a chargeback and your explanation is you know so and so claimed they didn't receive their product but they actually received their product yesterday so this is complete uh this shouldn't be charged back give me my money that's not a really great response right and you guys probably already understand that if the reason for the chargeback was shipping time was too long but it actually wasn't too long you need to explicitly state that the shipping time was exactly as described as you can see by the screenshot here i've uploaded exactly when the product left our facility with the exact date and when it arrived at the consumer's house and then i've also uploaded a screenshot of exactly what the consumer was told via email as well as on our product page and description that way the person manually reviewing the chargeback on the other end of the payment processor can actually see okay you know this guy's right he provided all this information he shows the product arrived at the consumer's house at the desired date and the consumer is lying and trying to falsely charge back that explanation is much more detailed and it's much more specific to the reason for the chargeback that's super super important if you want to win chargebacks now there also are protection agencies such as chargebacks 911 that you can work with and partner with and they'll take you know a small revenue cut and work alongside you to prevent as many chargebacks as possible that's a really good option but in the beginning i recommend just going with yourself building up the templates eventually hiring a va and providing as much evidence as possible so guys that's pretty much it for this module don't go anywhere because we're about to hop into the alternative advertising module method where i'm going to show you a bunch of different ways to generate traffic and sales for your drop shipping business now i know this module was a bit brief and a brick quick that's because i didn't want to get super into detail with it because a lot of this stuff comes later and they're good problems to have because it means you have a very successful business up and running but i wanted you to have this base level kind of foundation of knowledge so that you can go out and not stress about this kind of stuff too too much so it's really important that you refer back to this keep aware of these things and you can always research those individual topics more as you need welcome to module 5 this is the alternative advertising method so what do i mean by that i mean ways to drive traffic and acquire new clients that don't involve the previous methods that i talked about with strictly running paid ads on facebook and tick tock we'll be talking about organic which has been absolutely blowing up we'll be talking about influencer marketing and i'll be showing you guys my exact strategy and blueprint for all of this stuff now this is everything that i do there are other ways out there and i will briefly touch on them at the end to advertise and bring in more clients but these are the exact blueprints and strategies that i personally follow along with the facebook and tick tock ad strategy that i walked you through back in module three gear up because there's some super untapped valuable information here that is very very hard to find out there online for free all right so kicking it off with influencer marketing i'm going to be talking specifically about instagram and tick tock influencers so first of all what you need to know is these are people who hold influence over a large amount of people thus the name influencer you can find them in your niche or in any niche there's literally millions of them out there what you're going to be doing is leveraging the influencer by borrowing their influence and using it to motivate their audience to buy your product now this is great for a long-term brand it's also good in the short run and you can make a lot of money doing it with a really hot product but more often than not there's a lot of unseen roi you get credibility social proof you can actually make ads and other types of content by using the content that you gather from influencers and so much more now it can either be inexpensive and effective if done right but it can also be very expensive and very ineffective if done wrong so i'm going to show you guys how to do it the right way and make sure that you're not just throwing away a lot of money into the hands of these influencers and celebrities now first the pros to this method is the content is reusable like i talked about so you can repurpose into ads which tend to perform very well we talked a little bit about ugc content and why that does so well and what better udc content to create than actually having somebody with a name or a brand presence behind them using your product additionally you'll gain massive social proof especially if you work with huge celebrities that are a household name that's why you see huge companies casting commercials with people like steph curry and lebron james additionally you get to use this on your website as case studies testimonials there's really infinite ways that you could spin it on top of that it's a pretty low financial barrier for entry i mean unless you are working with steph curry and lebron james but don't worry even i'm not close to being there yet so for the most part it's pretty low cost relative to paid ads and how much that'll cost you especially when scaling but the cons are it's difficult to measure the roi or your return on the investment especially when you're working with multiple influencers at once the tracking can get quite messy and confusing especially when you throw in paid ads and other sales channels things really start to get all over the place now this can actually hurt your brand as well if done wrong if you're working with a bunch of meme pages or you know people who aren't really credible maybe you're working with an influencer that is really hated or is really controversial in a certain space and you decided to work with them it can actually