How to Spend Money to Guarantee Wealth

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Wait.... so holidays are bad?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bradrj 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
my name is Grant Cardone does the cardones own every day every day I'm gonna show you how to get money a lot cheaper than you know get yourself in a position to sit in a chair right there are you the solution or you the problem yeah we're gonna what does it take they don't know you and they're not thinking about you do know you and they're not thinking okay forgot you my name is Grant Cardone you are in the car down zone where I wake you up I shake you up punch you in the face but mostly I'm that good [Music] I was bored I was lazy not getting anything sleeping and not doing what to do grandpa don't shave my life I want to showcase your success at growth conference three I promise you - thank you life when I met him my entire life job matters he makes people better he's a magnifier [Music] we're so empowering and he's so inspirational and my husband and I will walk away from this the growth time to forever I would say to you from all over the world come to the next 10 ex-girlfriend [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey welcome to the cardones own Friday's 12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time I come to you to talk about your business your money your career and your future we do this show on Fridays because we want to get you I want to get you ready for the weekend I want to get you thinking right Friday Saturday night people waste a lot of money excuse me okay this plane can actually handle that today I want to talk to you about what are you going to spend your money on also but by the way since I did the little plane trick there's going to be somebody at our 10-x Road conference some lucky two people are gonna win dinner on the big bird okay yeah we're just going to pick two random people out so every time you guys buy seats the more money you spend the more polls you get okay the so a diamond seat gets more more polls than than a general admission the heroes obviously you guys got seats but you didn't pay for them and that's great we want you there it's going to be awesome I'm gonna give two seats away on the plane just some random crazy draw so we'll be announcing that at the conference we're down to 28 days I want to talk to you today about how you spend your money what do you spend your money on what should you spend your money on have the rules changed if you're watching this on YouTube or Facebook I'd love to know what you think have the rules changed or do some things never change what are you going to spend your money on in 20 and 19 you guys know how to make the money the question is what will you spend your money on I'm going to show you a little trick I use I've been using for years they're like dude hey how did you get where you are man how does it dude go from broke bad credit it's not like I came for money it's not like I'm connected how do you how do you create this thing I did it the same way you're gonna do it there is no trick here okay you are not going to miss a step and somehow go from a poverty to like Oh us and you're rich and it's because you want a lottery ticket that's not gonna happen anybody watching here you guys win the lottery ticket I am your best friend I can pick you up the next day remember that the chances of that happening right here are so minimal so small okay and I left my notes by the way I left my notes over at Polly's desk because I had some good notes for you guys okay now this is what I spend my money on this I'm going to show you because you know how to earn it number one number two how do I keep it and number three how do I do to multiply all right I'm gonna assume you already have a job and you know how to earn money there's a lot of different ways to earn money you need multiple flows to earn that money for it to ever multiply most people figure out the first part a ninety seven percent of Americans are working today ninety seven I don't think it's that high I think it's stupid but three percent unemployment or something three and a half percent unemployment I think there's about actually like fifty three percent of the American public has a job and it's working it's earning income they don't count the other people they're like they're out of the workforce they don't really count okay so check it out me it's all dumb-dumb anyway earn money I know how to make money how do I earn money from a job that's one way from a business I sell some products I earn money number two this is a problem for a lot of people I'm gonna share with you today the difference between the rich or should I say I really don't like the word rich I like wealthy much better okay I like the wealthy where do y'all like better wealthy and then we're going to talk about oh y'all want to talk about the rich guy here no such thing really just a dumb ass okay this guy's just waiting to be poor or rich one of the - he's in purgatory rich is a purgatory state okay it's basically are you going to heaven are you going to the long term punishment is that is that it's hell on earth dog is heaven on earth and hell on earth it's freedom baby I got freedom over here man a controlled environment stays cool 68 degrees oh my god pressure cooker pressure cook over here no no it's maybe land it's I'm not sure this is the middle class good jobs you probably worked for Boeing or Microsoft maybe Facebook you make 250 grand a year and you're in you're in silicon heaven hahahahaha and you don't have