How to Smooth Textured or Popcorn walls - How to remove texture from walls - Close-up shots

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hey what's up guys with our true good development so you have a textured wall or a popcorn ceiling maybe and you want to get rid of it hey I don't blame you these things or ugly I'm sorry I have one right here behind me oh man one of my flips I'm gonna show you how I'm gonna smooth it out to make it more normal and so you can paint it or do whatever you want with it stick around and check it out all right guys so I want to go over some of the stuff I'm gonna need or use a joint compound all-purpose stuff is fine it's really just about getting it to the right consistency water to mix that stuff with you want to get it to sort of like a yogurt consistency nothing too watery obviously because you want it to stick on the wall and nothing too thick that you cannot use a roller on will need the pan later to do the corners or when we smooth things out a bunch of different knives I hate that and a nap this is a thicker nap here's what you want to do how you want to find out what topping app to use so this texture is actually not that deep so I lucked out with that and you can see that my nap will most certainly be able to go right into those grooves so if you're using an app that's really that is I guess shallower or not as thick you're not gonna be able to go right inside the grooves in here and for me it looks like 1/16 of an inch so no big deal obviously take everything off the wall so you're ready to go any damage to the wall I suggest you fix it prior just like I did here empty bucket oh I like using these guys got in there after we mix this up do it with the drill add a little bit more water and this is kind of what you're looking for how it's kind of like drops in drops down like that get a little bit more make sure you go to all the corners so it's mixed consistently [Music] [Applause] No I'll put my strainer and we'll get right to it just take a little bit off of it so it doesn't go all over the place and when you pick this thing up and you just kind of twist it or rotate it like that so you don't have any drippings and don't apply a lot of pressure on this very little pressure because you want it to stay on spread it out evenly you mixed up another batch of this stuff I already tried a section of the wall and I'm gonna go over what I did and what I think you should do to get the best results this is the consistency you're looking for just something that you can easily apply on I also want to mention that this is a definitely a to cope maybe even two coats and a finish coat job this is not gonna happen right away so on your first day where the first go-around what you're really concerned with is filling in as many of the gaps as you can so here you can see in some areas I'm getting it smooth in other areas right here not so much and that's okay you're not gonna get a smooth finish sort of like this on the first go around but don't worry once this all dries you'll give it a quick sand or scrape off all these lines and then and by the way just a quick sand you're not sanding this down you're basically just smoothing out the ridges like all these you know imperfections like that okay and once you come back in with the second coat oh these areas are gonna be filled in and you're gonna see it a lot smoother and I'm gonna obviously show you that and here we go all right you're gonna go over this two or three times again just to put it on there as much as possible you're not going to be able to get this smooth on the first go I don't think at least not in my experience and I'm not a painter you know I just have a nag of of kind of doing things myself I enjoy it so if you have better experiences or I've done things differently please feel free to share send me a comment all right and you'll hear this right you'll hear that rubbing against the texture ultimately when we get to our second or third coat you're not gonna hear that that's what you want but right now I'm just concerned with filling in as much as I can so you could still see some areas and we're gonna come back at it right now and hit it up now I am doing three passes this is my third pass on this just because I want to get it in there as much as possible so that way when I come in with my second main coat should be enough to get the job done yeah that's the end result that we're gonna shoot for and we're gonna get there this is again just kind of prepping the wall if you like so this is kind of what it looks like you still have a lot of texture on this but you're starting to see some areas that are really smooth especially the areas where I touched up before so I had a couple of patches on this wall up here remember one of them was right here and the other one was right there so you can already see the potential for this stuff which is going to be just like this so what's gonna happen is when I come back in the next time I'm gonna scrape all the access give it a quick light sanding and then we're gonna go right roll another coat all right guys here we are day 2 of smoothing out this textured wall so this is what it looks like I'm gonna try to get close to here to the wall so you can see what it looks like so remember the first coat was really just to fill in as much of these grooves as possible I have to admit I ran out of a joint compound so I couldn't do a whole lot on this however if you go back and see the first section of the wall clearly I had a lot more mud on it so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna scrape off all these lines we're gonna lightly sand and then we're gonna put another close all right so like I said I'll go ahead and clean this up try not to gauge it like I just did there again with the sanding I'm not really sanding this all the way down it doesn't make sense because we're coming in with another coat so all this will be covered all you're doing is to get a smooth surface so when you go to mud with your knife it rolls nice and smooth so don't go crazy with sanding