COMPLETE Shopify Tutorial for beginners 2024 - Build A Profitable Shopify Store From Scratch

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in today's video we're going to break down exactly how to create a profitable Shopify store from beginning to end this video is going to be for beginners we're going to cover everything from how to design your store how to set up the settings how to launch Facebook ads and do organic traffic a lot of the other videos out there at the moment are so old a lot of the courses out there that you can buy are just repackaged information that we are going to cover today you're probably wondering is it worth me launching a Shopify store a Shopify store can create passive income for you and create your multi-million dollar business just like it did for me I'm the founder of Udi and over the past four years I've done 450 million dollars in Revenue just on Shopify alone it's created an amazing life for me and it can for you as well you don't need to be smart you don't need to know how to do code all you need is a willingness to learn and just follow the step-by-step process that I outlined today one of the best things about what we're going to learn today is you don't need a family inheritance to get started you just need a cup couple of hundred bucks and the risks are very very low we're going to cover how to create a branded Shopify Drop Shipping Store and also how to just create a beautiful brand that you can be proud of so a lot of the old videos out there are talking about just using AliExpress to do Drop Shipping today we're going to cover how to create branded Drop Shipping Store or just a brand in general using what we call a 3pl which is a third-party Logistics provider in today's video we're going to cover each of these sections first we're going to cover common questions around Shopify next we're going to show you exactly how to find the ideal product that's shorter work then we're going to show you exactly how to create and design your Shopify stores so customers trust it and use it to purchase we're also going to cover the best apps to use which can be super overwhelming for beginners we're going to cover things like fulfillment which is how your customers are going to get the product and their tracking number we're also going to cover shipping zones and payment methods we're going to cover both forms of marketing both free organic marketing for those that don't have a budget and then also paid marketing on the most powerful two platforms that exist right now Facebook and Tick Tock we're also going to cover the setup of Google ads which is another main traffic Source then we're going to cover some technical things like what is a pixel and how do you install it on your store we're going to do a beginner's guide to email marketing and SMS marketing which lots of people Overlook and is crucial to success unlike all the other videos out there I'm also going to cover hiring and customer service and finally we're also going to touch on wholesale and Retail because how good would it be to get the product that you create today on a shelf of something like Target while this might seem like a long video it's going to teach you absolutely everything you need you can skip to each section if you're already familiar with the section that I'm talking about but by the end of it I guarantee you'll have a great understanding of how to build your first profitable Shopify store so the first common question I get around Drop Shipping and building a Shopify store is how much time is it going to take me this is one of the main beauties of Drop Shipping it takes you about a day to set up your store about seven days to coordinate with the supplier and you can be making money within about eight days the second question I get is do I need any prior knowledge I know lots of people that have created successful Shopify stores with very little knowledge prior it does definitely help if you understand how to log on to Facebook and how to create an email which most people now do aside from that everything is made very very simple and we're going to cover all the nuances that you need to know this makes this business model really appealing to anyone that wants to get started whether you just want to side hustle or you want to create a full-time job the third question I get asked is how much do I need to get started the only main cost that you're going to have to pay especially if you're doing free organic marketing that we're going to cover today is you need a Shopify store which is around 29 a month I'll put a link for a free trial in the description and also just a domain which is about nine to twenty dollars per month hopefully you'll be able to get some initial sales in the very early week so that you can offset these costs and be profitable from the outset that being said if you do want to do some forms of paid marketing like on Facebook or Tick Tock it's great to have about five hundred dollars to a thousand dollars another common question I get is should I be selling on Amazon versus Shopify these can be very very different things well it's great that you've got your own product that you could list on a Marketplace Amazon relies on search engine optimization this is where you need to rank really highly when you search the product on Amazon well this is possible it definitely is a different skill set to what we're going to cover today Amazon has a load of problems such as you never own your customers data so you can never remarket to them and expand your brand it's also really hard to figure out the logistics of it it can also be super competitive and Amazon can shut you down anytime that's why I much prefer teaching beginners how to do Shopify Drop Shipping as a first step so now you have that brief overview let's get into the most important part which is picking your product [Music] this is where a lot of people get stuck they're like I don't have any ideas I'm not Steve Jobs the good news is you don't need to be a genius and have lots of ideas you just need to follow this step-by-step process there are a lot of tools out there both free and paid that can find you the perfect product at the perfect time so let's jump onto the computer and walk you through them so first up I'm going to show you a free method on how to find winning products this is for those people that have a bit more time on their hands and don't want to invest too much money in the research process there are lots of benefits of using a paid tool which I'm going to get into in a second all you need to do is go to your Facebook feed and scroll down and you'll see that there's a lot of ads that are popping up from Brands if you want to just see ads you can go to the free tool turbo Ad Finder and download the Chrome extension click add to Chrome ADD extension then all you need to do is come up here you can pin it to the your extensions and click adds only now this will then filter your Facebook feed just to show ads and it will just speed up your research process now some fundamentals when we're looking for a winning product you need to be able to determine whether the trend is saturated as in it's been around forever customers have lots of options to buy the products such as they could just go down the street to a department store and purchase it themselves for much much cheaper or if it's a brand new trend this requires a little bit of time and thinking you also need to understand what an evergreen product is versus a new hot Trend an evergreen product is something that never really goes away for example these bed sheets here bed sheets are always going to be around versus maybe a hot Trend that you could do which is maybe this period pain belt which is has been trending for a while now this was probably going to get saturated and go away we're looking for a hot Trend that isn't saturated so let's say we wanted to research a little bit more about this pair period pain belt what we could do is we could just write it into Google and we can see how many results actually pop up for it you can see that so many people are selling the exact same product this is what I call saturated it's not the best product to go into especially if you don't have lots and lots of marketing experience because you are competing with them you need to out Market them which if you're a beginner you really want to make it simple for yourself and verse very very few competitors typically with these Trends there's sometimes markets such as in Germany or Australia where the trend isn't actually saturated whereas it may be in the United States where Drop Shipping is rampant this is when you can use a tool like Trend rocker all you need to do is go to now this is a paid tool but it does compile a lot of trends at a lot of marketing in one place you can click the start the free trial in the lowest plan you'll be directed to a page with some amazing brands that you can look at now aside from being saturated there are a few other things to consider when launching your product and this is why I design Trend rocket so you'll be directed to trending brand section where there's some great brands that you can look at you can click this search button down here to see thousands of Brands you can use the filters here to look at things like likes reviews and the amount of Facebook ads a brand has one of the most useful thing for beginners though is this trending ad section so when you land on the training ad section you're going to see a wide range of ads of the top Shopify Brands you're going to see things like smart bird devices here you've got heart rate monitors and diabetes socks this will really get your brain ticking around some trends that you could go after it does a good job at filtering out really poor Drop Shipping things where people are just grabbing AliExpress products doing no branding and selling them as you can probably tell that's not the best way to go about it because customers lose faith in the product and it is very very competitive alternatively there is another section called featured products now this is actually why I created Trend rocker remember how I just said that you needed to go to Google in each of these regions and really try to figure out is that Trend existing somewhere this is what trend rocket was designed for you can click this view product details here to get an extensive overview of where the product is getting sold and what suppliers are actually selling the product it also has something that's really important to consider which we haven't talked about yet which is gross margin gross margin is the amount that the product costs you to ship to the customer and buy from the supplier subtracted from the total revenue so if you're selling something for a hundred dollars and it costs twenty five dollars to buy the product and get it to the customer you've got 75 dollars remaining which is your gross margin why is this important because the more gross margin you have the more you can spend on these advertising platforms to acquire the customer hopefully leaving more profit for you left over to take home you can scroll down to the supply information you can see the factory names and click up here to go to the supplier and go to the link to the product it should be a very similar product in Alibaba that you can then contact the supplier so while Trend Rocket's saying that this has a gross margin of 45 I think we want a little bit more than that the 59 dollar price range it probably isn't enough so we're going to come back to featured products and we're going to look at something that has a great gross margin so we can click through to this product here the O2 ring by well you and you can see here that this has got a much nicer gross margin at 90 so now we know it's got a gross margin is it going to be a good product we really want to think critically about this one of the best things that I do to ask myself is does this solve a problem and can I make it unique in some kind of way the next step is to do a bit more research into the product you can click here learn more brand details and you can see how that brand is tracking over time you've got these tabs here to really dive deeper into the brand the trend viability report will help you understand where they're running ads such as Australia us and Great Britain which is shown here it'll also show you the trustpilot reviews this indicates how satisfied customers are with the product is it solving their problem you don't want to sell a product that is getting terrible reviews because your days will be numbered you can scroll down you'll get some information about the brand and you can check out their their traffic and their estimated Revenue as well which is a great indication and also see their entire Tech stack if you really want more inspiration you can click the Facebook ad section and really check out some of these ads to learn more about them this brand has multiple amazing products and you really want to make sure that they're running ads for that specific product because if they're not running ads for that specific product chances are that it's not profitable for them once you've found a trend that you really like it's really important that you create some form of customization for the product for example is there a unique feature on this ring that you could create to make it unique to yourself so today's video we're going to use this product as an example now this product is saturated it's been on the market for a while well I haven't drop shipped the product we created a really high quality product and use a 3pl we did sell millions of dollars worth of it this is how I know that you can both drop ship and brand this product if you weren't using Trend rocker all you need to do is go into AliExpress and write in calming dog bed again and I'd like to reiterate that if you are a beginner this isn't the product for you you want to find a brand new trend you can see here that there's a wide range of suppliers and if I went to Alibaba you could also see that there's a wide range of suppliers there would generally be a cheaper price but a higher order quantity if you're starting them out with very little money you're going to want to use something like AliExpress I can hear you shouting through the screen hang on a second Alibaba and AliExpress what's the difference this is one of the common mistakes that I see a lot of people teaching AliExpress is the main tool of choice for dropshippers this is because the suppliers on that will ship one unit to your customer Alibaba sometimes you need to convince the supplier to do Drop Shipping for you and buy larger quantities so you're probably wondering why would I use Alibaba if your product is only on Alibaba and not on AliExpress that is one of the most positive signals that the trend hasn't been saturated because as soon as it goes on to AliExpress hundreds of drop shippers flop to the product and start shipping it so while it's great that you found a Trend that isn't on AliExpress yet you still need to convince your supplier on Alibaba to do Drop Shipping for you alternatively you need to buy a few units and ship it to a warehouse like a 3PO or fulfill the orders out from your house which we'll go through in a second if your product is on AliExpress and it's not saturated you can't find a hundred competitors then great you should be able to set up Drop Shipping and get selling right away [Music] foreign a good supplier it's really important that we pick the right supplier and partner for our business if not there's going to be a range of problems such as long delivery times incorrect orders and poor product quality this is going to create unhappy customers which can get your Facebook ad account and your payment processing accounts banned AliExpress is generally pretty good at showing the reviews of these suppliers you can see that this has got 490 sold but it's only got a 4.4 star rating so you really want to scroll down and pick someone that's got a lot of units sold but also some good reviews so you can see this product here it's 16 AUD with a 4.7 with 1200 units sold so this supplier seems relatively credible once you're on the product page make sure you scroll down and check out the product information you can just check out these reviews and make sure they're legitimate if there's lots of reviews without photos and really broken English chances are that they could be fake make sure you spend at least 5 to 10 minutes don't just spend two minutes like I just did and now you're ready to contact the supplier now if you're just getting started you don't technically don't need to ask the supplier when a customer places an order with you you can actually just go into AliExpress and fill out the order details the problem with this is it's going to rock up in Chinese packaging with no custom branding and you're going to create a very poor customer experience this is why you should be contacting your supplier and providing all of your logo and your branding and understanding about that delivery service their returns policy just all of those things that are really really important if you are a little bit confused about what's a player to use you can use a tool like Zen drop this actually has vetted suppliers a 3pl in China as a lot of other tier one countries it also helps you in later stages like fulfilling to customers and tracking labels but there's no reason why you can't do it yourself all you need to do is create an account once you have an account you can just scroll over to the supplier's name here and click contact now once you've got your message is up then you're going to use this supplier template that I prepared for you it's really important that you stand out from all of the messages that this supplier is getting the supplier really wants to make sure that they're not wasting their time providing a premium service to you this is why you really want to increase your credibility and your communication by laying things out like this as well in a numbered format you're able to understand if the supplier answers each question and how well their communication is I'll leave a link in the description for this Outreach email the main things to point out is how many orders can they handle per day also do they have access to express shipping lines the typical time frame for a Drop Shipping delivery can be over 30 days unless you use one of these Express lines if you do 30-day delivery customers are going to give you negative reviews and your business is going to get shut down really really quickly you want to understand the shipping costs for the product so you can do that gross margin calculation that we talked about earlier and understand how much you can spend on ads this USA warehousing is really good for when you want to spend they can just ship the product from China to the USA warehousing and do the Fulfillment from there to shorten the times and increase customer satisfaction number four is really important which is what you guys are here today to understand how to custom brand your product number five for getting a sample is also really important because you're going to need to use this sample to shoot original content which we're going to cover today that original contact includes photos for your website and videos for your ads while suppliers will have some images that you can use for your product I don't recommend it because lots of other people are going to be using those images as well as you don't understand if that supplier has actually taken those images what can happen is they can actually counterfeit the images themselves you then use them original owners such as you know the URI then reports that imagery and your Facebook ad account gets banned so it's much much better to own the copyright yourself and take the photos yourself the refund policy is really important as well you want them in writing to admit that they will refund faulty products that is their fault and finally you want to get the communication on WhatsApp or WeChat just to speed up the communication one thing I will say is that Alibaba does have some level of buyer protection but to get that buyer protection it's much better to talk on Alibaba so Alibaba has all of those records and finally you want to sign off in a professional manner with a proper business name once you've sent this to your supplier don't just stop there you want to send it to three or four suppliers so that you can compare the costs that this player is charging you can then use this to negotiate to get the price down and get the perfect supplier for your business so for those people that are wanting to use Alibaba rather than AliExpress maybe the product's not available on AliExpress very very similar it's a similar Reach Out template and you also are looking for reviews now the amount of orders that are generally placed through Alibaba are going to be less because they buy larger quantities but you can just have a skim through and find someone with a decent amount of reviews one thing you can do is use this filter up here for trade Assurance trade Assurance basically means that Alibaba will protect you if something goes wrong to use let's say you order a thousand dog beds and they all break all of the Zips are broken they're completely wrong color as well Alibaba will actually just let you send in photos and they'll give you a refund for that the main things to understand about that is to be very very specific on the order so you can use all of your communication through Alibaba through the the chat and make sure you know if you're going to use colors you want to be very very specific maybe you're going to get actual samples from the supplier and use them on the actual order so it can be a little bit confronting for new people the truth is the supplier wants you to make money you want to make money you want a good relationship so they'll generally look after you um I just suggest getting a sampled before you get the product the other thing that you can actually do through Alibaba is get what's called a QC which is a quality control a QC will go to the factory and check the product based on what you actually ordered so you can send photos to the QC and be like look at the zip on the bed or look at the color make sure it's Pantone 319 or something like that and the QC will actually go to the factory and check the products before they get shipped to your customer the other thing you can do with Alibaba is you can look down here and it might say Trading Company you're not actually directly buying from the factory you're using what's called an agent this can be challenging for a few reasons firstly the agent's going to take a cut so your price not might not be as good as it could be second if there are any problems who's going to take responsibility for that so I generally try to avoid trading companies definitely do a bit of research have a look at the company profile have a look at their factory make sure they're all legitimate and they've got some good reviews and it should should work out fine so you found your supplier of choice you've got a sample that you've signed off that you're really happy with you understand the cost and the pricing of the supplier now it's time to set up your Shopify store you're probably wondering is Shopify the only platform that I should be using for my store there's only two Alternatives right now that you could consider and that's big Commerce and webflow webflow in my opinion just isn't quite there yet for e-commerce but they are making a lot of improvements over time Bigcommerce unlike webflow is designed for e-commerce but Shopify just has more apps more functionality and is more trusted with consumers in their checkout process so you might just get an increase in conversions I also think it's way easy to use when you're connecting to a 3pl or connecting to an app so your supplier can ship the product Shopify has just got way way more options because it's the market leader so to get started on Shopify all we need is an email you can click the link in my bio it is an affiliate link they've got a free trial operation National at the moment and I think that is limited but they always generally have some kind of offer you can enter your email in here and say I'm just getting started and you can actually