any money left over how can somebody make 250 grand a year and not have any money left over because they don't know how to keep the money I just had a lady in my office she works for Boeing been there 22 years she's got like three or four hundred thousand dollars where the net worth she knows how to do number two she knows how to earn money and she knows how to keep it this is what she does not know how to do today I want to talk about this step though how do I keep the money okay the only way to keep money is you have to have discipline in place and you got to study what wealthy people do okay so if I take these people right here what do these people spend money on and what do these people spend money on remember rich is waiting to be poor or it's waiting to get wealthy but it ain't wealthy yet what do to poor people y'all want to do poor rich first can listen to poor people poor people spend money on just give me give me anything what it was something okay yeah yeah good a watch I gotta have a TechnoMarine that's what I used to call it I gotta have me some fake Gucci it's not even real Gucci it's Gucci from the corner okay oh oh my big goal in life is to buy a house this guy's stuck in this too I'm gonna buy a house one day I'm gonna be a prisoner the warden and the prisoner okay it's the castle trips trips right trips pleasure okay VIP VIP this is my boy Allen VIP and bottles bottle service right cars okay cars belts okay let me see my belt today I got my belt dawg whoo what I spend on this belt $29 man $29 okay watch watch alert my self-esteem is good today I left it in the box now what are these people buy what are these people invest money on network networking these people are a heavy hand beyond who they know man okay charity why charity because charity is networking who's that a charity event people that are charitable if you didn't spend any time in charity events last last year I guarantee you've got a money problem this is connections okay these are networking and connections the first thing the rich people spend their money on is connections wealthy people spend their time with wealthy people we've heard that over and over and over again okay investments these people invest money they don't spend money these are spenders over here right i'ma buy watch it's gonna be worth a lot of money one day dude ain't gonna be worth any money to who oh my god man i'ma buy paddock and I'm gonna keep it for like three generations and one day when you're dead man okay they invest in businesses they buy franchises we have people that buy a grant cardone license those are people that have a wealthy mentality why they want about a grant cardone license because they can use my name my trademarks my products and go to Thailand and make money on my name without me going to Thailand marketing these people these people spend money on marketing you know I'm convinced that Donald Trump did not have a plane before he was the president because he needed to travel places I'm convinced Donald Trump had a plane so he could Park it at LaGuardia and advertise that he's a rich dude people see his name he left it right there at LaGuardia Airport he didn't put it in a private Airport he put it in LaGuardia so that every passenger that leaves New York at LaGuardia would see his big bird what are you spending your money on to 2019 okay what are you guys spending your money on man 10x growth conference it's a major networking event the number one reason you should come to Miami February first second third the number one reason you should come to that is not to see me it's to network with me it's not to learn from me if I send my kids to Harvard and Yale it will not be for the information it will be for thee it will be for the people to connections because if I want money I need people okay everything you want got it a person a human being a person a stick figure this dude here got some money got opportunity got connections got networking got social if you want money you must meet people when we come back I'm gonna show you five things to put in place this year that will keep you from being a broke wanker I want you to have an experience that you will never ever forget we want to make this a big event for you our goal is to change your lives this is what you have to go anybody can be 1x or 2x to get to these multipliers I mean to blow the roof off for your life and career to 10x in your business gen-x the lives of people around give more than you take and I promise you you will get more than you ever dreamed up more sales in less time know when your links are clicked on within your emails track performance metrics giving you unlimited real-time email tracking we give you precise email scheduling make sure your emails arrive at the right time every time increase your open rates and perfect your multi time zone sending we automate your follow up process see how it can work for you try it completely free for two weeks hey welcome back welcome back to the cardones zone the Dow is up 600 today down 660 yesterday y'all like being yo-yos it's so dumb dude you guys are so dumb ok let me tell you guys the ETF's out there the mutual funds okay equity in your home all this was designed to make you poor college education 1.5 trillion dollars in debt 1.5 trillion in debt okay 5 trillion dollars is sitting in equity in homes oh I don't even know how many trillions the numbers here are freaking mind-boggling we're talking hundreds we were talkin I mean I don't even know how many trillions we're talking hundreds of trillions of dollars sitting in ETFs in mutual funds this is for poor people folks this is for