The One Match Fire - Building a Basic Campfire

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hello all with trail again here today and today I'm going to do a tutorial I'm the one match fire I was talking to some friends recently and we were discussing the rise popularity of these survival TV shows and push craft videos on the internet and they were talking about starting fires with bow drills fire strikers and all of these different things and the more people that I talk to the more I found out that most people were not able to start a fire without the use of the can of gasoline some lighter fluid maybe a bunch of newspaper some pallets but very few people could just get some regular or firewood pack a matches and start a fire with one match first time so today's tutorial is going to be how to take just regular old bundle would process it down into your different sizes and then go ahead and start that fire using one match log in half no brawn there take a couple swings see the log is a couple knots in it now we've gone ahead and reduce the log by half so we're going to go ahead and quarter but you can see it's very simple to go ahead and reduce these pieces down further and further just using the hatchet so now we've taken these pieces of wood and we've reduced them down to quite small pieces but obviously we still could not put a match to this and let it light using only one of them so now we're going to go ahead and take our fix plate night we're going to begin to work these edges down to make smaller and smaller pieces now you can see secret is to have a nice sharp knife and it gives you these nice then little quits we've got our nice pile of shavings already and we're going to go ahead and make the next size down so what I would recommend doing is taking your knife placing it in roughly a quarter of an inch from the edge and just lightly tap it with the palm of your hand that's going to start breaking you off these nice sized slivers those are going to be the second part in our one match fight you're going to add those once the finer shreds start to catch fire so you can just go ahead take your time and split these down it's always easy to reduce some smart smaller than they are so don't be too concerned about the sizing but just go ahead and take your time again follow me your hand just work those down into smaller smaller little pieces and sort them as you go each time you cut you're actually going to be getting different sizes because the wood tends to break into a bunch of little pieces so I'm going to go ahead and split all those up and you can see how very quickly you can end up with a large variety of sizes of wood to start your fires what I recommend doing is taking two of your sticks that you've made placing them firmly on the ground basically what we're going to do is we're going to create a raft to suspend the fine Tender up above the ground and allow you to get a match up underneath so go ahead and grab some of your medium-sized sticks you're just gonna lay those across there you don't have to be too detailed about it but then we're going to start taking our really fine shavings and putting those on top this is going to be the first step to catching our fire so what we want is a lot of airspace in these little slivers because the air is actually what's going to allow the fire to burn if you had a really tight dense ball of shavings you wouldn't be able to catch fire because it wouldn't be getting enough oxygen so now the secret is we're going to want to get our match up underneath this bundle to allow the flame to crawl up and catch those very thin shavings so let's go one match and let's see how we do there we go okay that was our one match what we want to do is gently add little pieces feeding the fire slowly as across you can see how quickly it catches and you're not in a huge rush at this point this fire is not going to go out very very quickly but what you want to do is slowly start moving your sticks around the outside almost in a teepee fashion to allow the air to continue to feed underneath the fire and allow your fire to grow you start to see that you're losing a little bit sprinkle just a little bit more of those fine shavings on it then breathe gently underneath the fire and you can see just that little bit of oxygen we'll go ahead and feed the fire and help it grow rather quickly see we've let our fire burn for just a couple minutes and you know we're starting to get a little bit of embers in there the smaller wood that we place on earlier is burnt down we're just going to go ahead and add some of our larger pieces now and you can see because now we're starting to get that base of poles that our fire is is actually catching rather quickly so we're starting to move up into larger and larger pieces so thank you for joining us here today on this tutorial on the one match fire if you would like to see more videos from us go ahead and subscribe you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them anything you'd like to see let me know and just remember get outside and enjoy the woods responsibly thank you for watching
Channel: Trailagain
Views: 419,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, fire starting, survival skills, trailagain, camping, Outdoor Recreation (Interest), firecraft
Id: syJcR-Shvxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2015
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