DaVinci Resolve 18 For BEGINNERS in 18 MINUTES (FREE VERSION) and Paid

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hey what's happening i'm ali and in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to use davinci resolve 18. we're going to be looking at how to use the free version but if you have the paid version that's okay you can still follow along we're going to look at the interface how to get nice and organized how to import clips how to edit clips different tools and effects how to export and more and remember you can pause and play back parts as you need to if you want to follow along with some of the footage and assets that i used in this tutorial you can download them in the description below as we go let me know if you have any questions in the comments below and let's hop into da vinci [Music] okay so the first window we see here is the project manager window if you had worked on any previous projects and saved them they would show up here we can create a new project by either double tapping here where it says untitled project or on the bottom right choosing new project and i'm going to be using clips from a trip i took to iceland so we're going to call this project iceland press create and that brings us into davinci resolve before we do anything i think this is super important so we're going to get out of the way right now let's turn on autosave so that as we're working on this project and future projects the work that we do will automatically be saved let's go up to davinci resolve preferences click on the user tab choose project save and load under save settings let's make sure that we have live saved check mark live save does exactly what it says it does it will save every time you make a change let's also check mark project backups this will auto save in increments depending on what time limit we choose i like davinci to perform backups every five minutes i'm okay with having hourly backups for the past two hours and daily backups for the past few days and if you want to see where your project backup location is click browse okay and save davinci resolve has seven different workspaces that allow you to work on different aspects of your video since this is a beginner tutorial we aren't going to do a deep dive into each of them we're mainly going to focus in on the edit workspace so starting from the left we have our media workspace this is where we organize any footage audio or other assets that we'd want to work on in davinci resolve and where we'd import them next we have the cut workspace this is kind of like adobe rush it's a workspace designed for quickly putting together a video edit next we have our edit workspace which is where i do my editing we'll get back to that in a minute in the fusion workspace you can work on visual effects we have our color workspace where you'd focus on color correction and color grading the fairlight workspace for editing and mastering audio and our deliver workspace where you'd render and export your videos let's import some media by going over to the media workspace and we can import footage by going over to the top left where it says media storage and navigating to the footage location let's say that you can't see the location of the footage or the assets that you're going to be working with you can right click and choose add new location and this will bring up more locations that your media might be saved to so if your footage and assets were on your desktop you could choose the folder that your footage is in and open and there you go okay so i am just going to click on the location of my footage here which is in my iceland folder within that is a footage folder with six clips in it and if you want to check out what's going on in any of these clips you can hover your mouse over them and scrub through you can also change your view mode so currently i'm in thumbnail view if you wanted to work in list view you could choose this list icon here we can adjust the slider to increase or decrease the size of our thumbnails and i'm going to use this left arrow here to go back so that i can see all of my assets within my iceline folder let's select everything and we'll import these assets into our project by dragging them down here into the media pool okay and you might see this pop-up window that says change project frame rate the selected clips have a different frame rate than your project would you like to change your timeline frame rate to match you can't undo this what this means is basically davinci has a default timeline setting that's a certain resolution and frame rate that's different from my footage so don't let this pop-up window scare you because you actually can create a timeline that's the exact settings you want so let's just select change and now our footage and our music has been imported aka brought into this davinci resolve project we can click one of these three icons to adjust the view of how we're seeing our assets all right now that our assets are imported let's go over to the edit panel let's first change thumbnail view to list view you'll see why in just a second and if you want to move any of these windows around you can do so by hovering over the edge of them clicking and dragging them over so one thing i like to do to get nice and organized is customize the information or the metadata that i can see here by default there's a ton of different columns that you aren't really going to need to use so let's right click on this top area here and uncheck any of the information we don't need all i want to see is the file name fps which is frames per second the resolution and that's it once you've made those adjustments you can save your custom column layout i'm going to call mine alleys layout okay and if you want to move any of these tabs around you can just click on them and drag them to where you'd like them great okay and now remember that pesky pop-up window that said you wouldn't be able to change your timeline settings well let's create a new custom timeline by going up to file new timeline you can name your timeline whatever you'd like and uncheck use project settings doing this will bring up a ton more options for you so let's go over to the format tab this is where you can change your resolution 1920 by 1080 hd that's pretty standard so we can keep that as is and typically i like to work with a frame rate of 23.976 okay so let's choose create and on a side note if you want me to create a more in-depth tutorial explaining different resolutions and frame rates and how to work with them when you're editing let me know in the comments below okay back to the video and we now have our custom timeline set up next let's create a bin a bin is the same thing as a folder it just helps to keep things more organized so let's right click and select new bin and here it is we'll name it footage select any of our footage here and drag it into the footage folder i'll create a second bin call it music and bring both of my music files into the music folder okay so now that we're a little more organized let's double click on our footage folder to open it up select all of our clips and drag them onto our timeline you can scroll right or left to see what's going on on your timeline to zoom out on