How to Speedrun Breath of the Wild’s Great Plateau (Beginner Tutorial)

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in order to complete any main breath of the wild speed on you must obtain the parrot glider the game locks its behind four shrines on the great plateau forcing you to complete those as fast as possible in a speed run since the discovery of shield clips and bt base in 2018 the rod has stayed the same as stasis crown as magnesis bombs once the glitch known as blss came out a few months ago speedrunners have been theorizing and testing new great plateau rods to see if anywhere faster but none came close to the old route that was until now introducing bombs magnesius stasis cryonis the new fastest way to complete the grand plateau and here's how you do it before starting your first run here are a few things you should know first the timer you see used by runners is an application called live split i've linked a tutorial in the description that goes over the basics as it's a bit overwhelming when you first download it when you set it up set the timer to minus 1.2 seconds and have splits for each shrine in the glider another thing you should know about is claw grip for a few tricks in the run but most importantly whistle sprinting we hold down the controller in a certain way to be able to press multiple inputs on the same side of the controller at the same time when whistle sprinting remove the left analog stick and hold down on the d-pad which would not be possible without claw grip this is done by using your thumb for the d-pad and your index finger for the analog stick also all major glitches and tricks have additional tutorials in the description if you'd like to have more of an understanding of them finally you should join the breathaloud speedering discord to seek help with tricks you have trouble with the community is very welcoming and there's always someone who would be happy to help you by the way the game is in french because the text and voice acting is the fastest on the great plateau in that language but depending on the category you're running it may need to be a different language we begin by starting a new game watching the first cutscene and skipping it by pressing x and then plus as the screen becomes less blurry start the timer once the screen fades completely black as the screen is still dark hold b and forward to spring towards the pedestal and examine it click through both sets of text as the camera pans out to show link again start spamming the right analog stick to pull out the scope while link is pulling out the scope spam y to cancel the animation of putting the scope away and walk to the right once the ui of the scope disappears start holding b to sprint and jump into the corner if the animation of link putting away the scope shows it means you started holding b too early so just delay that a bit we will now be doing our first major glitch a scope flip also known as the shiny resurrection clip this is a crucial trick as it allows us to skip multiple cutscenes and it keeps the time of day at 5am in long weather so we don't have to worry about rain or stall enemies keep link walking into the corner as you turn the camera to face the direction of the pedestal look at the mini map and align the arrow representing just the right of the plus by moving links slightly and align the left field of viewline a bit to the left of the plus by turning the camera without turning the camera or moving link mash the scope button until link clips out of the shrine resurrection if link pulls out the scope but doesn't clip it means link's angle isn't right so make sure to use the exact setup that was in the image now sprint over here until you have just over half stamina left then whistle sprint by holding down on the d-pad and mashing b as you move link once you get to full stamina find the mountain and jump twice then start whistle sprinting again when you get to full or almost full stamina jump three times now whistle sprint to this dark spot and crouch to clip back and bounce walk forward until the link can't move anymore then start sprinting to clip back inbounds if link stands up but isn't pushed back and bounce it means you're standing too far away from the dark circle so stand directly on it now that we are out of the shrine of resurrection we will need to collect some tools to complete the rest of the great plateau alternate sprinting and whistle sprinting until you get near the goblins where you should whistle sprint until all three question marks pop up grab the pot lid and quickly sprint onto the log to pick up one of the bogo spears the reason we don't get the torch is because its durability is too low while you're learning plateau or running a longer category you need to get food to replenish link's health turn the camera back towards the food while button mashing during the bogo spear text run and grab the highlands rooms seared steak and spicy peppers when coming from the log or grabbing food run until you get to this downward slope press x to jump then hold zl and press a to shield zero when you reach the lowest point and the slope starts to incline press x to jump and stop the cert by pressing b once link gets next to the boulder entering the cutscene watch it and click through the text after the