poor people you no longer have control your money you won't have control your money - what - you're what 60 70 years old okay mutual funds these are gonna collapse I'm just I'm here to tell you nobody's talking about it these ETF funds are gonna clash you're sitting in 401ks retirement money IRAs this money is gonna collapse it's going to happen in our lifetime it's gonna be the ugliest most brutal thing you've ever seen equity in homes it's gonna disappear you got equity home you need to get this money to work this money is dying it's like having chickens it's like being a farmer you got chickens and you go out there and you're like what's the chicken do chicken that's all that chicken to us okay dude wins the chicken gonna have an egg okay it's the Roosters do the thing dude he does the chicken okay dude if a chicken don't have eggs he ain't worth anything you got to feed him to eat him right so this is this is what wealthy people do man I changed this when I was thirty years old this where I started doing okay networking all my money get went to networking charity events connections investing and business I don't lose money period I don't bag garbage I don't buy cars you see me rollin that big black rolls you see me buying one for my wife but you didn't see what I did to get here dude I'm in this column now I can do anything I want I didn't buy a luxury early okay and I ain't buying it now my businesses are buying the luxury you see me blowing money on I can be stupid now once you create enough wealth you can be a dumbass but you what do y'all see y'all see 50 cent out buying a new car every day he's a dumbass 50 you a dumbass dude okay I see these guys man y'all dumbasses y'all ought to be buying businesses in real estate they can't be destroyed right watches and Bentley's and Gucci and houses most of its fake anyway you bought a great house okay and then three or four years I got my I got a bunch equity sitting over there good sell it get it these are gonna get hammered here in the next few years houses are gonna get hammered in this country okay the VIP bottle weekend okay the travel trips are taken you're making if you're making a decision in 2019 on going on a vacation where you don't get connections where all you get is vitamin D okay some of you to go into Vegas you know what I'm talking about vitamin D know anything about the Sun okay everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas well then why you hurt the following week what's that thing on your lip why'd you bring that home what you okay all right now let me show you what I did I put a discipline in place I had the same problems you did okay I have a scale that I spend money on these are the things I spend money on okay number one okay I need it I have to have this to live I need it to live I need a place to live I got to have food and I gotta have water basic right I got it these are basic needs this would not be a bicycle unless of course I lived in India and a bicycle was hell I you know move people around number two number two a high chance oh no no no 100 percent chance or clothes of making money of producing money well then I'm gonna buy that deal right hey man I can buy this thing and somebody else will pay me more for that I'm gonna produce a book and somebody's gonna pay me it's gonna cost me three dollars to buy the book and I can sell that book for $9 okay a possible chance at money okay so let's just take these three right III need to go to dinner tonight I don't have to go to prime 112 to do that but I do need to eat so I got to have some food now I couldn't do the peanut butter and jelly I can do the Millionaire Next Door the millionaire duck next door he says hey man just live on peanut butter and jelly dude you're gonna be rich one day I wanna be rich now I want to be wealthy I don't want to be in purgatory I want to go to heaven with a big freakin wood that's where they're having a party man Moses up there no tell him what are you doing rocking place out man huh Abraham Abraham you know Abraham's a DJ DJ Moses Buddhist place up okay yeah okay now but but look what if I took a what if I took a client to dinner him and his wife Elaine and I went to prime 112 a possible chance at doing some bidness okay the four and five deer look four and five is it this is just maybe need it maybe need it that's a four don't do it and this is zero chance zero need this is just okay so this is what you do you just need to start playing out in your mind man one two three four and five what am i spending my money on one dude I gotta live okay what is that gas in my car man but by the way I don't need a car I got Hooper now okay I could Hooper what would it cost me to over to my office from where four dollars a day I could save myself a lot of money that'd be $8 a day right now I'm paying $8 a day times that'd be $240 a month and I say my my insurance cost me $240 a month to over back and forth to work that's the only place I need to be everyday anyway his work didn't worry about your life so you know wealthy people are willing to pay the price today so they can pay any price tomorrow all the decisions I'll take the collar all the decisions I was making when I was 35 and 40 and 42 and 45 and 50 bought me that bird right there okay cuz I invest I'm sorry I spend my money like a rich person I'm sorry like a wealthy person I spent all my money on this going to charity events has made me tens of millions of dollars going to charity events giving money to charity has made me hundreds of millions of dollars creating a foundation helping other people's foundation helping to boys and girls helping the