How To Sing LOW | Your Questions Answered: PART 2

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and we're back a lot of you wanted to know what my natural range is I think it's around AE a flat to a so about four octaves let's find out so without really challenging myself too much so any given day that's about where I am about four octaves and then of course the sub harmonics and growl techniques give me a few notes below that or depending on the day after you know it's higher if I'm in really good really good vocal shape is my voice naturally deep yes or no yes and no I would never ever call myself a true bass would you I would say more that I'm a baritone with a bass range what does that mean it means that I am much more comfortable singing above you know [Music] somewhere in here in that you know in that range round middle C C below that it's much more comfortable for me I have these notes I use these notes all the time I do sing bass a lot obviously but for me I prefer to sing baritone well well well we'll have we hear so many of you wanted to know about the ending of the oogie-boogies song and originally it sounded like this [Music] and when I sent that track to Lane [Music] he was Lane's arrangement he did a great job brilliant arrangement he he said hey I'm looking for a bigger ending can you sing that last note down the octave no please no no I said well I will certainly try so it ended up sounding like [Music] ooh and there you have it that last note is in fact a sub octave sub harmonic e not easy to sing live it has taken me some time to get that down especially from the top that high B down to that low you in just a few short bars but you know practice makes perfect a lot of you had questions about my higher range as well and that's kind of a funny story because I never really wanted to be a bass singer it just kind of happened I wanted to be a rock tenor and specifically I really liked Chris Cornell of Soundgarden his voice and I found that when I was younger if I emulated his style of singing I could sing higher and it was more or less comfortable so like for example if we take the there's a middle part in queen in five minutes and it goes like water mm-hmm Peyman time after time I've done my sentence but committed no crime man bad mistakes yeah so with that one I'm just focusing on keeping the sound as forward as I can pushing it into the top of my forehead keeping my larynx low and out of the way so I'm not choking myself off and other than that I'm just trying to put a little like edge on it so that it sounds a little more rock wolf makes me want to squeeze into my badass red jeans that is definitely not a full voice note for me that's like that's like a mix a lot of you wanted to know what kind of microphone I use this is a shure KSM 32 it sounds great on just about everything I didn't always use this mic this one runs about $500 I used to use a MXL 990 it's a great little mic super cheap about $50 a US so there's no shame in starting at the lower end of the price spectrum and working your way up how do you increase your warmth and resonance this is a tough one so much of your warmth and resonance comes from your anatomy of how long your vocal cords are how thick they are how much space do you have in your sinus cavity to resonate that sound your mask in my experience there's not a whole lot that you can do about this unfortunately I'm sorry that's not better news for example like I I start to lose resonance around D C sharp so these are notes that that I wouldn't choose to sing off mic if I didn't absolutely have to once I get down into like the a it's just it's just you know it's just never gonna get louder than that for me or more resonance so you you know it's solo though I'm just happy to get that note out if you're singing on mic something I can recommend is sing quieter and get the microphone closer like touch it to your mouth you'd be surprised at the difference that can make what is my warm-up routine like I am a little ashamed to admit that I don't actually have a warm-up routine I never really have the only thing that I do is I make sure I have plenty of sleep but I haven't injured my voice in any way that generally keeping a pretty healthy lifestyle plenty of water and then that that works for me you know like I can't recommend that for anybody else everybody's voice is different but it does work for me if you're looking for some training exercises for your voice I can recommend this book by Seth Riggs it's called singing for the stars it's a great book there's lots of stuff in here that is totally usable and things that I haven't found anywhere else he practices a technique called speech level singing check it out on Amazon there's a link below I am NOT an affiliate so I don't just that's a great book how can I be a better singer mmm good question I mentioned in the last video that it's more important to be a better singer than it is to be a lower singer far far far better to be a better singer than it is to be a lower singer I stand behind that I think one of the one of the ways that you can become a better singer is by recording yourself and listening back you can use anything if you don't have to have a setup like this you can use your iPhone that works great I think that we tend to be our own worst critics I know I am for sure so if you if you're listening back to a recording of yourself singing and you like what you hear that's a pretty good indication that somebody else is gonna like what they hear too if not maybe keep practicing additionally and this is a big one that's what she said hi pick up an instrument learn to play an instrument I started my career as a piano player I'm I have I'm Way out of practice but it was invaluable in learning scales music theory reading music notation how to how to write music chord structures just all kind of stuff as well as helping you with your pitch also the probability is that if you are a singer you're not gonna be in a professional acapella group it's a pretty rare job I'm very lucky to have that usually you'll be singing with a band or with tracks and it really helps to be able to communicate to instrumentalists in their language and yes they do have their own language I think that pretty much wraps it up if you guys have more questions please leave them below in the comments my pleasure to help you guys out definitely check out David Larson's channel he's linked below I think I mentioned it in the liner notes in the last one he's the only reason I know how to do sub harmonics and he he knows a lot more than I do that's what she said no time what she did no time you
Channel: Geoff Castellucci
Views: 370,080
Rating: 4.9866395 out of 5
Keywords: bass, deep, voice, singer, geoffcastellucci, tutorial, howto, sing, lower, vocal, range
Id: sVGFTMb_3ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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