cutscene run past the flowers and shield surf down to the temple of time jumping over the rubble as link lands press b to have his momentum continue as he puts away his shield this will sprint towards this wall until the bokoblin hears you it's time for us to perform the first shield clip of the run to get inside the temple of time climb onto the wall and press x to jump once up the wall while climbing hold the l press b to stop climbing and then a to neutral shield serve this will give us a glitch called skew skew causes link to be escaped to the side when he shield serves and unequips his shield mid-air allowing him to be pushed through walls if link bonked after landing the shield sir press crotch and uncrouch to cancel the animation now run and jump onto the ledge on the right and hold out your shield using the mini map again aim the left fov line slightly to the left of this plus to set link's angle also holding zl hold forward in a then press x to instant shield serve and immediately after hold left on the d-pad and unequip your shield links should be inside the temple time if you did all this correctly in the event of failing here's how you try again you'll need to completely remove skew by shield surfing on flat ground and redoing the entire trick starting with you getting skew again if the clip is too hard you can just enter the temple of time through the front once inside the temple of time open the chest to obtain the traveler's bow as you're mashing through the text move the camera to face the pots sprint into this spot to break it and get a guaranteed five arrows sometimes the pot doesn't break so just pick it up and throw it and that will break it he did the shield clip inside the temple of time performing neutral shield surf by holding zl and pressing x to jump in a to play your shield and unequip it in this quick menu doing this makes the neck shield clip much easier but only if you're reusing the template time skew if you did not clip inside the temple of time press zero then b so link will not drop the pot in a moment if the vacablen is inside the temple of time kill it by shooting it with your bow we will now be doing our first blss or bolaf smuggle slide which will take us all the way to the bomb shrine go to the closest pot to you and pull out your shield when the pickup prompt shows and keep holding zl this entire time press zr then a in quick succession to hold the pawn bow at the same time now jump and press b then plus backed back very quickly if done correctly the paw should be perpendicular to the link as seen in the menu if the pot isn't online corrected its link you will need to redo the entire trick now unequip your shield in unpause making sure to keep holding zl or else the pot will break finally aim the bow by holding zr and pressing b to stop this is only the setup for blss now we need to slide to start sliding you'll need a surface where link will do the animation of stepping up once you have one hold b and walk up it keep holding b for the entirety of your slide and never let the analog stick go back to the center of the controller or link will stop sliding but this blss is slightly different because the way to initiate a slide is by having link perform this step up animation he could also do that mid-air so you can press link up against this pillar here and jump then hold b now comes the hard part gaining speed and controlling the direction of the slide you must first steer link out of the temple of time and turn the camera in the direction of the bomb shrine then you want to move the left analog stick all the way left and all the way right until you can't move the stick any further i recommend you start to do this slowly until you get the hang of it in which you'll start to naturally go faster if link is heading too far left turn the camera right and slide to turn him and vice versa if he was going too far right you'll also get a feel for this through practice you can also spin link in circles to control the direction on the side but you gain very little speed hold in the direction you want to go and spin the analog stick until you're holding in that direction again waiting a bit before spinning again will let link go a bit faster now when link is close to the bomb shrine we want to end the blss by jumping the only problem is that he will die upon impact with the ground so we can do a fall damage cancel to allow link to fall from any height and take zero damage to do this hold r after jumping out of vlss when you get close to the ground release r and immediately after hold left on the d-pad and re-equip your shield be sure to pick up your spear off the ground if you threw it if you want neutral or stop holding b during the blss do a fall damage cancel and run the rest of the way to the shrine shoot the guardian to skip the cutscene of it activating we've now hit a roadblock as we cannot enter the shine or any other shrines yet until we activate the great plateau tower luckily we can just clip through all the shrines like we did at the temple of time if you did the normal shield clip for the temple time place link against the shrine between these two cracks it's not a very precise location using the mini map in the left field of view line to the middle of this plus shield surf and unequip your shield to