just skip all of these prompts now you need to fill out your Shopify name this is only internal so your customers aren't going to see this this isn't the domain name you just this is just an organizational thing for yourself so I'm just going to call this Davey dog beds and we need to make sure that we select the correct country that we're going to be selling the product in this is going to help all of our settings in the back end so I'm going to start selling this in Australia but you could do United States or UK depending on where you're from and now we need to create the Shopify ID and it'll just take a couple of minutes to build your store and you can see now you're set up in the Shopify portal this is where all the magic happens this is where you create your multi-million dollar Shopify brand this can feel quite overwhelming this platform but we're going to break down every section that you need to know so you can see I've used Davey's dog beds up here that's internal only is that the best name that we can create for our business probably not I do think people overthink this step your business name will really shape around your product and your branding Google that is a completely made up word there are a few requirements that you need to think about firstly you need to make sure it's not infringing on any other businesses trademarks or copyright rights you can simply Google the name you're thinking and if you can see that there's a clear competitor stay clear of that you can also search the trademark Registries of your country the second thing is you really want to make sure that you can get domain name or if you're selling in the UK get the dot Co dot UK or if in the final thing is you want to make sure that your name is easy to remember easy to spell and easy to hear when you're talking about your brand on a podcast you want the person to easily be able to go into Google search the exact name and you'd be out in the top of the search ranking to not waste too much time of this you can actually just go business name generator in Google and you can come to any of these free tools and I can just write dog that's comfortable and it should give us a few options students Douglas are you can click on this and it will check the domains is taken so we don't want that dog vo seems free we can just search dog video and you can see that there's a Facebook for that product but it's probably pretty safe to use you can write dog vo trademark and I can't really see anything popping up here naturally you'd spend a little bit more time on this making sure that it's all clear but I think we can use dog the next step we can go to one of the most amazing free tools you don't even need a higher designer anymore and all you need to do is write in logo and you'll get a ton of options here you want to pick one that's appropriate for you and simple text logo should be fine we can try this one we'll go more of a premium brand feel your logo again is something that a lot of people spend a lot of time on initially which doesn't really matter all it needs to be is credible so people don't think you're at Drop Shipping scam and then it also needs to align to your product category you don't want it to just be completely let's say it's environmental when you're doing something that's completely not environmental it just won't make much sense if you want to spend a bit more time on this we're going to cover how to hire people using things like upwork we can easily hire a 15 to 30 an hour graphic designer to design your logo in just a few hours but I'm going to go DV just going to reshape this I think I'm knocking off the Dior logo and we can just delete this background re-center it and you can save this logo for free now you've got this logo there are a few steps that you need to do so this logo is going to be both on our website and it's also going to be on our packaging hopefully this will really give a custom branded field to the product that you're shipping to customers so you'll need to provide this to the supplier they may give you something called die lines where you actually need to create the full packaging yourself and put it on the die lines that that's if you want to get really technical about it but chances are the supplier is just going to grab your logo and put it on the placement you do want to get a photo of it before they start shipping to customers make sure all the dimensions and the colors look good [Music] foreign but the other place you're going to do it is you're going to come into the Shopify store and you're going to click this online store and this is going to give us all the options of themes and we're going to put our logo on this theme somewhere the default selection nowadays on Shopify because this is a recent video for you is the dawn theme this is a new Shopify 2.0 theme and it's free and very customizable if you wanted to you can come into the theme store which is just down here personally I think if you're getting started you need to save as much money as possible and you're just trying to get those first few sales you don't need to use any of these themes you can just use the dawn one you're just going to click customize up here and we're going to enter What's called the theme editor now this can feel a little bit overwhelming as well but trust me it is super intuitive on the left here you've got all of your sections on the right here you've got the preview and then up here you've got the changing of the screen so you can go to mobile desktop or full screen and see if I change mobile the preview is going to change as well I recommend actually editing your theme in mobile version to begin with this is because the majority of your traffic that comes onto your website is actually going to be on mobile to edit our logo you can see there's a placeholder Davey's dog beds we're not calling that so to upload your logo you've got two options you can click the edit brand section here now this is shopify's attempt to make your branding very consistent across your store branding is one of the most important things to have consistent you want it consistent on your Facebook ads your email and on your website so that when people see all of these bits of information they know they're in the right place they know you can trust it and it's credible you we all have that experience of getting this really poorly designed email we click through the website it's a different color palette and it's just really really confusing so this is shopify's new section but you can use the old way of doing it and you just click change here select and you can just upload any images that's in your download folder so you can see that's now added a lot of padding around here padding is also another really important important design principle that we're going to talk about today all of these small things like design principles just build trust and if you've got this large section here it's going to take people longer to scroll it just looks Scrappy no professional website does it so to do this all we need to do is come into preview and we can go just select the logo you can click crop and save that and then we can click edit and we can change the image upload the new image and the padding should be gone that looks much much better so once you've got your logo the next step is to just fill out the rest of this information you can change any of the blocks over here and you can remove them one of the best steps that I recommend at this stage is going to your favorite e-commerce website maybe not something as big as gymshark but someone that you know that's doing decent amounts of sales and really just have a look at how they've set out that layout things like videos probably isn't necessary for you to set up in the very early stages it's a very brand focused feature of a website and you don't really have that many videos right now copy their layout and get all of the things that you need so for example this section here there's multiple products that it's recommending and we earn only one product store we're only custom branding one product at this stage to get rid of this section you can just click this little eyeball here and it will just hide it and we can also add sections down here depending on what you can see on your favorite e-commerce website the great thing about the theme editor as well is you can actually just click on these buttons to get the cast customer experience on what they would see next right now there is no products in here so that's the next step that we need to do to do this we just come into Shopify we can click this little X here we can go into products and add your product this is we're going to add all of the information for our product now this is a big topic this separates the people that get sales initially versus the people that drive a lot of traffic to their store and people just leave straight away because they just don't trust it this is where your inner marketer needs to come out you need to understand basic copywriting principles which we're about to go into you need to make sure your images are crisp which we're also going to explain how to do so I think this is a perfect time to start talking about conversion rate optimization a lot of people even if you pick the perfect product you're going to drive traffic to the website and you're going to get no sales I want you to get your first sale and get addicted to the process and conversion rate optimization encompasses a lot of things it's basically just a fancy way of saying how many people come to your store and actually purchase the product to show you a good example I'm going to go to another website that's selling this product so you can see that there's a few conversion rate factors that you can kind of emulate with your product again I wouldn't be doing this one the three main things we can break it down is imagery website hierarchy so basically the website structure and functionality and then also the copywriting which is really important so getting really really crisp imagery is important as I said you can use your iPhone you can go onto Amazon and buy a really cheap light box you could also get a white sheet put it next to a natural light source like your window and take photos of the iPhone but if it's not going out crisp enough that you can compete with competitors you may just need to Google some e-commerce photography there's lots of services now you can get your supplier to send the product to this photographer they'll edit images in two to three weeks and they'll come out really nicely you're also going to need these lifestyle images as you can see here this is the product actually being used if it all look like this this white contoured background then your website's going to be quite boring so that's kind of your lesson you need some lifestyle imagery which again you can take yourself or and you need some white contoured shots but that highlight the product if we look at website structure we've also got these icons which are very very easy to download you can just write in icons here and you can come to something like flatacon and you can just buy and download the licenses for these and that'll give you a really professional feel most businesses use those icons now we'll come to the actual product page to understand what kind of copy and photography we need you can see there's a mixed range of Lifestyle images influencer shots people showing how the products actually use another great thing that you can do and design is competitor table that shows your product versus other people on the market and another good thing that you can actually design is also a size guide this is especially important if you're going to do something like clothing or something where there's multiple options give customers the confidence to actually purchase the right product it's going to reduce returns as well the other thing that we should talk about is copywriting now there's lots of Frameworks that you can Google and learn a little bit more about copywriting I'm not going to go into it now because it's a big topic I think I've done an hour video on it before but there's two Frameworks there's there's the Ada framework which is awareness interest desire and action and then there's the pass framework as well which is problem agitate and solution you can use that framework to lay out the hierarchy of your copy so the problem for our product may be um anxious dogs talking about that using a story to agitate the solution like the dog can't sleep and you're trying to do work and then coming through with the solution which is your product you can see how that's much more enticing than just saying this is a dog bed these Frameworks are great to use on your advertising platforms like Facebook which we're going to show you how to set up in a in the future for websites I do just recommend going to check out some of these uh some of the competitors but also people that that you respect in the industry and making sure that you just kind of tick all the boxes that are here here these are accordions that you can see on here are very very easy to set up with a Shopify 2.0 themes and allow people to kind of expand to learn more because one thing you don't want to do from a conversion rate point of view is have big blocks of text that really stop people from finding the key information which is the priced product um and then you know the the variant selector here and then the add to cart button you want to make sure that that's very very easy to find so now you know all of that let's set up our first product and show you exactly how our new store is going to look so again you come over here onto the left tab and we're going to set up our first product here it's nice and easy click add your products on Shopify and this is now in a draft stage so you can start typing this up this won't come active on the store until you click save but we can just call ours a third dog bed and this is going to be the title and that you're going to see now when you click that it's actually going to change this search engine listing so typically SEO for new stores is very difficult okay it's a skill it's an art form and itself and if you are going to want to write an SEO you need to be an expert in that unless you're entering a less competitive space so you may need to also hire an agency to get your SEO right but in the early stages you probably don't need to worry too much about this this meta description will be populated by up here the the one thing I do recommend is just checking this URL handle making sure that this isn't heat heaps long because that can cause issues so if I did third dog bed for poodles or something like this it could just make it really really long and that can cause cause you issues in the future so if I wanted to I could just go for dog bed and just keep that URL nice and clean but I'm just going to dog bed up here and now we've got the title we just need to um add the description so again you can come to your uh we could just uh let's add some text here um test test and just show how that's going to affect us all because I think it's really important to understand the actual design when you're considering copy copy is going to be laid out in a certain way on the store and we just want to make sure that we understand that before we go writing because it's going to determine how much writing we actually need to do if that makes sense so we're going to come to the view store you can see it's now available in our store there's no images or no pricing or anything like that and you can see how this layout's actually going to look to add the images we just click add files and you want to keep all of your images a consistent size so this might be something that you actually want to tell your Ecommerce photographer what size images you want generally images are in square format so we're just going to add a couple of these images that we've got now all we need to do is click save now you should upload and we can click preview and this will take us over to our Shopify store and you can start to see what the actual theme is going to look like Shopify has these accordion sections this theme this Dawn theme actually has these sections which is great this is editable in the theme editor we'll jump in and show you how to use that in just a second so really here all we need to do is call out some features and benefits so I can write something like that up so we're calling out the machine washable cover just the main things because people might not expand that category we're talking about some really strong benefits that our custom really cares about um where also you know using some social proof saying that you know we're the best dog bed in Australia so I can just save that refresh and click preview here and you can see that's starting to look pretty good so to edit this section all we need to do is come back into the theme editor click customize and I want to look at the mobile version remember most traffic is going to be mobile I can come to this product I can actually just click there now and you'll see it's starting to shape up really nicely if we wanted to edit anything like this Davey's dog bed that was just because that's the store I set up I can just click this little I here and it will vanish which is great and then if I want to change this material section all I need to do is on this right hand side I could say I probably wouldn't say this in these words but I could just say like 100 polyester removable cover I've already said that but I'm just going to say it again for example sake and we can expand that category and you can see that there's point any of information there so I can just click save there now as you scroll down there are some sections you can change them depending on the the comparison website that you're using but I can just select image and I want to just add a size guide you can see that's now cropped wrong so all I need to do here is Click adapt to image again everything's going to kind of be on this right hand side so Tinker with that or on the left hand side and we can see that our product page is starting to shape up nicely I can just check that on desktop and it's looking pretty good once there's a few more images here it will look pretty Fresh So to complete our product setup we need to do a couple more things obviously we can't give away the product for free so we're going to come into back into the product and we're going to complete the setup so I would definitely add a few more images now the pricing this again is going to be dependent on how much it costs to get it to your customer let's just say it's 99 for this one the compare price I'll just show you what that is it's uh let's say it's 99 and it's compare it one two nine you can come in here and I'll just preview this and so this is what brands use to indicate that it's on sale you can see there's the original price and then there's the strikethrough price there and in terms of taxes I'm going to show you how to set up taxes and explain that a little bit because I think that that's one of the most confronting things for people so I would leave charge taxes on this product set up depending on where you're selling cost per item now customers won't see this it says that they're cost per item is important for you to fill out because it's going to help you understand your gross profit margin Shopify has a range of reporting that they have in their back end and if you don't have the right cost per item it can throw that out a little bit I personally like to use this cost per item to include everything including The Courier cost to customers but not including marketing because that's variable depending on how much you spend on marketing it's going to go up and down so you can basically then get this metric a daily basis like because if you sell 10 beds and it costs ten dollars it's going to be 100 dollars you can get your total revenue minus this cost per item miners your marketing and understand close to your net profit there's obviously operating costs there so if you're struggling with the finance side of things just the best best thing I could say is you know just get started you can watch a couple of YouTube videos on um gross profit net profit those kind of things so I'm just going to put ten dollars here so then you've got inventory here now this isn't really going to affect you too much initially but I do recommend you fill it out now the typical way that we do you know skus is you want to understand what it is but you also don't want to limit yourself in the future uh by making it kind of too simple it's a good organizational tool a typical thing that you do is the first two letters is going to be kind of the category of the product so this is going to be DB for dog bed because if let's say I bring out um you know dog vests or something like that it would probably be dog vests or if I wanted to bring out cat bed it would be CB because then it's going to when we export all of the data this might be getting too granular but it's going to put all of those rows on the exact same row on a spreadsheet so it just keeps keeps things tidy so this might be dog bed gray so this is the unique element uh that will different differ this from the pink dog bed that we added onto our store in a different way so barcode this is again for your internal purposes I do recommend using a barcode just go to a free barcode generator that barcode is going to be used by your three PLS if you're going to use that because they scan the product when it comes in and then it helps you track your inventory because you need to hold the 3PO accountable to that inventory this can also be a little bit confronting but again I just recommend watching a YouTube video on how to set up barcodes so if I just click save this I should be able to show you what track quantity is tracking quantity is really important if you're not just drop shipping if you're drop shipping from your supplier and and you're not ordering big batches at a time that they are holding chances are you won't actually need to track the quantity because there's kind of an unlimited amount but if you're ordering let's say 100 units from your supplier that's going to drop ship the product then with your logo then you do need to actually track the quantity because you can only sell those 100 and you need to place another order for another 100 when you start to sell out so I do recommend doing tracking you can just edit this number here you can just add 100 units because I just bought 100 units click save and that should be absolutely fine it's going to actually make our product on our website if I click refresh here you might have noticed that that went from sold out to now on sale which is great we can start selling the product and then you've got weight now weight can be a little bit confusing for people as well now weight can affect a few things sometimes this Shopify data when an order comes through it gets passed to another software so that software could be a shipping software that connects with a career like australopost or Hermes or wherever you are UPS if you're not using any of these software chances are that the only effect that this shipping section is going to have is internal so and we can I'll show you exactly what that means in a second I do recommend just approximating it at this point this Customs information again it's a little bit Technical and when you're starting it's probably not going to be passed through to anything so you can just leave that blank this options thing definitely is important for me to show you so if we wanted to add multiple size or multiple colors to this product we would need to create 8 options now you'll notice I've only got one skill at the moment so when I add size now I can just add the multiple sizes medium large and I can click done and you can see that's instantly added these variants here and you can see that now there is multiple skews so I may need to change that organizational point of view and I may also need to change the name of the product and the pricing of the product so large might be one two nine and this now needs to be DB gray large and I can click save and this is also going to throw out our inventory amounts because you just because you have lots