make-a-wish Foundation has made me hundreds of millions of dollars because it connected me with people that had a mutual desire to change the it's okay to improve things who's gonna change things people that are doing things not people that are at the club getting a hangover and by the way if it happens in Vegas then why did you wake up with a hangover why you got blurry eyes on the way home if it stays in Vegas and by the way what's that thing on your lip again and why are you pregnant if what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas come on man it's just another lie like buy a house it's a way to create wealth okay let's talk to somebody who is it hey Jeff what's the dumbest thing that you spent money on in your life man be honest uncle G what's that play what's up man hey what's the dumbest thing you spent money on dumbest thing I've spent money on in your life I could in my life I'd have to dig through the files but off of my head I'll tell ya I did buy a house 1215 years ago that was dumb and why do you say that was dumb because most of people listen and saying dude the house is the smart thing to buy why is it dumb because I've been following you for three years I've learned a lot but I'll tell you why it was dumb we got lucky with the timing we bought at the right time I sold it to hater to market but only because I realized at that point I thought owned in a house all I'm doing is dumping money and property tax repairs you know feeding the beast as you say it's all I was doing yeah yeah yeah you do the math you never get that back you never get a plan and you got lucky you got you you made some money right I got lucky yeah hey guys if you have money made in your house right now telling you right now might want to go get go and get it right now okay if you got some appreciation grab it right now where you calling in from I'm into Jersey okay so help me out here dude like if I was gonna spin help me out on my little chart here okay need needs a hundred percent chance of getting me more money possible chance than the one two three four and five I don't know if you heard that yeah of course let's say I come to you okay I come to you and say man look man what I knew man should I spare should I go to that 10x growth conference on the list of 1 2 3 4 & 5 why where would you rate going to the 10x Coast Conference and getting a seat I'd say it's number 2 I agree with you it's down to number one stage I don't need it I don't have to do it I don't need to still breathe without going he said number two it could be it could even be a number three it's not a 100% chance you're gonna go to the 10x growth conference and make money or a connection there's probably a three a possible chance that with 35,000 people over three days you might run into somebody now the IRS by the way the other thing anything that I can write off right here I'll just give you a little little thing here anything that I get can write off goes up on the list so if it's one two and three and then I'm gonna ask myself that question can I write that off if I can write it off doop bang it pops the top of the list okay so so so like I'm gonna go buy some suits for the 10x growth conference I can't write off a clothing y'all know that right but I could if I only wore for this conference and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give the suits away at the conference said all of a sudden I'm like okay I can buy like a buy some uniforms for the conference all right man you got a questioner you can am I done with you no no listen so I have a question no but I wanted to call I want to thank you for everything that you do and I want to give you my quick story and for anybody listening and watching this show right now who's considering and they're on the fence about going to the growth con right I picked you up about three years ago I you're you and your content it's been explaining to me describe to me that this is my religion because I do I study it every day of my life seven days a week I practice I practice it I've gone in the last three years when I found Jones make it seventy thousand a year well this year this year I just became the CEO of a multimillion-dollar home remodeling company I'll take four to six hundred thousand Wow I'm a high school dropout with a GED raise blue collar okay I learned sales of all your content you're you're the one I get the credit is he's content but here's where I want to say anybody that's considering it their fence sitters about going to the Brody conference I made it the last year's in Vegas and what I could tell you is if you think it won't work for you too because you don't believe in yourself the networking there all you have to do is make a decision go there go with intention go with purpose and follow-through we'll make it happen and guys this is what he's telling you right now what's his full name again Jeff Jeff good to have you here buddy I appreciate you coming in guy went from making 70 grand a year to running a business and making four to six hundred grannie this year okay look all you got to do is if you don't trust yourself with money and you shouldn't let's keep it real at least be honest don't be dishonest right and broke be honest hey man I don't trust myself with money when I was 25 years old I did not trust myself with money I did not trust myself with drugs I did not trust myself with alcohol and I did not trust myself with with with free time okay just go over this man use the five I gotta have this I have to have this I don't have to have the gum I gotta have a phone guys okay like I don't have to have a 12-inch phone huh