Branding Before Advertising: The Cardone Zone

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my name's grant cardone does the cardones don't every day every day I'm gonna show you how to get money a lot cheaper than me I get yourself in a position to sit in that chair right there are you the solution or you the prize yeah well we're never what does it take they don't know you and they're not thinking about you they do know you and they're not thinking they forgot you my name is Grant Cardone you're in the car down zone where I wake you up I shake you up punch you in the face but mostly I'm that good [Music] yeah was any man you got a deal [Music] [Music] welcome back and into the cardones ona this is your first visit my name is grant cardone and every Friday 12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and sometimes a little early you boy GC also known as uncle G because I helped so many people out of their situations okay whether you are broke and bankrupt a debt bad credit no money and no job or whether you're making millions of dollars a year every day I come to you to do my best to share you share with you what I'm learning and what is working for me in many of my businesses to make sure I can take care of my family I know you want to take care of yours take care of my dreams I know you need to take care of your dreams if you don't take care of them you'll give up on them and I know you want to take care of your community and be more responsible and help out more and give more I know most of my audience wants to do those things they want more freedom they want more time they want more vacations and they want to be more philanthropic okay if you agree with these points and you're watching this on YouTube Facebook or Instagram please do me a favor do me a favor simple favor comment below comment below I'm gonna pick some favorite comments today and send you out some special gifts we give all kind of stuff away on the show you can call up three oh five eight six five eight six six eight three oh five eight six five eight six six eight if you know what 10x means the term 10x the word 10x came from a book called the 10x rule which is an international phenomenon okay if you haven't read the book grab the book if you don't like to read grab the audio 10x rule what does 10x mean post it in comments today I'm gonna show you how to get to 10x and you can't get to 10x without doing branding and advertising and before we go any further let me save you some money I'm gonna save you millions of dollars and I'm gonna save you 10 years in your career you have to advertise you have to advertise in your career to blow your brand up you can not not advertised and saved money it cost me probably 400 should I even say a number this big or do I lose everybody 400 million dollars we have estimated it's what it cost me because I didn't advertise for the first 20 years of my career but before you spend $1 in advertising and and even if it was wasted it'd be a great dollar to spend even if you don't get a return you should do it but before you do that what you need to do is spend a lot of time energy and resources on branding there is a difference between branding and advertising if you really want your advertising to work then you would spend more time energy efforts on branding ok branding who are you who are you are you seared seared seer branded remember the cattle with what they do back in 1800 that's my damn cow okay some people today fast forward to the 21st century they can't remember their own mottos so they're like I'm gonna put 10x on my wrists to remind myself that's called a tattoo branded hard to remove right some people wear wedding rings oh I got to remind myself I'm married I don't want to go out I was at I was at Equinox the other day I walked out Equinox I've been pumping I've been doing my legs my legs were all blown up man they were just like they were just just screaming man they was screaming man to rest him he's all like you know I love TR TD man I like it great grants hitting the freaking grant grants hitting the roids I'm coming up this chick walks out true story this chick walks out of the the yoga place happy international Woman's Day this person was not a woman this was a chick and she was on the hunt she was hunting she comes out whoa she comes out she comes out of that door she opened that door she'd come out she's all sweating she sees me all bulked up coming out of there she does this she looked at my face and went boom and dropped her face dropped her eyes what was she looking at she was looking for this see like I got some single meat ok that's single see what I had done in that moment was I advertised but I hadn't branded she had done no branding and very little advertising dude if I don't know you I'm not gonna flow you if I don't know you then I got to find out who you are is he single is he a player okay is he a good guy is he a bad guy because I don't know I won't convert that's why you guys got a brand first that's why your reputation on brand is so vital that's why we do so good we do so our conversions are phenomenal here because people trust me okay because I spent more time branding than advertising now I'm telling you this I made a mistake here not spending more money in advertising I made a bigger mistake not spending more time energy and resources on branding and you are making a mistake if you do any kind of metrics on did it convert did it pay off branding will not pay off zero you will get a zero return if you don't brand okay you will get a zero return for branding in the beginning you will get you will never get a return on advertising if you don't bring it branding is a must it is senior to advertising listen to what I'm telling you branding is senior to advertising this is