of size in medium doesn't mean you're gonna have size lots of size in large as well so you can see that that's what this number is here there's a hundred units of the large let's say we've got 50 and actually let me just leave that and show you exactly what that's done to the product page I can just refresh this product page now you can see that it's a variant selector I can select large but my largest sold out because I had no inventory or I can select medium and you can now add the product to a car so that's basically all you need to know that product is pretty well set up um on the front end a common mistake that I see is people just don't set up the back end of Shopify it's so so important typically people will start driving traffic to a store and they're like why is nobody checking out I'm getting lots of traffic and it's because one the customers actually go can't even select the country to ship to to their country or to it costs a lot of money to ship it to the country so make sure you come into these settings and there's a range of options that you're actually going to need a step-by-step go through store details this is kind of your basic information such as your ABN or like your your currency so you can select the currency that you're selling in the plan is the Shopify plan you can upgrade to a certain plan to get certain benefits of Shopify I recommend just staying on the cheapest plan until you're prompted otherwise to to get a feature that you really need billing this is where you're going to add your credit card and get billed users and permissions this is where you can add you know Consultants again I'm going to talk about hiring people soon payments is a really important one so you can see that there's already been a PayPal created for this store this default PayPal is actually going to be linked directly to the email that I used in the very first step when I set up the shopify's door so if you've got lots of businesses that are running out of maybe that one email it may be best to create a brand new Gmail for the the Shopify store so it sets up with this PayPal alternatively all you need to do is Click manage and you can just uh you can change this account connected and set up a PayPal in a separate step I do recommend just setting up a brand new PayPal and then linking it just gives you a little bit more control check out now this one's important I like to click phone number and email it just prevents fraud and there is also a lot of couriers that you use that really do need a phone number to actually contact the customer when the product is on its way so I'm not sure why Shopify defaults to email um but I I do recommend setting up phone number I also recommend require first name and last name again this is going to ensure that your product gets delivered with your careers which is one of the main problems the rest of these settings are absolutely fine now we get down to shipping and delivery over time this has gotten actually more complicated I think but it's just a shopify's way of making it more versatile for you you can just click manage shipping rates here there should be default products selected you can see our third dog bed is already there now you can see all of these shipping options so this is again just gonna be the default when we set up and you can see we've got shipping to Australia which is domestic rather than International has all of these default options now Shopify doesn't know what career you're using or anything like that at so I highly recommend just editing these completely now there's a few ways we can do this I actually recommend just coming in here and deleting these you can change the country which is the Zone here for example if you wanted to add New Zealand to this because it's not too far away we can just select this country here and save it I'm not going to do that once you understand the the cost to deliver to this country we can just click edit rate and we're just going to add one shipping option here which is standard two to eight business days let's say you don't have an option that's either of these you'll need to create a custom flat rate I do recommend doing this because then you can actually change the rate name so standard sounds a little bit uh average if if that makes sense um so we can just do let's just say two to eight business day um let's do track shipping two to eight business days in bracket and we can just click add let's do free that sounds way better than standard we'll make that zero dollars now these conditions are really important to get right and you may might remember we set up the item weight on the product before so it let's say you know I set that to 1.5 kilos before let's say that I did 1.6 kilos here now when a customer goes to my checkout they will not be able to purchase this product because there's no shipping option for it so you we really want to just make sure that there is no limits on the s0 you can also do price as well let's say if you're going to buy uh if you're going to do a free shipping offer over a hundred dollars you can set this order price as a hundred dollars like this and now customers can get free shipping on certain orders but I'm just going to do this click done and Save now we've got rest of the world shipping if you're not able to ship to the Middle East for under 20 dollars people can buy lots of products and it's automatically going to ship and you're going to lose lots of money so you need to be quite confident in um shipping internationally before you set it up so I'm just going to delete that so now customers in Australia when they add any of these products if I added a second product it would automatically populate here they should be able to see this free track shipping option at checkout I'm going to keep working through the settings just making sure that we've covered everything sales tax is highly dependent on the region that you're based in so you know the UK has that Australia has GST so you want to collect sales tax from your customers because you're going to need to pay that back to the government minus the cost of importing that product so when you import let's say ten thousand dollars worth of dog beds to Australia you're going to pay a certain amount of GST bringing that product in you're going to have lots of other GST expenses as well like let's say you know buying office equipment there may be sales taxes on that you're going to charge your sales tax to your customers and then you're going to deduct all of those other GST expenses from that so it's really important that you are collecting that and you're also communicating that to the customer because they may need to claim those funds back as well if it's for business use the tricky part is is this section down here which is include tax and prices if I do not if I have set this Australia to collect GST you'll need to add your appropriate ABN number here but now I have um selected this what's going to happen is this actual this added GST is actually going to be added on the product let's say we're selling it for a hundred dollars there's going to be about 10 added on to that for the customer that can be a really jarring experience because the customer is expecting to pay 100 and then it's saying 110 at the checkout so typically what you want to do is include tax in the prices and click save customers are going and they're only going to have to pay the hundred that you originally planned for and then you need to handle sales taxes on your side if you're still confused about that I recommend just looking up Drop Shipping taxes you can search that on YouTube and just get a full understanding of that depending on what countries you're shipping to the next thing in settings is locations now this isn't too important this is if you have multiple warehouses like you might have one Shopify account but you might have five warehouses around the world a good example is if your factory in China is holding some inventory for you but then you've also got a warehouse in the United States maybe it's run by the same person but you might want to be clear in Shopify where that inventory is actually held typically this it isn't for beginners because you're only going to have inventory in one situation gift cards you're not going to need to worry about that but that's where it is you can set up a gift card offer for Christmas and people can go and and purchase them and gift them to people markets this is where you can manage having multiple regions and selling to one thing I will say about this is if you're setting up a uh you know if you want to create a global brand that's really loved I do recommend setting up just brand new Shopify stores for each region that you're going to sell in the reason for this is it helps you control the information that the customer has seen you might have different types of products or marketing tactics for each country it'll also make customers very very confident that they're shopping in the right country if you have the localized domain so the dot Co dot UK for UK dot a u for Australia so you can then drive traffic and control the traffic sources to go to each of those stores just with more ease it just gives you more control but if you wanted to set up multiple regions this is kind of way with a one store you can use something called a currency converter which is an app and you can also use this as well to get get more flexibility so then you've got apps and sales channels we're going to cover that in a in a second you've got domains so I think this is a good place to talk about setting up your domain so we can actually purchase a product and and show you everything that we've we've gone through so far you've got two options here you could use something like namecheap and then link name sheet back to Shopify which is really really easy I do actually recommend this option because then you have the domain off Shopify which it can be a little bit difficult let's say if you ever wanted to move away from Shopify I haven't done this but to move the domain that you purchase this shopifier to something like another big Commerce or something like that might be a little bit more difficult whereas if you've got it on namecheap and you've got it completely separated it just gives you a little bit more flexibility in the future and I I think the price is is probably cheaper as well so but if you wanted to you can just buy it through Shopify with just a few clicks so all we need to do is put in our domain here and click buy this is then going to prompt you to add all your credit card details in and you're also your address which I can do and I can click buy now again my shipping options are all for Australia but you just need to make sure that you set that up to the UK as well now this should give us the option to check out now you do want to select order renew the last thing you want is your website going down because you forget to renew it and you really do what the Privacy option as well that's selected here now that isn't going to be applicable for certain Regional domains but this is just going to stop you getting 5 million uh random phone calls with people trying to sell your Shopify stores so I can now just click buy domain and that should link up so now I've set this up it should actually be operational but it can just take a little bit of time so you can see the SSL is pending once this goes all green it should be ready to go and you can preview your store so I'll give that an hour or so it could take up to 24 hours now we've got Customer Events here pixels not going to do anything in this section because it's a big topic and we're just going to cover that when we go over Facebook marketing brand I've already talked about you can add your colors there to get make sure that it feels consistent notifications now this one is generally important when the person places an order with they're going to go through all of these automated emails so you can Custom Design these to be much much cleaner but one good way you can preview them you can add some more information you might want to reiterate you know your your shipping policy or your refund policy here but you can change a lot of these things in our email marketing software that we're going to cover in a little bit which is called clavio meta Fields you don't need to worry too much about this files this is just where you can add all your images and you can pull them into that theme editor you can also download some images maybe you can use them for Facebook ads store languages isn't too important but then you've got policies now Shopify does have the ability to create a refund policy and a privacy policy and a terms of service now I do recommend you do this and change it accordingly if you do get to a relatively large size for your business business it is going to require you to go to a lawyer and actually set up these properly if you're in Australia you can use something like legal Vision just use a really cheap lawyer to go over it and make sure you're all covered but until you're doing decent volumes I don't think you need to worry about this too much now there's going to be a couple of places that I recommend you put this privacy policy in terms of service one is in the footer of your website which I'm going to show you how to do but then also it's actually going to be automatically placed in the checkout of your website so when they're checking out they should be able to see this as part of their process so now what we're going to do is we're going to go into plan I want to set up a paid plan so we can actually preview our website and go to the checkout and show you some of the things that we've set up so I'm going to click choose plan now Shopify do have an offer at the moment for um one dollar per month for three months so I'm just going to select that I don't think that that's going to be around forever just pick the cheapest plan initially and we're going to do monthly billing click confirm and start plan so now we've got all the settings set up let's go through the rest of these columns on the left so we've gone through products customers you're not going to use this that much because you can generally use the search and the orders to to find information about your customers but this is just going to have all of the data what they've ordered their address and everything in case you need it analytics again until you drive a bit of traffic to the store you're not going to need to use this too much but it's going to have sales all of your sessions your conversion rate which we touched on a little bit earlier so this will eventually become kind of you know what are you doing is it working and everything like that um we will show you how to set up Google analytics which gives you a lot more data than this we've also got marketing really you're not going to use that too much either I think Shopify is trying to become you know a bit of a hub for the marketing side of things but you're generally going to rely on the other platforms like Facebook's in inbuilt platform to help understand your marketing discounts you will be using this a little bit to create a discount uh you can create one for you know influencers you might want to say you know 10 off or let's say you've got a Black Friday sale or a Christmas sale you can just click create discount here and you've got multiple options so the amount of product is going to be and the amount of order is generally going to be what you use most buy one get one free or buy one get one fifty percent is a great offer as well and then free shipping is pretty easy but to show you how to create a product discount let's say we want to give 10 off of our beds we could just do 10 off and we are going to use this in when we set up our emails I'm just going to do 10 off there we've got fixed amount or percentage we'll need to be very clear if it's 10 off or ten dollars off I'm going to make it a percentage for this one so we'll just do 10 off now you do it's really really important that you select the products that you want this to be applied to because what can happen is if you add more products that the discounts are not allowed for this could then automatically be applied for that and you might start losing money on those so it's really important that you keep your discount codes nice and organized otherwise you're going to get scammed out of lots of money you've got lots of other options like minimum purchase required and customer eligibility but I don't they're not going to matter too much you can limit it to the first purchase or um you know one per person if you'd like but people generally can get around those kind of things with different emails and and whatnot the other thing that you do need to be considerate of is the combination so Shopify now allows the stacking of discount codes you really I highly recommend not letting you stack discount codes initially just again trying to keep organized so I'm Gonna Save that one and we're going to use that again in our email shortly now we'll keep working down the list we've gone into the online store before when we selected our themes but you do want to also come down to these sections so blog post is if you wanted to create a blog post this is important for SEO purposes or maybe you want to educate your customers and send traffic to a specific blog post I don't recommend that I think there's this is a bit of a waste of time unless you really know what you're doing initially pages from a structural point of view are quite similar but Pages can be something like your contact form or an order tracking form or an about us page now these are the things that you're going to see on the top of your website so you can see over here we've got this page already the contact form in the top of our navigation so customers are generally going to click on this there are a few pages that every Shopify store really needs to have so that customers have trust and they're able to purchase the contact form is great but I like to make that an FAQ page this is where customers have to click to educate themselves around the product the shipping Services just getting more information than they can get on your product page and generally you can put your contact page in within that information so that customers can generally answer their own question that's going to reduce the amount of customer service that you're actually going to get the about us if you're trying to build a really great brand is important generally if you're just starting out you don't have this revolutionary idea you're not partnering with any celebrities or anything like that there's not that much you can say and it's a controversial opinion but customers generally don't really care that much about you they care about what the product is going to do for them so you can write write a little bit of information about it to create a new page let's say I was going to make an about us page I'll just click add page about us and I could just paste all the information here and the only other thing that you could consider is changing the SEO but you can see our domain is relatively clean there and I can click save now if I wanted to preview this page I need to remove the password from the store so they'll automatically apply a password to your store so I can just click remove password here and you can see our store is now open to the business I can actually preview this page if I wanted to now come here click view page and you can see there's an about us page already got a contact form in it but you can just put an email there and I don't use contact forms the other section we've got under online store is navigation now this is this section up here this is called a navigation and this is another navigation so this is the header this is the footer if we come back to this section we've got the main menu this is the header and then the footer menu you can see shopify's all or already defaulted to that those menus now let's say I wanted to add my privacy policy here I could add menu item I could do privacy policy and I can then click policies and I can just add privacy policy when I click add now and save menu I come back to my store and I refresh this you can see now that this privacy policy has been added I recommend adding all your terms and services and everything into that now if I wanted to add out about page about us page that I just added it's the exact same project process and I'll just write about us Shopify makes it nice and easy to add this and I can click save and they should populate at the top right here the final section that you do need to go into is these preferences now why this is important is because if someone texts this store in using iMessage there's always going to be that little preview that pops up now you don't want this to just be the default because who knows what kind of information it's just going to pull from the store and try to automatically populate it so we do want to sell ourselves in this so premium dog beds in Australia the number um I mean dog beds to help your pet sleep free delivery and just add some information there and we can click save we can change his social preview preview image from our logo as well if we wanted to add a dog bed now there's a few more sections here Google analytics Facebook pixel which we're going to cover you've also got your customer privacy which is also important and then you've got you can change your password in this section as well but we've already removed that thank you foreign [Music] thing that we've got on this left hand side is apps now these are the superpower of Shopify a lot of the other providers like Bigcommerce just don't have as many abs and they really can supercharge your store they can increase or average order value so how much every person spends on your store as an average and they can also you know increase conversion rate which we've already talked about they can uh you know communicate to customers to improve customer service as well there's just a whole range of apps a lot of these apps will work on a free trial and then there will be a monthly billing after that or they might charge per usage like every since time time places or do they take a small fee one of the main mistakes I see with new entrepreneurs is they install a ton of apps thinking hey this won't work this one will work but you don't need that many I'm going to give you the absolute key ones that you need to ensure that you can be profitable on Facebook ads or you know running organic social as we as we're going to talk about in a sec so if you add way too many apps it can actually slow your website down and have a negative consequence for you so you need to be really selective around the apps that you add to add one all you need to do is click this app section and you can actually search the apps up here now and we're going to download a review app so if you wanted to you could just write in for reviews now reviews are the things that are going to be on the bottom of your website everyone's going to review your product and it's going to increase trust you can see there's a lot of review apps there's 923 that have popped up there's a few that I could recommend so Luke's is the main you can see how many reviews it's got Lux is probably the main one that a lot of drop shippers use that is good and bad it's quite cheap and easy to use but because so many Drop Shipping and scamming websites use it I do feel like it's losing a little bit of trust within the industry and for consumers because when they see it they're like oh this is a Drop Shipping Store I just show you how much it costs and how it looks so you can see that there's photo reviews on the product page this allows people to really see how it looks on it photo reviews are far more trustworthy than text reviews which people kind of just don't even read anymore the other thing better than photo reviews in my opinion is video reviews at this stage because people are really going to trust them so looks is pretty cheap at 9.99 14 day free trial the other one that I will show you that we are now using is okendo now I think that this is just a little bit more robust it is more expensive but they are doing some really really cool stuff they actually have the ability you can see here to kind of