sighs didn't everything when it comes to a phone is what I use it for right neat I don't need to I need something to live right 100 percent chance is gonna make me money three possible chance they'll make me money the top three I'm spending my money if the IRS allows me to deduct it then it's deducted because I deduced dad acted in the mistake out of four and five oh by the way I'm gonna try to stay broke so I never have to entertain four and five all my money is gonna go into real estate anything free so four and five don't pull at me let's go to break I was bored I was lazy not doing anything sleeping not doing what to do don't see my life I want to showcase your success it grows conference free I promise you to tangle on when I met him my entire life got better he makes people better he's a magnifier [Music] we're so empowering and he's so inspirational and my husband and I will walk away from this the growth honey changed forever I would say to you from all over the world come to the next 10x conference [Music] [Applause] [Music] wealth dynamics believes everyone has the god-given right to own their potential most of us don't because we spend 40 hours per week serving the 40 year to life sentence turning our precious time for worthless paper called money we teach our clients to secure income so you can buy your freedom back and live a life of abundance and prosperity wealth dynamics provides coaching education accountability and community to help you build wealth join our coaching program get educated on the wealth dynamics University and begin networking with the wealth dynamics mastermind group today to get started go to wealth dynamics calm welcome back welcome back to the cardones own every Friday 12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we load up the phones with people that are looking to 10x their game 27 days from right now 14 hours in 12 minutes 21 seconds 35,000 people will descend a Marlins stadium in Miami for the biggest entrepreneur conference in the history of the world tickets as low as $95 if you can't afford to 95 you need to go Rob your grandmother like you used to she's got it get it from her and pay her back when you get back because you'll be in a position to between now and then if you got a money problem live by these five things in 20 and 19 I need it we need it right now okay my kid does not need a hoverboard she don't need a dog she don't need a cat the family does not need these things okay okay something comes up man hoverboard is there 100 percent chance that a hoverboard makes me money no instead 100 possible chance that our hoverboard make me money maybe now build a YouTube channel around it put 10x all over it do some great stunts with it maybe hire celebrity I don't know that's gonna cost me more money right maybe is there a maybe we need this no we don't maybe we need it it's okay zero chance that's where it sits good okay that you just walk through it give me something else okay a plane do I need to spend 50 1 million dollars for Gulfstream 550 ok do I need you no no don't need to it's not number one number two is there a 100% chance that I would make my money back No number three is there a possible chance did that go stream would bring me places where I could make some money possible chance now I got to add a little something to tuna to the data is it gonna make me 51 million oh I don't know I don't know let's go on here number 4 do I maybe need it maybe I do need it ok is there a zero chance no there's not a zero chance this won't make me money so then I ask myself the next question which was what will the IR in the s2 f be in the I the CI into a they all the same the FE D in the SEC will they let me write it down and did you know that the IR and the s would not just let me write down a piece of it they'd let me write down whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa in fact that was hungry before I started having this conversation I didn't even need to eat cuz I'm like goddamn man I didn't know that boom it just hit the list I'm like okay how do I figure this out what can we do with it where can we go with it okay oh my god dude hey what if I created license around the world and I could go travel to London and then leave there and go to Dubai and leave there and go to Sydney and I had mom Oh what if I could spend that time with my kids and my nanny homeschool my kids at 51,000 feet and my kids got a hoverboard going up and down the aisles of my Gulfstream 550 while I advertised for the 10x growth car what if I could put Natalie on the plane with me and watch her work that Graham from 50,000 oh that's why I bought that jet let's talk to the colors and that that people is is the difference between wealthy people and poor people what's that land see you got you guys don't you guys are you guys are buying plane tickets to go - uh - what's that place in Mexico everybody ok Khun Tulum ok [Music] good conference 3 I went to the - I'm trying to go to the 3 yeah why are you trying are you trying well I'm buying a ticket hope you don't try to hold you dick right now try try it just try it try to hold my dick yeah try try tell me what you did tell me when you did it I did it bride bitter then you didn't try I know no I know no try to hold your ear now try the whole year all right I did it no no you I said try to whole year but I can't fight because I did that's right now try to put your dick in here now you can't do that he can't do that cuz he'd been trying he knows everything he can do with his dick he's like I can do everything with my dick I can do everything I can't put in my ear I know everything I can