Stop Worrying Start Living | Being Perfectionist | कहीं चिंता आपकी आदत तो नहीं है? | Dr। VIvek Modi

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so welcome now the first topic is it good to be a perfectionist are you a perfectionist do you think that no no I don't have to be a perfectionist I want you to think about you require a long journey and if you think you would do things only when they are perfect am I trying to be a perfectionist because some of the indications will tell you with clarity that am I a perfectionist or not for example if you are waiting for the best conditions to apply your learning or trying to learn something I will speak in English when I speak perfectly else I would not speak I will start my YouTube channel and I'll speak in front of a camera only when I know things perfectly else I would not do I will make my first public speech only when I know perfectly I'll start my business only when I know things perfectly my appeal to all of you is stop being a perfectionist in your approach start Where You Are you don't have to be a perfectionist in everything companies like Google companies like Apple they start new projects pumping billions of dollars into it and it fails even they have not perfected things so if you think that you will do things only when they are perfected you would keep waiting in fact this would become your excuse to not take challenges this perfectionist mindset is somewhere reeks off of fixed mindset there are two kinds of mindsets there's a book written by Carol drag called mindset and these two kind of mindsets are what the today in your public speaking in your book writing in your ability to deliver a talk or in your business it really doesn't matter what matters is are you ready to adopt and learn things because if you are a perfectionist you are waiting for ideal time for ideal people for ideal resources for ideal situation to begin my friends you're wasting a lot of your time in making things ideal they would never be ideal I remember when I got into public speaking when I became a professional speaker in initial days I used to spend so much time perfecting things I'll waste disproportionate time and things which is not going to help actors like Amitabh Bachchan like dilip Kumar or like whatever khans you like anyone have they not given flop movies have they not acted badly in many movies is there anyone who has never given a bad performance even though they try to perfect things there will be wrong things please realize take away this burden of being perfect in everything from day one yes you can aim for being your best nothing wrong in that because I am not suggesting that become comfortable in being mediocre no that's not the suggestion my suggestion is if you are holding yourself from doing things because they are not yet perfect you in as if he what we need is explore life to the fullest because in the end you should the problem with perfection I'm not trying to say that you should not aim to become the onwards you can start your morning walk without waiting for all those things to come tomorrow onwards you can start with one push-up you can start writing one paragraph you can start of work please don't wait for situations to be ideal so that you can go no that's going to hurt you badly because you will spend lot of time in perfecting things with every day if you plan for Progress that's a better strategy it's well established fact that aim for Progress don't aim for perfection people who aim for Perfection they find it difficult to adjust who is not like you we become a control freak where we try to do everything ourselves because a life partner so they keep on delaying their marriage because they are waiting for some perfect partner please remember there's nothing called perfect partner it will never happen you have to start thinking you have to make them perfect and even then they are not going to be perfect have you seen a perfect father a perfect teacher a perfect son a perfect try to compete against each other they get into this orientation which I call Performance yes you should try to achieve yes you should try to do your best nothing wrong in that but please do not aim this at the cost of stagnation in your life stagnation you know when you're waiting for things to get perfect don't wait so many people are waiting for somebody to give them a call for their job they're sitting at home and waiting somebody will give me a call because I have applied or on I've applied and now I'm waiting for call don't wait there's nothing called a perfect job there's nothing so my appeal to all of you is start Wherever You Are don't wait if you are a teacher and if you want to start something online this is the time don't wait don't wait for Corona to get over don't wait for somebody to give you a nod wherever you are please start it today technology is giving you the chance today you have access to one of some of the best of the resources with this clydeco cloud computing 4G internet broadband internet you have this please don't wait for the perfect time if you are an organization please don't wait for the perfect time start things start experimenting keep moving look for Progress Perfection will happen on the way but look for progress is Apple a perfect product don't you have issues with that don't you have that big in between a dent for your face recognition which takes away the beauty of it there will always be something or others in other in life so please stop waiting for Perfection you will disproportionately waste your time and resources in one thing aim for your