create customized features this is a major up or a deodorant or something like that and you can see that they can add Effectiveness and scent so for audio we could say uh size true to size with a fit or something like that so if you've got a clothing brand I think I can go can be a really really good option as well so I'm just going to add that to the app and we can click install here and we've just added our first app ever now review apps if you pick one that isn't new there's a chance that there may be some installation process that uh you need to use a developer to install or if you know basic HTML but um the good thing about using one that is rather robust is that you can generally just click Auto install and all you need to do is click this and enable it on your website you can see that's already enabled which is all good so now you can come to your website and you can see we've got this little reviews tab finally over here you can open this up this is where customers will populate their reviews typically you can add the reviews onto the product page that's kind of best practice at the moment which is pretty simple to do sometimes it'll actually do it automatically but this will be fine for now as we get our store set up the next app that I wanted to show you is a post purchase upsell app so if we just write post purchase now what a post purchase is is after your customer purchases your product they'll get a one-time offer for another product now this may feel like you're being very intrusive but providing you make the offer very uh enticing for people it's a win-win because if you think about it when you ship you know one product to someone adding a second product into that package is not going to be as expensive as shipping to individually so you actually have more ability to Discount your second product because the Courier cost from your supplier or from your Warehouse is actually a significant part of the product overall so adding a second offer is is really really good way to increase average order value increase customer satisfaction and everyone kind of wins this allows you to spend more on marketing and make more money you've got a few options here you've got after sell which I've used before and it is quite nice and simple you've also got zipify which is one click upsell as well I've used that as well it's great and and then we've got a honeycomb this is all we're currently using and it uh is is quite good so I'm just going to add this app it's got great analytics and great customization when I say analytics it's can you have the ability to split test certain offers so giving them an extra 30 discount versus 20 discount on the second purchase and how much does that affect the um uptake rate so I've installed that offer and we can just get things and we can create our first funnel now it's telling us what to trigger so what happens is we generally want someone purchasing our fur bed and we select post purchase I'll just quickly explain what some of these are this card page is when people are have added to the card and they're about to check out they might get another offer here product pages on product page offer so it would be like buy one you know get one fifty percent off you can also do that with a developer the thank you page is uh the actual confirmation page where they'll get thrown their tracking number that order summary and whatnot and blog page you probably don't need that so to do this we actually need to come into the checkout settings and allow them to use it so you can scroll down here post purchase page click honeycomb click save come back here so now we need to set up our actual offer I do recommend setting this up all manually so you can understand what what offers are going to happen we can show for all purchases for this product then we can select our third bed because that's our only product at this stage but if we added more now we can select the amount of discount they're going to get on their second product so let's say they're going to get 30 off their second offer you might want to limit it to one per person which uh could make sense if you you know you don't want people taking too many of these offers and giving them to friends or something like that and then you should be able to click save and activate you can see that little preview on the right hand side there so I'll just go back to that preview so you can see what it's going to look like so this is the offer that they got to get special offer add this product to your order offer will expire in five minutes it's a bit urgency they can select their size still if that had stopped that would work but the medium is in stock they just one click there and they'll be charged immediately and it'll be added to their order so that's operational now I should get a little bit of an aov increase from that have a play with that you can really customize this offer you could run split tests on it as well and uh try to get it uh to the highest uptake possible this is the conversion rate here if you ever need to see the analytics you click on analytics and you'll be able to see all of your data in this section if you wanted to change the design these designs over here they've got a couple of other examples for you as well that you can update on so a couple more essential apps that you're going to need is PostScript now PostScript is an SMS app there's a couple of others that people recommend such as SMS bump you can see it here post script I think is the best from a compliance point of view I think they're very supportive in compliance now there's been big lawsuits against brands that haven't done SMS compliance properly and have have been sued so you do need to understand the compliance side of PostScript and what country you're in mainly most countries the main thing is to ensure that there is a double opt-in so people can't be automatically subscribed to SMS otherwise they can technically sue you so you can add this you also want to make sure that your terms and conditions and your privacy policy is set up correctly PostScript will actually support you with this so you can actually just reach out to them and get it set up so I'm just going to add this sales Channel and show you exactly how to set up SMS now we're going to show you email marketing in a second and SMS in a second because both of them are essential to ensuring that you're getting as much money from the traffic that you're driving to your website there's no point pouring water into a link bucket you want to optimize it as much as possible so you can go through the welcome series for uh PostScript they're not actually prompt you to understand the compliance if you don't go through this step they might actually not approve you so go through all of that process so to do this you can just copy this to your clipboard and click update your terms of service it'll take you to that legal panel that we've talked about before this advertising now obviously I'm rushing this through this there's lots of things that need to be updated in this privacy policy before it's completely compliant and I do recommend you can use a really cheap lawyer in your area if you um yeah if you're expecting a big amount of traffic you should be completely compliant you can click continue here you can add your branding if you want look at our logo and we want to change the shop name as well to dog video and you can see this needs to be saved 10 which is our discount code before so people can subscribe and get 10 off now we've got dog video subscribe as well so what happens now is you can actually take this number to this number and they'll actually subscribe to the office so you could put that in your Instagram bio or something like that this isn't what we're going to use post script for we're actually going to use PostScript for for abandoned cart so when people go to the cart add products to their their cart go to check out but then they don't they pay him to put their phone number we're going to text them and follow them up with it with a text message so this is what this one is for like all of these other messages are great uh form of of marketing as well but we don't need to set them up today we're going to use email for that um eventually I do recommend that you set up all of this stuff up just be really considerate you know mobile is a very intimate um thing you know you've got all your data there it's 90 open rate you don't want to be spamming people and annoying them with uh you know if they just go to your website and randomly bounce off or something like that so be considerate now to build your mobile list we've got a mobile pop-up which we're going to talk about in a second that's just where a pop-up comes in and they can enter their their mobile um we're going to turn all of this off at this stage because we're only going to be using it for abandoned cart um so I'm going to turn all of this off we're also going to be using that pop-up for an email pop-up and show you how to do that so I just will show you how to kind of finalize the the messaging setup here come over to messaging and down here we've got automations and you can see that there's already populated some abandoned cards it's actually active because that's what we selected before in the process and we can see that this is the message that they're going to get it's going to be customized their first name without a store name um our 10 discount coupon as well um so to edit this all we need to do is click edit we can just change this to save 10 which we know is out discount code and we can click save Automation and you can see the preview down here [Applause] [Music] so the next app that we need to install is one of the most important things do your Shopify store it's going to increase your lifetime value so how much people shop with you it's going to be allow you to launch new products and tell all of your customers I'm sure you can guess what it is it's an email marketing software so uh it's called clavio so k l a v i y o and you can see it here it doesn't add that many good reviews because it is a relatively complex software but at this point in time there is no better email marking software from a segmentation point of view segmentation is deciding what audience sees what and I'm going to show you exactly how to set up everything that you need to be successful in the early stages email marketing is a very very big topic and there's a ton of things that you can do with it but I suggest just staying really focused on these core things that I'm about to teach you now you can set up your sender name so this will be dog via beds now this Center email address is where it's really important you have a custom branded email to send from because otherwise if it's coming from a Gmail it will probably go into their spam folder email marketing is all about ensuring deliverability and less people marking your spam to create your custom email address there's a few ways that you can do it with Shopify when you set up your uh domain they will create this info at and then it will actually forward to your other email that you use to to set up a Shopify account or you can click switch to email hosting so you can actually set up with G suite and it will allow you to manage all of your emails actually in Gmail from a custom branded account if you're going to use this I suggest using G suite and setting it up and having an email like support dog via DOT Co you can also use something like Davey at to create a personalized response then you can just put this email in here so it'll just be daily at via DOT Co now I haven't actually set this up but once you have any replies to the emails that you're sending it from via DOT code will actually come back to you in that Gmail account so you can click through all these prompts as you can see clavio does have SMS marketing but I suggest using a different service stage I just don't think clavio is there yet and this should just bring you to the clavio dashboard now you can follow these prompts here because we do need to set up these things so we've got gray or less with a sign up for this is what I was referencing earlier where we have a pop-up that people can enter in that email so we can click create sign up form and they have multiple options here you can pick one that's custom branded for you but I think we're just going to go with this one which is a basic email sign up from we can go the name that's internal use only now this is important this email subscriber list this is lists uh certain characteristics of people so you might have a list of people that are in a certain region they're just in Australia or they've signed up through a certain pop-up on your website or maybe they've signed up in a completely different area like they're in store or something like that so the lists are just like an organizational tool for you and the reason why it's important is when we set up automation so when someone signs up to a list they will get the certain emails that we've set up for that list so we can go into that in just a little bit but we're just going to use the newsletter the default at least you will have a default lists actually in your clavio account we can click create form and now we get a nice little preview here um our discount is only 10 off this is the discount that we set up earlier the main purpose of this pop-up is to really just get people to enter their email quickly without too much thought so you do really need an offer to entice them do you want it to be consistent with your branding as well so we're going to replace this image upload an image that you're using try this one and we're going to change the colors to be more in line with our brand colors and as always I recommend you clicking the mobile version and making sure it looks okay with mobile the other thing that we need to also ensure that we do with the pop-up is make sure that the discount code isn't um the discount code is actually shown after they enter their email because we don't want customers having to wait you know two hours let's say that that email gets blocked or something like that to get the discount because otherwise they're just going to lose interest and not shop so to do this we actually click these are the stages of up here the the opt-in so there's the email opt-in that's what we're on currently and then there's the success stage so this is what they're going to be shown it's also really important to change this image that would look really really silly if that was a backpack so we can say success and then we can just change this to use code save 10. to save 10 percent off your dog bed and now we can actually click live up here and then click publish and this should Now activate actually on our Shopify store the integration is really good with shopifying clayvio so now the main thing to realize is this uh app embeds needs to be on and you actually need to click save just make sure you click save and that should activate it we can come back here verify installation and that is now operational we should be able to come to our website refresh it and now the pop-ups come up we can test this to this click unlock offer and that's now uh come through there so that's all operational a few other things around the pop-up that's important to understand is we need this targeting and behavior one of them the main mistakes that I see people make is show on page load like that's going to pop up straight away and it can be really intrusive for people we might just want to show you know five or ten seconds even after they enter the page so it's not going to pop up straight away we do want it on both desktop but mobile and we can just click publish changes there now that's all done we're going to come back to clavio and understand where those emails are going on the left hand side here we've got campaigns now I'm not going to cover campaigns today that uh because as a beginner you don't really want to be creating too many campaigns campaigns are good for creating you know new product drops or something like that but every time that you create an email considering you uh just a startup you probably want to get as much leverage from that email as possible so every single campaign you create you can probably just put that in this section here which is called flows flows are automated so rather than just sending one email that one email to the list that you currently have at that time every single email subscriber that you get over the period is going to get this email so you just get a lot more out of out of your work so you can see we've got these um automatic emails these are all the basic ones that you're going to need and I do recommend setting up most of them so we're going to set up a welcome series we're going to set up an abandoned car browser Bannon is less important but I do recommend setting setting it up as well a customer thank you is after purchase after the person is purchased they'll get an email and I do recommend setting that up as well the product review slash cross sale they think uh you probably don't need to set that one up purely because you're going to set up a customer thank you email chain and you can sell your products and ask for reviews within that um email and then customer win back uh as well can also be handled in the welcome series and if that's if that's a little bit confusing I'm gonna I'm gonna show you how to do it um so we're going to go ahead and click get started with a a with a welcome series email and now you can see here when I click this we've got these lists that we just set up in the pop-up before this welcome series needs to match the pop-up list that you've selected I selected newsletter so I'm just going to click continue there this means that every time people go to your website and fill out that pop-up form they're going to get these series of emails so to read this we've got the trigger this is the action when they subscribe to the newsletter list through the pop-up they're going to get this welcome series email one they're going to wait three days they're going to get the welcome email Series 2 and then wait four days and welcome enow series three that's how you read this all of these emails are in draft so until you change this to live they're not going to automatically send then on the left hand side you've got all of your analytics as well which you're most definitely going to be uh looking at so to change one of these emails all we need to do is click here and click edit now this first section is where you're going to change the subject line so it's remember customers are expecting their 10 discount code here so it'll be like your code is attached and then we can add a preview text save 10 put 10 off and the center name's fine send an email is also fine and then we can click edit email to actually edit the design and this is where we can edit the design and make it on brand remember if a customer gets an email like this they're instantly going to think that you're a scam and they're not going to purchase from you so you need to make sure that there's a consistent design so we'll show you exactly how to set up an email with this drag and drop editor the main thing that I recommend for all beginners is just making sure that you have a really really good template to make sure that you are copying something rather than just trying to completely innovate and create a brand new design simply because when you're new you just need to get you know you need to understand the best practice and then you set it up and you can iterate over time so to do to find some good templates you can just go to something like really good emails just Google that and this website has some great templates they might not all be Drop Shipping but um you can just copy one of these templates or you can just copy what I'm going to do today which is a pretty common setup with just a massive feature image at the top some text and then pushing to it so welcome series email number one is the first email that they're gonna get after signing up to the pop-up on our website so we want to be offering them a discount code maybe um some scarcity as well um truthful scarcity then you're also just wanting to sell the product and educate them a little bit more the truth is not many people read emails to be honest they um kind of skim it at the most so it needs to be very very digestible to edit the the thing um we've got this section here where if we click it's going to change the left section where you can go into more detail and change it the other thing is to know is it's a drag and drop which is very convenient um so we're going to first edit this image now I'd highly recommend using canva to create any of these images that I'm about to show you we can go and add at the logo first and then we can easily come over here and change the sizing of this I'm just going to go over here and click fixed width and I'm just going to make it a nice small logo so people know exactly what I'm looking at I'm going to Center that so people are going to have some trust there's a bit of Browning there I'm going to then upload a couple of more images so you have kind of two options if you want to add text you can either add text through an image which you've done on canva or you can type the text it's important not to have just all images and design everything in canva because it can actually get picked up on the spam filter and some people can actually have trouble viewing it as well so a nice mixture of images it's much easier to design on things like canva but you do want to add some text so I'm also going to add a second image just by dragging this over here browsing it uploading another image like so and you can see this Blends quite nicely so I've got some text that I prepared earlier you can copy this if you like and I'm just gonna delete all of this first and paste it and that's starting to look pretty good now you can see this name section here what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to change this to add personalization and then you can just add the first name and you can get rid of this and now basically it's these double brackets here and whatever's in in there now the default means that if there isn't the first name let's say they sign up from the pop-up and you don't have their first name that you don't have that data this is what it's going to default to so you need to fill that out to something like hey there now if you're wondering if this works you need to make sure that you you check it I'm just going to click preview and test this profile here doesn't actually have a first name it only has the email so but this is how it's going to look and you can even check out your mobile as well because I've used that image it's formatted quite nicely now we've got a discount code here making them feel quite special like it's a kind of unique code we obviously need to come back into our theme and create this discount so um we might just quickly create this for 10 off as we did before always check your discount codes and make sure they're functioning and I can click done there now obviously this is quite a scrappy email that I've just kind of put together but you would want to spend a lot more time on making it feel quite professional you need to make sure that there is an unsubscribe so this template here while this is looking a little bit ugly you do want to make sure that you have it you can actually drag it a little bit lower and also make the style which to change kind of like the background text and whatnot come back here and you click Styles and now this is all kind of like the master email section and then you've got the template background which is over here I don't recommend you change that but if you wanted to change just one section which I do I just want to change this one I'm going to change this to just a light gray and so it's just a little bit less intrusive there one other thing that you can do is you can add more buttons just to get more of a click-through rate make sure that people can shop your website to do this we can just go Um shop now is fine we want to try to keep our colors relatively consistent so we might just pick that orange you probably want to follow your brand colors for this um but that's fine there and we'll just grab our