the seventh book six book that I wrote okay I didn't get a publishing deal until I self-published I had to prove to the marketplace I had a name I have a face and I have a following when I first started Instagram or started Facebook or started YouTube I had the same followers you had why is anybody gonna follow my channel in the beginning nobody knows me if they don't know you they won't flow you eyeballs no attention remember this okay branding means what branding is identifying or an image regarded as an asset coca-cola is a brand it's not an ad okay coca-cola becomes an ad when they go to TV or radio or billboard branding is I'm red I'm red and silver dude and I represent I am the king of the soda okay so grant cardone you or a brand you are a brand right t-mobile is a brand John Legere what does he do he's dressed in magnetic all the time that's his brand that's the extension of t-mobile t-mobile's advertisings won't matter if there's no brand I gotta know who the brand is for years years for years back you know when my mom was going up people stuck with brands if you were a Ford person you were a foot person when Toyota came to this country they're like oh that's a car it's a piece of garbage it's no good what a Toyota dude with the most reliable car in the world over and over again we're the most reliable car in the world over and over ago Michael Cohen this this this testifying against Donald Trump saying that you know dude everybody he's branded burnt into the psyche of the American public he is a liar a thief a charlatan right and they're trying to do the same you understand Snoop Dogg got a brand snoop and blunts snoop and blunts okay advertising is when you describe or draw attention to a product or service or a product in the public medium not in your closet not at home to promote a sale so what do you know me for grant cardone what is he known for a lot of things man a lot of things sales guy is what people say about me pushy I know what people say about me you need to know what people say about arrogant okay all this describes your brand okay cocky okay did I do pushy what else do people say about me huh he's a mattress he obnoxious oh by the way by the way this is what you have to do in order for the advertising to work 10x he's a 10x dude dude he's a real-estate guy he's a money guy what else he's a sales guy he's a real guy okay he'll tell you the truth punch you in the mouth he'll take you out in public dude okay he cannot be pushed around dude got a the guy don't go away either like most of my audience does not like me the first time they meet me that is branding doesn't mean that's the only way I know other guys they do it the other way they get people to like them first I don't know how to do that yet maybe all are now stay with me I'm gonna come back right from break I'm taking your phone calls I'm looking at your comments comments cuz we're giving some stuff away to the comment o'the today never depend on one flow of income if you do you will die working and number two if you don't learn how to make money in your sleep you're gonna work every day you and I are going to sit down and we're going to talk about how to create wealth investing in income flows multiple flows of income this is how to create passive income royalty income profit income capital gains income all the stuff they don't teach you at school right now all you're doing most people all they do is earn income I've studied the wealth for the last hundreds of years in this country and how they create wealth is with seven flows of income most families including myself I spent my first twenty years focused on one earned income the highest tax rate how do you go beyond just earned income I want to share this with you okay I'll see you next Thursday [Applause] [Music] never welcome back you are in the cardones zone every Friday 12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time I get you ready for the weekend bye bye blowing up your face look money money money does not go to closets money does not go to dark spaces you're not a roach money is not a roach money wants to go to the light money wants to go to the brightness okay that's why the NFL man is the Superbowl man it's big okay Times Square it big right our Kelly in trouble oops he's been branded Michael Jackson being rebranded right now this week dude your reputation and Trust is everything okay so trust and familiarity trust and familiarity build the brand and that's what makes advertising work you guys are advertising first you're lazy because what you do is you're like I'm gonna pay for an ad and then you wonder why the ad doesn't convert the ad doesn't convert because I don't know you right now if the ad is I'm a good guy and then you're like Michael Cohen and you're not a good guy then there's gonna be a lack of conversion there because Michael Cohen that's running that ad now needs to convince the people no no no I'm not the bad guy unless he's got a bad guy sauce and you're trying to be a bad guy in this Halloween see Halloween dude I want a mask that makes me look like a villain but the other 364 days of the year that mask won't work branding why would you come do business with me okay for I don't know 30 years now I've been I've been learning about business for 35 years everything that we do here today is something I've learned and or I'm trying to learn in order to make my business better when we make discoveries we didn't share it with the public I'm doing this with you right now okay I did not advertise because I knew in the beginning no one knew me and if no one knew me this was the only way I advertise by definition describe or draw attention to a product hey look at me I have some thing I have something who are you first question cuz I'm not branded I got an event