How to skip Trial of the Sword. (BOTW) Part 1

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hello guys welcome back to another video in this video today i'm going to be showing you how to complete trial of the sword without having to go through any of it i just screwed myself we won't speak of that so now now that that's over i'm going to be showing you how to do this yourself it's going to be really easy and actually it really doesn't take much all it takes is a bit of effort so what i've gone ahead and done before this is i have gotten it already i i don't like those on when i'm recording i don't know don't know why but you're gonna need a shield and that's literally it so i i think i already have this oop the skew no i lost it oh yeah i lost it so first what you're going to want to do is go to uh oh my god korok forest and you're gonna want to go to the key keo rug ruge shrine uh comment down below it like put it in parentheses tell me how how you actually say it how it's pronounced okay all you smarties out there so first what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to come over here and if you ever actually want to complete this on your own without having to look it up the idea is however many there are then that's how many you put them in because of these ones i used to think it was the dots i didn't really get it until just a bit ago just a while ago so first you take your first one and you're going to want to put it over here in five and you're going to want to put one in and this one into three next you're going to want to go over to the other side take this one put it into one and then take these long ones and then for that one put it in two and then it should open there we go now once you've now once it's opened you can go back and now you're going to want to take out a shield and go down here and hold out your shield well run up and hold out your shield and run up and uh so do this run up and just shield surf and then you're going to want to check it out by doing this he should lean to the side here that was a bad one so then to clear if it's bad and if it doesn't work as well you're going to want to have to go like you're going to want to go like this and you're going to want to land on it to reset it oh i messed that up bad so there you go ah he only went to the side a little bit it has to be a lot yeah like that so you see did you see how he went like that did you see that oh good if you saw it good if it doesn't really matter so you're going to want to see that when you do it and then once you're once you do that you're going to want to go over here just remember if you don't get it the first time don't just forget about me freaking out it you just want to stay calm and keep trying so you're not you're going to want to try out here you're just going to want to practice doing it skewing so you're going to want to jump shield surf and then remove it and then remove your shield okay oop you do not want to land on your shield because it will reset it so next what you're going to want to do once you get a good skew is you're going to want to come over and go into the beginner trials so this is beginner trials for part one well it's so it's going to be all all three trials but there's gonna be part one part two part three so go check those out in a little bit i don't have them posted yet this is the first one this is actually part one so now once you're in you can skip whatever do that and now you're just going to want to i'm just going to pick this up you're going to want to go go around and pick up the shield okay you're going to want to pick up the shield you don't have to keep fighting and you're just going to want to leave if you want to kill them then go ahead but you're going to want to save a lot of stuff for the henix battle at the end like i showed at the beginning so make sure they're not coming after you now go over so you're going to want to come back over to this corner which is on the opposite corner of where they are and they're going to want to go down here all the way and then once you get down there you can practice so you're going to want to go on this wall right here and you're going to want to do that you're going to want to equip your shoe so you're going to practice on that well and then you're going to come to this little slit in between right right here oops and you're going to want to do this and you'll clip through now you're on the outside so now once you're on the outside you're going to want to go this way and then while you're going this way you're going to want once you get to the end you're going to want to turn just slightly you're going to want to skip this first one and you're going to want to go to the second one then once you go to the second one wait there oh so by the way i'm super sorry about that i did not mean to click pause so we came from over there over there is there so this is the first one right here this one right here you're going to want to go to the second one right over there sorry i forgot that you can't cut because you got to know exactly how to get there and i don't want to be telling you guys wrong so i'm super sorry about that i did not mean to do that just come over to the second one and then you're going to want to walk around it and you're going to want to go to the left side from where we are or the right side from where we are and then you'll be able to see a sand barge and then once you see that sand barge go to the sand barge by using cryonis so we're approaching it you're gonna wanna once you get once you see the sand barge which i see it you're gonna wanna like i said start building up to it with cryonis right there's the sand barge shoot you do want to be careful because you can fall through and you will never be able to get out so it's it's it can be dangerous but it if you're just careful then you're fine so you're going to want to go over to the sand barge and then you're going to want to look through the edge like this and see try to find the one that has the divot in here it is this is the one with the divot in now you're going to want to try to skewer yourself through it so you can look on the walls you can see that this one's actually out this one's in like this but this one doesn't work so you're going to want to go to the first one it's this one with the thing out because then it's off a little bit and you'll go through so once you've done that it's the one right next to there once you've done that i suggest taking taking magnesis you're going to want to make sure not to wake up the uh the bfg over there i'm kidding he's not the bfg he's just uh the big ugly giant sorry big messed up giant yup that's what it is so you're going to want to take this and you're going to start hitting him with it oh no but not too hard because if you hit him too hard you will break the box oh no shoot okay um that is a big problem because so you're going to want to kill him don't worry about me dying because you don't want to do that you you don't want to die but you're going to want to defeat him and then you can go collect your master sword that's for trial one hope you enjoyed this video and i hope you watch the part two which will be coming out next week see you then please like and subscribe and share this with your friends maybe your family members and catch you later this is part one of out of three and yeah go watch the next
Channel: Kid on steroids
Views: 25,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KwnIopAG8V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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