URL here and for to make sure the button's working the URL just goes over here and we can click save and exit so one thing you'll notice here is my home address please don't visit me um one thing you'll notice here is this clavio branding down here when you add a payment plan to it you'll be able to go into settings and remove that so that's the only thing that's really ugly there so I can click done now you're wanting to set up three basic flows and you can come just back to this flow section you can see these down here a Banning cart is incredibly important some best practices of banning card is again using a discount code two there's these Dynamic fields which I'll just quickly show you where that you need to make sure that your actual product is showing on that so we can just click edit and you can't see it here but when I click edit email you will be able to see that you've got this product here that is exactly what you need make sure that you keep that because people are going to see the exact product that they added to their cart here it's clavio and Shopify are perfectly integrated so get that set up and as I said you know look at competitors look at the audio what we're doing here to copy it and and that's just the best practice the other thing that we want to do is making sure we want to get our browse abandonment flow so what that is when people have signed up via the clavio pop-up that we actually have their details from that point forward we can actually see them going onto a product page and then leaving that product page and we'll actually be able to send them an email so this is really good for you know someone like the URI because people come back another time and shop and they they go and look at something like uh pajama set or something like that and we can actually email them about that pajama set going forward and you definitely also want a customer thank you flow this is an option opportunity to ask them for you can see that there's a product review slash cross-sell here but I use the customer thank you flow just as one flow and I you can ask people for a review you can try to sell them a different product you can try to sell them the same product at another discount or something something along those lines so really important that you have all of these customer win back is important but only probably after you've focused on there's a lot of other things I'd be focusing on before the customer went back so set up all of those flows and uh yeah you'll you'll start getting a fair few customers it's really important to have an email set up because if you're going to be spending money on ads you need to make sure that you're converting as many of those customers because if you don't do it your competitor is going to do it they're going to be able to spend more on ads and they're going to out compete you now if you found that all too overwhelming and you just want a really simple you know t-shirt to get started and you don't want to invest Lots into inventory then print on demand could be an option for you pretty much On Demand is where you use a app to stock a product on your website and then as soon as a customer buys the product on your website the factory will print it so let's say they're printing a smiley face on a t-shirt they'll print it and then ship it directly to the customer and you don't need to touch it at all to get the best print on Demand app all you need to do is go to the App Store and write printful and you can just click add app install the app so all you need to do is sign up with your email address and your name and this should automatically connect now we're in the dashboard all we need to do is add a product and you'll get a range of options here so when you're in the product section there's a few things to take note of you've got your reviews here and you've got your estimated delivery time you've got some color options and then this is the price that it's going to cost you so if you're going to sell a product this t-shirt for a hundred dollars you're going to have about 99 profit there note the delivery time is six to nine days often much much better than what you're going to to get for delivering from China doing Drop Shipping this is why print-on-demand can be quite attractive the reason for this is I think printful has over 10 almost up to 20 warehouses so if this isn't getting dispatched from Australia a localized Warehouse in Australia it's probably very very close to it so that's one of the main benefits to customize a product let's say we're going to do a nice tote bag for our pet store I think printful is definitely is the best option for any kind of clothing brand if that's what you're going to launch there isn't a huge amount of pet products but um they are expanding it so all we have to do is add our logo and upload it and we should get a preview now there is an affiliate link for printful in the description so now at the logo we can just click apply now print on demand can work really really well if you've got a bit of a community already and you're trying to you know let's say you've got a YouTube channel or you've got a tick tock growing print on demand can just be a great way to monetize that audience just a little bit better so now we've added this logo we can select the colors that we're going to sell it in so why it's going to look a little bit better for that logo and then we can just go to the design as well we can click here for product info to understand a little bit more about the product info so we can add this to the description in our store but let's say we're all happy with that we can go proceed to Media so that's the back of the bag so we could actually make it both sided if we wanted but we can see that this is the front here and this is what it's going to look like so so that's pretty much all you need to know proceed to details you can customize all of the copy proceeded pricing now where I'm pricing we can do the retail price let's say we're going to sell this for 49 dollars we can see how much revenue this is going to bring into our store this is how much we need a printful for every single order so someone will come to our store buy it from our store Shopify they won't go to printful this order will get sent to printful to fulfill and then we will just get sent this money then we can just click submit to store and this should integrate and add across to our store so now we have this product in printful we can actually come back to our store click on products and it should be sitting right here you can see that they've got a large amount of stock this is because it's print on demand you don't need to pay for that stock until you sell the product which is fantastic we can click preview and we can see this is starting to look quite nice so now we've set up our Shopify site we've got our supplier we've got our emails ready we can actually start driving traffic to the website now there's a lot of ways you can start getting audiences to your website and it really depends on your skill set what you're wanting to grow in and also it really depends on the product there's something called Product Channel fit some products that are viral products lend themselves very well to something called organic growth whereas there's some products that work very very well with paid growth the difference between that is organic growth is where you're just creating really engaging content and because it's so engaging Instagram and Facebook and Tick Tock will allow virality for that content because it's it's engaging the audience on those platforms so therefore it's you know making them more money through ad Revenue the other thing is paid ads where you're basically going into a bidding war against every single Advertiser on the platform the more relative that add to um the audience is the more that you'll be competing with that person with with similar Brands and you just need to make sure that your ad converts at at the highest amount and doesn't feel too spammy those kind of things will allow you to spend more on Advertising you'll get cheaper customer acquisition costs and you can just have a little bit of net profit left over so if that sounds a little bit confronting we're going to go into some examples now we're going to set up ads I'm also going to cover organic as well so we can um you know I've had plenty of uh viral tick tocks as well so I can break down exactly how to create if you don't have any budget for advertising then we've got you covered [Music] foreign account you can come into preferences and click set up Facebook pixel here I don't recommend doing that from there I do think you should just come to and you can just log into your Facebook here click login with Facebook and you'll create a new business manager for your account so a business manager you might notice that you could have created an ad account in your personal name but it is very very wise to set up a business manager there's plenty of other features and it's just a little bit easier to use as well to come when you're in your business manager you should be able to just click Add accounts and you can create a new ad account here so I'm just going to do that and you're just going to name it like your store so this is Tokyo Au store time zone make sure you set this to the time zone in my opinion she said this is the time zone that you're advertising to so if you're selling in the United States and you live in Australia you should still set this to the United States but because I'm selling it in Australia there and it should Auto Select the currency I think what that that the time zone is or maybe that's based on location but make sure you um select the currency that you're um going to be selling in as well so now we have an ad account within our business manager The Next Step that we need to do is link this uh this ad account and this business manager to our Shopify store so this is done through what's called a pixel and you can just come back into this section now and you can click set up Facebook because everything's been set up in in Facebook it's uh you should just be able to link both of the two now and always with this technical setup just make sure if you're getting stuck you can you can either Google The Google or YouTube the error name or you can just Google or YouTube the thing like sorry how to link Facebook with Shopify and just sort the YouTube videos by most um most recent as well just to get a really up-to-date thing because these things they always stay pretty similar but they can just kind of change week to week so I'm just going to add this app and it should allow me to select login through my Facebook so we can click Start setup and now I can just connect my Facebook so you can see I've linked my Facebook now so the next thing that we need to add is actually is called a page so we need two things we need an ad account and we need a page so I can just click on pages here and it's pretty much exactly like setting up the ad account so I can just do dog video and just set up a new brand should be pet supplies create page and now we've got that page we can go back to Shopify and Link the accounts and I can just select this page the one that we set up before now you can click maximum here but you do need to make sure that the Privacy policies reflect the uh requirements for this this is referred to as Cappy this setup here so if you ever hear someone saying that it's just copy so now we have two options we can create the new pixel within Shopify or we can just go back to our ads manager and exactly like we created the page in ad account we can come here to data sources and click pixels and create a new pixel and I'm just going to call it dog via pixel and that should allow me to just kind of refresh here and you can see our pixel is there now so I can click connect and agree to Facebook service so let me just explain what what we've just done so we've got the paid basically like an Instagram accounts or wherever someone can search our name and they can go see everything on our page this is also what our ads will be running through so whatever you set up on your page you know the logo the bio some of those things will be available after people click your ads then we've got an ad account which is kind of going to be our technical setup process where we upload images all through that portal and then we're going to spend a bit of budget behind it and it's going to go out to the world of Facebook then we've got our pixel now the pixel is embedded on our website that speaks back to the ad account and every single action that a customer does on our website it speaks back to their ad account so it can optimize accordingly so for example if someone purchases our pixel is going to pick up on that purchase and then it's going to allow us to maybe retarget them later on and all of those good things so we've got all three of those set up I can just submit this may take a little while to get approved but in the meantime we can most definitely come into our ads manager over here and we can start setting up our ads I'm going to give you a quick walkthrough on how to set up a Facebook campaign so what you can see here is these three tabs we've got campaigns ad sets and ads campaign is where we set our objective so um that it'll make sense in a second what an objective is AD sets is where we target audiences and then ads is actually the creative and the copy that that all of our customers are going to see so to explain that a bit further we can just create one and we can click here so one thing as a beginner you'll it's a really confronting thing setting up Facebook campaigns because there's always recommendations there's going to be change in settings all of those kind of things changing best practice so it's really important to um just understand the basics initially and watch videos like this so almost always we're going to use um an auction auction campaign for e-commerce we're also going to click sales here all of these other options will basically just be like setting money on fire especially for e-commerce so we're going to click sales and we're going to name our campaign now these naming and all this naming stuff doesn't actually affect the results of your campaign it's purely an organizational thing so we're just going to do one conversion and then we're going to do ad set we're just going to name this broad this will all make sense in a second it would just add one and we can just click continue and we're going to do a manual sales campaign now if yours doesn't look exactly like this it's okay so one thing you might see is Advantage campaign budget this is Facebook's attempt at really reducing the amount of actions that's required for The Advertiser over time it's just going to be kind of like a set and forget kind of strategy uh for Facebook ads and that's what they've done here so this will kind of remove the audience selection and it'll use machine learning um which it right now we're not getting good results on this however over time it may improve I just want to set up my manual campaign from the get-go so I have complete control so you can ignore all of this categories section all of this uh creating a B test when you get a bit more advanced you can use that but right now you don't need to and we've got website here and we've got the name that we put in before the other thing we've got over here is this audience definition which shows how many people that you're actually targeting because remember the ad set level where we're at now we've just gone from the campaign to the ad set level um it's going to you know it we need to make sure that we have a good audience selected and this is based on a couple of the settings down here so one thing you will need to click is this pixel here and you can see this pixel down here that dog via pixel I'm going to select that because that's the one on our website if you want to check what is on your website there's a couple of ways you can do that you can actually come to uh your website and then you can just click on this thing called a pixel helper this is just a Chrome extension just Google metapixel Helper and it will pop up now you can just see this pixel ID number here one one three six um so you can also see what actions are happening so if we wanted to kind of Click through here remember the pixel is tracking what the person is doing on the website so I click this add to cart here and I've added that item to the cart you can see it this pixel has now fired from an add to cart if that's a little bit confronting the main thing is just making sure that this pixel is the one that's on your website so the next uh section is pretty important as well so misinformation out there around what is the best practice to do for uh for e-commerce initially when you're starting out so Facebook was really pushing people to get as much data for the objective as possible so therefore they were telling you to do something like add to cut because a lot more people are going to add to cut up and purchase it's just earlier in the sales process but from experience spending over 30 million dollars on Facebook I highly recommend just ignoring the add to cart initially even if you're just validating a product or getting starting to get into Drop Shipping just go straight to purchase and uh focus on that because I feel like you get a much better audience and you get a higher return on investment so we've got this daily budget here this is also important when you're just starting out let's say this is the very first Shopify store you've ever set up and you're really really confused I highly recommend just doing something like five dollars a day now that's because you're there's a good chance that you're not going to get this right you're going to leave a password on the storefront you're going to not have the shipping settings right even though we've been doing it really step by step you're gonna you know maybe not make a great ad or your website needs better designing so all of these things it's part of the learning process you're going to struggle with it you're going to constantly Tinker you're going to get advice on the website you're going to send it to your friends and family and it's just slowly going to get better and better so you don't want if you had a hundred dollars to start this business you don't want to spend all you know you don't want to spend 20 a day because you've got five days of budget so you really just want to keep it low initially as you keep tinkering until you get that first magical sale this get start date which we wanted to schedule instantly then the next thing is quite important as well we've got an audience so the audience definition as I said showed over here this shows the size so as soon as we start narrowing or broadening these filters in here this thing will change over here so we've got custom audiences so what custom audiences are audiences that you create yourself based on the pixel activity on the website so you could create a custom audience on every single website visitor that has gone to your site over the past 100 days you could create that or let's say you want to create an audience that only the person that has seen my blue dog beds and then I can show them the pink dog beds they're the kind of custom audiences that you can start thinking about to create a custom audience you can click create new and you click there now lookalike audiences is when you have a set of audience let's take the website traffic on the past 100 days meta or Facebook will actually create a group of people that fits that profile maybe they're all like dogs maybe they're all based in certain city they they compile all of the data and they'll get an audience for you to Target so lookalikes can be very very effective but what I do always recommend when you're just getting started out especially targeting a country like Australia where there's only 17 million people to Target which is a great audience size you can see it's green there it's fairly Broad and that's why I've named it broad for us up here but if you wanted to you know maybe Target the United States if I show you what happens here it can get quite large so after doing that you can see that there's 200 million people so that is um obviously 10 times higher and I think that if you're only spending five dollars a day at that audience size you may have some troubles getting some early purchases and you might want to try to narrow it down to narrow it down what you need to use is this detailed targeting and this is where interests come into come into play so we can do something like pet and you've got all of these pet options here maybe we want to do pet adoption uh maybe Petco and we can test all of those one good tip is to not just Target things that are directly in your Niche like the segmentation it could even be something like Zara we can Target Zara retailer that'll narrow this audience down to something like 29 million which is fantastic that's kind of where we want it at and we can test that as well so just write a bunch of random things down and do a bunch of testing which I'm going to show you how to do in a second and find the best audiences for you but if you're just targeting a country with about 50 million population or a bit less like Australia then you can just go ahead and just leave it broad so when we come down to placements we've got two options here we can use manual placements which allows us to decide where we're pushing it let me just explain some of those Facebook is naturally on Facebook Instagram I think you understand what that so you can click manual play X-Men you can place it on all of um Facebook's kind of assets and some websites as well or you can you can basically select and deselect any type of ad um if you're using like a 9x16 which is like a vertical format ad we can select this one only and and run it there but the truth is Advantage Plus is working relatively well for us at the moment so this is just going to place it wherever using machine learning and I highly recommend you just kind of Select that for placement at this stage and the final section that we've got down here is optimization for ad delivery you want to keep this on conversion and and there's no point uh putting your cost per result when you're just getting started because you're not going to really know what result you're chasing for but that when you get really Advanced you can start working on this kind of stuff as well the attribution settings is a little bit technical but worth understanding so seven days after clicking or one day after viewing what that means is that if someone clicks on this ad and then they come back five days to the website so that's within seven days of clicking and they purchase it's going to be attributed to this ad set or this ad it's going to be attributed to that and that's the same after one day of viewing the ad so rather than just clicking on it if they just scroll past it and they view it and then they buy it straight after then um it's going to get attributed to this ad especially only on Facebook so it may get attributed on other platforms as well but uh this is just interesting to know you can play with one day click and view if you've got a product where it's really really impulsive to purchase but I highly recommend just staying with seven day click or one day view initially so then we can click next and you can see now we're on the ad section rather than the ad set section so we're coming down um in here and we've just got add one it's absolutely fine so similar to how we created our page and our ad account and our pixel before you can actually create an Instagram that way and you can also create an Instagram obviously on your phone link that up and uh go through that way so you can click connect account here it'll you've created it on your phone and you can just click there and we can enter in our account and log in and it should all connect up alternatively if you leave this blank what it's going to run as is this Facebook page this dog via Facebook page it's going to run there but if it's on Instagram they're not going to be able to click on the ad on Instagram when they click it it's not going to take them anywhere so thank God I just have to click on the ad to come to the