How To Start A Fire - The Easy Way

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hello I'm firepit Rick many people call us and ask us how do I start my fire well there are many ways to do that and tonight we're going to show you one really good way to do that you've probably heard the word kindling before kindling is smaller pieces of wood that light easier than larger pieces of wood and are used to light those large pieces let me show you this is kindling and this is the best kindling you can buy it's called fat wood bat wood is resonant fused smaller pieces of wood that light easy the resin keeps it burning hot and it starts your fire really nicely to start our fire we're going to set these pieces of wood in a crisscross pattern and then we're going to add our fat wood you see the pattern we're establishing as we move higher and higher before you get too high you do need to add these fat wood sticks so I'm going to do that right now you see we have a nice symmetrical stack here there are four pieces of fat wood in here you can put more or less depending on your skill set we're going to take another piece and get it going to light the other the first four that are sitting inside after we get them lit will add more firewood it's just easier right now to do it this way you want to get it going really well see how nicely it burns the rezident makes it burn very hot we'll try to get these other pieces going and then we'll add our additional firewood so now we have a nice nice corner fire going when I'm putting these in here I want to put this edge to the fire because it just burnt it just catches a little better a little nicer this is shaping up quite nicely we're going to add another layer here and this makes a chimney effect which helps the fire start it may take it a little bit to get going but our fire is definitely on the way our fire is really catching on quickly and this is a perfect fire that you that you want to see I'm going to add a few more pieces I like big fires by the way I am fire pit Rick and in a few moments we will have a roaring fire easy our fire has been burning for under 10 minutes right now and as you can see it's really really doing well you can do this type of fire at your house easily all you need is good dry seasoned hardwood firewood some fat wood sticks and a lighter you may also want to have a really good fire pit and we make them our business is fire pit art you can see all of our products on fire pit art comm give us a call we happen to make one for you
Channel: Rick Wittrig
Views: 751,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire pit, fire pit art, build a fire, start a fire, fatwood, easy way to start a fire, fire, fire starter, backyard fire, backyard fire pit, how to start a fire, how to start a fire pit, how to build a fire, start a fire the easy way, fire pit rick, how to start a fire in your fire pit, Rick Wittrig
Id: yPSuzC2qwks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 02 2014
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