coming up in two weeks I want to tell you about public medium to get out into the public medium to promote sale that is advertising if it doesn't promote a sale it's not advertising is branding branding there will not be a return on the brand because you're not advertising a product there can't be a conversion so why are you guys measuring a conversion what are you measuring for okay and then why are you measuring conversions on advertising when I don't even know who you are so we run we spend about 40 grand a week on CNBC ads on one on one channel I don't expect a conversion there that's an advertisement I need to CNBC people to know who I am okay I'm willing to pay that just because I know okay I know I have car dealers if you want to know more about this by the way you go to Grant Cardone com4 slash brand I'm gonna be introducing a product that solves this problem for you Grant Cardone com4 slash brand when we ran the CNBC ad and then I'm gonna take a call okay we knew that car dealers auto dealers which is I know maybe twenty or thirty percent of my business let's say twenty percent of my businesses car dealers I know they watch that channel they're sitting in the brig office hiding away from the customers because you know car dealers don't wait on customers anymore they're too good for that they're car dealers they go to country clubs they go on big trips but they don't go out to the showroom floor and take a customer anymore I'll take a customer so we ran that out on CNBC because I know oops whoa well that got ugly quick what happened here watch this I'm fixing it okay what why am i running this ad on CNBC why am I willing to spend this money every week okay when I got an auto dealer there the rest of this audience does not know me maybe I don't know two percent of the audience knows me and 98 percent doesn't why am i spending money hey my name is grant cardone and I and the greatest living salesman in the world or are you tired of missing sales and then 13 times in in a 30-second ad or you're tired of missing sales time to missing sales tired of missing sales tired of missing sales tired of missing sense if you're tired of missing sales go to tired of missing why why am i doing that there's not going to be a conversion because I know 2% of that audience knows me and those 2% are gonna pay for me to introduce myself to the 98% okay I don't even need a conversion I need nothing here but I need cash flow from other businesses next Friday I'm doing a whole show on how to create multiple flows of income so I have fabrics for next Thursday I have five or six flows of income coming over here where I can waste some money right here how would you like to have that for your household I got a second flow coming over your third flow over so I can take care of mama not on my first flow I take care of my family on my first flow and I got a second flow at third floor fourth floor Oh taking care of the church with one flow taking care of my mama with another flow taking care of my kids college education for my fifth flow grant cardone comm four slash branding that should get them both grant cardone comm four slash branding if you want to know how to do this dude how do you make sense of it how do you spend time and money look you don't even need to spend this money here if I if I'm not gonna spend the money though I got to go knock on the door I got to go make the phone call that's branding to this guy won't go away then there's other people out there that are trying to get attention the wrong way because they don't have a formula okay now the good news about this dude is he keeps trying to figure his way out so many people quit but the wrong thing is when you do it the wrong way dude you're gonna get known for being a dumbass let's come back you're gonna ruin your brand you're gonna you're gonna scorch your reputation you're gonna get destroyed online today you can't do that I got people I can't do business with because when you go search their name half the frickin comments are scumbag a scammer like you can't do that you have you have to protect your reputation but you got to get your reputation out there like I know I know people that are honest that won't get out there they won't tell anybody about him because they're like I don't want too much attention why not you got to get attention money money follows attention okay you're not a roach roaches go to the darkness right don't they don't they live in the dark or your Roach or a mouse a little mouse you got to get out there you guys got to get out there you got to get branded sear your name your product your character sear it into the psyche of the public okay I am known as pushy arrogant obnoxious won't stop real estate guy sales got closure guy webinar a guy online guy I mean I've expanded my brand now to to money dude on CNBC he's a he's a oh nobody ever says I'm political by the way never never says I'm political why cuz I leave it alone right my audience goes from 14 years old to 64 years old I probably have the most diverse audience of any public figure in the United States today it's a massively diverse Wow cuz I don't get locked into anything that's good and bad by the way okay Grant Cardone calm fortunate eyes branding all of you guys know me as a branding person and an advertising guy and it knows how to market a lot of people call me a marketing guy an influencer social media God right Instagram guy he's the YouTube dude we even talk about people let me talk to a caller we even talk about people to give me the YouTube look we go through an airport up they got to look okay hey posting comments below I want to know what you're thinking what's there between branding and advertising are you spending money on it would you like to get known if if another million people knew