clip through the wall this will only get linked inside the shine but we need to clip again to get inside the elevator hold zeal and walk a bit then instant shield surf and unequip your shield to get inside the shrine and examine the elevator during a jump then shield surf will not allow you to clip which is a mistake many beginners make so be sure to instant shield sir if you do not get skew at the temple time you will need to get one at this shrine since this will take more damage on our potlude now is a great time to go over durability save if you perform a shield surf and near the end of the serve unequip this shield exit the dd pad and re-equip the shield no durability will be taken from your shield meaning if we do the durability safe here when getting skew we can prevent the shield from becoming badly damaged to get skew here have linked near the edge of the shrine shadow and aim near this bean shape holds real jump then shield surf during the durability save to give you a skew and take no damage to your pocket place link in the same place as before and aim at the same spot on the mini map shield surf and unequip your shield moving left while holding cl and shield surf and auto clip your shield to enter the shine and examine the elevator skip the cutscene of entering the elevator and the one up leaving the elevator but for this one holds yellow in the direction of the pedestal which is up and left on the analog stick when the screen fades completely black let go of zeal and immediately hold b to have links start running earlier than usual you can do this when entering every shine examine the pedestal to get the bomb runes mash through the text would be to make the words appear quicker once you get control of link we will perform our first win bomb wind bombs are very simple at first but they can become complex very quickly since there are so many varieties of wind bombs i recommend watching vivo's tutorials i'll only suggest basic wind bumps to perform it's good to know more advanced ones to use off the great plateau in this shrine you can perform an easy front top wind bomb to set it up you want to have link go to the edge of the shadow and have one foot on the ground and the other on the slope now because we did shield clips or more specifically shield served and unequipped our shield link is in a glitch state called ragdoll in this state he can't perform wind bombs or any other damage boosting launch like a tree launch you can remove ragdoll glitch by doing the quick fix or having link ragdoll to do the quick fix just shield surf and unequip your shield the wind bomb in between the two stone blocks and do a height front hop wind bomb by placing the square bomb when a quarter stamina is missing rather than instantly you will land near this pillar that extends which prevents link from dying due to fall damage from here drop down and blow up a bomb or two that destroys the stone blocks on the left as well as the one covering the access to the ladder then climb the ladder and run to the monk alternatively if you don't want to do the wind bomb you can do the shrine casually but quickly there's not much to it other than blowing up the stone blocks using the two bomb runes fish the shrine by examining the monk the split ends when the cage breaks which is the same for every other shrine we will start the magnesis split by skipping the cutscene after the cage breaks and going through the text box to obtain our first spirit orb for this next cutscene do not immediately skip it but only skip it once all the text on the screen has fully faded the game loads much quicker when you do this saving time on every shine we complete when you exit the shrine you will not gain control of link but instead are greeted by the old man when matching through the text the responses you should choose are bottom top top bottom or two one one two for the quickest dialog options after choosing the last bottom text turn your camera to face to the wall to the right of link once you click through the final text hold b in forward to immediately start running towards the wall and climb it here we will do another blss this time to the magnesis shrine i already covered how to do blss in the bomb split so go to the time stamp in the description which contains all the glitches i go over if you forgot but i'll give some pointers for this blss use the circle bomb because it allows link to gain speed quickly and place on the flat part of the wall so it doesn't roll towards the shrine of the guardian if it does just use the square bomb instead when you first start the side make sure to steer around the hill and any other obstacles to avoid losing speed remember slowly moving the analog stick all the way left to all the way right continuously is better than trying to have a quick slide and messing it up you won't have insanely fast slides when learning so know that it's okay to go slow slide all the way to the left of the shrine once you arrive at the shrine to stop the slide jump press r to drop the bomb re-equip the shield and shield surf to clear skew pressing b to put away the shield before hitting the ground to not use durability now it's time for another shield clip to get inside the magnesis shrine this time you can get a new skew by jumping and chill surfing here once