How to Stabilize your videos for FREE! Davinci Resolve

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in today's tutorial I will teach you how to stabilize your videos in the free version of DaVinci Resolve you will learn to use the three main types of stabilization I will also teach you a secret way to stabilize the most complicated videos the first video we will stabilize is a fixed shot recorded by hand this is the simplest case and easiest to stabilize secondly we're going to stabilize a video with a lot of vibrations and with a slight shift to the right it's a slightly more complicated shot but it's also easy to stabilize and finally we will stabilize this video it may seem like a very simple video but this type of shot with 3D movements and with various elements on the screen can confuse the stabilizer and in many cases cause problems but don't worry I will teach you how to stabilize perfectly let's start with the simplest video the first step is to select the video clip you want to stabilize and open the inspector menu located at the top right here we can find the stabilization function make sure it's activated this circle should appear in red in the composite mode if we click on this small Arrow three different stabilization modes will appear perspective similarity and translation the first mode perspective is the most advanced stabilization mode that DaVinci Resolve has but this does not mean that it's always the best option this stabilization mode analyzes all movements of the video including the movements of pitch and yaw remember these two movements later when we stabilized the last video they will give us problems the second mode is similarity if we select this mode DaVinci Resolve will analyze all the movements of the video except the pitch and yaw movements and finally translation is the most basic way to stabilize a video DaVinci Resolve just analyzes the simplest movements when you go to stabilize your video I recommend selecting the perspective mode first and in the event that it does not give a good result change the mode to similarity or translation perfect you already know the three stabilization modes if we activate the camera lock this will stabilize the video as if the camera were on a tripod that is the camera will be completely fixed so I only recommend you activate this option in very specific cases where you want a totally fixed shot on the other hand we have the zoom box this one should always be activated it's in important because if we deactivate and stabilize our video by not applying a zoom some black borders will appear in your video if I Now activate the zoom box as you can see it applies an automatic zoom and this problem is fixed next we're going to see the options of cropping ratio smooth and strength the cropping ratio explained in the simplest way is the amount of image that we are willing to crop to stabilize the video that is the more stabilization we want the more image we will lose if you want to increase the stabilization you must lower the cropping ratio in this way the stabilization effect will be higher but you will also have to zoom more in your video and you'll lose more image if you have video files and low resolution or low quality it's not advisable to decrease the cropping ratio value too much on the other hand if you want to decrease the stabilization and recover more image you have to increase the cropping ratio value in case if you raise it to 1.0 the stabilization will be the minimum leaving the value in the middle at 0.5 is usually a good option then you can modify it if necessary the smooth option affects the smoothness of the stabilization it's used to eliminate the most abrupt camera movements unlike the cropping ratio option if we increase the value the stabilization will be smoother and if we decrease it it will be less smooth keep in mind that when you increase the it's smooth you also have to zoom in and you will lose part of the image finally the strength is the force with which the stabilization is going to be applied it's better not to modify it and leave it at 1.0 lowering it does not usually give good results perfect in this example I will put the parameters that come by default and now to stabilize the video you just have to click on stabilize it has already finished now if I play the video we can verify that all vibrations have disappeared I'm going to deactivate the stabilization so that you can compare the video without stabilizing and now the stabilized video the change is very noticeable and you can achieve this with just one click important if you now change the values of cropping ratio smooth or strength you must go back clicking stabilize DaVinci Resolve will apply these changes automatically okay now let's quickly stabilize the second example and then I'll show you the secret method to stabilize more complicated videos we click on the video clip and go to the stabilization menu I'm going to stabilize it with the perspective mode I click on stabilize we see that the vibrations are gone but the camera wobbles a bit we can increase the cropping ratio and smooth to hide that wobble a common mistake that many people make is to stabilize the entire video imagine that I stabilized the entire video but I'm only going to use this part of the beginning that's wrong whenever you're going to stabilize a video do it only in the part you need the final result will be much better perfect let's go with the last video I already anticipate that this will be the most difficult to stabilize okay we're going to try to stabilize it with the perspective mode as in the previous examples I click on stabilize and see if there's any luck spoiler there is not we play the video and you just wanted to stabilize the video and now everything has started to dance do you remember that at the beginning of the video I mentioned that the perspective mode analyzes the movements of pitch and yaw that is the reason why the stabilization is doing strange things in this video we're going to test if changing the mode solves it we select the similarity mode and stabilize okay we do not have the error of jiggling but the final stabilization is still not very good how could we improve the stabilization in a video like this that's it stabilizing the video in Premiere nah just kidding using the secret method let's see I've been calling it The Secret method but it's not super secret it's a function that's pretty much hidden let's see what it's all about this time let's stabilize within the color module of DaVinci Resolve very well once inside with the video that we want to stabilize we must go to the tracker panel here by default will appear the menu of tracker Dash window this does not interest us at all here we see what we have selected the windows icon we must click on the second icon on the stabilizer icon make sure that you are not in another menu once in the stabilizer menu we see that there is a stabilize button and if we click below they will appear the Mode's perspective similarity and translation this stabilizer is exactly the same as the one I showed you earlier in the edit module now to go to the secret stabilizer you must click on those three points here and look for classic stabilizer we click great we have already activated the classic stabilizer now if we click below the stabilization modes will no longer appear now appears Cloud tracker and point tracker select Cloud tracker next we must activate the interactive mode by clicking on this box when activating it very small crosses will appear in the viewfinder I will zoom in so you can see them well DaVinci Resolve will analyze the movement that these crosses make during the video to then be able to stabilize the shot now we have to eliminate these crosses to be able to choose ourselves which area we want to analyze click on this icon and all the crosses will be eliminated now you must investigate a little what type of video you have and select the most appropriate part for stabilize for example I can select only the background Elements by left clicking Da Vinci resolve would stabilize the video based only on that area being able to choose to only analyze a part of the video is a good thing since there are parts of our video that are harming the stabilization previously when we have stabilized this video the part above is the one that gives more errors everything began to dance that's why I thought that by analyzing only the lower part of the video maybe the stabilization would give us better results now we're going to try it but first something that you have to take into account is that it's not necessary to analyze the areas in a large box you can analyze any specific area that is smaller then click on this icon when clicked the crosses will appear now I'm going to add the area of this tree here and click the icon again as you can see I'm adding the crosses only to the concrete areas that I want in this way you can avoid areas that harm the stabilizer I wanted to mention this because I think it's important now we're going to stabilize the video as I mentioned before in this case I'm only going to select the lower part of the video we click on this icon and the tracking crosses will appear when you already have all the crosses you must track the movement for this we click on track forwards and backwards on this icon here when finished the video is not yet stabilized we have only done the motion tracking of the crosses to stabilize it you must press the stabilize button click and DaVinci Resolve will stabilize it let's play the video you have it much better without errors dances or strange things as always here I leave you with the free course so you can learn a lot about DaVinci Resolve that's all for today see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Sergio Mota | Academy
Views: 46,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video stabilization, video stabilizer, stabilize video, davinci resolve 18 tutorial, davinci resolve class, davinci resolve tutorial english, davinci resolve 18 complete tutorial for beginners, how to stabilize video in davinci resolve 18, how to stabilize video davinci resolve, davinci resolve stabilize footage, davinci resolve classic stabilizer, davinci resolve stabilization modes, davinci resolve free stabilizer, davinci resolve learn, stabilizer davinci resolve
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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