Complete Guide to Shopify Dropshipping in 2024 (For Beginners)

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all right guys so it's about that time where I need to drop a 2024 Drop Shipping guide now so much has changed with the Drop Shipping landscape over the past couple years it's actually quite crazy literally every day I feel like there's a new update to Shopify or a new app or subscription coming out that can literally change your entire business and while this is a good thing there's so many more people flooding into the Drop Shipping space on both ends consumers business owners gurus YouTube teachers all this stuff it's quite honestly getting crazy it leaves a lot of people extremely overwhelmed cuz look when I started back four or 5 years ago there was a couple guys posting about Drop Shipping maybe three right and so the information that was out there was so Bare Bones and that allowed me to just watch a few YouTube videos and dive head first into it and although now there's so much more resources and information available for free it's also to the point where there's information overload which is why I don't want to sit here for 10 hours 15 hours and go into every last little detail but at the same time I don't want to overwhelm you with so much stuff that you do not need to know the whole goal is for you to be able to watch this one video and then start taking action in one sitting so without any further Ado welcome back to the channel my name is Nathan azareth and welcome to the Drop Shipping guide you've been waiting for pull out your notepad and Pen because this is probably going to be the most valuable presentation of the year and I want to ensure that each and every one of you leave this video and start taking serious action today all so first things first guys e-commerce or Drop Shipping is simply selling things online right we sell physical products and we fulfill using the Drop Shipping method you see below essentially what happens is we find a supplier typically in China although it's now much easier to work with suppliers that hold inventory in North America in the United States even across Europe and we Source Products from these suppliers that are selling well that are trending that you can make creatives to run on Tik Tok ads Facebook ads you can run them organically for free and we're trying to drive sales of these Hot Products right then we're building a storefront on Shopify setting up the website and connecting it to our supplier every single person who sees our Tik Tok post or Facebook ad and comes onto our website and purchases the product will receive their order that is fulfilled by the third-party supplier therefore meaning that you don't have to touch any inventory in between you don't have to spend any kind of money whatsoever especially if you're using free traffic and literally now nowadays you can get started with a dollar now before we move to the next slide here there's one thing that I want to clarify right so in this video as well I'm going to be giving you guys all the secrets cuz this is very raw right like I didn't polish I didn't script any of this I'm just going over my slide deck to teach you how to get into Ecom the right way so this is going to reveal all sorts of golden nuggets within this video and the first one is a very common misconception I see all the time and that's the fact that Drop Shipping is a side hustle a party trick a way to to make a quick Bo a getrich quick scheme it's not if you want to commit to drop shipping you're committing to a career in e-commerce sure you can make it aside house so you can make that work but nine times out of 10 if you don't go all in you will fail because Drop Shipping you see is simply a fulfillment method it's simply having the third party supplier fulfill your order so that you don't have to touch any inventory and guess what happens once you start to see some success with this you want to take the next step you want to order that product into a warehouse you want to put custom branding Packaging logos all these sorts of things and it comes to a certain point where you're no longer even a drop shipper when you're investing in inventory up front and making product iterations well at that point you just have a brand a physical product e-commerce brand and so I like to think of Drop Shipping as the leanest easiest and most effective way to start a business from scratch especially as a beginner because it's such minimal investment required and that's the truth of it so now that that's cleared up we now need to talk about why you should pick Ecom I mean you've probably seen other videos people trying to get you into crypto Forex uh affiliate marketing day trading whatever but let me explain to you right now why in my opinion e-commerce is the best not only if you're a beginner but also if you are an intermediate or Advanced if you have some money on your side if you're starting from scratch regardless of your situation e-commerce is the best because it has the lowest barrier to entry which means that it's perfect for anyone at any stage of life even me now I've made millions of dollars online over the past couple years but e-commerce is still my best bet above real estate above you know investing millions of dollars to manufacture my own products from scratch because guess what happens when I take these big shots you know nine times out of 10 you will fail you've all seen the statistics on starting a business or starting a new Venture but with Drop Shipping it's okay to fail it's okay to fail nine times out of 10 because you haven't invested that much time you haven't invested that much Capital right you're gaining proof of concept you're seeing what works and then you're doubling down I mean just think about that for a second you have the opportunity to start a business that can make you millions of dollars with practically no risk involved maybe a little bit of your time and energy but chances are unless you're Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg your time and energy ain't worth that much and you're much better off taking the risk and taking the shot at starting a business that could change your life not to mention that all the skills you learn while building your brand literally transfer to any realm of making money online I mean think about it when you start an e-commerce store you have to know how to build a website you have to know how to run ads you have to become very good at creating videos that go viral on Tik Tok now where can these skills get you just to name a few Crea viral Tik toks you can start a personal brand that's exactly what I did I started creating Tik toks and it went to YouTube and so on and so forth and now I'm right here delivering value to you guys and making money off of it as well right next you have building a website something I also did I had an agency where I literally built websites for local clients and sometimes made up to $2,000 per piece on top of that you have email marketing you have SMS flows you know you start to learn all these things and you can sell a Consulting offer you can sell a course if you want like that you can literally go in any direction when you start to build these skills that is necessary to run your first Drop Shipping Store I'm telling you it is perfect because you get to learn every last piece of the equation not only that but you can run your brand from anywhere at any time if you guys know me if you followed me on Instagram if you stayed up to date with me you've known that over the past couple years I have been traveling like literally there's there's been maybe 2 weeks of the entire last year where I was at home that that's it the rest of the time I was across Europe you know went to seven eight different countries in Europe I went to Japan I went to Bali Indonesia uh Australia I lived out there for a few months and I had all these amazing experiences that I never would have had if it weren't for e-commerce I could literally sit behind my laptop from anywhere in the world and make serious progress not only that but I was meeting and networking with such amazing cool people