your timeline use the keyboard shortcut command or control and the minus key and to zoom in the controller command and plus key just gonna adjust the size of these windows for a sec okay to check out different timeline views you can click on this icon on the left here under video view options i have film strip view selected and i prefer this because i'll just show you here this allows you to see the thumbnails change slightly depending on what's going on in the clip at that point in it before we check out the audio view options i'm just gonna find a clip with audio here so currently we can't see a waveform go back into timeline view options and under audio view options i want to be able to click on this first icon that shows a waveform as you can see though when i click on it nothing's happening that's because we need to make sure that we have audio waveform selected at the top here and now that gives us the option to turn any of these audio view options on or off below here where it says track height you can use the slider to decrease or increase the size of your tracks for organization purposes you can also name the different tracks of your timeline by clicking this area here so i'll click where it says video one i'm going to name this track dialog and i'll keep any of my dialogue clips on this track okay so i only have the one dialog clip here the rest of these clips are b-roll clips i'll be using them to show the visuals of what's going on in each clip but i don't care about the audio so we can select drag all these b-roll clips up and that will create a new track one of these b-roll clips is still showing audio link to it and i don't want that audio to delete just the audio without deleting the clip itself you can hold down alt or option on your keyboard select that audio press delete okay and i'm going to rename the video to track b-roll i'll zoom in a bit on my timeline and making sure you're using the selection tool we can select and drag this b-roll clip over top of part of our dialog clip and as we play that back you can see that my dialog clip is playing so the audio would be heard as this b-roll clip is shown i'm going to scroll over to a clip that was shot at 60 frames per second with the intention of being shown as slow-mo it looks like it's playing back at regular speeds with that clip selected right-click choose change clip speed and where the speed currently says 100 percent let's change it to 50 choose change now this little clock icon shows in the clip indicating that the speed has been changed and when we play it back you can see that the water is moving more slowly if you want to trim any of your clips you can hover over either side of them click and drag inward if you want to adjust the volume of your dialog you can hover your cursor over the audio where this line is and click and drag up which will increase the volume to decrease the volume click and drag down and i want to show you how to fade your audio this is nice to do at the beginning of dialogue sometimes so it eases the sound of the dialogue in a little bit smoother and it's also nice to add fades on your music so to do so you're gonna hover your mouse over the beginning or the end area of your audio at the top click and drag in the farther you drag in the farther your fade will be extended let's go up to our toolbar here one of the main tools you're going to be using is this blade tool here you can either click on it like we're doing or you can press the keyboard shortcut b i'll bring my cursor over top of an area of my clip click and the blade tool allows us to cut also known as making an edit point in our clip go back to the selection tool which you can grab up here or you can press the keyboard shortcut a grab that beginning part of the clip that's now separated from the rest and delete okay gonna zoom out here another thing you can do see this space here between the b-roll clips click on that space and press delete and that will move all those clips together i'm gonna select these two clips that are sort of off on the right and drag them in so that they're right beside the other clips okay let's go up to our master panel and click on music here are two music tracks i'm going to drag one of them down onto the audio 2 track and depending on how long or short the videos you're going to be working on are you may want to duplicate your music by selecting it holding down alt option on your keyboard and dragging that music over there's our duplicate let's just do it one more time for fun another thing i like to do especially when i'm working with music is lock my music track and now i can click on this music i can try to move it or adjust it but it's locked so it's not going anywhere let's grab one of these b-roll clips and drag it up on top of another b-roll clip just going to adjust the height of these tracks and on the side note are you finding this empty screen here as annoying as i am really it's just taking up real estate that we could otherwise be using to view our footage so this black screen is the source window i never use it let's get rid of it by going up and clicking on this icon on the right here there we go it is gone and now we're just seeing the footage that we're working with on our timeline while we're customizing our workspace i might as well show you this as well let's go up to the workspace tab show page and as you can see we have each of our pages currently check marked but since this is a beginner's tutorial we're not going to be working with the more advanced pages so let's uncheck them just so they're out of the way let's uncheck cut that's a page i never really use personally go back into show page uncheck fusion uncheck color uncheck fairlight that leaves us with our media page our edit page and our deliver page cool okay back to what i was showing you before so with this clip that's over top of the other clip selected let's go over to this left icon here click the drop down menu and choose transform now we have the ability to grab any of these anchor points and drag inward we can also drag the clip wherever we'd like on our screen so if you wanted to see a clip within a clip this is how you would do it let's click the drop down menu again and choose crop now we can select any of these anchor points and drag them in which allows us to crop part of her clip and notice here because i have this clip in the top right corner i can't really access those top anchor points but i need to so let's go to the drop down menu that for me shows 55 which is fit screen and let's choose 25 okay now this allows us to easily grab those anchor points and we can now crop the top of this clip cool okay i'm going to go back to the drop down menu and again choose fit awesome just wanted to show you that i'm going to press command z on my keyboard to undo and i'll select this waterfall clip here zoom in go to the drop down menu again and let's choose dynamic zoom so this green border indicates where the zoom will begin and the red border indicates where the zoom will end i'm going to adjust this green border so it's really tight on this cool hill here i'm going to really over emphasize the look of this so you can really see what dynamic zoom does so i'll hit space bar on my keyboard