have the adverse effect and hurt your brand image additionally it's pretty difficult to execute and to actually get influencers to promote your product and it can sometimes take time it's also more difficult to scale if you're just using influencers because it's not as predictable as a platform like facebook ads or tick tock ads and each influence is going to bring on its own set of unique challenges now understanding a process and replicating it is the most important part for your success here so i'm going to teach you exactly how to find contact and partner up with these influencers and measure your results over these next couple slides but first we have to understand the goal of the traffic so when you're working with an influencer or a page you want to direct traffic towards your ig page first or social media from there you'll have your website or your landing page linked to your product linked into your bio and that way when you run a promotion you can have them explicitly state go check out you know so-and-so's instagram page the link will be in their bio if you're interested in making a purchase and you'll also be able to start building relationships with your followers on your instagram page and boosting up your social proof and credibility that way as well now what you want to do is you want to make sure your instagram page is solid have a minimum nine posts benefits pictures information etc a little bit of randomness sprinkled in is nice too you wanna have the link in your bio and take inspiration from other brands that look very professional regular stories on instagram specifically are a great way to nurture existing followers especially if you're running lots of promotions and you have tons of new traffic coming into your instagram daily you want to be sure that you're nurturing them and showing them that you're active on instagram as well as far as the profile setup goes you want to set up as a business profile which will give you access to enhanced analytics and you want to be posting something daily ideally multiple stories and a feed post or two start building up some followers do not buy followers the audience quality will be very very poor and it'll actually tank your engagement on the app which is not good do not buy followers the audience quality be very poor and it'll actually tank your organic reach and engagement over time you want to follow your competitors and then their followers that's a great way to start because you already know people are interested in your niche and what you have for sale now just to show you guys an example of you know what a good instagram looks like i'm going to show you my own personal instagram because this is optimized for business so what i do is i try to drive traffic towards my youtube my education company and all the things that i talk about in my personal brand and i use instagram as a hub as you can see i always have daily stories going in which i categorize into the different lifestyle results business in which i categorize into my different highlights that people can constantly scroll through additionally i have feed posts breaking down my entrepreneurial story my successes a little bit of personal stuff and each one of these i try to have a really important caption some of them i have straight up value posts like this one where i'm giving away you know solid information about drop shipping and e-commerce but nonetheless when people come onto my page they can see i have tons of content they can see i'm actively posting that i mean business now moving back to the slides here we'll talk about finding and researching influencers and determining the quality of their audience so first of all just know regardless of your niche there's likely infinite influencers out there that you can reach out to okay so i don't want to hear anybody say there's not enough influencers in my niche i don't know where to find them because i'm going to show you right now that they exist in pretty much every single niche there's two different types of influencers however some niches might be stacked with more of one type and some niches might be stacked with more of another type the first of the two types is called page influencers these are a lot cheaper but they typically have less trust with their audience they typically have tons of reposts of content that isn't natively theirs and they're curated from other profiles to look as if they're their own brand now they do work with a lot of brands to make money so saturation is something that you have to keep in mind their audience is constantly being hit with ads and they might not be as likely to trust them or make a purchase from them however they are faster and a lot easier to work with you typically don't ship them the product because an actual person isn't creating content on the account they're more just reposting other types of content and quotes and things like that and then we have individuals so this would be someone like me or even you so this would be typically more expensive to reach the same number of people however you get custom content you'd build more trust you'd have better engagement because chances are people are going to engage with my posts more overall on a percentage basis than they would with you know a massive page about entrepreneurship and finance also they are very careful on who they work with i wouldn't just work with anybody so if i am partnering and working with somebody my audience is going to feel a lot more trust with me that i'm actually offering value to them through my offer additionally this can take longer because the product would have to arrive to the influencer they have to film the content you have to stay on top of them this entire process to make sure that they're actually posting up the content and everything like that and you likely need custom packaging and branding so they can do unboxing videos and all different styles of videos for you now when it comes down to researching for these pages the biggest question you want to ask is where does your camera