from all over the world that broughten my perspectives and put more money in my pocket from doing this so you can literally engineer near your lifestyle to make you even more money and be a heck of a lot more fun when you're in this business model and although technically you can get started with $ if you use my Shopify link cuz I'm a partner with Shopify I like to say it's a roughly $30 upfront investment per store and I'll explain why in just a moment but when you think about it guys you're investing $30 to change your life or have a shot at least at changing your life if that doesn't work invest another 30 and another 30 another 30 and guess what happens 10 stores later yeah you failed nine times but you're finally going to have some success maybe if you're really smart or you have a certain skill set with creatives and marketing you can hit it in two or three but being realistic look you're probably going to fail nine times even with amazing information like this at your fingertips everything that you would need that is just the way it goes there's a certain level of quality in creating Tik Tok organic videos that you can really only achieve and truly understand through failing and I swear by this because every single person I know who's became successful with e-commerce has failed like I haven't met a sing single person who's just knocked it out of the park on their first go I genuinely don't think that exists but my point being you will get there if you just keep going and like I said it's $30 per store per product test whatever you want to call it and we can just skip past this page honestly it's just a page of a handful of results uh my team through in the slide deck if you guys follow me on Instagram you've probably seen my stories you probably watch some of my other YouTube videos um you know that this is real uh the proof is in the pudding the proof is in the numbers you not only seen it for myself you've probably seen it from many other creators out there online and when I was first starting I was hella skeptical cuz there's like two or three people creating content on this right I was like this has to be a scam but I think now in 2024 it's become evidently clear that making money online is farthest thing from a scam and quite literally everyone is doing it to some degree or another sure not everyone's making millions of dollars a month but I'm sure you guys know people in your circle who have closed a client for $2,000 a month who have started a Drop Shipping Store and had their first sale so if I was making this video a year or two ago I would talk a lot more about proof and numbers but I think you guys can just take a look around take a look around at how the world has changed look at me 22 years old sitting in my dream apartment I have a Lamborghini downstairs like you know I've dream watches I've taken care of my family friends so on and so forth I'm always traveling and I'm just one example and at the end of the day I'm a small fish compared to what's out there there's people that I know in my immediate Network who make 10 times as much money as I do and they're not even on social media so you wouldn't even know who they are but once you start getting connected with more and more people who are ambitious and who are chasing after the same things then you'll see your circle start to open up and you'll start to meet all these amazing people working online from the shadows in their Apartments just behind their computer all day or maybe they're on social media as well like me with the YouTube channel with a Tik Tok presence who knows there are so many young people out there really making it work so why not you anyways cost to start the really cost number one here you have your product so typically you want to start off lower ticket this is because higher ticket is a bit more expensive there's a bit more of a barriered entry to get involved with it because of course if the product is costing you $100 you're going to need that $100 to spend also if you're running paid ads you're going to be spending a lot more money to acquire that first customer in the door so there's certain things with higher ticket Drop Shipping that I would say poses more of a threat and more of a risk when starting out in terms of the capital that you'd be spending in the time that you would be investing so for beginners I always push them to start at a smaller amount especially if if you're promoting on Tik Tok most of the user base on Tik Tok is generally a younger demographic they can't afford to pop on and buy a product worth $500 but they can afford to impulsively buy a$ 20 or $30 product so cost number one is your product and you'll typically need to order this into your house if you want to test it feel it use it before you start selling it and of course if you want to create videos and content for it now cost number two is going to be your Shopify subscription so this is literally $1 I think they just changed it from it used to be 90 90 days days $1 per month but now it's $11 per month for 30 days so if you use my uh partner code I'm a Shopify certified Commerce coach which will be in the description you'll get Shopify for $1 for the first month and then thereafter it's $29 a month now cost number three is going to be your website domain typically on a website like GoDaddy you can pick up a domain for about $5 a year if you go through Shopify it's going to be I believe $14 up front and then a small fee monthly or depends how you do it but either way guys this cost is extremely cheap and like I said roughly it comes out to around $30 per product test when you are starting off with free marketing and organic marketing which we'll also dive into later on in this video now just before we move to the next slide if you've made it this far I want to congratulate you because you're an action taker you're already at least 10 minutes plus into this video which is why I want to reward you a little bit so if you do these things I'm going to be doing a giveaway for up to $1,000 and I'm going be choosing 10 people within this video so all you have to do is leave a huge thumbs up on this video comment something insightful down below has to be at least one sentence maybe something you learned uh maybe why you want to get started with Ecom what's been holding you back whatever it may be comment that down below and of course make sure you're subscribed to the channel that's it those three things and I'll be picking 10 of you guys to send some money to and have a small chat with personally so if you want to stay up to date with that as well make sure you tap into my upcoming YouTube videos turn the post notifications on or follow me on Instagram as I'll reveal the winners in my next video but also on my Instagram story so look out for that now back to the regular programming product criteria so to start product must improve someone's life Point Blank period okay if you're selling a product that is not going to do anything for anyone then it's just going to be much much harder especially as a beginner I would highly highly recommend staying away from it this ties into the most common types of products that you hear about which is a wow factor uh or problem solving product right you can take it a step step further well if it's improving someone's life um how so like what problem or what particular pain point is it alleviating right and some examples off the top of my head that always do well are Fitness Products right it's alleviating people of their discomfort in their body their body image right you also have beauty products it's alleviating people of their insecurities and you know their lack of confidence they don't like the way they look and so if you can uh provide them with that solution in one go then that's how you're going to sell on impul you have to understand that when it comes to selling products Drop Shipping specifically e-commerce you are advertising on social media whether organic or paid your consumers are very different than the average traditional consumer let me explain these people are scrolling through their for you page looking for a little bit of dopamine in