page so I do recommend setting up an Instagram account so that they can click and view your page and and you know research your brand a little bit more have a beautiful feed and that will make customers more confident that they're not going from A scammy Drop Shipping Store but they're buying from a a beautiful branded store with with a lot of trust so the next step is we've got to create our ad so we have a few options here we can use an existing post now this is existing post will most likely exist in our ad account already or on our Facebook page this page that we set up before now naturally we've just created the page so and we've created the ad account so there's no existing posts so we're gonna have to create a new one from scratch but the reason why I wanted to teach you about his existing post is because it will allow you to use ads with a large amount of social proof so social proof is where you get lots of likes and comments and people saying I love this product and you can get great success by not creating brand new ads all the time but just using existing ads because they have have the existing social proof on it so we're going to keep clicking through manual upload we've got single image or video Carousel and we've got collection as well so I'm going to show you those formats let's start with single image or video you can leave all of this stuff set up and down here we can basically upload our video so I've got a couple of videos here I'm going to start with this one so now we've uploaded that video we can actually preview how we want to look at it so to coming over here on this right hand side there's all of the previews where it's got a um where it's got an exclamation point like this it's not going to be able to run onto that platform but as you can see videos can run on most things especially when they're a square or a four to five ratio if you want it to run you know on just Instagram stories you can do a 9x16 ratio and it will fill up the whole screen but these four to five ratios are going to fit perfectly so you can see the ad just running there which looks great now the next step is we can add add text so I've got some text set up here so much like our email we're just going to keep it spread out with your ad copy it is very similar to email go to some people that are running great Facebook ads and check out how they structured it you do need to understand a copywriting framework as well so the Ada principle or the past principle that we talked about before is a great one and just making sure you're calling out your value proposition you can also use tools like ad spy or Trend rocker to go and see a bunch of ads at once and get some ideas and just test it pretty much so we've got this here and we can do by your dog beds today we can test something like that and then we can basically say save so you can see the preview is down the descriptions down here underneath that that's the headline we've got a display URL which is down here we can change the display Euro and we can do that actually you're going to want to copy this directly just to make sure it's perfect and the display link is just what's going to be forward facing as well so you can shorten some links there so the next thing we can skip all of this languages instant experiences this pixel is saying that it's not active but uh once it gets some traffic to it it should pick up on it soon I've checked that it's active and then we're just going to clear publish and that ad is going to publish all three of these so right now this isn't running because there's errors and we haven't uploaded anything properly but once we click publish these will all try to publish and after the ad goes through a manual or automatic review process what will happen is either it'll get accepted or denied for that so you can click publish now because it's going to take a review process so we can add some more ad sets to it the basic structure that you're going to want to do is this structure that you can see on screen right now so it's a campaign one at the set and you're going to use three ads in that ad set the budget that you set let's say the five dollar budget before will get automatically allocated towards the three ads so it won't split evenly across them it might initially just because it's testing them and then eventually it'll go to the ad that is the most engaging in the ad that thinks that is going to get the best results that you've set at the campaign objective level so hopefully that all makes sense so a common question is how much should I spend on Advertising and the truth is the more you can spend on Advertising the better you just need to make sure that you're profitable spending on ads so initially the amount that you're going to have to spend before you know am I going to get results it can vary typically I like to see results very very quickly but it really depends on the product that you're selling if you're selling a thousand dollar product you're naturally going to have to spend more on that product because it is harder to get customers for that but people don't want to spend a thousand dollars on an everyday basis so that's just a generally speaking so if I'm selling a hundred dollar bed I might want to make sure that I've spent fifty dollars when I'm first testing things getting things warm up warming up or if I'm going to do a thousand dollar product I'll make sure that I want to spend at least 400 500 before I start really trying to change things up now there's other metrics that we can look up so how you can look at results is you need to change these columns you can see that there's a default amount of columns set here performance you're gonna probably see um most thing you're going to see probably the main thing that you need which is this cost per result which is the objective that you set so it might be link clicks but in our case it's purchases what I highly recommend is customizing your columns so you can look like a pro and set this up accordingly so the way I do it is I want to set up my column so it is exactly what the customer is doing and going through on the website so if you think about that literally what it means is they go to the website they add it to cart they initiate the checkout they purchase it and each step along the way I want to see how many events there are because that will allow me to identify if there's any problems with certain parts of the funnel but also allow me to optimize accordingly and then the final thing that we want is return on ad spend which is a commonly used term which means every one dollar I spend how many dollars do I get back if you get a three return on ad spend you're getting three dollars back and that is really really important because that's what we use to optimize our our ad ad spend accordingly so I'm just going to set that up for us we're going to start with CPM now CPM is a bit different this is cpm's a common term for the cost per a thousand Impressions so this generally indicates how much Facebook is charging us to show people it's just a good metric to know nobody really optimizes the CPM well they probably shouldn't be and then we can go add to cart so we can go total and the cost and then we can go initiate checkout which is where they actually go to the checkout cost and then we can go purchase which is cost per purchase so total total and cost and then we want the total return on ad spend which is also there and we can save this is um YouTube this is awesome so we can save it as a preset there and like this and we can just click on it and we can see it down there now so one thing you might want to do now is just come across here and just remove some of these things you don't need that don't need that we don't need results we can just kind of delete all of these we're going to leave that leave amount spent get rid of ends and schedule and we can uncheck all of these boxes because otherwise it's going to get too long and then you're going to click go save as preset and you're going to name the preset and click apply and then it should set up all of those things that we just talked about and we can start optimizing accordingly so this purchase return on ad spend is the main one that we're looking at but all of these metrics before it such as add to cart are going to have more data there you're going to be able to predict whether something is going to happen early with adcuts if it's getting 10 add to carts versus something else that's getting the same amount of budget but it's only got two add to carts then chances are the return on ad spend is going to be better for that main one it might also have a lot more amounts spent on it let me just show you an example because it is Cardinal hard to understand without looking at something so here is another ad account so I'm in the ad section here we can see the amount spent then we've got all of these ad sets down here we can see the budget but this is the return on ad spend so every dollar that I put into this campaign I'm getting 20 return on ads been back which is pretty good so considering that return on ad spend is so high what I would now do is I would consistently increase my budget on this one let's say compared to this one where I've only got a 1.36 return on ad spend so that might be you know I might be losing money on that if I don't have a high margin product so I need to uh spend a bit less uh daily on this this product so you can see that I'm spending quite highly on this one 117 dollars I don't know why it's 117 probably should be 120 um but yeah you can do you can basically increase the budget on this one slowly and decrease the budget on this one slowly until it kind of corrects so one of the main things to look at when you're optimizing your ad account is just doing last 14 days making sure that you've got a recent time frame and you can yeah optimize accordingly so it's a fairly new ad set as I said before you're going to have more um more of these metrics earlier stage like add to carts than purchases so you can kind of predict that you can see that that but there is a correlation you can see that there's 65 add to carts there when um and which is quite expensive if it's taking 65 to get someone to add to cart obviously the cost per purchase is also going to be really high and if it's only costing us three dollars for this ad set to add to cart and we're getting 19 return on ad spend there so they are correlated so you can kind of predict your ad sets performance before you spend too much based on edge Cuts or you can predict based on cost per purchase but I've done a fair few videos on Facebook ads that I highly recommend you go check out um just to really break it down because it's not a skill that you can kind of learn in a day it's a skill that you can launch a campaign in day one and just Tinker around with it and learn a lot about the settings but it is something that you need to continuously learn and it might take you you know five to ten hours to even really understand um how to consistently scare your campaigns just keep the budgets low in the meantime and and focus on just good marketing now if you wanted to hire an agency to do this for you there are a few things that you need to know from experience a lot of agencies will just hire Juniors they'll give them a YouTube video like this or maybe they've got their own internal uh training programs and the junior isn't going to be much better or isn't going to Care nearly as much as you as a single founder about your brand so if you have enough time I and this is one of the most important things for your business Facebook ads is the sole reason that my businesses are so big so it was worth me learning um so I recommend you get into it learn it scale up some campaigns if not hire someone as a consultant maybe a freelancer and get them to train you as you do it just so you can get this one-on-one mentorship with them but yeah I highly recommend actually learning it yourself rather than hiring an agency if you're looking for a good agency I you know they're very very difficult to find my main my main advice with agencies is make sure that if you've got someone that you are very very comfortable with the account rep on the account it's not about the sales person that converted you onto the agency it's about how good at communicating is the agent that's on your account and how much attention are they focusing on it so they're the main things if you want to keep an agency accountable you can just select all of these ad sets and you can go view history you can click see history just on this right hand side and you'll be able to see all of their work you can see last time they logged on what what did they change and you can start studying this so you can actually learn um what the person is doing and why they're scaling and and just kind of yeah learn by copying them I guess so now's a good time to talk about creatives there's two types of creatives that you could make to get traffic for your business you can create creatives for Facebook ads or paid platforms or organic we're going to cover both before we jump into the ad account and start setting up campaigns we really need to understand what makes a good creative because if you don't have a good video that converts users you're basically going to be burning money you're going to upload the video onto Facebook you're going to put a budget and it's not going to get any sales this is because Facebook is an auction you're going to be competing against all your other competitors selling a similar product or something of interest to that audience so you need to make sure that it's very very captivating it fits into the Facebook feed and ends up getting conversions as well to do that I think the best place to start if you're new is going to competitor like everything just kind of learning from them what's working for them it doesn't need to be a direct competitor you can look at similar brands in a similar Niche or for sorry for our example the pet Niche or you can just go to other really great brands for the on direct to Consumer e-commerce like the URI so for today's video I'm going to show you a really simple framework about how you can do this competitor research that will end up allowing you to create amazing Facebook ads so we're just going to create a new Doc that we're going to put some screenshots in I'm just going to call it Facebook ad research now the next thing you need to get really comfortable using is is a free tool it's called the Facebook ads Library so we're just going to come into Facebook ads Library you can just Google it you don't even need a Facebook account to access this you can use other tools out there that show Facebook ads but this is free and pretty easy to use you're just going to select all here um because some Brands will be just Marketing in other countries and you're going to click all ads then you can go to any competitor so um a competitor for this product is sash beds so we can just click on the advertiser now we have all of the ads that this brand is currently running and we've also got some of the ads that they've actually turned off sometimes show but this doesn't have have too much so now we're in here what are we looking for we're trying to get as much research as possible so that we can you know we're not copying it directly you can't do that one it's not going to work and two that legally you shouldn't be doing that so we're just trying to get inspiration around what's working now we're looking at things like their thumbnail as well so this is the thumbnail um this is what people are seeing before they click play so if they don't have auto play on that's what's going to be shown we're looking at their copy as well we're also looking at things like that Pacer video their use of transitions their use of text and also their key shots as well so I like to break these down into two things so we've got copy and we've got keyshots and now you can get as formulaic about this as you really want but I like to just get a big database of of screenshots so the older the ad is running generally you can assume the more money it's making because it's performing really well and they're running up over time so we can just let's grab a little bit of copy inspiration there um we'll grab this and we've also got the headlines here as well so we can grab the headline just really start pulling some inspiration now for this copy you can see that they've got um they're using bulleted points which is really easy to to digest you can see their main points uh around anxiety um does not flatten over time that's probably a customer complaint that's happening the amount of reviews and you know calling out the weather customers based in Australia so these are the kind of things that you need to start noting most Facebook ads are set up with a hook so the first three seconds really needs to Captivate people stop them in the feed then there's the problem and the solution so talking about why they need the product then they'll generally add some social proof as well that can be done in the copy but it can also be done in the video and then there's a call to action as well so when we're looking at Key shots we really want to make sure that we have a range of keyshots that kind of support that narrative or we can kind of call that out with a text overlay or you know even in the the video itself so someone you know you might have a model that's saying this is it do you ever have an anxious dog uh this bed has high rims to help anxiety that's the problem solution and then at the end it could be a hook the next thing we can do is actually just play this ad and I don't think as audio [Music] it just has music over it no real text base you can see this key shot here the um this might be working really well we'll grab this one just some key shots to think about touching the fur is a really good one but as well and that dog curling up was a really good shot as well it's really just a good use case for the product we've got another good ad here that's been running for a little while so I'm going to grab this copy again bulleted points very similar call outs but there's a couple of different ones there that we can call out visually or in our copy now you can see the difference in this ad compared to the first one so we decided to get a massage bed because I'd seen such good things online and of course we decided he wanted to help unbox his bed so that's what we did and he was so Keen to get on to work we went with the extra large Blue play there because he's a big boy and as soon as he laid down in it he was out like a lot just to look how soundly he's sleeping here so the reason why that adds a bit different is there's a voice overlay which kind of walks them through the visuals of the video so that's a really really good way of doing it the first video didn't have that I think that would probably perform a little bit better so um that's good to know all of the key shots were pretty similar the only different key shot that you've actually got there is them actually cutting the Box open and the logo with a thank you card so I'm going to screenshot that one just to remind me that that might be a good shot and you can just start pulling this document together from two or three competitors to really give you the best shot list for the day that you're shooting so now you've got all of these shots that you need how are you actually going to video on the day there's lots of solutions here first of all there's lots of services out there that you can actually send this product to and they'll create what's called user generated content which is right now the best performing format of content on Facebook because people think it's native to the feed so they're stopping scrolling like it's a friend posting a review it's got you know honest comments around the product and it's really people can build a lot of trust that they think it's this is exactly the experience that they're going to get for the product so ugc is a great way you can pay these agencies you can just Google ugc Creator or you know ask us in our community which ones we're all using you'll send the product it costs 100 to 400 depending on the caliber of of agency that you're working with and you'll get back a few creatives they know all of these Frameworks you can just give them the the shot list and they'll make sure that they get it as well but generally they're pretty good marketers if you don't have that budget you're going to have to shoot it yourself and you can we've done this multiple times on our YouTube channel you get your iPhone you get a friend or family this is how I shot climbing blankets and the URI which do millions in sales now we filmed the product getting used and I edited it myself in simple editing programs so you've got Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro which aren't exactly the simplest tools to use but you can watch a couple of YouTube tutorials if it feels really overwhelming using some of those editing softwares you can just hire a simple editor on upwork and make sure you check out that they've created Facebook ads before you're going to still have to Baby them along the process send them the footage give them the copy that you want on it give them the format which is generally four to five ratios so that's the rectangle or you can use one to one ratio which is square but four to five ratio Works a little bit better because it's going to be larger in the Mobile screen as they're scrolling down it's going to take more real estate the other thing that is working really well at the moment is 9x16 formats so that's the Instagram story format um that works because it goes on different placements so it's going to be on your Instagram story and those kind of things which is getting a little bit Advanced for this tutorial but the 916s in short do work and you can use something like cap cut or even The Tick Tock Editor to edit those if you're comfortable Windows to create your ads download them then upload them to real Facebook ads Library which we'll do now [Music] so let's say you've tried Facebook ads before and you just couldn't get any sales or that you just don't have any money or budget to get started with Facebook ads should you still give this a go yes you can try organic social media million dollar brands have been started purely off organic traffic and right now it's never been more exciting to use organic traffic because each platform is starting to reward creators again every single platform is allowing creators to go viral whether it's Twitter Instagram YouTube and it's just really really exciting the main thing around organic is getting a good content strategy and just picking one platform to work with so if you want to do YouTube long form content you need to have a basic understanding of the algorithms and how the platform works so that you can get organic views if you want to do something like shorts like Instagram reels YouTube shorts or Tick Tock all in that vertical style content then you need to really have a good content strategy around that there are two very very different things it might be the fact that your product lends itself better to one thing in our dog bed example we've got um you know you could be talking about anxiety in pets you could do a long form video around how to treat anxiety five five top ways of treating dogs with anxiety and you could incorporate the bed into that the other thing you could do is you could do product reviews in the pet space and do an Instagram reels for that do the green screen with the the text copy on there there's just so many ideas and like everything in today's video it's really important that you use competitors or people in a similar Niche to build that building block of knowledge of what is working then tweak it and adjust it from there so it's your style your format of content there's this great brand at the moment called mini Katana that's doing Millions tens of millions of dollars in sales purely off YouTube organic so it is possible it's about consistency as well uploading every single day constantly tinkering on your video format again with the Facebook ads it's all about that hook in that first three seconds you need to Captivate the audience and then you want to try to make it as viral