8 BEST Music VIDEO EFFECTS in Davinci Resolve 19 | Tutorial

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let's start with the first effect teleportation effect achieve this amazing effect in just a few simple steps once we have the video clip on our timeline we need to start selecting the parts we want to keep and the video segments we want to remove to create the teleportation effect select the first part of the video that we're going to use place the play head right on the frame where we want to apply the teleportation effect now select the blade tool and left click to cut the clip next we need to choose the part of the video we want to remove continue advancing in the video until we find the frame where we want the person to appear after teleporting all right this works well here we're going to remove this part of the video make another cut in the clip with the blade tool and now simply delete the middle part perfect now that we've removed a segment from our video the person will change position right on the frame where we made the cut we just have to repeat the same process to add more teleportations choose the part of the video you want okay I'm going to add another teleportation effect here cut the clip keep moving forward until you find the moment where you want the person to appear after teleporting this part here looks good make another cut in the clip and remove the part we've decided to take out so that the person teleports from one place to another perfect no more mystery we're selecting the parts of the video we want and removing the ones we don't want in order to add the teleportation effects perfect after making all the cuts if we play our video we'll see the person changing from one place to another in each cut we've made to the video now applying the teleportation effect is super easy it's as simple as going to the effects tab expand the toolbox tab click on video Transitions and within few Fusion transitions look for the camera Shake effect select the effect and apply it to each cut we've made in our video just drag the effect right onto the clip Cuts perfect we're done I recommend varying the duration of the effects so that they're not all exactly the same and you'll have the teleportation effect ready to use in your [Music] video Kaleidoscope effect achieve this mesmerizing effect for your videos once we have our clip on the timeline we should go to the effects menu next expand the open FX Tab and select filters then look for the mirrors effect click on the effect and drag it onto our clip on the timeline great now to achieve the Kaleidoscope effect click on our video clip and go to the effects tab if you don't see this effects menu you need to click on the inspect Spector tab to make it appear now simply in the mirror placement option select the Kaleidoscope style as we can see our video now appears with a kaleidoscope effect to customize it to our liking in the controls section we can increase or decrease the center size modify the position angle number of sides let's play the video to see how it looks great if you want to further enhance the effect and add motion just like in my example I'll show you how you can do it once we have the Kaleidoscope effect on our clip to apply a motion effect we need to position ourselves at the first frame of the video right here next go back to the effects menu and create a key frame for the angle adjustment by clicking on this small diamond here perfect now position yourself right at the last frame of the video and increase the angle value depending on how many rotations you want it to make the higher the angle value the more rotations it will perform I'm going to increase it to 228 now if we play our video we'll see how our Kaleidoscope starts to move and rotate creating this fascinating effect let's move on to the next effect warp drop effect easily add this shock wave to your videos to start creating this effect we need to analyze our video and find the moment when the shock wave will look good in my video we could add the effect right when the person r es their left arm we position the playhead slightly before the moment when the person lifts their left arm approximately around this point here select the blade tool and cut the clip right at the frame we've chosen to apply the effect now to apply the effect we head to the effects menu and expand the toolbox section click on video transitions next scroll down to find the fusion transition section in Fusion transitions we need to look for the effect drop warp select the effect and drag it right onto the cut we made in our clip to adjust the duration of the transition simply click on one of the sides and move the mouse left or right to increase or decrease its duration let's see how it turned out make sure to adjust the duration or position of the transition to make it look as good as possible next effect discover how to create the ghost effect in less than a minute quick and easy to get started head to the effects tab in the upper left corner open the open FX section and select filters there are two different types of effects to achieve the ghost effect first we have the smear effect which creates a more subtle effect on the other hand there's the motion Trails effect I recommend using the lad but you can try both to see which one you prefer select the motion Trails effect and apply it to your video CLI clip great we now have the ghost effect in our video but we can see that the effect is too exaggerated I recommend reducing the intensity a bit to make it look much better to do this go to the motion Trail effect menu here we'll focus on the trail length option simply put we currently have a value of five for length which equates to having Five Ghost copies if I increase this value you'll see how the motion Trail effect generates more copies I recommend reducing this value to make the ghost effect look better you can also adjust the drop off option to increase or decrease the intensity of the ghost effect now you'll have the ghost effect without it obscuring the person in the video too much much better zoom in and zoom out effect to the beat of the [Music] song to apply this Zoom effect the first thing we need to do is listen to Our Song and identify the beat or Rhythm of the song in simple terms we need to find the moment when the song goes poom or boom let's listen to the song and I'll point out those moments with an arrow so you can see them clearly I'm just going to trust what say you never play K through the valley we walk through the fire Your Grace is amazing great you can also clearly identify the beat of the song by simply looking at the audio wave forms for example in this part here we can see how the audio Rises significantly that's the moment when it goes what we need to do is select the blade tool and start cutting the video clip following the Beat of the Music here we see another spike in the Audio Waves we're locating the moments when the song has a strong beat and cutting with the razor tool then applying the zoom effect to those cuts you don't need to cut on every boom just make cuts at the moments you want to apply the zoom effect where you think it will work best for your video Perfect deactivate the blade tool and head over to our beloved effects menu expand the toolbox selection and click on video transitions we need to look for the effect zoom in and zoom out this one here select the transition and apply it to each cut we made in our video clip now we have the three transitions we wanted and we need to adjust the duration of each transition correctly to do this simply click on one of the ends of the transition hold the mount button and adjust the duration to your liking in my case I prefer the zoom effect to be faster and shorter now if we play the video you'll see that we have a zoom in and zoom out at each cut but you may have noticed