and I'm using 120 grit sandpaper same routine as we did on the first coat just try to get your roller as full as possible I went ahead here and did a little bit here I gotta put more and I gotta put more down there see the nice thing with not putting so much on is you're guided by the texture so when you go ahead and put your knife you'll see the areas where there is light and that's all that's gonna be filled in our first coat I filled in a lot of the areas but not so much so you still have texture this is a regular second coat okay well you'd have to come back with a third one and fill this in or what you can do is on your second coat where you have areas like this you go right back with more mud which I did here and smooth it out my only concern with that is you're putting on a lot more spackle than you may need and so with a wool this big you might end up having a wavy wall if you don't control how much spackle you're putting in that's why in my opinion I think this is probably a safer route to fill in just as much as the wall can take and then come back with a third coat to really finish it off like a really light skinned coat to finish it off I wanted to highlight what I'm doing here real quick would be corners you want to use the corner as a guide so you want to match your edge of the knife to the corner and then you have to gauge sort of which degree you want to bring this knife down you can do a 45 or you can do it lighter excuse me smaller or you could do it larger and depending on how much Sparkle or how much mud you want to leave on the wall in this case I'm going to leave a lot of the spackle on so I'm probably going to do a smaller angle maybe sort of I don't know what this is like a 20 degree or something like that angle and come down with it I don't apply too much pressure again just kind of lightly bring it down and then smooth it out as much as possible you're not looking for perfect you're not gonna get perfect on this on this wall in its current condition so I won't sweat that too much now you might be also thinking is it worth it to do this versus having a textured wall and then slapping on maybe a quarter inch drywall and read dry walling this whole wall I think if it's one wall it's questionable you're gonna use for a wall like this probably about at least four sheets of of drywall maybe more you're gonna need a corner beat obviously you're going to need to tape all your corners and the seams if spackling is not your thing well expect me not your thing you shouldn't even be doing this so I'm gonna assume that you're an average Spackler or or maybe better than really taping and corner beads is not a big deal so I guess it could be a cost thing you get these buckets are like fifteen sixteen you're gonna need one and a half buckets or maybe one full bucket of spackle that's fifteen sixteen bucks and then your time so versus drywall and corner bead and what nod you're looking at closer to 50 bucks so I guess from a cost perspective this is cheaper to do or less expensive but it could be a little bit more labor-intensive because I tell you what if this was drywalled I could have this drywalled tape and with first court code of spackle in in the first day come back the second day and apply two more coats of mud using a forty five or twenty mud and you're done you know so again it depends this is going to take a little bit more time but again although not full full days I mean this is again I've been here doing this for about maybe maybe an hour now so I mean two hours each day you're looking at altogether about six hours yeah so a full day of work to do this wall so again it's it's six in one hand half a dozen any other really okay picking up where we left off this is day three I finished the wall from yesterday overall you can see that the wall is especially in that side it's almost smooth completely here you know this is the side where we didn't do as much like I said you can still see obviously I'm gonna get close here a lot of the texture but it is smooth to the touch and with today's coat it's it's totally gonna smooth this out so here is the other side and you can see that it's obviously in a more advanced stage now we definitely need a little bit more here here yeah yeah I notice here I'm using more of an angle because I really don't want to leave on too much of this spackle I just want to fill in the areas that need it once those areas are filled in then we want to pull all the excess out so you don't have any waves here is the almost finished wall I wanted to show you where we act after the third application and I wait waited for it to dry and you can see I mean this thing is as smooth as you can get a wall you got stuff like this again that takes care of that that's gone so again this is not sanded yet this wall I'm gonna go back and send and if I see anything like this I'll just hit it with a very light spackle check it out I got my corners all filled in there you go a little close-up there once that sand it that's gonna look just as smooth as the rest of this wall all right I'm really happy with the project if you are and if you liked it give me a like to support the channel guys if you do not know by now because maybe I haven't seen any of my videos so please check those out I do real estate that's my main focus my main focus through this channel is teaching you how to build wealth I've done that over 20 years in real estate and I'm people to say that I've had achieved financial freedom and I want to show you how you can do that as well so by subscribing to the channel you'll get my videos as soon as they come out that way you don't miss anything comment if you have any questions I love to read comments until then I'll see you on the next one later [Music]
Channel: True Grit Development
Views: 25,272
Rating: 4.8905773 out of 5
Keywords: Popcorn Wall, Textured wall, True Grit Development, skim coating, can you smooth textured wall, remove texture from wall
Id: OWdnnt0sn5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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