as possible so shareable you want people to be Instagram dming it to each other so make it really educational entertaining or controversial and that is the formula for virality of of organic content you can shoot all of that stuff yourself with your own product and just build consistently over time it's not a quick fix it's not Heap scalable early on but you will get those one or two sales here and there in the pet space there's hundreds of brands that are doing great organic social media but one that comes to mind is pet lab Co and looking at their Tick Tock so we can just come into here and we can see this format here they're you know uploading very very frequently this video has got 10 000 what we'll do is we'll just come into here and analyze it are you ready to be surprised to pause this video press duet and blind react to it now put your finger down so that was a duet so you could adjust that accordingly now this one's got 800 000 views that's probably looks a bit better I bought a 30 probiotic too for my itchy dog OMG these ears no longer spell so one thing to be cautious of when you're looking at this is that could be an ad as well they could be putting budget behind it so that's why it's got so many views so we're really looking for like a Content format that went viral that they can keep um that we can keep replicating so you can see this with this they've got a person that seems to be constantly doing their videos this is a great strategy this is what we did at the Audi it's um you know people call it the hoodie girl now she is constantly you know promoting our products in different way and capitalizing on these viral Trends so this would be you as a single founder you need to be the expert in your your subject let's watch this video if you didn't wash your dog's bowl today then you need to watch this you might not realize it but not washing your dog's dishes regularly so you can see that lots of people don't wash their dogs bowl and that that obviously hooks them she's educating the customer about you know problems that can make your dog sick so there's no reason why we couldn't do this we could talk about the anxiety and start shooting just some iPhone content like this and and grow some grow some organic followers now one question I always get is should I be doing organic social media if my paid ads are working let's say you're getting Facebook to scale I think it's a great Habit to get into it just takes a lot of time that's the only thing you've got to weigh up it's a great Habit to get into is because you're going to if you get a viral video on any of these platforms you can then just upload them as a Facebook ad a lot of the time the most viral videos are the ones that provoke the most emotion have the best hook and therefore make great performing Facebook ads so if you have the time or you can invest in a organic media Creator then it's deaf only worth it [Music] so the next thing we're going to do is set up Google analytics now Google analytics is really important to set up before we set up Google ads so all we're going to do is Google analytics and open it up so once you're on this screen just click Start measuring and you can create a new Google Analytics account I'm already logged into my Gmail account so just make sure you are as well and we can click next and we've got a property set up here so we call this just dog beds hey you change all of these details to match you so the next thing we need to do is make sure you click show Advanced option now there is a warning here that first of July 2023 this will change to ga4 so I'm just going to really go quickly through this process because it may change again but the truth is it should be pretty similar so we create a universal property as well so and we can click next select these we can also just do shopping select some of these options for best matches look create except the terms of service and this should create the Universal Property should also set up the ga4 as well for easy migration we can exit out of here so now just a quick walkthrough you've got the site here and then your properties here so the next thing we can do is just click this admin down here go into e-commerce settings set up enable e-commerce click save now all we need to do is copy the code into Shopify so the next step is to come into this property settings copy and paste this tracking ID into your Google analytics account click save and then used enhanced e-commerce so the next thing I'm going to teach you is how to set up Google ads now Google ads you can easily see Google ads by coming into Google and just writing pet bed and you can see all of these shopping ads up here then you can also see these text-based ads as well these are all paid for through Google shopping ads are an extremely effective way of retargeting as well as acquiring new customers so really important you understand how to do this so all we need to do is Click apps and just write in Google now there are multiple apps here such as this Google shopping feed which I've used in other tutorials this uh is is a great app for providing your products to Google but we're going to try this Google channel despite the bad reviews I think they're improving over time we can just click add this is the official app by Google and we can just click add sales Channel once we're in here we can just click connect Google account connect our email address and click allow I'm just going to remove the password for my store so Google can see it then we just need to confirm that we've added our contact details to our store now you need to make sure that you do this properly because Google will check and they'll need to verify your account so make sure you've got uh there is plenty of supporting documents from Google around that such as your privacy policy and you know how obvious your contact details need to be so their customers aren't getting scammed so the next step is we need to create a new merchant account so we can just click create new and we click connect next we need to add our phone number next we can manage our shipping settings if we wanted here or we can just automatically import it from uh Shopify which I do recommend then we've got to select our Target country the language except the terms and service and click connect so the next steps is the products now need to go through an approval process so Google is going to check that you know you're not selling live animals that you've got your contact details all of those kind of things so we can click here and now we've got to create a new Google ad account so I'm just going to click create new and we can click confirm billing this should open up Google ads for us and we're officially in our ads manager now this is very similar to the business manager for Facebook this is where you're going to pretty much create all your campaigns so I can click submit you can see our merchant center and stuff is all pending here which we've set up this used to be very very complicated you needed to set them up all individually and Link them but this should be all good now so we can come into Google ads so now we can just come into ads come into our Google ad account that we set up and we've got a very similar setup now compared to our Facebook ad account to create a campaign all we need to do is click this plus sign down here new campaign and we want to drive sales now the difference between website traffic and sales is sales is going to start reading data from the Shopify account so you're going to get your return on ad spend and it's going to really allow Google to optimize better whereas if you're just driving website traffic or an agency says we're just going to drive traffic chances are you're not going to get results so really important that you set this up properly I'm going to click get start added now there's lots of different options out there at the moment for Google so performance Max is kind of their new push kind of like the Advantage Plus that we saw on Facebook now I do highly recommend just clicking shopping this is really one of the most highest return on investment campaigns that you can set up now there's no products added to this because they're all in the approval stage so I'm just going to keep showing you exactly what to do we're going to click performance Max and we're just going to name this um Google shopping just so I can show you how to finish the setup now you do want to select conversion value so you can set a Target at return on ad spend but I recommend just leaving that for now and just monitoring the budget daily and seeing how much return you can actually get and then you've also got a customer acquisition here as well which you can leave that blank I just click next now we definitely want to just click Australia because that's the only place that we've got shipping options otherwise we're going to burn money then the next steps we can go now next because this is a performance Max campaign it's going to run ads where it seems necessary so we've got all of these placements here we've got Gmail we've got the search which I talked about we've got display which is can be on different websites you might have been on like Forbes or something like that and seen this website pop up then you've also got discover as well so there's plenty of different options where these products are going to show up YouTube you've probably seen this as well this will have the dog bed in this section and then the copy that we create on the left hand side so all we need to do then is create a bunch of headlines so we could say uh Australia's first dog bed calm your pets anxiety we can also add some long headlines so make sure that you fill out all of this because Google's going to optimize it accordingly add some descriptions as well so we might just grab shipped from within Australia save ten dollars and you can preview ad then we've got call to action is autumn added which I definitely recommend as well and we can just click next now we just want to keep the budget low initially click next ten dollars we can review The Campaign and click publish now you definitely need to go deeper into Google ads I do recommend for the initial setup because Google is much more set and forget compared to Facebook there is some tinkering in the early stages but eventually the work needed on um Google is more on a weekly basis rather than a daily basis especially for a new brand definitely recommend you know if you can afford it just getting an agency to set it up get a cheap agency or do our upwork process to hire someone that's good at Google ads they will set up all their campaign you can start seeing some results and then you know do some more study on YouTube about their campaign structure thank you [Music] so now we've gone through that entire setup it's really important to understand that you can actually hire people every step of the way I always recommend if you're just getting started out to do everything yourself because it'll allow you to understand what the task is at hand so you can manage people at a later date it's going to save costs which allow you to spend that money on marketing and product development so it is good to learn those things early it is also just good I think for the mindset as well you need to be going into business you should feel that you have enough perseverance and resilience to try all of these things at least once learn what you're good at learn what you're not good at and then start delegating them when you start making money so I'm going to cover three main things of hiring which we use to build our million dollar companies we've got upwork which is Freelancers we've got Twitter which is just Outreach and finding really really smart people and then we've also got LinkedIn which is a more traditional recruitment process so we're going to cover upwork first which is if you're just getting started it's probably going to be the main thing that you use so you're going to start up for an upwork account and enter your credit card details and your email then you're going to come into this platform here so this is the the portal where you can post a job in my experience the best platform to use to hire really depends on the role itself upwork specifically is really good at getting creative people where language doesn't really get in the way of the end result simply because English isn't the first language for a lot of these people so it's completely understandable so creative roles providing that you hire the right person and give them the right brief will work out very well and and it's quite affordable as well when you go into you know even operational roles it can also help you know building spreadsheets you know data analysis those kind of things they can also be really great there Facebook ads is an interesting one I think Facebook ads simply because it's quite a uh a rapidly evolving skill as well and there's a lot of Pretenders and it's also very very hard to validate whether Talent is good before you get started because there's no portfolios Facebook ads you could you're going to struggle to find a really good upwork media buyer and that's why I think as long as you learn the basics which we've covered in this video you are going to be able to set up campaigns as good as a lot of these people so um you're basically paying these people to just navigate the ads manager and I think it's really important considering these people are in charge of your budget that you have a strong control over it so Facebook advertisers I think you've got to look at more Twitter and Linkedin which we're going to cover soon the other thing is what I think upload can be great is really small code changes like development uh or even you know bigger website builds although they can get a little bit clunky uh the websites themselves so it gives you a rough idea my advice is just trial and error with all of these things so analyze the complexity of the role analyze how much time you have to manage the person because if you are hiring someone at you know less than 10 USD an hour but you're spending an extra five hours proofing their work it's not going to be worth it you just need to hire someone that is you know closer to home and can do the job at a better rate so these are the kind of things that you'll learn probably by failure I've failed a lot in this kind of elements you know things like logos and stuff no problem on upwork or you can just use a logo generator but anyway upwork I think um well for the example today we're just going to let's say we want to create the the wireframes of our website so the basic website design not coding it because that's a different thing we've got the website design so the basic structure of our website so we would post a job this will be a short time gig because they're just designing that the website for us and we're going to write a title now the title is important you need to kind of sell the the role itself it's in with all hiring it doesn't matter if it's on upwork or LinkedIn you need to sell the candidate the best candidates I want to want to work with the best people and the worst candidates that have no roles are just going to work for anyone so you need to make sure that you you tick that end of the box so we're going to say um build High converting pet website design for Shopify so we're just going to you know make it quite all capitalized and looking quite neat and we're just going to do web design as a category now we can select the popular skills now this is just going to help us filter and pop up in front of the the right people so we can just do Shopify we want your your ux design probably I'm surprised forgiveness not there anyway we can just select a couple of these Shopify templates and that should be enough to get the right people now estimating the scope of work this is going to help again you know give you give the right people there are some really high caliber people on on upwork you know 200 300 an hour so this will help you understand that but we're just going to do medium it's probably going to take one to three months intermediate and we can also say that yeah we'll be open to hiring them full time now the budgets in the budget's probably less important when you're first getting started out it they're not going to hold you to this but it's just going to tell the the candidate and what kind of budget you're looking for so I just suggest opening this up being quite flexible because we're willing to pay someone good that's going to be efficient so 15 to 60 an hour for a designer um and now this describe your job is really really important again what I said before you need to sell the role we are building our portfolio uh Shopify brands we are looking come on to join fast and Innovative team the main thing with your job descriptions with most is describing a little bit about your company going into the role and then going into you know past work or requirements of the candidate on upwork it's a little less formal so you can just write this but if you're hiring on another platform you're going to want to make sure that you look at traditional job templates because candidates in your country or that working at your competitor down the street are going to expect a more formal HR process but on upwork it's a little bit more brief so we're going to say requirements so I basically said building a Shopify wireframe based on example website provided ensure a minimal and high converting design using best practices deliver first draft within two weeks so that's the requirements and then the one thing the candidate needs to do is provide a portfolio of Shopify designs if this was a more complex role such as like a developer or something like that we might need to get them to go through and provide their previous credentials around you know passing code tests or something like that or for example like a customer service rep might need to do a type test so the amount of words that they can type per minute and we can you know say that the candidate needs to provide this as part of the application there's further steps later on in this process that we can use to vet our candidates but we'll provide the example website at a later date and we'll also be providing them you know the Google Doc of all of our photos and all of our creatives so that they can actually create the website so we can review this job post now and you can see this here now this is what I was talking about before we've got these screening questions so these screening questions will just make the cat make the applicant just stop and have to answer some questions you can vet you know their English level here you can um you know get them to make sure that they have done one of these steps up here so we can just do right your own question can I please provide the link to your portfolio and we can save that question and we can write another one um what design tools do you use and we can just make sure that they answer those appropriately there's also some suggested questions here which is good for you and we can go to Advanced questions now this is uh this is optional and you can actually do a lot of these later on but if you're hiring someone that you really need amazing English you can do Native fluent a lot of the English is still quite broken but you can um you know at least have a conversation quite quite easy honestly conversational it can get very very difficult in my experience so I I generally look at fluent or native in in English levels so I'm just going to leave that for now because I can do it kind of later through the filters and then the other thing that you do need to know around is job post preferences so you can select uh featuring the job which just gets a lot more high level talent coming through you can post that for free if you're a part of a premium service for for upwork but I don't think it's 100 necessary because um in the next step you can actually invite co-workers so I'm just going to post this job and should immediately get a list of people they can actually invite the job now this is where it's really important upwork is quite good in that it will have portfolios here now you can click on this row let's go into this one and the portfolios generally should be down here and we can go on to here and see some of their example websites one thing I will say is sometimes there's that portfolios aren't actually accurate so they claim credit for brands that they're not actually um doing so just be aware of that that you need to apply judgment just because they say that they've done the audio site don't just believe them at face value so so that design was pretty good so what what I can do now from this is actually invite this person and it will just send a message to them and they can have a look at it you can customize that message if you really like the talent but you know a lot of this talent doesn't look too good so I'm just going to go and show you the calendar that you can get by just going native or bilingual now these people might um might be in different countries now and I can also just change the filter to thirty dollars to sixty dollars and we can go into someone like this now worth noting this person is a developer as well so they wouldn't only design the website because they're a ux designer but they're also developers so they probably actually set it up for you as well with website design you can just get the wireframes done by designer which is what I recommend because designers are good at design and then you can just pay a developer to actually roll it out so um we just spend you know spend an hour or two hours going through these and just inviting people that you really like their portfolio so we can see this is a Drop Shipping Store then the next step is once we've got a candidate in a chat that we like that portfolio you can provide them all of the brief and make sure the main thing is if you're doing like a set project like a website design is getting approximate amount of hours that it's going to take to do the job then once you hire the person you can just click higher you want to make sure that you are not allowing them to manually log time initially until you build trust with a person because this may into that upwork will screenshot their screen when they're charging hours to you and you can track them really closely you can also limit their amount of hours so you could just do 10 hours a week to make sure that it's within your budget and then you can finally you know hire people feel safe about uh how many hours they're going to charge you so the job's been live for about five minutes now so we can actually come to this on our dashboard and we'll just show you a few more things to be aware of with the candidates so these are actually people that have proposed it rather than you've invited so the difference is the invited Freelancers they might not even answer that's why you've got to sell sell yourself whereas these people are ready to go they're going to be really responsive there's a few metrics that you can read here so first of all you've got the country which is self-explanatory you've got that hourly rate how much money they've earned is really important if they've earned a lot of money on the platform and then they have a high success rate that means that they've worked a lot of a lot of hours on the platform and they've just always delivering that's a great sign one way to really be confident that you're not going to get scammed or not work because it does exist on all of these platforms is just making sure that they have you know maybe over five thousand dollars earned and with a good job success rate because that upwork listening is actually really valuable to them they will start start losing work if they lose their upwork listing if they scam you or in any kind of way so it's just a little helpful tip there you can use your filters here to actually filter like success rate 90 up and then also you know 100 plus hours built and then you can start getting people that you can feel can feel quite confident are going to work um well so you can see this person has earned 200 hundred thousand dollars on the platform with a hundred percent success rate so I'd definitely be having a look at this you can come into here he's provided um on on our one