to play this back this clip now starts off super zoomed in and it ends on this wider shot now we can also work on these different types of effects more precisely by going into the inspector window here bring my playhead to the beginning of the clip and let's scroll down to composite and we're about to adjust the opacity of this clip so that it fades in let's click on this keyframe here move our playhead to about halfway through the clip scale opacity down to zero doing that has added a second keyframe which is indicated by the keyframe being in red and let's watch this back over time as the clip plays the opacity decreases to zero where the second keyframe is you also have the option to have one clip fade into another clip like this let's scroll back up to transform using the rotation angle slider we can adjust the rotation of this clip let's say we want this to be upside down we can also just click in here and type minus 180 there we go let's click this circular arrow to undo that we can adjust the x-axis or y-axis of the position of our clip like so and we can also zoom in or zoom out if we want to turn off any of these effects we can do so by turning this red button off let's click on the effects tab which will show tons of different effects that you can use just going to move this clip over a little bit and i'll drag the blur dissolve onto the beginning of it zoom in we can increase the duration the blur dissolve takes place on our clip let's watch this back cool another effect i want to show you is under the toolbar here let's select titles and now we have tons of different title options you can hover your mouse over any of them to get a quick preview of what they look like let's grab the horizontal slide title and drag it on top of our b-roll clip select it so that you can edit it change the word sample to iceland we can click on this drop down menu to change our font scroll down here adjust the top text size using the slider here where it says color let's double click on the color to open up this colors box you can select any color in this color wheel here or if you want to actually use a color that's shown within the clip grab the eyedropper tool and we can grab and use any color here i'm going to just choose white because where the title sits on my clip is a little dark so the white will stand out but i think it's pretty cool to choose any color that you have in your clip so i thought i'd show you that and if you wanted this title effect to show for longer on screen you could just drag it out like so back under effects let's take a quick look at audio effects i'm gonna zoom out here a little bit and find the dialog audio okay let's grab noise reduction and drag it on to our dialog this will bring up the noise reduction window and we have some different options here that we could customize to reduce any noisiness in our audio i actually made a tutorial about working with audio i'll link it in the description below it goes more into detail about how to use some of the different audio effects definitely check that out we also have some pretty useful options for working with audio in the inspector panel here for example with the dialog clip selected we can adjust the volume using the slider if we want to we can adjust the pan the pitch the speed and more but often when you're working with an edit that has both dialog audio and music you'll want to adjust the volume of the music in the areas that the dialogue will be heard to do that select your music track and up in the inspector tab where it says clip volume click on this keyframe and that adds a keyframe onto your music track where your playhead was we can grab that keyframe and move it over if we want to now we can add a second keyframe and this is where we're going to use the volume slider to decrease the volume and let's bring the music audio down to around minus 20 decibels so that the volume of the music fades as the dialog audio is heard we'll go close to the end of the dialog with our playhead at a keyframe now go a little past where the dialog ends and we'll add another keyframe and we'll bring that volume back up to zero i'll zoom out here and okay let's get rid of the stuff we don't need so let's select this music track delete it we'll delete this second music track as well zoom back in here and we can drag our music in so that it ends when our clip ends awesome so let's say that you're ready to export now to do so let's go over to the deliver tab bring our playhead to the beginning of our edit press i on our keyboard to make an in point now bring our playhead to the end of the edit and press o on our keyboard to make an out point we can check this render drop down menu that says in-out range and this also shows entire timeline personally i would never choose to use entire timeline because sometimes there are straight clips that you might have in your timeline beyond your project itself so i definitely recommend sticking to your in and out range which will render only what's within that in and out range on the left here where it says render settings we currently have custom export selected we're gonna stick with that but if you scroll to the right you'll see that there's several different options and presets you could choose settings for youtube for vimeo twitter dropbox and so on okay so we can change our file name if we want to choose the location we want our final video to be exported to and you can adjust any of these export settings if you need to i'm happy with them as is and please let me know if you want me to make a tutorial deep diving into different export settings and which one might work best for you depending on the type of project you're working on so now we can press add to render queue and you might think you're done but you're not yet over on the right we have our render queue that shows the project we want to have rendered if we had 10 different projects that we wanted to have rendered we could add them all to this render queue and then press render all but in this case we only have the one project so press render all and this will take a few minutes once it's completed it will let you know awesome and there you go that's how to use davinci resolve 18 thanks for checking this video out if you want to see more davinci tutorials let us know in the comments we release weekly ish videos all about filmmaking content creating as well as video gear reviews so to stay in the loop subscribe to our channel check out our over 100 plus other video editing tutorials i'm sure we've covered something you might need and we will see you in another video you
Channel: Alli and Will
Views: 34,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alli and will, video editing, alli bartlett, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18 tutorial for beginners, how to use davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18 tutorial, how to use davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve tutorial, resolve for beginners, davinci resolve free, davinci resolve 18 editing tutorial, davinci resolve 18 in 18 minutes, how to use davinci resolve free version
Id: cwKJJSlEq9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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