battery died it's literally getting dark now but you know i'm out here putting in this work for you guys so back to the affiliate marketing influencer strategy here basically what we got to do is reach out to influencers so we type in initial short text depends and the more that we send the better but i usually look for influencers in the 10 to 100k range as most of the time over 100k they'll want some form of money up front and below 10k usually isn't all that worth it unless the audience is hyper targeted or of course you're using the content for ugc for ads or other purposes like that now when it comes to sending them the products you want to send them the products right away uh they'll post it and generate sales for you both organically and then you obviously can repurpose that into ads as well and if your product does take a while to get there what i recommend doing is trying to find a similar one on amazon prime and just shipping it out to them that way or maybe even upgrading and paying for dhl or fedex or some kind of shipping like that from your supplier if they offer it so that you can get the products expedited over to the influencers and get your content rolling at a faster rate now setting them up with an affiliate system is even better there's one called seco map so i'm not going to show you how to use it it's one that i've used quite a lot in the past so just type it out right here c-com app it's super simple you download it on shopify set it up and you can basically hook up you know your influencers with their own unique discount code for their followers and it'll also track you know a small commission for them whatever you want to set it up to be so that you guaranteed lock-in profits and they'll be more incentivized to keep pumping it out to their audience as well now what you can do here is you can offer them a little bit of money or you can just send them the product completely free and if they're in your niche they might want to take your product and test it out and they're more than willing to create a piece of content for it in exchange now if they don't hit you back you can also just figure out where their address is sometimes they have it on youtube or other social media accounts a po box something like that and just ship it out and hope for the best i've done that with about 100 different influencers at one point and i think five to ten of them actually went out and filmed a piece of content completely free for me which had huge roi so that's also a way you could go about doing things now i'll show you what to do when you're looking for influencers right now for this if you go on instagram and you type in let's say the keyword yoga and you type in the keyword yoga you're gonna see a couple big page influencers like this one right here that's literally called yoga then you what you can do is you can scroll you can check out their engagement you can see if it's worth it to run a piece of content or post with them and this can be done the same way as you do for page influencers as well as individual influences but bear in mind individual influencers are going to have a lot more engagement for the amount of followers they have than page influencers then what you can do from here is you can hit this down arrow if you're on desktop if you're on mobile you might have to follow them first but i wouldn't recommend going on mobile because you also can't see the likes and the comments and the engagements the same way you can on desktop if you hit the down arrow you're just going to be greeted with tons of similar pages this is what i mean about inflat infinite influencers in your space there's just so many pages to message and work with that i guarantee you one of them will hit you back and the same can be said about individual influencers for sure so now when it comes to the actual promotional content and what you're running with them typically you want a photo that fits in with the theme of their page right so if it's a meme page or if it's a page on quotes you want to make a quote if it's a yoga page you want to make a lifestyle yoga image that stands out that's key have it fit with the page but also make it stand out if we look at the page itself we can see you know a lot of these are formulated in a similar way they all look very very similar so what can you do to set yourself apart this one right here catches my eye right away and it's just a really cool background and shot that you don't see as a lot of the other ones are filmed in some type of studio so that's something you can do here's another one that caught my eye right away because of the change of scenery figure out a way to make your post stand out on the page then of course captioning call to action so you can write something simple uh literally one line encouraging people to go over to your instagram page and then visit your link in bio as well you can also have them put the link in their bio they might want to charge extra for this so you're gonna have to negotiate with them for a while and make sure your piece of content isn't spammy it fits with their content and it's still clear that it's an offer so people know to buy your product use the influencer once unless you have different products or unless you see insane results but for the most part use the influencer once unless they have a ton of followers and you want to make it a long-term partnership and they're going to be posting stories and all that stuff that's not what we're really talking about right now now if we go back over here to this page um typically when we're looking for individual influencers we want to look between 10k and 1 million the audience quality has to be good so again engagement real followers engagement rate looking for about 10 plus if it's individual uh one to five percent's pretty good for a page like the yoga page we were just looking at you want to look at their promotion frequency okay if there's someone who always spams up posts of products and different offerings their audience might not have the same level of trust with