of our questions which is please provide the link of your portfolio he has um included some links so he's listened to the instructions which is really um quite valuable you can come into here and understand his Design Concepts understand how functional the website is looks okay this looks okay as well and you might want to give this guy you know a trial shot as well another question I often get asked is what is the difference between upwork and Fiverr Fiverr I think is a much more fast-paced maybe scrappier kind of platform it was designed so each job only cost five dollars that doesn't really exist anymore um whereas upworks may be more of a sustainable uh process with a bit of higher caliber of talent as well but if I needed to get something quick set up like my Google analytics or Google tag manager or something technical I'd probably just go to Fiverr and post a quick job there but you can do upwork as well let's just pick one platform I think so the next hiring method that I really like is just going on to Twitter so we can come on to Twitter and you can first just start following people in the industry that you're looking for so um what there's a ton you can even come to my profile if you want and you can just find a lot of people that have the the task at hand in their name or their bio so if I wanted to find a landing page or a website developer I could just go writing landing pages and just come to these people and you can see just the caliber of this this work has instantly lifted compared to the portfolios that we've just seen on upwork these people are going to be charging a lot more than the upwork people but as I said you know you're trading off uh price for Effectiveness so if you're a little bit more competent and know what you're doing come to Twitter right in the person and just do a cold Outreach how much does it cost to build a wireframe of a website and again they'll give you an approximate hours again provide them all the same brief and they'll absolutely nail it so a few things on Twitter there are still a lot of Pretenders of course like people that are claiming that they built the audio page which they didn't but that's for you to kind of vet them yourself ask them the right questions ask them how long it's going to take them to deliver and uh yeah you should be able to find some some great people that way then the final one is LinkedIn so coming into LinkedIn it's more of a formal recruitment process this uh I think works really really well for hiring people in Australia in the United States as well so you've got two options with LinkedIn you can post a job and then you can pay to boost that job to people so you might be paying 10 20 30 a day again you need to make a really formal job post and you'll get resumes coming in so people will submit their resumes you can review them and it's generally hiring more full-time workers alternatively what you can do is you can go into LinkedIn recruiter so I think there's a free trial and it's just up here on the right and you can actually set it up so you can look at other businesses and where people are doing the similar role other businesses and you can actually just message them directly on LinkedIn hey would you like to do some short part-time work and build a website through this [Music] thank you foreign way of getting traffic to your website is influencer marketing it's a very common marketing strategy nowadays and it has created amazing brands that you know today like gymshark was one of the first pioneers in influencer marketing and it's been uh they still do a lot of it today the main benefits of influencer marketing is there's no ad setup and there's no technical platform but that's also one of its negatives in that that it's not hyperscalable to scale it you need to have a lot of conversations with a lot of people it is also relatively difficult to do there's people think that it's free but it's not you're going to have to send a product at least that's what we call a gifting Campaign which I'm going to get into in a second but it does cost a little bit and you do need to put a bit of work into it as well so while it seems simpler on paper there are some drawbacks of it but I'm going to show you the exact influencer strategy that I've used with all of my startups and we you work with thousands of influencers and we use a very similar method to this to this day so our first step in influencer marketing is just going to Instagram all we need to do is Click search what I suggest for you if you are just getting started is to do your Instagram influencer reach out from your page you're trying to build like a personal relationship with these influencers it will feel very commercial coming from your brand page when you DM them and they're probably going to charge you higher rates or not even work with you but if you can just show them that you're like a young up and coming founder and trying to make something they might come to you with a better proposal so it for our Pet Brands all we're going to do is you know we have a few options here we can go the pet owners or we could just work with pets themselves I think we probably want to go you know we probably want to do find some pet owners so we could just write in something like vet which I was trying to find one profile that encompasses the the demographic that we're looking for and then all we need to do is just click follow and then it'll drop down here and you'll get all of these recommended pages that you can go ahead and just start clicking through so we've got Dr Chris here we've got all of these ones now these are probably too big there are over a hundred thousand so they are probably going to charge us or give us a pretty full-on kind of contract to work with them we're looking if you're looking to do a gifted Campaign which is where you send them a product and you just expect them to kind of post for you then you really do need someone much smaller because these Pages their their influence is quite great and it makes sense that they will charge people um to post on their page so if you're looking for pages around depending on the price of your product if you're selling a thousand dollar product maybe you can get larger pages to promote your product for free but if you're selling like a 50 product really under 20 000 followers might work on a gifted relationship there's also the possibility that you can reach out to these people work with them once on a gifted relationship and if they get sales then you can work on a paid relationship open ongoing I'm going to touch you on that in a little bit I'm bouncing around a bit but so um Dr Chris Brown like this is a better page size and it will be a really really engaged audience you can see when I highlight over the videos and photos videos are a great way to measure engagement um you can see that he's getting a fair few he's a celebrity so he's going to charge a lot despite his page not being too big oh sorry this is a brand page so that's why it's like that I'm sure his personal page has got more but that doesn't matter because we can actually still follow this and we can start seeing like some other Pages as well and just trying to build this kind of map and find the perfect person so here we've got this vet here I can follow him and then it's super relevant so we've got relevance meaning how close it is to the niche that we're selling in and then we've got reach which is how many people actually see their content so reaches like engagement and they're the two things that you've got to consider because if I got someone that was a bodybuilder to post a dog bed the relevance is low but their reach might be higher so they still might sell or so you've got to weigh this up into to who to to send to um so let's say I wanted to oh it looks like he is a fitness trainer um so let's say you can see that we've got like a lot of vets down here um now and we can just open all of these up I'm just holding Ctrl and just clicking to open it in a new tab and you can see these Pages here so this is getting smaller and smaller 16 000 followers which is probably more in our range and we can also um you know they might be willing to post on a gifted basis so to outreach this person all I'd do is message so all I would say is hi Samantha I have started a new business and I would tag my page so it'd be like dog via the Instagram page now this is really important because you want to have a really pretty Instagram feed that is the best way to describe it needs to look really appealing because they're going to click on that Instagram page go check it out and see if you're an established brand they don't want to promote anything that looks really tacky and that's what a lot of dropshippers get wrong is influencers don't want to post a random little shower nozzle that does something it just doesn't make any sense so you'll want to make sure your page looks nice and it has some educational content because Instagram is more of a discovery educational process for these customers so yeah but anyway you would do hi Samantha I've started a new business thank you I started a new business called Dog via word I would love to send you a dog bed and that's all you're going to say a really small message just offering them to send them a dog bed and see what they come back with now there's a few ways to go about this and that the industry right now is you know does argue about it a lot you can insist that they do a post before sending it to them or just get them to agree on that alternatively you can just send it to them now you're typically going to have to do maybe a hundred reach outs to people and then maybe 20 of them are going to reply and then you'll get like 10 people to post and that's normal I my recommendation is in the very early stages if you've got very low budget and you've barely got any products get them to at least agree yeah I'm happy to do a nice post for you then what what happens once they've done that post you send them the product you give them a discount code as well because they're going to put that discount code in that post and then you're going to track the sales when a customer uses it on the Shopify store so you can see how much traffic these people are actually bringing you when you're only just starting out you're actually going to know exactly when these people post because there's not going to be a huge amount of traffic on your site and there should be a little bump when you when you do it so ideally they would post a video something that can go viral so that's something you can consider when you're working with these influencers like what's the quality of that content can I use that content to actually go into my Facebook ads later on so this that's the influencer framework reaching out to people um reaching out to volume working with them on an ongoing basis if they get sales being willing to pay someone especially if they are bringing in sales because you can just keep re-collaborating with the people that have a lot of influence one other tip that I do have is working with influencers that just haven't done much promotion before because their followers are just going to be so emotionally connected with the audience because they're not promoting anything they've got a personable touch and generally they convert really well and then also try a couple of different niches I'm trying vets now maybe I will try pet Pages I'll go to Golden Retriever pages and I'll I'll promote um through them as well and see what works one common term that gets thrown around in influencer marketing and Drop Shipping is called White listening or dark posting this is where I would get this vet to actually promote I would connect her Instagram and her Facebook page to my ads manager which allows me to promote ads through her page this is another form of really native advertising to the feed because they're going to see a vet is saying this and you can actually scale accordingly through that that is relatively Advanced and I think you should just start with your own ad account first and then doing a little bit of influence on marketing a common question that I get around influencer marketing is how much should I pay an influencer now if you're not experienced in influencer marketing and you don't have any sales for your website and you're only just getting started you haven't even got product Channel fit I don't recommend that you should be paying influencers it's very very hard to know the value that these influencers are going to bring and I I think that you're better off gifting and learning with the smaller influences and managing those relationships accordingly eventually influencers can charge a hundred dollars to a post all the way up to you know a million dollars a post so it does really cost a lot of money but you need all of these supporting structures because influencer can be very top of funnel like driving a bit of awareness people learn about your brand they click on your Instagram profile they'll learn a little bit and then eventually your Facebook ads start targeting them and your email marketing starts you know they subscribe to email and they go through the email flows that we've set up so you need all of those supporting channels to make sure that uh Instagram influencers can be profitable another common question I get is what are the best types of influencers Instagram influencers in my opinion is the most saturated meaning everyone is doing what I just showed you now that is not a good thing I think that there's a chance to go viral more so on Tick Tock nowadays so Tick Tock influencers can get a lot more Impressions because it's that format of content so I think that they're better because you get one viral Tick Tock and you know you you can make ten thousand dollars from that then my favorite influences is YouTube influencers because they have such a strong emotional connection to Their audience the problem is the scale there's not heaps of them so getting you know YouTube influencers to do reviews on your products is going to be really influential but uh they are quite hard to get on board especially if you don't have a great product [Music] foreign that I really wanted to expand everyone's mind to is that we don't only need to do digital marketing we can also sell our products through stores so this is typically called wholesale or retail while this may be difficult for really saturated old Drop Shipping products if you've created a really nice brand there is a good chance that retail stores are going to stock you there's two methods that you can do here so the first one is using something like Fair which we've just signed up for they do take quite a high fee for your clients but you can get bulk orders of 10 20 100 of your units and then they'll get sold through little boutique stores so you can browse the collection if you're selling something like in homewares this could be a great solution for your product the other thing that you can do is work with an agency that does a lot of retail and wholesale transactions so they have connections with all of the buying teams and you can put together a deck like a presentation this is our product this is why we're awesome this is our reviews and this is all about pricing our wholesale pricing and you can ship the products to these major retailers it's great to get thinking about this because you you can make sure that your packaging is suitable for retail and wholesale and eventually when your brand gets really big you can get into the big Costco's or the Walmarts that place ten thousand dollars to you know three hundred thousand dollar orders at once so definitely start thinking about it and uh you can test fair or you can even go door knocking you can go to some of these smaller retailers and see if you can sell it in bulk just have all of your pricing set up know your exact gross margin they're going to want to charge a markup as well so you can charge 10 20 of your costs your landed costs um on top of that and then they'll make an extra little bit of money as well so you will need to put like a little contract together a little uh wholesale relationship Contact track together if you're just working with someone that you went door knocking for but any half decent lawyer or you could probably download a template for that now if you're not I'm not going to use something like fair or you can use an agency that specializes in wholesale these people have good relationships with the sales managers and the purchasing managers for these larger retailers but if you don't want to do that you can actually just come into LinkedIn and you can go to someone like Target you can just write in Target and come into that and come into the organization and then you can come into people and then you can just basically come down here and find the people to contact them directly so you've got the buyer at Target here um we might blow his name so nobody's spamming him but you can reach out to them now one disclaimer this isn't a secret lots of people would be doing that so it does really help if you've got an established agency that works with these people already that can sell you you also need to create a really nice looking deck like to excel the product why they should stock you why you're unique your sales velocity all of those kind of things so this might just be a little bit Advanced for you but I do want you to get really excited about the potential of working with some major retailers now a lot of people ask me how has the Udi worked with you know Disney Warner Brothers Nickelodeon all of these major licenses and it really was a matter of just coming to LinkedIn and going to someone like Disney and coming to the people and reaching out to them and we were very lucky because we had such a great product and such a great sales velocity they already kind of knew the brand and wanted to work with us coming to hear coming to people and just writing licensing and there should be a bunch of Licensing managers now they might be Regional so you need to find the Australian one or the US One wherever you're going to sell the product and yeah you can just reach out to them and have your deck ready and try to sell your product [Music] thank you so the other thing I wanted to cover today is customer service now customer service is one of the most important parts of creating a long-term business a lot of people when they first set up their store they're going to have a lot of problems new products sometimes come with problems you oversell the product maybe there's lots of different things that you just didn't understand about the customers or how to communicate you know shipping times so it's understandable that there's going to be customer service inquiries initially your ability to make sure that those early customers have a good experience and you get good reviews on something like trustpilot or will allow you to get really good repeat customers customers coming back and telling their friends about it you can then use things like trustpilot product review as marketing so you can say look how many great reviews we have on this platform if you get lots of negative reviews even on Facebook so they send a customer survey after every purchase from Facebook like if you're running Facebook ads you purchase then a few weeks later the customer will get did you enjoy the experience if you get lots of bad reviews on that then what will happen is Facebook can actually ban your account and now these are one of the you know this is some of the dark sides of Drop Shipping you just need to make sure that there's a great customer experience so how do we do that first of all we've got this forwarding email here you can set up your own email if you want you can switch your email hosting all of those kind of things but if you want to if you're just starting out you don't need a tool okay it is absolutely free to run this and you can just manage the emails coming through and just reply to them as they come but if you're starting to do maybe if you're maybe getting 10 emails a day it's really maybe even a bit less five emails a day it's really important that you start to get organized because everyone knows how it is when lots of emails are coming through you can miss them and it can get really confusing and it's also hard to find customers orders and it just gets really really messy so this is when you would use a tool and I'm going to show you to use the tool gorgeous this is the one that we use there's a few out there and there's also zendesk which is a really large one but it's a bit harder to use in my opinion gorgeous is great I'll add an affiliate link down in the description below for you you can just click add app and this will sync up with the Shopify we can create an account now we've got gorgeous here so we've connected Shopify we need to connect our email and we can also set up live chat through Shopify as well which is a great customer experience for some people just make sure if you're setting up live chat that someone is actually Manning it otherwise you should just set up email so all we need to do is verify our email which we'll do now just click the verification and this is now successful so I'm going to show you exactly how gorgeous works you can come into this email this is called a ticket so so we can come into here we can reply to them via gorgeous and that will go straight to their email now what's awesome over here you can see this Shopify integration we can see their total money spent and just all of their shipping details we can then create automation so let's say we wanted to create a macro which is uh there's great examples here let's say they wanted to change or cancel that order but it's already been shipped we can just click that and it'll populate all this data so we've got his first name it can also pull from tracking numbers and kind of all of those amazing things so there's some great macros in here um and it can even put that order number as you can see there so gorgeous is a very robust toy that's going to speed you up so if even if you're doing your customer service yourself and don't have any agents it's just going to make it a lot quicker for you and a lot more organized so there you have it that's a complete setup everything you need to know about Shopify obviously it went very shallow into all of the knowledge that you needed so if you pick a channel such as like Instagram influences you're gonna have to go and research more but I hope this has given you a broad enough understanding it's really important to kind of just focus on getting those first sales don't compare yourself to like absolutely enormous Brands and what they doing just stay relentlessly focused on one channel pick pick that and just get your first sale because you'll get very addicted to the process then the other thing I will reference you know I have done videos where I say Drop Shipping is a scam this is obviously somewhat of Click bait but at the same time I do believe that Drop Shipping should only be used to get those first initial sales and then you should be building a brand that is relying on customer service Unique Products using a 3pl to reduce delivery time and just kind of you know going into wholesale all of those great things that is really really adding value to the world whereas Drop Shipping is just for learning just for beginners um which we covered today so don't forget to like And subscribe if you want to join mentorship use any of our affiliate links I do appreciate it um yeah we'll keep making videos and keep helping you out thanks foreign
Channel: Davie Fogarty
Views: 1,552,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn with shopify, ecommerce tutorials, shopify store, ecommerce business, online business, online business from home, ecommerce business explained, online business 2022, tutorial, tutorial for beginners, how to make money on shopify, shopify tutorial, business tutorials, how to make money online, e commerce, business ideas 2022, business ideas, easy business to start, easy, online business ideas, make money, money online, shopify, official shopify
Id: T2tagxLhlv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 22sec (11122 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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