you like knew you lucu he stands for would you make more money answer that question in comments if another million people knew you what you stood for that you're a good person that you would take care of met you would be there for him that you gave better service would you sell or I'm sorry not even sell would they give you more money because of that could you raise more money for your charity okay Joe what's up yo how you doing man Joe do I know you do I know you yes sir yes I've been to your boot camp I've been to your 10x3 Croton I bought the real estate program I just have two questions I asked you a question sir yeah let me ask you a question first though okay yes sir now you see see here's the deal dude you've been my boot camp you've been in my 10x you've been - what else yes sir gc3 and I don't know you man yes sir why don't I know you you know me and I don't know you so I want to ask everybody this riddle what's more important who you know or who knows you boat boat sir well I agree with you jo-jo I agree with you because if if you know them and they don't know you that's a problem if they know you and you don't know they're in Mexico when you're going to Mexico and you need a place to stay if you don't know they're there it don't matter okay go ahead your two questions man yes sir um well when you think he walk apartment for three years but what do you look for Oh what kind of questions do you ask yourself when you're walking apartment yeah did you get my real estate yeah get on the audio program give him the audio program you get my audio program on the real estate that's like a $900 course yes I I bought that about the videos I'll go back and W yeah the audio though I'm gonna give you audio so when you're walking around you can know what I'm looking at yes sir okay the second thing I'm a real estate agent here in Arizona I'm sorry in Phoenix yeah and and what what do you see is the most important to differentiate between one real estate agent and another you know what do you look for in a real estate agent first branding and advertising you know do you need you need to become you need to become its Joe right Joe needs to become the one-stop shop you need to become the Zillow the Trulia the the the Airbnb you need to know everything there is to know about real estate so that when all information stops here all roads eat here and end here this is a dead-end street dude it's a cul-de-sac cul-de-sac like when they meet Joe they're like I don't have to go any other place I'm just gonna go round and round he gonna get me two comps everything in this neighborhood the next neighborhood what so what didn't sell who's got it what the problem is he's everything bro I don't even need a computer imma throw my damn phone I met Joe and I threw my phone away yeah I don't need a mortgage broker anymore I don't need anybody I don't need title I don't need lawyers I don't need anything Joe is the cesspool of Arizona real estate cesspool might be the wrong solution but anyway you know what I'm saying I'm like I'm swimming in Joe's kool-aid I'm taking an enema and Joe's in the bag was that too much so that makes a lot of stuff yeah hey I love you dude by the way how much did you learn at my boot camp I learned a lot I'm still going over the books that thing that you know this is the this is the course pack guys in our boot camp just so you know this is the course pack that I deliver at the boot camp okay one of the things we talked about heavily here is a business cycle the difference between a business cycle and a sales cycle that's a sales cycle that somebody is already interested you know they used to tell me man the meet-and-greet that's the most important thing because you can't make a you can't make a second first impression I'm like dude don't worry about the second first impression we're about making a first one I don't even care if it's bad I just need to make an impression the President of the United States of America is one of the most hated people on the planet for real man oh good everybody knows his name what is his name Donald Trump you can hate him you could think as I accused bad his vocabulary's bad he's an idiot he says stuff wrong you knowing we're talking about him y'all got to get known man this is the business cycle I spent three days deep dive on this marketing not advertising it says marketing and advertising marketing first do you know me what is a marketing what is a marketing ploy okay how do I it's easier today to market than ever go on Facebook Instagram snapchat YouTube how many lab channels do I have going right now ooh Johnny said I got four okay we're gonna take him repost this on Twitter and snappy chatty y'all got to quit ignore my thick my friends over snapchat y'all been ignoring it Oh y'all forgot about it Oh shame okay I love you guys man I ain't gonna forget about you boot camp March 29th 30th and 31st legends are built made and barn in March and reborn by the way not too late to get reborn let's get you some reborn March 28th 29th and 30th do come spend three days with me don't wait until the next 10x growth conference huge announcement there okay huge huge big large very large okay hey my name is Grant Cardone you're in the cardones don't give me about two minutes come back and I'm gonna answer your questions about marketing branding and advertising never depend on one flow of income if you do you will die working and number two if you don't learn how to make money in your sleep you're gonna work every day you and I are going to sit down and we're going to talk about how to create wealth investing in income flows multiple flows of income this is how to create passive income royalty income profit income capital gains income all the stuff they don't teach you at school right now all you're