do in my day because I've done it ok ok welcome on the car down there it's crazy man it's crazy it's Friday we started 2019 big dog oh yeah it could be big dude best year ever bro ok so look man where you want to sit man where do I want to sit yeah uh don't you want to sit with a guy on the left of you is a millionaire and a guy on the right of you it's worth more yeah good dude let's do it bro get this guy ticket I was in a meeting three weeks ago the guy to the left of me runs a companies for six and a half billion and I'm telling the guy to the right of me the guy the right of me is the connector he knows everybody in the room I said dude what's ago he's like six and a half billion dollars I said woah woah he's like grant a guy across from you we're three times that oh I'm in the right room dog can I buy dinner can i buy dinner can I buy dinner see see see see that's where I need to be guys I don't need to be at home by the way that night number one was not where I needed to be with the family okay with my wife working on our marriage that's not where I need to be that night I need to be at 2 and 3 do you understand this is the difference between the wealthy and the poor they make their priorities on how they use their money right where is the money okay Johnny's got his money in the in the wall of his apartment because he was looking for security because he was misinformed Johnny didn't do this because Johnny's stupid johnny was told to do this by somebody in his family that was told to do this hide that money so he's like I'm gonna put it in the wall I can't get the money now dude if you can't get it it didn't work anything i'ma buy a gold chain why dude cuz one day it's gonna be worth something do you can use the money right now to buy marketing and advertising and promotion si wealthy people spend money on the expansion and and and poor people spend money on memories on memories man oh I had a great weekend you're not gonna remember it I asked my wife I said hey tell me tell me tell me one great tell me I want you to remember something that you purchased in your life and you're like oh my god that was amazing she couldn't come up with anything I said come on think about so I bought a car when I was 21 good think about something you and I have done think about a thing you and I have done okay oh my god I remember that trip we went to and we went to that charity event we gave that money and we helped all those people that's what people remember like where's your money gonna go this year that's what's gonna change how you live this year if you could use these five things the name is Justin what's up man Justin Justin grant cardone man I love you I've been waiting to call you man I'm right here in Fort Lauderdale how you doing today good you bro I love you we like brothers man you got a great no no listen you got a radio voice man I know I need a job in your office man that's why I'm right here in Fort Lauderdale I sell branded promotional items and I'm a closer another closer man listen I need you to help me I need help with grant needs you to tell me how if you're not going to give me a job if or a career I should say I take I take these things seriously but outside of that I'm in the promotional industry highly competitive I'm a 1099 guy so I have the freedom to do what I want what would you suggest if I want to reach a larger larger audience other come on the phone all day cold calls and I do have accounts but it's a hard grind man you know how it is so what would be the first step that you would say to take or to reach a larger audience and how much capital do I need well number one I would just tell you man you you the 1099 thing is overplayed you need own a business I got a business I'm sorry I said that wrong how many employees how many employees you got no that ain't a business man all right all right it's like having one McDonald or like like can you imagine McDonald's how many locations you got one well how many employees you got there one that any business dude oh but I'm a killer on the phone but you are to go work you are to go work you you're better off being a 1% of something large then a hundred percent of something small you got you guys you guys you're trying to do everything when you oh man this is this is a whole Instagram going on more for myself now I'm gonna be my god I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that dude ain't nobody doing anything by themselves right go stream can't build this plane with one person right so that's what I would tell you dude I got like like you know you got to think bigger this year you got to start thinking beyond yourself beyond your apartment build a business if you're gonna build a business you guys build a big business if you're not gonna build a big business don't do business go work for somebody that's gonna build a big business so so you know that's what I would tell you man get great at what you do okay he's on the right track guys got a great attitude Justin Justin coming to the 10x truth conference there's gonna be so many opportunities there 35,000 people are gonna hit this town Justin all of them are interested in promotion I'm coming I'm coming I'm gonna be there man I'm right here in Fort Lauderdale but I know you said that three times oh let me guess where you are hold on that Fort Lauderdale you have a Fort Lauderdale man are you in Fort Lauderdale hey man what do I have to do to get an interview man to call and send a 30-second video the careers of Grant Cardone man and you got it you're gonna have to work on talking to them about hey I want to be part of something because