the downtime of their day how do I know this because I've been there you've been there we've all been there what do we do when we get home after we're tired after a long day of work in between classes at school pull this guy and we start sitting like this like a zombie just scrolling through our Tik Tok feed and that's why you know hot women and cars and expensive stuff always does so well because it gives people that dopamine that hit of excitement that their boring mundane life just doesn't have so if we can portray that in a video ad creative and if we choose the right product to do so that is how we're going to get rich we're going to hit these people on impulse and they're going to buy from our store cuz look truth of the matter and nobody talks about this is that you are not Walmart you are not Target you are not Apple you are a shitty Little Drop Shipping Store no matter how good your website your theme I don't care that is still the case to be a real brand it takes years it does it takes years and it takes customer loyalty and it takes people knowing about you and word of mouth and all these things that you do not have as a drop shipper because if somebody was already in a buying frame of mind think about it if somebody had a problem they wanted to solve it they would go to a brand that they trust right if I have an issue with my health maybe I'm going to well I should probably go to my doctor but maybe I'm going to Apple because I've heard that Apple has an Apple Watch that can track all my metrics and make me more healthy over time right I'm not going to some Drop Shipping Store 50% off resistance band crap so if you want to make sales and if you want to be successful doing that and starting your brand from scratch when nobody knows about you you have to catch people on impulse and your marketing and your creativity has to be so good that people do not care they literally do not care that you are an established brand they just want your product so bad in the moment they click on that ad they go to your website your funnel which we'll talk about later your website has to be so dang optimized that it's the most frictionless and seamless process possible to get this consumer from point A to B and then when you do that guess what happens you get the consumer's email get the consumer's phone number uh and customer data and then over time like I said takes years to become a big brand but at least over a few months a few weeks of orders you start to build up a list and then you can profile these customers right and then you can start running lookalike advertising campaigns you can start running retargeting advertising campaigns which basically means that it's going to find similar people to your existing customers thus making you more sales but in the beginning you don't have that luxury you don't have brand assets you don't have email lists to follow up with you aren't a brand you need to win on impulse and that is the truth of it I don't care what anybody else says Now Products cannot be bought from a regular store this is another important point it doesn't always have to be like this but again when you're looking at a product let's try to run through this criteria because it's going to help you out so much especially when you're starting from scratch if you can go to again your local Walmart or Target to buy this exact same product then why sell it because you know that these consumers are going to go to the brand they trust to buy the product even if it's more expensive even if you undercut Walmart sure fine you probably didn't but even if you did why on Earth would they go to you now they're worried about their product showing up with their house their friends nobody's mentioned this website nobody knows about it and no one's talking about it but Walmart everyone knows they can just go to their local Walmart order it online no stress no worries they know the product's going to be there tomorrow or same thing with Amazon right so I always like to have a good scout like you know just see how difficult it is for people to get the hands on the product and that ties into the uniqueness of it as well and chances are if it's Unique it's also going to have a wow factor which means that your creatives are going to be very compelling and you'll be able to get people on impulse and then if you stack that with the product improving someone's life and being a problem solving product well now you really have something that can catch people on impulse and that can make you some serious money straight off the rip regardless of not being a brand yet and then lastly we have the product must be able to be sold for a minimum 2.5x markup now you can play around with this like sometimes I've sold products that are marked up 10 times and other times it's been you know a lot less of a margin it really just depends typically with lower ticket products I like to kind of set the rule of like 2.5x markup otherwise it just gets so hard cuz you're playing with such razor thin margins and the product cost is so cheap to begin with your CPA is so low you can't get anything profitable and the whole operation just goes to right so at least make sure you have a minimum 2.5x markup which means you find the product for you know $5 on AliExpress or through your supplier um then sell the product for at least you know what is that $12.5 but aim for obviously 3x or more 3 and 1/2x so if you get the product for five sell it for 15 or sell it for 20 uh but of course do some competitor research see what other people in the space are selling the product for and kind of go based on that now this is just an example of again products that you shouldn't really be selling versus products that you should be selling now I actually sold resistance pants and modeled my website after TRX but this was years ago right the game has changed now if you're selling the same saturated products that everybody is selling or big brands that people trust and are loyal to already have well then good luck for example this product here on the right has been going crazy lately I actually know somebody personally who scaled this to seven figures and it's basically just an attachment that goes on your car and allows you to use uh carplay I mean it's a serious problem solving product and you can't really go and buy this like I mean maybe they have some iterations of it or other drop shippers selling it on Amazon or whatever but there's no go-to for this like apple does not have an apple uh car device that everyone just uses versus resistance bands the Market's a bit different it's already kind of cornered these are kind of more the unique products on the right that you'd be looking at now there's a bunch of different methods to think about when it comes to finding your product right method number one is essentially tricking the algorithm so what you want to do is you want to create a Tik Tok account a fresh account do not use the same account that you scroll through every single night to look at girls shaking ass and supercars and Tate yelling at you or whatever the hell you're looking at create a fresh one and start interacting with Organic ads so whenever you see a product pop up on your feed a product probably that you know is a Drop Shipping product or just any e-commerce product honestly just interact with it like it comments go to their page uh go to their website even and go through their funnel all the way up until you're about to purchase and then just obviously don't purchase it unless you got baited by the impulse and you want to buy it too I don't know uh but that's basically called completing a ghost purchase and you want to rinse and repeat that process until your feed starts to become full with Organic ads this is because when you do this Tik Tok categorizes you as somebody with purchase intent so then what's going to happen to your feed is you're going to get served up all of these products and all of these ads and you can use that to your benefit and Advantage by looking at what's out there and what's working for other people and that's an amazing place to start and another serious truth of the matter that