them or they might be sick and tired of buying products from them so you want to find these relatively untapped influencers and the same goes for pages as well so stay away from meme pages as a whole i mean you can try and typically are the cheapest but they're also extremely oversaturated and people are just sick of seeing all their offerings and their products and things like that because they jump on every single opportunity to make a quick buck and what happens there is their engagement rate falls to rock bottom as well so typically you won't be reaching the audience that you think you are and you might just be losing a lot of money now let's say you want to figure out a decent price estimate for the promotion you want to look at the following times the engagement rate times the ctr so if i just do a quick calculation on my calculator right now let's say the page that we're looking at has 10 000 followers okay so i'll do 10 000 and i'll multiply an engagement rate on average of 10 so 0.10 and then a ctr just as a solid estimate for um ads on instagram like this done in an influencer way if it's an individual i would recommend doing somewhere between three and five if it's a page itself i'd recommend doing somewhere between 0.5 and 1.5 so for the sake of this we're going to imagine that we're working with a page such as the yoga page so i'm going to go ahead and multiply that by 0.05 to get 5 to get point five percent and what we're going to come up with is 50 so if there's a page that has 10 000 followers and they have an engagement rate of roughly 10 and it's a page so the ctr would be roughly around 0.5 to 1 50 is gonna be about the maximum that we'd want to pay for this just as an estimate of course there's certain instances where you can go above if you're feeling you know you've got a gut feeling that's going to work out well but just as a solid estimate uh 50 is pretty good for that post so what you want to do is you want to save them all in a spreadsheet including the cost for them or the estimated cost expect one out of every five to get back to you and one out of every two to actually follow through for both pages and influencers as well so this way it kind of gives you a good idea of how many influences you should be adding to your list to estimate how many promotions you're actually going to run now ideally as you move forward with the strategy you can hire a va to do all this work for you is going to take so much time off your hands but in the beginning when you go with your first couple promotions i recommend doing this all yourself it's going to be a great learning experience as well now another little sneaky tip you can do is when you reach out and you're actually dming these influencers you can leave a little comment on one of their recent feed posts saying hey at influencer i shot you a dm or something like that so they're more likely to see it into inside of their notifications on instagram and then they might actually go to their dms and seek out and find you people do that to me all the time on my instagram and i actually do go searching through my dms to check when they do that so it's a good trick that actually works now back over to the affiliate marketing influencer strategy there's another take on this one that's really really cool and this is basically the same strategy except you're offering people a 50 off discount code to buy whatever they want from your store and in exchange they must promote your product on their instagram and they can earn additional income for every sale they bring in so a lot of times this will work with micro micro influencers so anyone less than 10 000 followers it's good to shoot out as many of these as possible because it's just going to grow your reach and your potential audience it's pretty much free to you and you're guaranteed to lock in a profit right so if they're buying your product at 50 off but you don't have to pay for ads or anything as long as your gross profit margin is higher than 50 then you're already locking in a profit on that sale alone and then even more profit on every single person in their audience that they decide to sell their product to so this is just literally the perfect strategy in my opinion i've used this a lot before you'll find a lot of fashion pages doing this not only are you making sales and profits with every new affiliate you bring in and you can even set it up so that they hire affiliates under them as well and you can grow a massive affiliate program this way and i recommend hiring someone to you know take it to that next level because it's going to be too much time on your hands to be focusing on that when you have a lot of other things in your business that you could be focusing on so in a nutshell refer back to this page if you need it this affiliate marketing influencer strategy is pure gold and i've used it time and time again i just want to dive into a little bit about organic advertising because this has been blowing up especially on tick tock tick tock how to create killer creatives same thing we talked about in the ads portion you want to make creatives that are native to the platform and i mean obviously as an organic post it should be anyway but you want to use trending hashtags trending sounds follow specific trends there's always so many trends swirling around out there on tick tock and really catch people in that first three to five seconds that first scroll stop or make sure it's a really unique and wow factor clip now the best part about this is you can go ahead and repost all of your tick tocks onto pinterest as idea pins you can do the same thing on instagram reels you can also create instagram reels on top of that and then you can throw up stories to constantly engage all the people who are coming through your reels and your other social media platforms and following you on instagram you can take this short form content and also post it on youtube shorts and snapchat spotlights snapchat spotlight's not gonna be as good as the other ones but in the event where the video does