best and keep growing that's called growth mindset now coming to the second point and please hold on your comments okay hold on to your comments coming to the second point is in Hindi about this worrying Chinta and the topic is worrying your habit at foreign foreign foreign mood they just find new reason Corona is the latest reason they are in worry but might even if there was no karuna they were worried they were worried when they had one lakh rupee salary they were worried when they are earning five lakh rupee a month they are wearing and even if they are running 50 lakh rupee a month they are worrying because their worry is not coming from outside world it has become their habit sometimes they are worrying for coming please realize don't make worry or habit life is never going to be perfect there will always education challenge is over challenge related to Career will come if that is over maybe in the marriage there are some issues when that is over maybe it's something else with your kids something else with your Society these things will go on please don't make worrying habit it's not about Corona it's not about money it's not about your education it's not even about your career it's a habit which you have developed so if you are into that you are enjoying your life please revisit your childhood questions which you might not have discovered even today please revisit them in childhood when you thought how did this Moon come how are these stars hanging there how winter and summer and Rain happens so these two very important facts I just wanted to discuss because I have seen these two kind for four years they have same problem they're talking only about problem for last four years because they have loved they have start liking to talk about problem they cannot find anything worth gratifying in their life I don't know why if you have a healthy body you need to say thank you 20 crore children sleep hungry in our country bees lock discovered just revisit just revisit Ed he was so happy with the camera he sent me some shots and so see Vivek what pictures what a quality how much we cherish a piece of technology a mobile phone camera a picture yes you should enjoy but how about these Like These Eyes have you ever really cherished since childhood it's recording every scene of your life in the best possible resolution have that right this heart which is pumping you know how many times on an average one which works non-stop for 70 to 80 to 90 years have you seen any such machine I don't know how many of us have told wow what a piece of technology here thank you I don't know when did we say great about this your small kidney which is filtering your blood every see how it is filtering my blood flushing out all which is not required and remain keeping all the things which are essential to kidneys foreign because please see please revisit this time will go in a Flash I can just see how my childhood till now how it has just happened in the flesh if I just revisit it looks like moments it has gone life is not too long not too there is no time to waste for this yes I am not telling don't be cautious you know one interesting fact our lower brain the brain which is primitive in nature what you call it has the function for survival happiness is not the function of lower brain you know it wants us to keep alive so it's always about fight and flight mode either it is scared or it wants to fight because it's always in survival mode if you are in constant worrying mood if you are into constant thankless condition if you are driving your life only out of your fear you are living out of your lower mind mind with lower faculties if you are living in a country like India you have a reason to say thank you because we could have been born in Somalia somewhere in Syria for so many such countries we could have been born there luckily we are not and mind you we have not done anything great for getting all those things so the point is Express gratitude stop worrying start working don't worry about perfection Perfection will happen it's a destination but your journey will start out of non-perfection no one in this world has perfected things Michael Schumacher lived almost Picture Perfect completion and then gets into an accident somewhere skiing and can you guarantee Perfection for anything there is no such thing so the my humble suggestion you in any way and expressing gratitude is a must part of it if we are a human being born in country like India if you have your family if you have enough to eat if you have enough clothes to wear if you have some education if you have healthy body that is enough to say thank you and why should we say thank you because if you say thank you you understand it Warren Buffett may have billions of crores of rupees or dollars but many of you who are in your 20s and 30s you have that next 50 years in your kitty which he doesn't have and he cannot buy even one year of that I want you to realize are you really hopeful enthused about that are you expressing gratitude for that if you are not expressing gratitude for these simple things you will fail to appreciate things which later on come in your life it could be a bungalow a big car lot of money Bank Palace name Fame I don't think you'll be able to enjoy that because worrying would have become a habit come out of perfection disease come out of worrying problem move on in the Life Express gratitude that's my message today thank you so much for listening to me now I will read your comments thank you so much for being here at 11 37 without an announcement I started like just 