doing most people all they do is earn income I've studied the wealth for the last hundreds of years in this country and how they create wealth is with seven flows of income most families including myself I spent my first 20 years focused on one earned income the highest tax rate how do you go beyond just earned income I want to share this with you okay I'll see you next Thursday [Applause] [Music] was getting a degree in college not all it was cracked up to be has getting a degree let you down four years of learning skills that don't make you any money promotions raise your paycheck sales is the key sales can open the door to all of these things are you ready to invest in your future let Cardone university open the door to your future Grant Cardone has now made accessible years of experience into a comprehensive system that encapsulates proven techniques into an online platform accessible 24/7 learn at your own pace look if you're a professional and required to take continuing education courses my award-winning training have been approved for your continuing education credits by some of the largest accrediting bodies in the world today take the step on to a new level achieve the goals you set for yourself and surpass all of your expectations go to Cardone and join those who have gone the door of success and claimed the prosperity you deserve card owned University hey welcome back to our favorite show of the week the cardones zone where myself and oh my favorite people in the world come to you in the car down zone to get you ready for your weekend talking business career in finance bootcamp March 28th to the 29th and 30th if you guys want to come spend three days with me all I'm talking about here is they business cycle sales cycle how to expand it how do you brand yourself so more people know you remember brand ok then advertise ok advertise and then then I got the chance in a sale ok even by the way when this follow-up happens we we work on follow up right here if I don't make a sale I don't make a sale the follow up becomes more of the brand that your how much 29th 30th and 31st last 3 days in March legends were born in March and if you're not lucky enough to be a march birthday come get reborn come get reborn baby ok three days I guarantee it is a game-changer you're gonna be sitting with 500 people in the room and these 500 people are all interested in one thing how did they 10 X 10 X 10 X the top line the top line not the bottom line you ain't movin the bottom line without the top line okay you don't focus on the top line that bottom line is gonna get smaller I promise you listen to what I'm telling you you don't brand advertise you don't you don't get people to know who you are you cannot grow the bottom line of a business that's the problem with having a Treasury a CFO an accounting person trying to push your business up they're not pushing your business up they're pushing it down into the ground you don't manage your business into expansion you expand a business and then manage it okay that's why so many financial people can't grow businesses because they're not trying to grow the business they're trying to manage the finances that's why so many households in America don't get bigger why because they're trying to manage household income I'm sorry yeah they're trying to manage the money that came in rather than focus on getting more money in let's talk to our callers remember Bremen Raymond Raymond Raymond right brain right brain Minh remember Raymond branding before advertising what's going on brother yes good thank you thank you so much for the call I was at the free and I'm the one who send you flowers four days in a row for you Lena did he send the balloon flowers no no just flowers and blue and chocolate oh good I love tray with the fourth one was the one that caught your attention that's all I was trying to get your attention yeah yeah I got a letter a week later thanking me for the chocolate good bye you what kind of chocolates did you send me dog but I wa you know when it's got my name right there God oh there yeah these are for me IVA yeah thank you brother I appreciate it I appreciate it Raymond I wish you'd send me some more chocolates today man cuz I'm kind of dying for one right now me and Natalie both want to just like like oh yeah I've been to some good Java okay so you got a question yes I need to know I thought you were one thought if he told me four three two different streams of income and I am oh yeah my father's job is I'm a care provider for my parents on a daily basis my second job I want a flower shop right here in San Jose that specializes in wedding flowers my third job there I'm a limousine driver as well yeah okay so here all his all of his are won by the way he has three there are seven sources of income just so everybody knows there's probably there's probably actually more than that I mean I could add Social Security you know my mom was getting Social Security right so that that's actually not on this list but it probably called earned income even though it's not it's passive now it won't be there for Kayla she's ready to get it but earned-income he's got basically three earned income he's driving a limo he's running a flower shop he probably didn't pay himself a salary there it's probably yeah but it's probably the profit he that's number three by the way profit is the third source of income that's he's probably got two of number one the limo what's the other the other business so I whichever wider for my parents they should of California bees were scared my parents and I of course there's been a lot of time with them as we need their now so yeah that's why I moved to California for yeah yeah yeah yeah what and what's the other business before the limo between that the flowers in the other