no one shares here because I know everyone wants to be different and wants to be unique just copy like if something is working very well for somebody else then guess what that means it'll probably work very well for you and I realize this very early on and that's why also you know people like to gatekeep their products and whatever because they don't want like a million drop shippers hopping on the same product so I kind of understand it um the truth of the matter is if you have a solid funnel if you have uh a product that everyone wants and your creatives are amazing you just got to copy that if you see that copy that copy it put your own twist on it make it a little bit better keep trying different creatives that are going to work even better than theirs but in the beginning why not go with something that has a proven concept then take a random leap of faith right it comes back to what I was saying earlier about starting with drop versus starting with anything else with Drop Shipping you don't have to invest much time energy or money in and so if you fail it's not you know the biggest issue it's not the biggest thing you just start again and then again and then again and you become so good at it and so fast at it that you'll fail every single day for 9 days straight and on the 10th day you'll start making bank so why wouldn't you do the same thing here copy somebody else's product that is absolutely crushing it if you're starting from scratch figure out how to get that to work at least to a fraction of the level of these people are selling it at one once you do that then you have some money coming in then later on you can take those bigger more risky plays the high ticket Drop Shipping the stuff that nobody's selling but in the beginning copy now here are some example videos I'm sure you've seen like # Tik Tok made me buy it and these kind of different hashtags you can even just type in # shop now and you're going to start to get all different kinds of products just by looking up keywords like that and on Tik Tok as well you can filter um by like the last 3 months the most liked so that way you're getting relevant stuff that is being highly engaged with and you know that these videos are doing well for somebody else then of course you can go to their website you can analyze it with shop Hunter see you can literally see exactly how much sales they're doing per day and you can dissect everything like if you really spent an hour you could dissect somebody's entire business model go through their funnel go through their Facebook page go through their Tik Tok page see exactly how they're generating their traffic and replicate them that is genuinely how I made you know my first six figures of Drop Shipping was simply replicating stuff right and I sure I made some mistakes I used some stolen content I did some things I shouldn't have done and I learned from those right and I and I'm I also want to tell you guys these things so that you don't make those mistakes as much as I say replicate I don't mean you know rip all the text rip all the images rip all the ads exactly as somebody else's brand did cuz then you're going to get a cease and Tois letter and you're get shut down like I did and I went from $5,000 a day to zerar a day and it that tore me apart like imagine you're an 18-year-old kid you finally start making all this money and overnight you lose it all that was hard to recover from so when you are replicating things always change them enough like just don't be an idiot with it replicate it enough but don't go Ono one copy if you go Ono one copy if you literally using people's custom content that they shot themselves well now you have a problem because these people can come after you and that's how you're going to lose everything and look if you do happen to copy a little bit too much in the beginning once you start making some sales you better make make sure within the first couple days or first couple weeks you start changing in all the things right so maybe you've used a little bit of somebody's ad you've used a little bit of somebody's images in your website just because they they were doing really well make sure you change that immediately once you start doing well and you can make very similar stuff like if you know that this guy's website's performing and these images are obviously performing well for him maybe you've taken them and you've used them okay you know you've gotten away with it because it's such low order volume but after a couple days you're starting to see more success don't be an idiot change these images out immediately take your own order the product in and they can be the same images but they just have to be yours look at what somebody else has done and replicate it but don't steal don't straight up steal their stuff and like I said if you do steal their stuff then you better make sure that within the next couple of days before anyone sees you change that out with your own stuff CU otherwise you're going to be screwed you're going to be like me who was using other people's stuff on my websites for a couple of weeks and it came back to burn me and I lost everything because of that stupid mistake that was so easily avoidable if I replicated rather than stole now some more product research methods right we have simply scrolling through AliExpress teu 1688 Amazon all the big box you know retailers and wholesalers that have all these products listed literally like it says here on the slide course the platform to see what products are out there to sell make sure the products that you want to sell meet the set criteria before running them up so again the criteria we just talked about go through that checklist literally take a picture of it on this YouTube video take a screenshot of each slide if you have to I'll also add the slide Deck Down Below for you guys in the description so make sure you grab that at the end and leave a like for me while you do that but yeah really make sure that the product uh hits the criteria another thing you can do on these websites is you can contact the supplier and here's the thing again nobody's going to tell you this stuff the thing is you don't have to message A supplier after you find the product in fact you can do the inverse so again how I made my first probably $500,000 in Drop Shipping sales was literally because of this so what I would do is I'd go on AliExpress I'd go to random products right I just go on the homepage I go to the most random product and I'd scroll down to the bottom where it says contact supplier if they had a f-star rating that had lots of good reviews I would contact them it's a little bit sneaky here but I would tell them to text me on Whatsapp Skype or WeChat those are the big three that these suppliers typically Ally use right and so how I would do this is I would sometimes put spaces in between my my phone number so that it wouldn't get flagged by the system because AliExpress does not want you to have private conversations with the people who list products the reason why is they take 7% fees on every single transaction that runs through their platform so if you're doing deals on the side AliExpress's whole business model doesn't work they can't make their money but why it's important for you to do this even though it's a little bit sneaky is because then one you don't have to pay the fees two you can negotiate for better deals and better shipping one-on-one directly with the supplier three you can get more reliability you can get insights into their Factory you can see what other products they have to sell and four quite possibly the best thing about this is you can get access to stuff that nobody else can and let me explain this is actually wild it's how I made easily my first 500,000 like I said basically I'd hit up all these suppliers to the point where I had a roster of suppliers literally all from AliExpress I was chatting with them all on WhatsApp and it got really weird like it got to a point where one of the suppliers that I was talking to um you know she just ended up kind of enjoying chatting with me like we would send each other like hearts and back and forth