that the zoom doesn't look quite right unlike the example I showed you earlier this is due to two reasons we haven't selected the area of the video where we want the zoom in and zoom out to occur and we haven't applied the motion blur effect to our zooms now I'll show you how to do both things it's very simple first select the zoom transition then go to the inspector panel and click on the transition menu here you'll find the settings for the zoom in and zoom out effect we applied now simply adjust the zoom position correctly by modifying the X and Y AIS so that the zoom focuses on the person in the case of the third transition we can correct the zoom and focus it on the person's face click on the transition and adjust the X and Y AIS finally I recommend checking the motion blur box in all transitions to achieve the motion blur effect your effect will look much more professional get this glitch effect in just a few seconds to apply the glitch effect to our video we first need to go to the effects panel and expand the toolbox tab then select the effects option in the effects section we need to look for the effect digital glitch here it is once we've found the effect applying it is very simple we're going to use the blade tool to split our video clip and apply the glitch effect only to the parts we want let's start the video without the glitch effect then we make two cuts in our clip to define the part where we want to apply the glitch effect we'll apply the glitch effect to this small part we just created this way we can decide which parts of the video have the glitch effect and which do not great now we simply continue cutting and creating the parts where we want to put the glitch effect in my case I'm going to apply the glitch effect only to these three parts of the video now select the digital glitch effect and apply it only to the parts of the video where you want the glitch effect to appear all right I'm going to apply it to this last part perfect once you've done this you'll have your video with the glitch effect appearing and disappearing I recommend adjusting the glitch effect settings to your preference es you can modify the position and size of the glitch in the digital glitch effects menu let's move on to the next effect analog damage effect give your video a unique touch let's return to our beloved effects menu select the open FX section and look for the analog damage or film damage effect perfect here they are when it comes to the analog damage and film damage effects both are good options to give your video an oldfashioned look if you want to apply the typical vertical lines or other imperfections from old movies I recommend using the film damage effect on the other hand if you want to achieve the VHS or vintage film effect I advise using the analog damage effect in this example we will use the analog damage effect to apply the effect click on the effect and drag it onto your clip as you can see the effect has already been applied to our video but not so fast this effect includes a wide range of adjustments to fully customize it it's not just a filter applied over our video within the analog damage effects menu you can choose from different preconfigured settings like sharp VHS television the 60s the' 7s but as I mentioned before this effect offers a multitude of options we have various sections and within each section we can adjust every detail of the effect individually it's perfect for experimenting and achieving a unique style in your videos furthermore you can combine it with the film damage effect to achieve a different look the film damage effect like analog damage is entirely customizable and there you have it your video clip with a much more vintage appearance clone effect or bin no Jutsu we need to go to the color module in D venci resolve and open the magic mask panel by clicking on this icon here all right the next step is to find a frame in your video where the entire person is visible or most of them let's see around this part we can see the whole person the feet aren't visible in this Frame but dentu resolve will likely consider them when creating the magic mask once we've chosen the frame we have to click on the toggle mask overlay icon this one here with it activated the mask we're going to create will be highlighted in red now simply left click on the person and hold it down while drawing this blue line over the person finished it's recommended to change the quality mode from faster to better next we need to track the magic mask to track the mask throughout the entire video we need to click on the track forward and backward icon click it and DCI resolve will start tracking perfect we've now created the magic mask you can DM activate the toggle mask overlay icon next we'll remove the background from the video to isolate only the person and create the Clones removing the background is straightforward right click on the nodes panel and select the option to add an alpha output this will create this blue circle in a corner and this circle is the alpha output now we just need to connect this Blue Square from the node where we created the magic mask with the alpha output we just created as you can see the background of our video has disappeared it's time to create the Clone effect the first thing we'll do is export this same video without the background so that it's easier to place the Clone effects later to export a video without a background we need to go to the deliver module and Venture resolve in format we should choose the format quick time this is important in codec we need to select GoPro copor now when we change the type option change yuv 10bit to RGB 16bits as you can see a new checkbox appears with the option to export Alpha output activate the checkbox and now export the video as you normally would add it to the render queue and click render perfect once it's exported import the video into D Vinci resolve and drag it onto your timeline great now select the first video clip the one we used to create the magic mask and go to the color module to deactivate or delete the magic mask node we created we don't need this anymore this way we'll have the original video with the background go back to the edit module now you should have the original clip with the background and the video we exported without the background place the video clip without the background on top of the original clip on track two and then duplicate this clip according to the number of clones you need in other words if you want four clones you should copy this clip four times if you want six clones copy it six times simple math I'll copy it six times since I need six clones then place all the copies on the upper video tracks as you can see on the screen all right we're almost there once we've stacked all the videos on top of each other we need to position the Clones simply select the Clone clips and adjust their position using the X and Y AIS to place our clones where we want place them one by one and once you're done you'll have all the Clones dancing in your video and that's it for today's I hope you enjoyed it if you want to learn more about Da Vinci resolve here's a playlist with all the tutorials see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: Sergio Mota | Academy
Views: 47,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial english, davinci resolve music effect, davinci resolve music video transitions, davinci resolve music video effects, best effects davinci resolve, davinci resolve free effects, davinci resolve how to edit video, best music video effects davinci resolve, best music video effects, music video transitions davinci, trap video transitions, best transitions davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, edit video tiktok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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