that was it there for wide air for my parents telephony a pays me to care of them uh-huh as a care provider yeah yeah yeah yeah so so he's got you got so you got the profits from the flower shop does it make any money yeah right now they're starting to yet you don't even pay yourself a salary do you already match a number of weddings I did last year already in two months 0:03 to you and cuz you're Romanian in myself cuz he's alive again he's in balloon yeah most our ships because you got met he's making sales he's excited you know one of the most powerful things that the 10x Rose conference Frank Kern told me this Frank sis went when you said sales is a contact sport Frank curves a row that was like worth he's like when you said those words he said I felt like I I made 10 million dollars right there in that second he's like those are simple things that people he's like I know that's true that's not something you reminded me of that's something that just hit me so hard they say I just got to make more contacts so look man I would tell you this look you got to build that business up so that your your your you know like my goal and we're doing this webinar next Thursday Grant Cardone calm for / income is it flows its Grant Cardone GC calm Grant Cardone calm Ford / flows this this is not really about income it's about how many different flows you get going you're not limited to five seven by the way I have hundreds of flows like I wake up in the morning man I got mean I got pushed myself to come to work because I'm like dang I got so many flows I could like I could abandon a couple right now I wouldn't even know anything happened that's freedom man this is the goal everybody should have by the way I'm not bragging I'm not being trying I'm not trying to be obnoxious I'm trying to get your attention here to say remote most people only deal on this right here it's a wage this is the worst money in the world to make the goal for every human being should be this to earn one dollar a year at your job that should be everybody's goal they pay me a buck all the super-wealthy do this that's why Warren Buffett says we should raise taxes on the wealthy I don't know how many of you know this we should raise taxes on the wealthy sure dude he pays himself a dollar he's like raised it to 70% okay he does not need a wage wages is what he's talking about raising taxes on all these others down here are taxed at minimal rates I want to explode this right here these are the ones I want to explode I'm gonna be spending two hours with you Thursday what I got two colors right I'm gonna be spending okay thank you so much Natalie for giving me that update I'm gonna be spending two hours with you talking about how to create multiple flows of income everybody starts with the first one this is the one everybody hates this one though this one if you understand how to do it right is the one that funds the other seven like there's one down here called royalty income everybody can have royalty income I created a situation about 20 years ago where a guy pays me twelve thousand bucks a month a month for a royalty not a wage a royalty and 20 percent I'm sorry 39 30 39 percent of the company's profits for 20 years it's paid me Millions no work it's just using my name okay authors experts coaches trademarks movie stars using your name and things that's where jay-z talks about hey I don't want money I want equity I want equity in the company okay and that's what you need to know if most of us are not taught these strategies colleges don't teach them I mean I sometimes I worry about I wonder if schools and colleges don't want people just to stay broke because all they do this they teach you at college they teach you how to maybe get ready for this one job I spent five years going to accounting for an accounting degree I got a good degree in accounting I never learned any of this stuff how about capital gains tax capital gains capital gains this is the lowest tax money in the United States at 19 to 20 percent okay that means you could make double the money here just thirty-eight you could make double the money here I can make half the money you made right here and still end up with as much money as you work for okay now if I could make a bunch of money here this is what this way nobody ever wants to show you their tax returns when they're running for president Michael Bloomberg he don't want to show you his tax return he'll pay anything but he's got capital gains explosions everybody can have capital gains so I'm going to spend two or three hours with you next Thursday don't miss this get your family on it get your uncle your aunt your mom your dad's 49 bucks it's gonna be the best financial education you've ever gotten Grant Cardone comm Ford / flows Grant Cardone calm Ford / flows if you want Warren Buffett said if you don't figure this out you will spend the rest of your life you will die working at a job earning money if you don't figure out multiple flows of income so my entire staff will be watching this with taking notes okay cuz I want all my staff Francisco Natalie John Kayla I want them to know how they can have multiple photos of income because the truth is when you walk into work and you got multiple flows you become more creative more professional and more committed because you want to start driving the flows the more money I'm making number one the more I have to fund two three four five six and seven and most importantly the more money you have sitting in cash the more you can start playing games with the IRS and deferring taxes which explodes your bottom line if you didn't miss all that but you gotta have my to play the IRS game you don't have money you can't play the IRS game that's why cash in the wall that your house doesn't benefit anybody because