again you know to be honest I was kind of just playing along with it because this is a relationship that I needed right she was working high up at a supply chain in China and I knew that if she you know I built this good relationship with her I would get access to things that nobody else could like in sites and data in their Factory seeing exactly what products are selling best for other drop shippers and things like that and that's exactly what happened so over time we would hop on calls and I'd be like hey Jane um can you tell me like what's selling really well right now like I want to I want to jump on a new product and she would do so because one we had a good relationship and two she wants to make more money too remember these suppliers want to make money just as badly as you do as a drop shipper so they're going to do everything in their power for you to bring them in money and you're going to make a heck of a lot of money too so this supplier would literally send me spreadsheets from their Factory showing me order volume of particular products from particular stores so I had backend access to probably hundreds of drop shippers and I knew exactly what they were selling how much they were selling daily and what did I do with this I replicated I checked websites that were crushing it I took products that were crushing it and I started running up multiple stores right and this sure it might be a little bit of a gray area but it works because nowhere else are you going to get access to the insights and what's really going on than directly from the source so how do I recommend you do this too and I've done this with multiple suppliers since again you reach out to as many people as possible you start building your Connections in China you start building these relationships with these people at these sourcing plants and and manufacturers and uh even middlemen and Chinese drop shippers and whatever and over time you start to realize that they are willing to share stuff with you if they feel that they can make more money with the partnership and working with you and that's what you need to communicate to them that is going to open up a serious key that again nobody talks about this stuff when it comes to product research so yeah make sure you seriously write that one down if you have your Journal you have your pen whatever cuz that has made me so much money so much money early on it's crazy anyways now we have to cover paid research tools as well again another great way to find products there's no one size fits-all you should be using multiple different sources to find uh locate winning products I used to dedicate an hour and a half every single day before I had a product research team where at the end of the day I would go on my big monitor my big screen pull up all my different product research methods and I'd just you know chill I'd have a drink in hand I'd have my journal out um you know I'd take notes on different products I'd be saving different products to different folders uh and a very key aspect very key uh research platform that I was using uh were these paid tools right so we have PP ads we have minia we have ad hoc um and you want to filter through through uh the top performing ads per platform so look at Tik Tok ads uh look at Facebook ads and once you found again a product to match the criteria start reaching out to some of your suppliers and start running it up now autod DS has been changing the game lately when it comes to suppliers I also have started working with them uh on a partnership basis and these guys are killers like I've met the founder uh I'm personally friends with him uh they're great guys and not only do they source and find winning products for you so they also have their product uh research tools built in but they'll also automatically fulfill all of your orders so you don't have to worry about any of that headache I remember when I was starting out I would literally have to place orders one by one by one be filtering through spreadsheets i' be checking over so many things autod DS is your One-Stop all-in-one solution that does all this for you so like I said I always like to mention you know other people as well that I've used in the past like ppads Mania ad hoc and so on and so forth there's tons of great paid research tools out there for for finding winning products there's none better than autods right now and they're more of an all-in-one Tool uh so not only can you do the product research but they'll also take care of so much other stuff for you as well and I'll have a discount code and a unique link Down Below in the description if you guys do want to check them out as well all right now you found a product well hopefully you have cuz I just gave you all the methods to do so but now what well step one order the product off of Amazon to your house now typically with most products you can find them on Amazon somewhere if you search the right keywords you'll come across it now if you can't and you know there's been many times where I couldn't either uh what you want to do is you want to reach out to your suppliers if you're working with autods to fulfill your orders reach out to them they have great support team and see if you can get a product expedited to your house as quickly as possible just tell them I don't care if I have to spend a little bit of extra money probably won't be much put it on Express Logistics and send it to my house now because I need to start recording video ads that's what you have to say now another sneaky hack for those of you who really don't want to spend any money here's something you can do you can find Amazon listings for the product reach out to the seller on Amazon and tell them you'll leave them a great review or tell them you'll get you and four of your friends to leave them an amazing review or whatever reviews go a long way on Amazon and sellers are desperate for reviews chances are if the product is low ticket to begin with they might even send it to you out next day for free I've done this time and time again if you come to an agreement um this is back when I you know I had such little money in my account I was doing this all the time just to save the 20 $30 on product cost so that's another option that you can do when starting out if you really need to now while you're waiting for your product to come in it's probably a good idea to create your brand and create your overall feel of how your website and Brand's going to look you can use canva to manually do it now there's a bunch of AI tools out there as well that'll literally build logos for you color schemes whatever you want for free quickly uh websites like namel and Luca to actually you know pick out a name for you uh based on what keywords you're putting in based on what industry you're operating in just so many amazing possibilities with AI right now um and even canva like you can whip logos up and and brand color schemes and things in a matter of minutes but my point being here don't take too long on any of this stuff you don't have proof of concept yet you're not making money off of your store yet you can always come back and you can change all of this and in fact you will once you have some success you're going to do a Rebrand and then another Rebrand and even the biggest brands in the world are always rebranding so don't think that you're going to be locking yourself in with a logo or even a name right a name is probably the thing that you're most locked in with because it is hard to Rebrand a name I mean it's not really that hard with Drop Shipping in the beginning but I'm just talking like longer term but you're not locked into a color scheme you're not locked into a logo you're not locked into any of the stuff so just make it good enough to start but don't obsess don't become a perfectionist CU this is taking away time from the things that you need to be focusing on remember to keep the branding simple and straightforward just refer back to some of the biggest brands out there and how simple and clean and effective they're able to communicate their message because because the color schemes and the logos and all this crap