15 minutes notice I gave and so many of you are here thank you so much I really appreciate your love affection and support I'll read your comments now hi up bye yes if you have any question feel free to ask how to become a good public speaker public speech Dena shuru Karo start by telling stories to young kids and record yourself and see how do you speak okay take training coaching learn from the people who know this art learn from the internet there are so many ways but start okay remember my message don't wait for perfect day start tomorrow get three four gratitude please Express gratitude for the greatest gifts of the life look around you there are so many people For Whom the life you are living is a dream life I'm repeating there are so many people for whom the life you are living the dream life I remember one in one orphanage when I went this long back one child was so happy because that morning he got in his breakfast jalebi and for that he was expressing gratitude in the classroom what he ate at 8 am he was happy for that at 12 pm for a lot of us that is not a habit see we have responsibility all of us there is nobody who doesn't have a responsibility keep moving slow and steady keep adding your skills one very important aspect is ADD skills skills adding skills in self that will give you many years Advantage it will take your career ahead by many years and collaborate with people so I understand there are responsibilities and it's good that you understand your responsibility and you are taking it but communicate well collaborate with people seek help and invest in your skills that will take you ahead okay fluent English I have made only already so many videos please see them and start applying don't wait start applying my question to all those who are asking questions about English my question to them is what steps have you taken till now what are you waiting for have you started collecting sentences have you started speaking in English irrespective of people making your fun have you started practicing them every day if you have not started there's no point in waiting I don't know what are you waiting for best strategy perfect strategy is a three month mentorship program called grow up growth boost Monday growth booster bundle okay so I have I'm presently mentoring 10 people nine every day and one offline I am mentoring so there is a mentoring program called growth booster bundle if you are interested send me a mail I will send you the details the mail ID is connect at the rate Dr Vivek okay Karthik sorry news Hub Telugu sometimes your passion is not your profession yes so for that what you need to do either whatever your profession is if you're not in the position to give that up then learn to love your profession whatever it is okay little bit of effort you will be able to do it and if you don't find a love or don't don't start liking your work any which way even after trying then start looking for a new how to love it by getting involved into it we don't love things when normally we don't calibrate them properly okay start improving make a conscious goal find a meaning in that now I cannot tell you in so brief but you can always do things you know people who start having alcohol alcohol addicts even alcohol they don't like in the beginning but they become went on or go on to become addicts later on if you try something in a conscious way if you make small goal and Achieve that that will give you thrust to like that thing that will make you feel that yes I can also do it sometimes what happens when you don't have a feeling when you have that hopeless feeling when you are working without a meaning even if you want to work for everyone on the Earth you are included into that so please see that you don't get into this mode that I want to do social service you do your social service but first enable yourself okay without standing on your own leg without helping yourself yes you are also part of all so please see that you respect yourself okay so quite some thank you so much think about these couple of things which I shared very Frank without actually thinking much I was just having this feeling to share with the YouTube family that stop worrying no matter what is the challenge stop worrying worrying is not going to help you and stop waiting for perfect time Perfect Situation stop waiting for perfection start things and look for continuous deliberate practice and continuous progress even if it is a small progress but if you do it consistently continuously you will achieve whatever you no I cannot give you any medical advice here so about schizophrenia or Autism daughter please I mean that's I'm not an expert to give an advice here online it's not even the right thing to do so sorry Hari gandhiji Hari Gandhi right I I am not very able to do it okay so wish you all being here at Late Night with such a short notice good night everyone have a great weekend
Channel: Dr. Vivek Modi
Views: 68,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr Vivek Modi, vivek modi, wellness workshop, professional speaker, leadership training, leadership trainer india, motivational speaker, time management training, stress management workshop, life skill coach, communication skills training, keynote speaker, Emotional Intelligence, Decision making traininig, Leadership development, outbound training, speaker for annual event, spiritual intelligence, work life balance, vivek modi english, best motivational speaker india
Id: U5EAOxsDrK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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