you have skew walk to the edge of the water near this circle this circle above link's head and aim at the right of the circle then jump and delay the shield clip slightly to get inside the shrine now don't move at all and hold ziel now you can move link towards the elevator and line him up in the middle keep holding forward into a shield clip while still holding forward to increase the consistency alternatively from the middle of the elevator go a bit to the left and aim a bit to the right and shield clip folding forward after unequipping the shield here too this method tends to work if the other one does not examine the elevator to enter the magnesium shrine skip the cutscene of entering the elevator and the one of leaving the elevator doing the same trick of holding a zl then b to start running before link is shown on the screen activate the pedestal and match the attacks to get magnesis as the cutscene ends hold b and right on both analog sticks to start running and turning towards the metal slabs press l to activate magnesis and then aid to use magnesis on the closest metal slab and fling it in the air using motion controls or the right analog stick once the metal slab is out of the way press b to cancel magnesis and fall down to the tunnel run through the canal and up the stairs as you approach the metal box use magnesis and move forward to move the box and stones out of the way sprint pass the guardian scout and listen to the audio to dodge the laser jump a shield surf and unequip your shield to cross the large gap and use magnesis to open the metal doors explode yourself with the bomb to remove ragdoll from when we clipped in the shrine so that we can win bomb later if link isn't at full health and you explode him he will die so eat food if necessary examine the monk to finish the shrine split when the cage breaks like previously again skip the first cutscene collect the spirit orb and skip the second cutscene once the monk's text completely fades away this time we will not be greeted by the old man when we exit the shrine so we can hold b and left to start running as soon as we gain control of link run towards the wall and make sure to have at least two thirds stamina remaining so we could jump up the wall twice we will now blss to the old man's up because the next giant stasis is too high up to blss you can choose to do the harder single blss or the easier double blss starting off with the easier double blss do the setup for blss and slides the area between this rubble in the broken wall when you arrive there let go of b and walk up the slope to this part of rubble where we can start sliding on again slide to the trees near the old man's hut avoiding any obstacles along the way once you arrive there press r to end the lss and either blow up or put away the bomb if you bonked into anything on the way to the trees use a bomb to blow up a tree and use the stump to slide to the old man's head moving on to the harder single veil ss do the setup for blss and start sliding towards the broken bridge gain as much speed as you can because we have to force link up this ramp and blss to lose speed as you go up slopes like in the easier strat stop sliding at the trees near the old man's hut also beware of bunking into anything or you'll lose speed and go in a different direction which will make this even more tricky let's actually get to the stasis shrine we must perform a very difficult win bomb go to this pine tree next to the one with the apples and then climb to the top by jumping three times link should be in the servery stance which allows us to regain stamina and use the scope using this aforementioned scope feature aim at this dark line that is slightly left of west if it's hard to see that visual cue just aim at this tree to do the wind bomb jump place the circle bomb and go into bullet time it should look like the circle bomb is inside the tree place the square bomb once you lose a quarter stamina and instantly detonate the circle bomb to make it to the shrine this is arguably the hardest trick on the grey plateau so there's an alternative strat if this is too hard after you end the blss bring the bomb over to the three large trees and blow enough to create a walkway carefully but quickly cross it climb with the mountain as nintendo intended to reach the shrine while this is easier i strongly recommend learning and practicing the wind bomb because it gets much easier as you do it and it's way faster than this now using this ski from magnesis we can shield clip inside the stasis shrine go to the right side of the shrine just like bombs clip and align link under this black dot using your sphere hold r and align the left field of view line with this left side of the x then re-equip your shield and shield clip inside the shrine if you got rid of skew or have troubles with the magnesius skew you can obtain skew at this shrine instant shield surf onto this beam or black triangle to get a good skew the set for clipping into the shrine is the exact same with the skew instead of needing the shield clip again to reach the elevator as we did in patch shrines we could do something similar to clipping back inbounds after the shrine of resurrection clip press and hold forward to walk into the elevator once link can go no further slide your thumb