if it's in the wall you can't play the IRS game these other games down here three four and five they require money so that you can reduce your tax bill cash in the wall Johnny okay let's talk Gavin what's going on in to Cali do by the way suicidal living there Illinois Illinois calling out Illinois New Jersey New York and California you guys are stupid you must hate money you must hate money you must hate money do you hate money do you hate money well then why do you live in California dude that's a good question man I just honestly man I just got introduced to you like two months ago and I just finished your 10x book and I just finished be obsessed to be average I just brought my brother your 10x book my whole size a million has lifted it's absolutely incredible I went into business for myself about six months ago dude that's awesome dude how'd you get turned on to me can we loosen how'd you get turned on tonight Francisco man Venezuelan connection then this way that's got a lot of trouble man a lot of trouble man you know they they they depending on one flow of income for too long okay by the way anybody wants to grab this book today if you posted a comment I'll take you at your word call my office and I'll get you the book millionaire booklet I'll ship it out to you ship it out to you just tell them I'll pay for the shipping - you got to tell me you want it right now though you got to post it below give me your address bang i'ma bang it out to them a bang and bang if it's outside the country though I can't do that you live in Turkey come pick up your damn book okay okay cuz I send that the book to Turkey and the next thing you know they trying to trying to bust me for for a hashish Turkish hashish anyway that's kind of off topic let's see we got anybody else man I love you guys man I love you guys so much man I love your comments I love your post I love your shares I love that you love me and by the way if you hate me which is by the way just code for envious people like I hate him no no you envious of me there is never hate without envy first let's keep it real real let's keep it real real where there is hate there is in me really really where there is hate my brothers and sisters there is Envy so when a brother or sister this is cardona thean 12 11 where there is hate and envy I'm sorry where there is hate there is Envy okay for the brother in the sister that refuses to acknowledge that's successful there is Envy and where there is in me it will appear there is hate but in truth my brothers and my sisters the man that hate earth is filled with envy and envy looks into the good on no one okay now I'm gonna bring you to the to the proverbs Cardone the man that lives on one flow will be somebody else's hope one flow please please post this somewhere on Twitter grant cardone the book of Cardone the one flow equals a hope one flow makes you somebody's hope so get your seven flows okay I see you thirsty never depend on one flow of income if you do you will die working and number two if you don't learn how to make money in your sleep you're gonna work every day you and I are gonna sit down and we're going to talk about how to create wealth investing in income flows multiple flows of income this is how to create passive income royalty income profit income capital gains income all the stuff they don't teach you at school right now all you're doing most people all they do is earn income I've studied the wealth for the last hundreds of years in this country and how they create wealth is with seven flows of income most families including myself I spent my first 20 years focused on one earned income the highest tax rate how do you go beyond just earned income I want to share this with you okay I'll see you next Thursday [Applause] [Music] never depend on one flow of income if you do you will die working and number two if you don't learn how to make money in your sleep you're gonna work every day you and I are going to sit down and we're going to talk about how to create wealth investing in income flows multiple flows of income this is how to create passive income royalty income profit income capital gains income all the stuff they don't teach you at school right now all you're doing most people all they do is earn income I've studied the wealth for the last hundreds of years in this country and how they create wealth is with seven flows of income most families including myself I spent my first 20 years focused on one earned income the highest tax rate how do you go beyond just earned income I want to share this with you okay I'll see you next Thursday [Applause] [Music] my name is Grant Cardone just the cardones shown every day every day I'm gonna show you how to get money a lot cheaper than the hey get yourself in a position to sit in that chair right there for you the solution or you the box yeah we're gonna what does it take they don't know you and they're not thinking about you they do know you and they're not thinking they forgot you my name is Grant Cardone you are in the car down zone where I wake you up I shake you up punch you in the face but mostly I'm that good [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 31,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital marketing, income, social media influencer, branding, business advancement, money, work, business leadership, wealth, how to brand, how to grow your business, grant cardone, business, advertising, yt:cc=on, real estate investing, success, leadership, ceo, real estate, how to make money in real estate, how to become wealthy, entrepreneurship, marketing, grantcardone
Id: 91Rg2UO4Vq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 38sec (2798 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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