isn't taking away from who they are what they stand for and what they're selling here's just an example of some Drop Shipping brand logos right Jim shark started off with the Drop Shipping model and became you know the billion dollar business that they are today uh same thing with fashion Nova and uh soulset is another uh very successful Drop Shipping Company that sold the um Sunset lamps I'm sure you've seen those uh they were trending very very hard uh about 2 years ago I mean they've been trending for a while they're probably still still selling very well to this day uh but yeah just solid example of some clean simple minimalistic logos and that's really all you need now next you need to be creating your accounts right so create a Gmail account literally takes two minutes um create a Tik Tok and Instagram account again another few minutes especially after you have the Gmail account it'll be very simple and straightforward start adding your branding to all these social accounts and connect your Instagram account to your Tik Tok account so people can get funneled from your Tik Tok to your Instagram until you have enough followers and then you can start leaving your link right in the bio of Tik Tok I think it's a th000 followers but in the meantime the good news is you can connect to your Instagram the viewers can go to your Instagram and you can always have a link in your bio on Instagram if you set it to a business account right so that's how you kind of get around that in a sense um this is an example of a social media account so you know imprint do official store um they have their little slogan and they have their link um because they're over a th000 followers but if they didn't they would You' just go to their Instagram and you'd write a link below in Instagram or something to kind of encourage them to go to the Instagram page and they actually be able to shop from there that's pretty much all it is very very basic very straightforward very simple stuff take you no more than a few minutes to uh set up now how the next step gets more interesting here we have to start crafting our content so how we're actually going to make sales and like I said you want to be starting out if you're a complete beginner and not spending money not turning to paid ads right away so the most effective ways to do this without wasting as much time as possible without wasting crazy amounts of time is to start by spying on competitor accounts so like I was saying take take what's already working and replicate it and then after you've replicated it see if you can even improve it see if you can put your own twist on it find the creatives that went viral for them do research maybe make a spreadsheet of all the most viral creatives in your industry then narrow it down to your product then start to pick apart the data and see which hooks are the most successful which ctas are the most successful which type of videos typically get the most views and then start drafting up all of your content ideas and what you could be putting out there right so I'd say a solid place place to start when you're building out this spreadsheet or this document is to use the top 10 videos you find of your product or of a similar product and just replicate them then create 10 more videos that are not only replicating them but you've added your own twist so you're trying something new on top of that but you're taking kind of proven Concepts and proven formulas and things that typically tend to go over well and generate a lot of views and ultimately a lot of sales for your product so that's a pretty solid starting point for content and then the next step is you need to build your front so as you're creating all this content you can't just start posting it out yet you should be drafting it you should be getting ready but you don't have a website yet right we haven't even we haven't even touched on setting up your website and so I have good news for you very good news you can use my AI software that'll create you A Drop Shipping Store for free in 10 minutes I'm dead serious for free in 10 minutes you'll have an entire store built it'll take you through the setup of your Shopify account while you do this it'll get you set up for the $1 month plan and full transparency I make affiliate commission I make a bit of the money that Shopify makes because you have came through my affiliate link I really appreciate it if you guys use the link and support me and it'll be inside this store Builder and that's why I've made it entirely free for you guys but it's literally the craziest win-win so make sure you sign up for it and if you follow the steps I'm about to go over you'll be able to have your store and like I said 10 minutes now I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and say that this store is going to be a beautiful store that looks like like it costed $10,000 from a developer we are not at that level yet we are not there not only with our AI tool not being able to build stores of that caliber of that you know $10,000 caliber but you also don't need to be there and you don't want to be there so remember earlier in this video when I was saying that you want to catch people on impulse you want to have your customer go from A to B as quickly as possible the way to do this is with the most simplistic minimalistic store and funnel possible again this is something that nobody talks about because everyone looks at the big Brands everyone looks at Apple everyone looks at Microsoft everyone looks at these companies that have all these bells and whistles right actually I guess Apple's Apple's pretty clean and simple but you get my point all these companies that have all these bells and whistles all these Pages across you know their website maybe even some scarcity tactics and 10,000 people are viewing this right now uh you've seen the drop shipping stores where have the popup uh spin the wheel for a free discount all this crap what is this going to do this is going to CL utter the heck out of the customer it's going to overwhelm them they're going to have no idea what to purchase and they're ultimately just going to leave the reason why people do this stuff later down the line is because they have loyal returning customers so if you're a loyal returning customer hell yeah I'd love to spin the wheel I'd love to you know unlock exclusive discounts and put my name down for this and email in for that I'd love to spend time browsing all your different products and looking at all the pages on your website cuz I'm in love with the brand I love Apple I love buying Apple products right but you our beginner drop shipper you do not have that luxury yet you do not have a brand and I can't stress this enough so what do you need you need the most simple website possible the truth is it does not matter all you need is a clean few product images a clean few bits of text that are very benefit driven possibly a video of how to use the product possibly a few simple gifts besides that you need the most frictionless painfree easy checkout process as possible of course you want to use nice brand you want to look trustworthy um and this AI tool is going to be able to do exactly that for you for free and then you can go in after 10 minutes when the store is created and you can make a few small tweaks if you want to change some images you want to change some images on the homepage you want to change a bit of the text go for it but the AI is going to set up 90% of what you need in 10 minutes which is absolutely wild and I'm super proud of it so make sure you guys take full advantage while it is 100% free and I'll have that linked Down Below in the description it'll probably be the top one cuz it's super valuable send it to a family and friend it's literally a free store Built For You by Ai and it's taken us a while to roll this out we've partnered with multiple different software developers now and we've finally found uh the best team to work with that is producing the best quality stores that are going to get you the best results for free our next step we touched on this a little bit earlier but I'm just going to explain it a little