that's what you got going against you I'm what hey I don't have any problem with that I have no problem with that yeah I love that man I love that I love that okay huh show me show me show me just show me this guy by himself on this planet this is the planet he's all by himself but that's not the right size is it right that's him right there you show me you show me a guy that does that you show me a guy tell me his financial condition right now mine so done dude ain't nobody give me a name any wealthy person give me a name bill Warren Oprah what happened what they do they connected with people first thing they do is that they all have in common it doesn't matter the industry okay Ted Turner CNN oh he connected with people man he put CNN in so when CNN was good right so show me a person Jesus we don't know his name we don't know his name except the dude put on them sandals and beat a path right and then he got a gatherer and then he got 12 and then he got they did the last separate thing and then they put him up on the cross and made a big deal about it man can you imagine if that was going off on Facebook life okay okay he's like he's like man listen let's put it on the ground and we're gonna build this thing Big Dawg cuz you've got to have promotion you got to have net working you gotta have people man and you gotta have haters we would not know Jesus today if he didn't have haters that means this guy's got to get big man this guy's got to get big not big buying self though you can't get big by yourself okay you need to get big with a team you need to get big with a bunch of people that's why I'm doing this too next thing so you guys can come join 35,000 people a lady told me that she's like I like it when your conferences had 2,000 people I'm like dude get on the field there's only 2,000 people there right you you want to be with a hundred of them could get a diamond seat there's only a hundred diamond seats you want to spend the whole weekend with me give me a million and a half you're good you can tag along with me I'll pull my pocket out I'll put my pocket out like this okay and you can just I wish it was white it looked better okay and in Johnny Johnny said you can just hold this all weekend if you want to just pay me enough money man I'll let you spoon me on stage how close do you want to get man what's the payoff right you don't look stupid you want to be like how do I connect with people by the way you would not want to do the million dollar thing with just me there's too many unbelievable people at the conference 35,000 people there's more than gee see here right or EC right there's all kinds of people here not just the people on stage either the people sitting next to you 10x wrote calm calm if you haven't grabbed your seat you have 27 days let's talk David and all of you out there that want to be on my stage you want to speak you're a podcaster you want to interview me support this conference the way to get next to me is to support what I'm doing the weight when I moved to Miami there's a dude in town I wanted to do business with I called him up and said hey man what's your favorite charity all rights above about and I said great man let me how can I help I'll give you some money can I do a fundraiser can I open instant instant should I spend money on that man I was having a money problem should I spend money on that is there any chance that I could make money I don't need it as food I don't need as oxygen there's a not a 100% chance but there is a chance then I could do some big big D what's up baby what's up Big D I borrow money too by the way if I needed to borrow money to go to that conference I would do yo what's up man what's up man talk to me man got it got to talk got to talk man okay go what's up Mexico what's up Mexico oh man what's up man so I have a few jobs right now and yesterday I got home can you hear me every word we even heard you say can you hear me okay I saw your advertisement to go to Miami yeah yeah yeah good good no I would think and I bought your ticket hello yeah we're listening to you man just keep talking okay sorry so I bought your ticket I'm working two jobs right now it was a miracle that I saw your advertisement because I paid my rent and then now I had was enough to pay for a ticket to go to the tech conference here in a couple of weeks so super excited super thrilled and 20 years old I'm ready to network and to get out there and did you dude I can't wait with me man I can't wait let's get this thing we got a big hand guys come on okay okay I was I was 25 years old okay and and and I and I and I had I wanted to become a professional salesperson program was $3,000 I didn't have the money should I get alone okay let me ask myself one do I need it yes I I needed that by the way as much as I needed food and housing and shelter I needed to become a professional number two is there a hundred percent chance that it will make me money that was like not a 100 percent chance because I hadn't used the program yet right but there was a hundred percent chance that I needed it and there was a hundred percent chance by the way that if I didn't borrow the money to do this I would never be a professional salesperson three was there some chance some slight chance the could work yes for sure okay oh and the IRS allowed that as a deduction number four and number five you know obviously it's just that's just junk okay so I'm like oh okay I'm gonna do it about the deal took the leap three grand okay I was 25 years office broke board the money from my mama listen to this folks okay that three grand turn me into like literally my career not not