go viral if it's a really eye-catching really wow factor uh video snapchat spotlight pays out very very well for its top performing creatives so overall short form content is king right now just because of how many platforms you can reproduce it on and the virality factor especially on tick tock you can have videos go to multi millions of views and this is an excellent way to make tons of money completely free and the best part about this is you can look at all the organic posts you've made on your tick tock account for the brand you can see the best performing ones and repurpose it on the tick tock ads manager because chances are those ads will also do well in an ad because they've already done well on organic and people really took to them organically so they'll be a great money maker for you moving forward and definitely something to think about when cycling in creatives as you guys know tick tock is a creative heavy platform and you need to be constantly testing new creatives even if your brand is successful and making you a lot of profit i'm actually gonna be coming out with a youtube video soon breaking down exactly with how i'm ordering products in and shooting the creatives myself in my own apartment so stay tuned for that and lastly i just want to touch on other sales channels that i don't really use all that much i do have etsy bolded here though because i use it quite a bit and actually google ads in the past i've used quite a bit depending on the product but etsy is another great seller's platform now you have to be careful because typically they only want handcrafted and handmade items you can get away with some stuff but others you can't the best part about etsy is they have ads that you only pay for once you make sales so you guaranteed lock in a profit if the product is taken to the audience on there if it's not well at least you can have your product listed on etsy and over time you can get some sales doing this i had a hot product i was selling a couple months ago it was actually a face mask that lit up and had a bunch of cool colors and it went crazy on etsy because it was a handmade product as well amazon ebay those are both great platforms as well it's honestly a whole nother game and too much to just simply cover in this one video right now like i won't even dive into it all that much and same thing with google ads you're gonna need a whole separate course on learning google ads itself and it's super super complex so i recommend you just start with everything that's been outlined in this course thus far i probably will make a google ads video at some point because later on in your brand it can become super super valuable for especially shopping ads which are those little uh windows at the top so if i show you right now just as a brief example if i look up um what's a good product swim shorts you can see on the right hand side actually right here at the top you're gonna see all these different uh shopping ads and the great thing about these is that they give you an image they give give you price and they give you a title so lots of people know right off the bat like i can say okay you know i want to buy these and i'll click on it and i'll buy it just from seeing that and you only pay google based on the amount of clicks it's called pay-per-click so you can have a very very high conversion rate this way because you're already giving so much information to consumer they're likely going to buy it right when they click on it and i've seen you know 10 plus conversion rates when running google ads shopping campaigns something to keep in mind as well although i typically wouldn't start out right away with it i have more incorporated in over time into a brand but there are tons of other creators out there who live by google ads and that's the first thing they do before facebook tick tock or anything else so it's definitely something to keep in the back of your mind as you move forward with your dropshipping career and with that guys i think i'm just going to cut off the video quite abruptly here i'm really really tired it's really late i appreciate each and every one of you for taking the time to watch this video to support my channel i'll have all the links to all the resources i talked about down below again if you guys do want to cut the learning curve and join my one-on-one mentorship where we go over everything in detail and more and give you access to so many resources private networking groups help and absolutely everything you need we'll also have a discovery called linkedin down below but thank you guys so much please leave a like button so this video can get out there help impact more people save them time and money from buying other courses and stuff like that swirling around out there and get connected with me on instagram i'll have my instagram down below really excited to hear from each and every one of you and how much this video has impacted you and helped you hopefully you guys can reach out when you get your first sale or your success stories i love hearing those even from people who've just watched my youtube videos and then found a bunch of success makes me feel so great about what i'm doing so thank you guys so much really really appreciate all the support love you guys we'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Nathan Nazareth
Views: 1,066,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Start Dropshipping in 2022 (STEP-BY-STEP WALKTHROUGH), how to start dropshipping from scratch, how to start dropshipping in usa, shopify dropshipping, ecommerce, ecom, shopify, dropshipping, tiktok ads, facebook ads, shopify store tutorial, organic advertising, digital marketing tutorial, ecommerce tutorial, full shopify course, how to start dropshipping, how to advertise for free, biaheza, jordan welch, the ecom king, ecom king, how to start shopify dropshipping from scratch
Id: EfzMtb1k8ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 5sec (9185 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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