bit more in depth here you need to get yourself a domain so you can go to the my Shopify domains in uh the left hand side of your Shopify now these are typically not the best for your conversion rate or your professionalism purchasing on GoDaddy name cheap or do store will likely do you much better you know in the beginning again it this stuff isn't a huge deal but I do want to stress the importance of having a DOT store domain a website ending in do store instantly tells customers that your website is an online store and Associates it with selling therefore the more traffic that you get the more sales you get the more profit the easier you're going to be ranked on Google the easier SEO is going to come to you um and Dot store domains typically rank higher across Google and all search engines so no wonder why some of the biggest brands in the world have already switched over to a DOT store domain and I'll make sure to leave a discount link and a unique code for you guys with my partners over at dot store if you do want to check them out and secure a do store domain at a crazy affordable rate especially with the discount code but in the beginning if you're just starting out like I said you don't necessarily have to but a little bit later down the line you can start to think about acquiring a do store domain and these small things are overlooked by so many people but are going to make a huge difference for you in the long run all right next up we have marketing oh it's dark out see I've just been sitting here dropping so much sauce for you guys that it went from light to dark already but anyways uh the product should be at your house at this point cuz remember we were supposed to order on Amazon or Express ship it to our place from the supplier you filmed all the required Clips uh that you've seen your competitors do you know you've sat down you've taken cool images and shots of the product so on and so forth we talked about this throw them into cap cut it's it's a free editing software an app you can get on your iPhone your iPad um you can clip and edit it upload it to Tik Tok and post I'm sure you've heard about it cuz so many creators uh not even just drop shipping creators but creators in general have been using it uh to create amazing Tik Tok videos uh now of course you can also edit in the Tik Tok app it's not a huge deal the good news is when creating ads and videos on Tik Tok especially with Organic what tends to push the hardest is the most native videos I mean you guys have probably seen like maybe people who create Drop Shipping videos or people who create uh videos on you know how to get girls or whatever it may be videos that always get hundreds of thousands or millions of views are the most simple ones of the guys picking up their phone and just talking straight to the camera as if you know you're a friend on FaceTime I feel like this raw style of content is doing so well right now because we've pushed so hard in One Direction of retention editing and making the perfect highquality videos you know with creators like Mr Beast that a lot of people out there just want to see something natural especially on Tik Tok and especially when it comes to a Drop Shipping ad because A Drop Shipping ad is the farthest thing from natural possible you're literally shoving some cheap product in somebody's face and saying buy it that is the farthest thing from natural so if you can make that as natural as possible and as native to the platform you know pick up your iPhone and film the product make it funny make it relatable these are the videos that are going to push the hardest because people won't really know it's an ad they'll just stop and enjoy the video and then realize it's an ad and then get caught on impulse and then buy your product right so with capcut and with these editing softwares you can clip and you can edit and upload a Tik Tok on the same day and post it typically I like to follow the posting strategy of posting three times a day which results in 21 posts going out per week per platform right cuz the good news is when you make one of these short form videos you can also post it on Instagram reels YouTube Shorts Facebook reels Snapchat Spotlight like the list is ever growing now even since I made this uh this slide deck right it feels like every day there's another what hell LinkedIn started a short form platform and and Pinterest and and Twitter right like they all have their uh place where you can go and you can scroll through endless content like Tik Tok started that wave and every social media platform is hopping on it but that is insanely good news for us as drop shippers that means when we make a video that we are intending to use to sell a product well we can blast it in so many other places which is so many other chances for us to go viral and make a ton of sales off of that one video we created now imagine you're making three a day and you have 21 plus posts going out probably more with if you're using more of the platforms per week all you need is one video to go viral and it'll change your life it'll bring you enough money in that then you can start running paid ads you can start opening up new stores you can start adding new products you can start expanding into a brand and all these crazy things all because of one organic video on Tik Tok that being said like I talked about earlier don't get discouraged be ready to create 500 Tik Tok videos before you get that one that pops off however long it it takes put your head down and be ready to put that work in cuz I promise you that if you don't stop and you don't give up you will eventually get that video that goes viral you'll eventually get that winning product you will and then your life will be forever changed and you'll keep moving forward and you'll keep having success and it'll only be a matter of time before you're a 22-year- old millionaire sitting in your dream apartment I swear to God that's exactly how it worked for me now some more sneaky marketing tips here so you want to reply to all your comments with videos not only does this give you so much more content ideas to continue selling the product but it also retargets the viewers so let's say you get a viral video or somewhat viral 100K views of your product you're selling right there's going to be a ton of comments maybe some controversial ones maybe some you know Karens up in the chat go to these comments reply to them with another video it's going to retarget those 100,000 people who saw that existing video pop on their feed and in this video where you replied to the comment now you can sell harder you can push the product down the throat more because these people are more warmed up to it they've seen the product before uh and they're more likely to buy it right so focus on virality first and then focus on kind of hard selling the product after you're starting to get views after you're starting to build a little bit of a buzz on the page get some Community um and ensure you're prioritizing The Hook and the CTA of each video right so the hook is the first 3 seconds otherwise known as a scroll stopper uh it's the most important thing because if you have a really boring ass hook then nobody's going to stick around and watch the rest of your video which means they're not even going to get to the CTA so they're not going to even know that you have a product for sale and how to buy it not to mention that won't be long enough on your video so the algorithm will say this video sucks let's stop pushing it out because people are just getting bored and leaving the app and that's the last thing Tik Tok wants is for people to leave the app so you need to understand how the algorithm works there and you need to really prioritize the hook and then of course when you are selling especially when you're hard selling with the replying to the comments you want to make sure the CTA is on point and typically with the CTA you know you can't say stuff like linkoln bio why because again like I just said Tik Tok does not want their users leave leaving the platform they're in the market for attention they want people's attention that's how they make