like my whole career started with three grand my entire career everything I have today the plane the cars the books the speaking gave 35,000 people with seven businesses everything was because of dad I spent money on the right thing I invested money on the right thing I invested money in myself so that I could be great at one thing and that built a business the same is waiting for you if your money's not right something you're doing with money or people is out I want to help you 10x growth con-com 27 days from right now if you need to borrow the money from the bank do we have any kind of payment programs okay you need to borrow the money from a friend a mom a dad Visa MasterCard I don't care what Dave Ramsey says you ask Dave Ramsey Dave would you borrow money if you knew for sure it would change your damn life he's gonna say yeah man and Dave Ramsey hates people borrow money but if I told Dave Dave it's gonna change my life yeah man you should barter damn money he's like that's different than what I've been saying don't borrow money for belt or a pair of shoes why because it's so low on the list dude you don't need it it has no chance to make you money my name is grant cardone we're holding a conference 35,000 people you got the 5 you got the 5 Johnny what are the 5 Johnny do I need it zero chance okay so what I want you to do just take anything that you're thinking about buying Johnny what you've been thinking about buying anything good Johnny's been thinking about investing with me okay he's thinking about taking the money let's just do it on the investing Johnny's got a bunch of money sitting I know where it's at it's in the wall of his house okay it don't matter I'm gonna tell enough people they're gonna come rob you I you should go rob Johnny do by the way I'm telling you what's your apartment where you live Johnny fifty six cent yeah you know what number what number Johnny but never 15 you man you can find him in 15 man okay so so Johnny Johnny Johnny's got money sitting in the wall Johnny could reverse this thing hey do I need to invest my money it's dead there okay Johnny what you're thinking about investing is there a hundred percent chance John that this would make you money I mean maybe not a hundred he thinks it is though but but he it's going to feel one of these 1 in 3 let's say it does one in three hey man I need to invest and number three there is a good chance okay see I'm gonna flip what I invest my money in there's a really good chance that it's gonna make money by the way the IRS loves the investments I make more than any single vehicle on this planet real estate is the most tax beneficial of every investment ETS mutual funds cash accounts gold silver Bitcoin real estate provides more tax havens protection than any other asset okay Johnny if you leave the money in the walls there little chance Johnny did it ever improve okay is there zero chance than it improves there's a chance that somebody comes and steals that so then Johnny would say oh dude I need to do this he checks off enough of these no no no maybe okay shut enough of these check off oh man I need that's how you make decisions make them rationally don't make them because your daddy did it because it feels good start doing things with your money rationally you work 40 hours a week folks I work 40 hours a week man okay when I was a part-timer okay I might at least spend that much time on my money and my health and my relationships you never spend some time sleeping I gotta sleep eight times what 750 six hours okay I get 56 hours of sleep 40 hours improvement time and 40 hours work it's not quite how I do it but got to do something different this year folks otherwise you're just gonna be another twenty nine twenty eighteen twenty seventeen twenty sixteen nothing changed grant cardone hey man if you called in today we want to get you a flag I want to get you a flag I love you guys appreciate you joining us thank you so much for watching look forward to your comments I was bored I was lazy not doing anything sleeping and not doing what to do if I don't shave my life I want to showcase your success it grows conference tree I promise you - thank you when I met him my entire life got better he makes people better he's a magnifier [Music] we're so empowering and he's so expressive and my husband and I will walk away from this the growth time changed forever I would say to you from all over the world come to the next 10x conference [Music] [Applause] [Music] my name's grant cardone is the cardones known every day every day I'm gonna show you how to get money a lot cheaper than you know get yourself in a position to sit in that chair right there are you the solution or you the problem yeah we're gonna what does it take they don't know yet and they're not thinking about you know you and they're not thinking they forgot you my name's grant cardone you're in the car down zone where I wake you up I shake you up punch you in the face but mostly I'm that good oh yeah it was Enderman you got a deal we better question [Music] you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 58,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business leadership, marketing, work, entrepreneur, social media influencer, influencer, digital marketing, business advancement, motivation, entrepreneurship, ceo, social media, leadership, grantcardone, scale, how to become rich, how to grow your business, secrets to money, yt:cc=on, wealth, business, income, grant cardone, success, money, john maxwell
Id: WrA-A6BuRzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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