from b to a to x or press all those consecutively to activate the elevator and skip the cutscene run to the pedestal and click through the text to obtain the stasis room as we gain control of link move him towards the spinning platform and stay sit to create a walkway unstasis the cog when you pass the circles on the cog on the right side and jump off the platform aim the stasis through the bars and freeze the boulder as soon as possible to not get hit when running up the ramp run along the path to this other boulder to get past it stace is the boulder and hit it once you can avoid hitting the boulder and using durability by jumping shield surfing and unequipping your shield at the very edge of the path yet again examine the monk and split when the cage breaks just like the previous splits skip the cutscene collect the spirit orb and skip the next cutscene when the text fully fades away for a quicker load run behind the shrine towards the boulder once you gain control blink from here we will do a boulder launch to make it up the mountain before doing the launch place link slightly right of the chest underneath the boulder basis the boulder and hit it four times side up left and hit it four more times jump after the last hit in crouch turning the camera to face the sky as you do this in the crouched position plow the bow and aim it as far up as you can and walk as much forward as you can shoot an arrow to change the direction the boulder will launch walk backwards and double tap b to stop crouching then go back to the boulder and climb on top of it unstasis it once on top of it and jump to make it up the mountain if you got a lot of hype in the jump you could shield stuff to remove skew but if not just shield surf on the ground we'll now blss to cryonis the last shrine on the great plateau run to the far tree and throw the square bomb at the boulder and explode it stand on a relatively flat part of the snow and perform the setup for blss after that hold the r to set the direction link is facing and push him against the tree stop facing west hold b and press x to start sliding steer around the mountain and then towards the mountain with the cryonic shrine press r to end blss and run up the shrine it's time to clip into the last shine on the grey plateau set your skew for the clip aim at the beam in instant shield sir look over to this part of the shrine and forward hop by holding zl and jumping forward to set link's position after landing from the jump holds yell to keep that position move link left and place him under this pattern and move him as far up as you can an instant shield surf and unequip your shield to clip to get fully into the shrine run against the elevator to the left and aim along the middle of it placing link in the middle too now she'll surf and unequip your shield to get inside the shrine examine the elevator and skip the cutscenes run to obtain the cryoness rune after unlocking the final rune on the grey plateau run to the edge of the wall in neutral shield surf and unequip your shield to remove ragdoll swap to the circle bomb and aim at this part of the texture on the ground form a front top wind bomb to get to the monk if you have one heart or less and don't have any food a wind bomb will kill you as a backup you can do the old movement in the shrine run into the water and place a cryo block to get up the platform keep going and place a crowd block under the gate to lift it up sprint to the stone slab and place a crowd block underneath the right side to create a slope to get up run all the way to examine the monk split ends when the cage breaks repeating everything the same as the last three splits skip the cutscene collect the spirit orb and skip the next cutscene when the text fully fades away for a quicker load like after the first shrine we will be greeted by the old men once we exit the shrine just smash through the text to gain control blink this split is extremely simple since we just collect the paraglider from the old man back at the temple of time when you gain control of link hold deal and walk back and proceed to do the steps for blss walk down a tiny bit and hold b when walking into this corner on the mountain to start sliding base the temple of time and wiggle to turn the blss towards there when link is above the roof of the temple of time and not a hole in it press and hold r to stop the blss and then fold image cancel as you near the root blow up the bomb when it's not near you and get inside the tower skip the three cut scenes by pressing x then plus each time match through the text to obtain the paraglider from the old man split when the arrow on the text for the paraglider is fully displayed that is how you speed around the new grey plateau with blss whether you're existing breath of the wild speeder or want to get into speed during this game i appreciate you for watching this video one of the best ways to improve your runs is by watching other runners so consider checking out my twitch channel where i streamlines live good luck and have fun achieving your desired speed earning goals that's all see ya
Channel: Futurelander
Views: 38,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r5utB87iQ_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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