money if you're sending people off of the app Tik tok's going to be like screw this guy his video ain't going anywhere so instead you got to get a bit more sneaky and be like check my profile or something of that nature cuz then they'll go to your profile they'll see your Instagram they'll see more uh pinned videos about your product which by the way you can pin videos and in those pin videos you can kind of showcase the benefits the features of the product things like that that's a little bit more salesy so that way everyone that comes from a viral video on your page that goes to your page is going to see that pin video and they're going to obviously be a lot more interested based on that video cuz that video was designed to sell the product versus the viral video was designed to go viral see what I'm saying so you want to kind of follow all that strategy with your Tik Tok uh page and I'm sure you're going to you know get that viral video and start making those sales in no time also you want to check influencer pages to see what sounds and Trends to follow you want to stay kind of up to date with um you know what the big creators are pushing out what songs are going vir right now uh what trends are going viral cuz if you can hop on a trend early and somehow mix it into selling your product that's how you're going to go viral right you have to get a little bit creative a little bit out of the box especially if a lot of people are selling your product you want to come in with fresh marketing angles and one of the best ways to do this is by leveraging and utilizing Trends on Tik Tok even if it's out of your Niche bring it into your Niche and mold it into a video that you know is going to do well and that video is going to pop now when you actually start getting your orders you have to start fulfilling them unless you want to be a shitty drop unless you want to you know be a scammer and and do no ship but that's that's not what we're going to be talking about and and the people who do that are just uh digging themsel a a deep dark hole that they're going to be having a very hard time getting out of um so for the rest of us for filling our orders autod DS is the best place to start uh as a beginner okay you want to go to autod DS because these guys have years years of experience in the game uh they are going to get the products to the customers faster than anyone on AliExpress teu and any of these you know kind of 1688 sketchy Chinese wholesaling websites will they work uh directly with agents and suppliers to ensure the products get to your customer's house and they take care of all the Fulfillment backend so you don't have to worry about any of it it's literally a cheat code and on top of that like I said they have product recommendations they have softwares for you to spy on other uh winning ads and and winning creatives that are doing well for other people and everything in between so they're kind of your One-Stop all-in-one solution uh and the best way to fulfill your orders as a beginner but of course I'm going to open you guys eyes up to some other ways as well like in the beginning I didn't have autod DS right so in the beginning when I didn't know about them when I was starting out I started on AliExpress worst mistake of my life only use AliExpress for finding products finding suppliers don't use it for directly placing orders one by one you know orders will show up damaged or they won't show up at all you're going to face chargebacks refunds and ultimately your business is going to get shut down cuz that's exactly what happened in my mind uh doing that method now you have the supplier method so once you know we were talking about earlier building up your list of suppliers maybe you found them on AliExpress maybe you found them on Alibaba 1688 whatever it may be build your list WhatsApp WeChat Skype them negotiate with them see which ones have the fastest shipping see which ones have the best deals and then maybe you can strike a private agreement with them now I will caution you you know when working with people like Auto yes you don't have to worry but when working with a private agreement with a private supplier you can get ripped off right I've placed orders from private suppliers for $10,000 $220,000 and they didn't ship out a single and I was screwed and my business almost went under because of that so there is more risks Associated you have to have a solid relationship you should be hopping on calls seeing the factories knowing that they're not going to take off on you you probably should get some contracts in place but you can work directly with suppliers that's one way to do it there are a couple other companies out there but autod DS is the number one that I recommend when it comes to helping you with everything on your backend and fulfillments and really the last method would be just like placing uh orders um directly off of AliExpress but like I already said earlier just don't do that right either have a private supplier uh where you have a built a relationship with a manufacturer you made that connection maybe you're ordering quantity from their fulfillment center to one in the US so you get faster shipping but that usually comes later down the line not as a beginner so like I said if you're a beginner just work with autods it's going to save you so much headache and hassle if you're more intermediate you maybe have some private suppliers sure that that route can work for you as well um but typically like I said with that route you're going to be looking at minimum order quantities you're going to be looking at spending some money to order product into um you know three PL fulfillment centers in the US so on and so forth autods you can still go the route of only paying for each individual product as it's sold so it's still very much Drop Shipping um but it's a lot easier than going through uh AliExpress now when it comes to scaling uh if this video gets over 200 positive comments and smash that thumbs up and everybody's invested in it and wants more just raw authentic quality content that you know is revealing the secrets that nobody's talking about in their you know multiple hourong polished G Ides um and you want the truth and you want live examples of it then let me know and I'll make a video on scaling right so I'll go over how to how to up your content output how to hire creative directors how to build a crazy affiliate marketing team uh different ad strategies for scaling taking some of that money reinvesting it into paid ads and scaling up extremely fast how to lock in your fulfillment on another level how to hire employees so you work on the business and not in it and that you can go on vacation you can truly live that lifestyle this is all in the scaling part of it so like I said if you guys want that make sure you show me love on this video took me a long time to create it's literally dark outside right now and yeah I'm exhausted from uh dropping all this value but I'm sure you guys have found it informative re-watch it if you have to take notes share it to a family and friend don't forget the links are in the description for everything I have a free program a free community a free AI store build are giving it all away for free to you guys thank you guys so much for all the support and tuning into to the channel and choosing to uh watch this video and begin your e-commerce Journey uh with me so yeah thanks and I'll see you in a few days peace
Channel: Nathan Nazareth
Views: 155,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify dropshipping 2024, how to start dropshipping 2024, winning products 2024, ecommerce 2024, how to start shopify dropshipping, nathan nazareth, how to start an online business 2024, organic marketing, organic dropshipping 2024, ecommerce, how to grow your dropshipping store 2024, make money online 2024, dropshipping, dropshipping 2024, organic marketing 2024, how to run tiktok ads 2024, how to start facebook ads 2024, online business 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 3sec (3243 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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